Daily Activities

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Hello, I'm Anisa. Student of the University of Nahdatul Ulama Surabaya,

Faculty of Midwifery. I come from a small town. Even though it's small, the city is a
place to return to. I live with my father, mother and two younger siblings. Currently, I
am 18 years old. My hobbies are photography and traveling.

From Monday to Friday, I usually wake up at 4:00 am. I need to prepare for
online lectures. yes I am a new student in 2020 but because of covid'19 I cannot
directly meet my friends and receive lecture materials directly. There are many
activities I have to do before studying online. First of all, I prayed at dawn and then
made my bed until it was very neat. Then, I sweep the floor, prepare the table, laptop,
manuals and other equipment for online lectures. I am happy and comfortable to see
that my room is neat and clean because I will use it to seek knowledge. do not forget I
also do some physical movements for about 15-30 minutes to stretch my body to stay
healthy. after that I sit back and relax while sweating and take a shower then I had
breakfast. While waiting for information about online lectures, I usually pray Duha
first. the duration of time and the daily schedule for each subject are uncertain.

At night is my time to relax while doing assignments given by the lecturer

during online lectures in the morning, usually I'm always accompanied by a soothing
song accompaniment. after finishing everything I tidied it up then washed my face
and brushed my teeth. usually I go to bed at 9:30 a.m. because tomorrow morning I
have to wake up again. On Saturdays and Sundays I usually wake up later than usual,
around 5:00 a.m. because I want to pamper myself because there are no online
lectures on those days. I do things or activities that I like, I usually call it a calm day.

It has been almost a year that the Covid'19 case has been in Indonesia. There
are many impacts received, such as not being able to go to campus and meet friends,
not being able to take a vacation. But I really enjoy my days, yes, although I'm not
always happy and sometimes bored, I enjoy everything. because of all this travel and
life experiences that will never be repeated. patient, sincere, lived, and faced. because
every incident has its own meaning and lesson. stay enthusiastic, stay healthy, don't
forget to wear a mask, wash your hands, and keep your distance.

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