# Topic: STAT105: Introduction To Statistics Course Objectives

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STAT105: Introduction to Statistics

Course Objectives

 Students will gain basic understanding of statistical concepts and methods.

 Students will be able to interpret various types of graphs.
 Students will be able to assess which methods for summarizing a data set are most
appropriate to highlight interesting features of the data.
 Students will understand probability and probabilistic experiments

Contents: The nature and scope of the Statistics. Organizing the Data, classification of data, Graphs
(Pie chart, Bar Chart, Histogram) and Charts: and their interpretation. Measures of Central Tendency
and Dispersion: Absolute and Relative measures of dispersion. Their properties, usage, limitations
and comparison. Calculations for the ungrouped and grouped data. Measures of Skewness and
Kurtosis and Distribution shapes. Probability Concepts, Addition and Multiplication rules, Binomial
Distribution, Poisson distribution, Normal Distribution

Lecture Topic
Review of Introduction to Statistics

L2-L4 The nature and scope of the Statistics. Organizing the Data.

L5-L7 Classification of data: Frequency distribution, ungrouped frequency distribution

L8- L10 Grouped frequency distribution

L11-L13 Graphs (Pie chart, Bar Chart, Histogram) and Charts: and their interpretation

L14-L16 Measures of Central Tendency and their properties, usage, limitations, and comparison.

L17-L19 Arithmetic Mean: Nature, Applications, Merits and Demerits

L20-L22 Median: Nature, Applications, Merits and Demerits

L23-L24 Mode: Nature, Applications, Merits and Demerits

L25 Mid Exam.

L26-L28 Measure of Dispersion and their properties, usage, limitations, and comparison.

L29-L31 Range, Quartile deviation and Mean deviation: Nature, Applications, Merits and Demerits

L32-L34 Variance and Standard deviation: Nature, Applications, Merits and Demerits

L35-L37 Measures of Skewness and Kurtosis and Distribution shapes.

L38-L40 Probability Concepts, Addition and Multiplication rules

L41-L43 Binomial Distribution: Nature, Properties and Applications.

L44-L46 Poisson distribution: Nature, Properties and Applications.

L47-L48 Normal Distribution: Nature, Properties and Applications.

STAT206 Basic Statistical Inference

Course Objectives:

 Introduction to the estimation theory.

 Properties of the good estimators.
 Introduction to the testing of hypothesis

Contents: Parameter and statistic. Probability and Non-Probability sampling. Estimation: Point Estimation
and Interval Estimation. Interval Estimation of population mean. Large and small sample confidence
intervals for Population Mean. Nature of Hypothesis Testing. Hypothesis Testing for Population Mean.
Inferences for Two Population Means. Large-sample inferences for Two Populations using Independent
Samples. Inferences for the Mean of Two Normal Populations using Independent Samples (variances are
assumed Equal/Not Equal). Inference for Two Populations Mean using Paired Samples. Estimation for
Population Proportions. Confidence Intervals and hypothesis Testing for Population Proportion, One way
ANOVA, Chi-Square Independence Tests.

Lecture Topic
Review of Basic Statistical Inference

L2-L4 Parameter and statistic. Probability and Non-Probability sampling

Sampling Distribution: Sampling Distribution of sample mean, Sampling distribution of

difference between two sample means.

L8- L10 Sampling distribution of sample proportion, Sampling distribution of difference between
two sample proportions.
L11-L13 Estimation: Point Estimation and Interval Estimation.

L14-L16 Interval Estimation of population mean. Large and small sample confidence intervals for
Population Mean.
L17-L19 Continue.
L20-L22 Nature of Hypothesis Testing. Hypothesis Testing for Population Mean.

L23-L24 Inferences for Two Population Means.

L25 Mid Exam.

L26-L28 Nature of Hypothesis Testing: Z - Test ( Inferences for Mean)

L29-L31 Large-sample inferences for Two Populations using Independent Samples.

L32-L34 Students T - Test: (T Table and Confidence Interval)

L35-L37 Students T - Test: (Inferences for Population Mean)

L38-L40 Large-sample inferences for Two Populations using Independent Samples.

L41-L43 One way ANOVA,

L44-L46 Chi-Square Independence Tests.

L47-L48 Continue


1. William Mendenhall, Robert J. Beaver, Barbara M. Beaver. (2018). Introduction to Probability and

Statistics. Cengage Learning.

2. Schay, G. (2016). “Introduction to Probability with Statistics Applications”, Birkhauwer, Switzerland.

3. Mann, P.S. (2016). “Introductory Statistics”, John Wiley & Sons, New York.

4. Cox, D.R. and Donnelly, C.A. (2011). “Principles of Applied Statistics”, Cambridge, UK

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