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Curve Tracing:

1. Cartesian form of Equations

2. Polar form of equations

(i) Symmetricity: In order to find the symmetry of the curve we should apply
following rules:
a. If the powers of y in the equation of the curve are all even, then the
curve is symmetrical about the x – axis.
b. If the powers of x in the equation of the curve are all even, then the
curve is symmetrical about the y – axis.
c. If the powers of x as well as y in the equation of the curve are all even,
the curve is symmetrical about both axis.
d. If the equation of curve remains unchanged when x is replaced by – x
and y is replaced by – y, then the curve is symmetrical in opposite
e. If the equation of the curve remains unchanged when x and y are
interchanged, then the curve is symmetrical about the line y = x.
(ii) Nature of the origin on the curve: If the curve passes through the origin,
then find the tangent at (0, 0) by equating to zero the lowest degree terms
of the curve. If we obtain two tangent at the origin, then origin will be
double point and then find the nature of this double point.
(iii) Intersection of curve with coordinate axis: We should check whether
the curve cuts the coordinate axis or not, for this put y = 0 in the equation
of the curve and find the values of x, then we get the points at which the
curve cuts the axis. Similarly, if the curve cuts the y – axis, then put x = 0
in the equation of the curve and obtain the points on the y – axis.
(iv) Nature of y or x in the curve: Solve the equation of the curve either for y
or x whichever is convenient. Suppose we solve for y and see that the
nature of y as x increases from 0 to ∞. Similarly see the nature of y as x
decreases from 0 to - ∞ and finally collect those values of x for which y =
0, or y - ∞ or y - - ∞.
(v) Regions in which curve does not exist: In order to find the regions where
curve does not exist we should solve the equation for one variable in terms
of the other variable. Therefore the curve will not exist for those values of
one variable which make the other variable imaginary.
(vi) Asymptotes:
(vii) Sign of dy / dx: Next we find the value of dy/dx from the equation of the
curve and find the points at which dy/dx = 0 or dy / dx = ∞. Therefore at
these points we obtain the nature of the tangents. Suppose in any region a
< x < b, dy / dx remains positive throughout, then in this region y increase
continuously as x increases. On the other hand if dy / dx remains negative,
then y increases continuously as x increase.
(viii) Special points: If necessary, we should find some special point on the
(ix) Points of inflexion: If necessary, we should find the point’s inflexion to
know the position of the curves at that point.
Q. Trace the curve y2 (2a – x) = x3.
Solution: (i) The given is symmetrical about x – axis.
(ii) The curve passes through the origin and the tangents at the origin are obtained
by equating to zero the lowest degree terms i. e., 2ay2 in the equation of the curve.
2ay2 = 0 or y = 0, y = 0.
Thus at the origin we obtained two coincident tangents y = 0, y = 0 i.e.., x – axis.
Therefore (0, 0) is a cusp.
(iii) The curve does not cut the coordinate axis.
(iv) Now solving the equation of the curve for y, we get
y2 = x3 / (2a – x)
when x = 0, y2 = 0 and when x = 2a thus y2 ∞. Thus x = 2a is an asymptote of
the curve.
y increases as x increases from 0 to 2a.
(v) When x lies between 0 and 2a, y2 will be positive and the curve exist in this
region. When x > 2a, y2 will be negative so the curve will not exist beyond the line
x = 2a. When x < 0, again y2 will be negative and thus the curve will also not exist
for x < 0. So the curve only exists in the region 0 < x < 2a.
(vi) In order to find the asymptotes, putting y = m and x = 1 in the third degree terms
in the equation of the curve, we get f3 = m2 + 1
Therefore the equation f3 (m) = 0 gives both its root imaginary so ignore them.
Consequently x = 2a is only the asymptote of the curve.
(vii) y2 (2a – x) = x3
𝑥 3/2

dy / dx = 2

In the region 0 < x < 2a, dy / dx will be positive. So therefore in this region y increase
continuously as x increases.
Now taking all the above points of consideration in the mind and draw the curve.

x = 2a X

Q. Trace the curve y2 (1 – x2) = x2 (1 + x2).

Solution: (i) In the equation of the curve the powers of both x and y are all even so
the curve is symmetrical about both axis.
(ii) The curve passes through the origin. The tangents at the origin are obtained by
equating to zero the lowest degree terms in the equation of the curve.
y2 – x2 = 0, y = ± x.
thus there two real and distinct tangent at the origin so the origin (0, 0) is a node.
(iii) From the equation of the curve it is clear that curve does not cut any coordinate
(iv) Solving the equation for y, we get y2 = x2 (1 + x2)/ ( 1 – x2)
When x = 0, y2 = 0 and when x = ± 1, y2 ∞ so x = ± 1 are two asymptotes parallel
to y – axis.
(v) When -1< x < 1, y2 is positive, so the curve exists in this region.
When x > 1, y2 will be negative thus the curve will not exist beyond the line x = 1.
When x < - 1, y2 will be negative thus the curve will not exist beyond the line x = -
(vi) Asymptotes x = ± 1
𝑑𝑦 2𝑥 2 +1−𝑥 4
(vi) = (1−𝑥 2)3/2(1+𝑥 2)1/2

When -1 < x < 0, dy/dx is positive this means that when x increases from – 1 to 0, y
When 0 < x < 1, dy/dx is positive this means that when x increases from 0 to 1, y

X=-1 X=1 X

Q. Trace the curve ay2 = x2(a – x).

Solution: (i) The curve is symmetrical about x – axis because the powers of y are
all even.
(ii) ay2 – ax2 = 0
a (y2 – x2) = 0, y2 – x2 = 0 or y = ± x
There are two real and distinct tangents at (0, 0). Therefore (0, 0) is a node.
(iii) The curve cuts the x – axis only at the point where y = 0.
x2(a – x) = 0, x = 0 and x = a
Thus the curve cuts the x – axis at (a, 0).
ay2 = x2(a – x)
y = 𝑥. √

dy / dx =

At the point (a, 0), dy / dx = ∞. Therefore the tangent at (a, 0) is perpendicular to x

– axis.
(iv) We have y = 𝑥. √

When x = 0, y = 0 and when x = a, y = 0 Also when x increases from 0 to a/2, y

increases and when x increases from a/2 to a, y decreases.
(v) When 0 < x < a, y2 is always positive so the curve will exist in this region. When
x < 0, y2 is also positive so that the curve will also exits for x < 0. When x > a, y2
will be negative and therefore in this region the curve will not exist.

(a, 0) X

Q. Trace the following curves:
1. ay2 = x3 2. a2y = x3 3. y = x (x2 – 1) 4. y2 (a + x) = x2 (a – x)

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