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Leaders You Admire

Leaders you admire' is helpful for learning about leadership characteristics as it’s based on leaders
they've previously (or currently) know and why they admire them. It builds communication skills.

1. Students can select their favorite leader
2. Prepared a report in given format with their understanding

Objective (s): To seek leadership characteristics through personal experience

1. Able to identify leadership characteristics

Excellent Good Average
4-5 2-3 1
characteristics / Identify and Listed 3 suitable Identify and Listed 2 suitable Identify and Listed 1 suitable
Key Principles / traits of Admired Leader traits of Admired Leader traits of Admired Leader
Story/Incident and
conclusion are strong and Good Story/Incident and
Story and conclusion are
Story/ Incident engaging. conclusion. Information is
present, but not complete.
Information is presented in a presented in a logical order.
logical and interesting order
1. Speaker uses a clear, 1. Speaker uses a clear, 1. Speaker uses a clear,
audible voice. audible voice. audible voice.
2. Good language skills and 2. Good language skills and 2. Good language skills and
pronunciation are used. pronunciation are used. pronunciation are used.
3. Length of presentation is 3. Length of presentation is 3. Length of presentation is
within the assigned time within the assigned time within the assigned time
limits. limits. limits.
4. Information was well 4. Information was well 4. Information was well
communicated. communicated. communicated.

Satisfy all listed parameters Satisfy (2-3) parameters Satisfy (1) parameter
1. One page report only (penalty 2 marks each additional page)
2. Need to present in 2 min only.
3. Upload file in PDF format only (Batchname_rollnum_1.pdf)
4. If Copy Paste observed consider Zero Mark
Activity No 1 :

Submitted By:
Roll No PRN Batch Name of Student

Name of Leader you admired:

Leadership characteristics / Key Principles / Traits:


Story/ Incident:

/* Write a story or incident where listed traits used by your admired leader*/

Conclusion: /*what you learn from your admired leader mention in two sentences only*/

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