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Subject 32. Downstream Issue: C3 dehydrogenation. Players: 1.

UOP with Oleflex use Pt on alumina

catalyst at 1.4 bara & 600-650C, without partial p control and conv 40% & > selectivity 86% wt, coke
control with H2 recycle using 2 stages centrifugal compressor. The main adv is the continuous
regeneration of catalyst which confer a huge advantage over other technologies. Catalyst life 4 years. 2.
STAR from T.Krupp use Pt on zinc aluminate, 5 bara, 550-600C with steam partial pressure control, conv
30-40%, > selectivity 90,% wt, but cyclic regeneration in situ. Catalyst life 5 years, steam injection for
coke control 7 1 1st stage centrifugal compressor. 3. CATOFIN from CB&I with chromium oxide/Al oxide
on alumina, 0.5 bara and 600C, no H2 or steam dilution, 45% conv and 88 % wt selectivity, cyclic in situ
regeneration and catalyst life 4 years. The coke control not necessary, centrifugal 3 stages compressor.
All mentioned technologies have de-C2 & C3 splitter & low T cold box, with UOP Oleflex using SHP unit
upstream de-C2.

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