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fiat currency vs cryptocurrency

The International Monetory System (Part 1)

The International Monetory System (Part 2)

International Monetory system
International Monetory system

International Monetory system

Purchasing power parity

Balance of Payments

Reading the Balance of Payments

International Trade Finance


Zimbabway Currecy Crisis

Turkey liar crisis

Euro currency

Multinational Tax Management


Exchange Rate Systems

Multinational Finance

The Economics of Gold

Chapter 2 International Flow of Funds

Remarks Group
biefly explain what they are and present arugments in favor or against both . m
What is cryptocurrency, how it is different from our traditional currency and its effect on
business or international trade A
from page 1 to 10 of "The international monetory system Chapter 3" pdf file B
from page 10 to end of "The international monetory system chapter 3" pdf file. Start from
heading "Fixed versus Flexible Exchange rates". C
Page 1 to 13 of the pdf file "International Monetory system chapter 2" h
Page 13 to 21 of the pdf file "International Monetory system chapter 2" i

Page 22 to end of chapter of the pdf file "International Monetory system chapter 2" j

Explain the law of one price, relative purchasing power parity and absolute purchasing power
parity and what Big Mac have to do will all this you might take help from the pdf file in
presenation folder "purchase power parity The economist reading new version" L
Read the material from file "Balance of Payments" in the presentation folder. It would also
be appreciated to further search over the internet. o

Read the material from file "Reading the Balance of Payments" in the presentation folder. It
would also be appreciated to further search over the internet. n
Main focus of presentation should be on the "key documents" heading in the file
"International Trade Finance" p
Explain brexit and its effect on british pound D
search for material over the internet, watch documentaries on the topic and present the
topic E
search for material over the internet, watch documentaries on the topic and present the
topic k
you may focus on why was euro created?, its advantags, disadvantages, when it was created
it history and euro crisis F

Present the material from pdf file by the name of "Multinational Tax management" G

Read the material from file "THE BASICS OF FINANCIAL DERIVATIVES" in the presentation
folder. It would also be appreciated to further search over the internet.

Students can either read the material from exchange rate systems folder shared on dropbox
or they can search over the internet but the main idea is that they must atleast present four
types of exchange rate systems and its advantages and disadvantages i.e. free floating, fixed,
pegged and managed floating.
present page 1 to 10 of the file name "Chapter 1 Multinational Financial" from presenation
Present the case study in the presentation folder by the name of "The Economics of Gold".
Also disucuss what should be possible soluation for this problem

present balance of payment from the pdf file "Chapter 2 International Flow of Funds"
Sequence of Presentation Presentation date
1 24th janaruy

2 24th janaruy
3 24th janaruy

4 24th janaruy
5 24th janaruy
6 24th janaruy

7 24th janaruy

8 24th janaruy

9 31st janaruy

10 31st janaruy

11 31st janaruy
12 31st janaruy

13 31st janaruy

14 31st janaruy

15 31st janaruy

16 31st janaruy

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