Republic of The Philippines Taguig City: Midterm Examination-Public Speaking

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Republic of the Philippines


Taguig City
Midterm Examination-Public Speaking

Name: Guerrero, Joshua T. Date: Dec 16,2021

I-Answer the following questions comprehensively. ( 10 points each )

1. What is Public Speaking?

For me public speaking is a ability to respond effectively to the

audience. The ability to communicate clearly and confidently with them,
whether in front of a group of people you already know. Public speaking is
the use of your communication skills and knowledge in a small or large
group of people and to boost your confidence. meant the act of speaking
face to face to a live audience. Today it includes any form of speaking
(formally and informally) to an audience, including pre-recorded speech
delivered over great distance by means of technology. it is very important
to use your voice. Some speakers speak too softly and don't sound good in
large halls. Some screams and their voices are drowned out by echoes.
Some people speak too fast to follow. Listeners get tired of patience because
they speak slowly. The speaker needs to speak clearly so that everyone can
hear it. To avoid monotony and reinforce its meaning, he needs to change
the intonation of his voice. And he should know when to take a meaningful

2. Differentiate impromptu speech from extemporaneous speech.

Impromptu it is a speech that is on the spot like there is no script or

anything, this came from your mind and heart you just did it unprepared
and the Extemporaneous this is the other word of impromptu but
extemporaneous definitely ready or prepared but when you speech there is
no script or any notes. Impromptu speakers have absolutely no time to
prepare, but extemporaneous speakers have anywhere from a short period
of time, like 5 to 30 minutes, to a few weeks.

3. Explain in details how manuscript speech is done.

The speaker reads every word from a scripted speech during a

manuscript. It appears to be a straightforward task to anyone. It might
work if your target audience appreciates bedtime stories. There are some
of advantage to reading directly from a script/ manuscript that You won't
miss a single vital detail or word. It's not always fun because if the
audience may feel bored if there isn't any eye contact, liveliness, or
movement on stage. This is especially true if the subject of the speech is
4. List down examples where extemporaneous activity is conducted.

- First example Theater why? because they only use the script before
performance so it is an example of extemporaneous activity.

-Second when we act in the classroom if it is forbidden to hold a script

or notes we read first before the acting starts.

5. When can you say that a speech is listenable?

The first obvious thing is when the speech is exported as an audio, to a

harddrive or disk. We can easily prove this, with the help of our ears and
the brain, who are the responsible for receiving the information passed.
Lastly, if the speaker uses his/her own voice, and is connected to a
microphone. We can easily identify speech through its user and how it was

6. What are the tips for an appealing manuscript speech?

Use clear enunciation. Don't slur or stutter when you're speaking to them.
Use proper volume and speed when speaking. Take into account the target
audience, the setting, and the subject matter. Make eye contact with the
person you're speaking with and try keeping a smile on your face while
reading, don’t try to memorize the text or the pauses. Let it come in the
flow of things. And also practice reading it out as many times as you can.

II-Develop a short extemporaneous type of speech on the following pictures.(5

points each )

As you can see in this picture is so beautiful and cool clear in our eyes it
relieves stress for me because it's just like life go with the flow because if
you don't continue with life and it will be clean many impossible things
will happen around us. What if without that, maybe a lot of people
would be lost in the world without water because of simple water, even
if there is no food, as long as there is water, hunger is solved for me,
water is very important.


in this picture many people have been suffering before just how now it
is difficult to find a job because of the pandemic. in this picture we can see the
hardships of life even if children are ready to face for more supplies or food
every day. many lost their homes due to lack of budget. so as much as possible
we should not give up on life because they say we choose to be happy.
whatever life you pursue. much to help those who are lost and have nothing to
So covid 19 in the Philippines so much impacted all of us, some people adjust
to working online, and school online others are forced to be infected in order
to keep society running. The virus that is killing a lot of people nobody
expected it to kill so many people, many countries go into lockdown.
pandemic it was so hard for us. Many end their lives apart from illness, many
people lose the strength to fight many people are affected not only physical
health but also mental health especially among young people. Pandemic made
life harder many lost their jobs, homes and had nothing to eat on a daily basis.
For people without the ability to work life has become more difficult. as well
as students who have difficulty because of online class even elementary have
difficulty without internet, no ability to load to study what about education?
Pandemic many are destroyed due to covid many are lost. In this pandemic
we learn to be happy, do not allow yourself to eat a lot especially the immune
system that can be affected by covid.

III-Wite a manuscript speech on the topic below.( 15 points )

What is your idea of a safest country? What country in the world is the safest
to live?

As of now we can't say what country is safe for us because of the

pandemic. but for me in this situation the country safe for me is Switzerland
because this country is peaceful country. and for me this is the country safe
because this pandemic Switzerland resilience of its economy and the careful
ways in which it is attempting to relax lockdown and economic freezing
mandates without sacrificing public health and safety. again for me the
country in the world is the safest to live is Switzerland again because this is
the safest country so it's not for me to live in something that's not safe for me
right. Apart from helping the health, the ambiance of the place can also help
the mental health of the people.

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