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I. Multiple Choice. Pick the letters of your correct answers.

1. You give great attention to the format, typing, and documentation of your paper in the stage of

a. publishing c. editing _____ d._____

b. revising d. proofreading

2. Giving answers to the what, why, and how of your technical paper is the focus of

a. drafting c. revising ______c._____

b. pre-writing d. editing

3. You classify the data into big and small ideas in this pre-writing strategy called

a. mapping c. outlining ______c.____

b. reading d. listing

4. The writing stage where you put in order all knowledge you have gathered about your topic is

a. writing c. pre-writing ______c.____

b. proofreading d. revising

5. Putting yourself in the reader’s shoes means applying

a. majority rule c. rule of thumb ______c.____

b. you- attitude d. priority rule

6. Technical writing has many similarities with other types of writing except in

a. form c. purpose ______d.____

b. language d. cost

7. A technical writer is like a scientist who works

a. artistically c. systematically ______c.____

b. emotionally d. religiously

8. Which of the following is not a function of a technical writer?

a. develops manual c. presents technical solutions ______b.______

b. designs buildings d. writes instructions

9. They are very important to the profession of a technical writer because

of his being time conscious.

a. visual aids c. deadlines ______ c._____

b. manuals d. diagrams

10. It means expressing oneself in the fewest number of words at the same

time retaining completeness in meaning.

a. concreteness c. consistency ______ b.____

b. conciseness d. cohesiveness
II. Classify the following activities according to the writing stage they will be done. (10pts.)

1. ________Prewriting________ Do free writing.

2. _______ Drafting__________ Work on the details.

3. ________Revising__________ Cluster.

4. ________Prewriting_______ Choose a topic.

5. ________Editing__________ Check the mechanics.

6. _______Prewriting________ Have fun.

7. ________Proofreading_____ Ensure relevance of the content.

8. ________Drafting_________ Follow the flow of ideas.

9. ________Prewriting_______ Gather information.

10. _______Prewriting_______ Brainstorm

III. Improve the following sentences using any of the techniques in observing conciseness. (2 pts. each)

1.ATM machines are under repair due to the fact that is old.

ATMs are under repair because it aged. ___________________________________

2. During his first day on the job, a new employee must submit himself for physical check-up.

A new employee must submit for physical check-up on his first day. ____________

3. There was one customer requesting a replacement of the Jag pants she bought the other day.

A customer requested a replacement of the Jag pants she bought yesterday.______

4. My suggestion to both parties is to make them request an extension of the deadline for the
registration of the contract.

I suggest to parties to request an extension of deadline for the contract registration.

5. It was not his intention to change the information.

Changing information was not his intention._________________________________

IV. Examine each of the following sets of choppy sentences. Make a better sentence definition.
Underline the species, genus, and the differentiae for each term. (2pts. each)

1. Construction drawings are written documents. They include floor plans, dimensions, and
elevations. Their main purpose is to explain how the interior should look like.

Construction drawings are written documents that include floor plans, dimensions, and
elevations which main purpose is to explain how the interior should look like.

2. A bidder is a vendor. He provides a price for goods. He provides services. These services are
required by big business projects.

A bidder is a vendor that provides a price for goods and services which services are required by
big business projects.

3. Modem is a computer component. It has one main function. The function of this is to
communicate. It communicates digital data. Over the telephone lines.
Modem is a computer component which main function is to communicate digital data over the
telephone lines.

4. COBOL is an acronym. This acronym means Common Business Oriented Language. It is used for
trading and posting of business details. It is not for scientific usages.
COBOL is an acronym of Common Business Oriented Language which is used for trading and
posting of business details that is not for scientific usages.

5. Hatching is a process. It is a process of shading with strokes. The beginning of this stroke is a
simple line drawing. It leads to layers of strokes. Such layering strokes occur on the more shaded

Hatching is a process of shading with strokes that starts a simple line drawing which leads to
layers of strokes that occur on the more shaded areas.

V. Examine the following contexts and tell what type of technical report to write for each. (2 pts. each)
__Progress Report___1. An update on the renovation of a cafeteria
__Memo___________2. Manager’s report on a recent conference

__Resolution________3. A kitchen fire that caused a major damage to the entire building.
__Progress Report____4. A team’s completion in processing four elementary school books for
__Proposal Report___5. Project contractor to handle the construction of covered pathways of a certain

VI. Make a five-sentence explanation to the question below. (10pts.)

Question: Which of the technical strategies (definition, classification, description of a process,

description of a mechanism) are particularly useful in your field of specialization? How?


Technical strategies in technical writing are important tools to better write and understand
technical reports. Among the four above-mentioned technical strategies, definition, classification, and
description of a process are useful in my field. Definition is a useful technical strategy through
supporting difficult words, defining it in order for us, and of course the one who'll read the report to
better understand the text. Classification is also important in my field of specialization through
classifying text and ideas in order for the report to be organize because when it is well-organized, it is
easier for us, and the reader to comprehend and understand the report. Description of a process is also
a useful technical strategy especially in English since there is really a lot of ideas in English that need to
follow process in order to come up with the best desired result.

Read and analyze well! - - - - - Review and then turn in!


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