Final Year Seminar Guidelines

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Poornima Institute of Engineering & Technology, Jaipur

Seminar Report Guidelines

B. Tech. Final Year
Session 2020-21

1.1 The Structure of Page Arrangements for the Seminar Report

The sequel of pages and their hierarchical arrangement play a pivotal role in structuring the
seminar report properly and interlinking the vital elements of the report in the best possible
format. Therefore, the best structure and format that has been devised after extensively
selecting studying, analyzing and structuring myriad and versatile seminar reports include the
following sequel of elements:
1. Cover Page
2. Inside cover page
3. Approval Certificate by department and supervisor
4. Declaration by student
5. Acknowledgements
6. List of Figures
7. List of Tables
8. List of Symbols and Abbreviations
9. Table of Contents
10. Abstract
11. Introduction
12. Body of the Report (The Chapters)
13. References
14. Review Paper of Seminar

In the above structure, the first nine chapter pages are known as pre pages, and should be
numbered with the Roman numerals as I, II, III, IV, and so on, except the title page.

All the contents of the seminar report should be in ‘Times New Romans’ font and the size
should be 12 throughout. All the text should be left with the ‘justified’ option with line
spacing of 1.5, but for the Captions single spacing should be opted. The length of the overall

document should be around 30 to 50 pages for it to be an effective seminar report. Details are
given in Annexure I.

2.0 Typical Format of the Seminar Report

2.1 Title page

All the letters of the title page must be capitalized, and the title page should not contain page
numbers. The other aspects of the title page like the title should be like a report, and should
contain the name of the organization to which the seminar is intended to be submitted.
Next, the course name should be followed by the student’s name, his roll number, guide’s
name and designation, and at the end of the title page, organization’s logo and address should
be written. (Annexure II)

2.2 Declaration and Approval

The declaration is a statement written by the student who declares that he or she has sincerely
completed his or her seminar. The declaration statement concludes with the signature of the
The Approval page is also a confirmation from the head of the department/ guide, about their
acceptance of the seminar. The approval page is endorsed with the signatures of the heads
confirming their approval of the seminar. (Annexure III)

2.3 Acknowledgement
The acknowledgement page depicts the gratitude, respect and thankfulness of the student
towards the people who helped him in pursuing the seminar successfully and ensured
successful completion and implementation of the seminar. In this page, the author expresses
his gratitude and concern by using praising and thanksgiving words. (Annexure IV)

2.4 List of Figures and Tables, List of Symbols and Abbreviations Table of Contents,
Table of contents provides a complete sketch of the title, subtitles, headings, topics and the
seminar elements that are involved in those headings. In other words, different sections and
their titles are included here.
The whole seminar report in a nutshell is made known in the table of contents section, and
therefore, it should include the titles of the first, second and third level headers, and must give
a clear picture of the report to the reader.

Similarly, a list of figures and tables helps the reader to locate diagrams, charts and tables in
the document, and therefore, it should be numbered accordingly by chapter and page number.
It is not necessary to indicate page numbers for symbols and abbreviations used in the
document. (Annexure V)

2.5 Table of Contents (As per Annexure VI)

2.6 Abstract

Abstract represents a summarized report of the complete seminar in a very concise and
informative format covering main objective and aim of the seminar, the background
information, processes and methods used, and methodologies implemented, followed with a
brief conclusion of two to three lines talking about the results and scope of the seminar.
The entire abstract of a seminar report should be written in about 250 to 350 words, and
therefore, should not exceed any further. (Annexure VII)

3.0 The Main Body of the Seminar

The main body of the seminar should comprise several chapters with the corresponding titles,
and each page within these chapters must be numbered in numerals as page numbers. The
usual way of presenting these chapters is given below.

3.1 Chapter 1: Introduction

● Introduction chapter shall have a brief paragraph on the background information and
what is discussed in the chapter ahead.
● Next it will start with Headings & Sub headings on the background information
(Theoretical Concepts) about the seminar report problem, Various Issues &
Challenges, Methods/ Techniques in general available for the specific problem under
consideration. You may consider the theoretical material on various methods /
approaches / algorithms found in the research papers or not found.
● It should be written in own language rather than copying and pasting.
● No images / figures should be copied / pasted unless very important and needed, but
with resource citation.
● At last you have to close the chapter with what you discussed in brief and what is
going to be discussed in the next chapter
3.2 Chapter 2:  Literature Review.
● First para shall contain brief information about how many research papers from which
publishers ranging from which year to which year has been reviewed and what is
discussed in the chapter ahead.
● Next with heading 2.1: Review Process Adopted- Discuss in brief importance and
significance of review process adopted. It may have sub headings as 2.1.1, 2.1.2 etc
● Heading 2.2: Categorical Review of Literature- Here read all summaries and finings,
issue wise findings, common findings prepared earlier, reorganize if needed / if
categorization is not proper, add research paper contents in appropriate sections /
issues reviewed in this semester and modify corresponding sections. It will have sub
section headings as 2.2.1, 2.2.2 etc
● Heading 2.3: Issue wise Solution Approaches- Prepare Issue wise comparison
tables / graphs based on papers dealing with common problem, parameters / variables
and discuss them with inference why there is variation in results and what type of
relation does exist. Sub headings shall have numbers 2.3.1, 2.3.2 etc.
● Heading 2.4: Strengths and Weaknesses- Modify Strengths and weaknesses
consequent to writing section 2.2 & 2.3 and put them as 2.4.1: Strengths and 2.4.2:
● Gaps in the published research: Details of what has not been covered in the earlier
● Problem Statement and objectives
● Last para will discuss briefly what has been presented and what will be covered in the
next chapter.
● At Last put a table of all research papers arranged categorically showing- Authors-
Year-Issue / Sub Issue/Approach (Method)/Results-Limitations.

● Total number of papers for review is depends on number of students in seminar. It is

recommended that every student will review at least five IEEE or equivalent papers.
So if there are four students in group then in totality 20 papers should be reviewed.
Review of papers depicts the current implementations that overcome the previous
problems and limitations of the seminar, and draws the attention and focus on the
foreknowledge work that would be conducted based on the ongoing work at present.
It must be clear and simple to understand.

3.3 Similarly, keep further chapters assigned by you

3.4 References
The seminar report must be considered as a very standard report, and therefore, it should
follow all rules, guidelines and protocols of gathering and presenting information, and
implementing that and drawing conclusions out of it.

All these activities require appropriate and authentic sources of information and that
particular information must be referenced or cited according to the IEEE guidelines (Prepare
List of References in IEEE format in Chronological order with numbers [1], [2] ). Therefore,
to make the report original, it should be free from plagiarism (not more than 30-35%) and
must follow standard citations and guidelines of citations to represent the reference names.

Annexure I

Poornima Institute of Engineering & Technology , JAIPUR

1. The Report shall be computer typed (English- US, Font -Times Roman, Size-12 point) and
printed on A4 size paper. Main Heading Font size: 14 bold, Sub heading =12 with italics &
bold, Figure & Table captions font size= 10 bold. Chapter title font size- 16 bold at the
center. Page numbers at the bottom center. Header: Seminar title font size 9, Footer: Left-
Poornima Institue of Engineering & Technology , Jaipur, B. Tech. Sem VIII Right-
Department name, size 10, Page No. etc Front Cover & other pages as per formats
2. The report shall be typed on one side only with 1.5 spaces with a margin 3.5 cm on the left,
2.5 cm on the top, and 2.5 cm on the right and at bottom.
3. In the report, the title page [Refer sample sheet (inner cover)] should be given first then
followed by declaration, an abstract of the report (not exceeding 500 words). This should be
followed by the acknowledgment, list of figures/list of tables, notations/nomenclature, and
then contents with page numbers in roman.
4. References and Bibliography should be included in the report at last. The format for
references & bibliography should be as per directives.
5. The diagrams should be printed on a light/white background; Tabular matter should be
clearly arranged. Decimal point may be indicated by full stop (.) The caption for Figure must
be given at the BOTTOM of the Fig. and Caption for the Table must be given at the TOP of
the Table.
7. The graphs should be combined for the same parameters for proper comparison. Single
graph should be avoided as far as possible.

(Format Details Seminar Report)

The sequence in which the report material should be arranged and bound should be as

1. Inside cover page (Page No.)

2. Department Certificate
3. Candidate’s declaration & Supervisor Certificate
4. Declaration by the Candidate
5. Acknowledgement (Roman)
6. Table of Contents
7. List of Tables
8. List of Figures
9. List of Symbols (Optional)
10. List of, Abbreviations or Nomenclature (Optional)
11. Abstract
12. Chapters with heading & sub heading details.
13. References (Numeral)
14. Review Paper of Seminar

(Header 1.5 Inch)
Annexure II
If Title is of more than one
Seminar Title (Font 20) lines then use Single line

A Seminar report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of

the award of the degree of (Font 14)

Bachelor of Technology (Font 16)

in(Font 14)

Specialization (Font 14)

by(Font 14)

Name of Student (Font 14)

Reg No: (Font 14)

under the guidance of

Prof. Name, Designation & Affiliation (Font 12)

[3.97 cm x 3.97 cm]

(Session 2018-19)
Department of Computer Engineering (Font 14)

Poornima Institute of Engineering & Technology (Font

ISI-6, RIICO Institutional Area, Sitapura, Jaipur – 302022
Month, Year

(Footer 1.5 Inch)

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