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ABSEN : 28



TAHUN 2021

As spring arrives, albeit quite late this year for many of us, we notice the changing of seasons not
only by he weather, but also by a host of natural events. Depending on where you live, the flowers
may poke through the snow, the birds may be back, or the cherry trees may bloom. There is an
orderly sequence of events that seem to occur, with various spring flowers appearing in order, red
maple buds bursting into new leaves, or the old lilac by the barn scenting the air. This seasonal cycle
of natural phenomena is called phenology. Global climate change appears to be interfering with the
phenology of many species, at the very heart of species interactions.
In temperate regions like the northern half of the United States, there is comparatively little
biological actıvity in winter. Most plants are dormant, and so are the insects feeding on them. In turn,
animals that rely on these insects, such as bats and birds, are hibernating or spending the cold
months in more southerly locations. Ectotherms like reptiles and amphibians, which take their body
warmth from their environment, also have active phases tied to the seasons. This long winter period
constrains all the growing, breeding, and dispersing activities that plants and animals do to a short
favorable window. That is what makes spring so vibrant, with plants flowering and putting on new
growth, insects emerging and breeding, and birds flying back to take advantage of this short-lived
bounty. The onsets of each of these activities add up to so many phonological markers.
Different organisms respond to different cues to initiate seasonal activities. Many plants will
start growing leaves again after a set period of dormancy, which very roughly dictates the leaf-out
window. Cues that more precisely determine when the buds break can be soil temperature, air
temperature, or water availability. Similarly, temperature cues can promote the beginning of insect
activity. Day length itself can be the operative trigger for some seasonal events. It is only when there
are a sufficient number of daylight hours that reproductive hormones will be produced in many bird
The most energy-demanding period in the life of most animals is when they reproduce. For that
reason, it is tho their advantage to coincide breeding (and for many, the raising of young) during a
period when food is most abundant Caterpillars should hatch just as the young tender leaves of oak
tree emerge, before they harden and become less nutritious. Breeding songbirds need to time the
hatching of their young just during that peak in caterpillar activity, so they can take advantage of this
rich source of protein to feed their offspring. Many species have evolved to exploit peaks in resource
availability, so all these seemingly independent phonological events are indeed part of a complex
web of precise interactions. Disturbance in seasonal events can have profound effects on
1. The author’s bias regarding spring phenology is that…….

A. Spring arrives late

B. Spring is so enthusiastic

C. Various spring flowers appear in order

D. Birds are flying back to take advantage of short-lived bounty

E. Many species have evolved to exploit peaks in resource availability


2. In presenting the ideas, the author starts by…..

A. Showing evidence of why scientists are concerned with phenology

B. Describing the natural characteristics and definition of phenology

C. Stating the needs for triggering phonological events

D. Arguing how climate change is affecting phenology

E. Referring to global climate change


3. The author’s attitude towards the seasonal cycle of natural events is …..

A. Assertive

B. Objective

C. Optimistic

D. Supprotive

E. Sympathetic


4. The paragraph following the passage most likely deals with ……

A. The interference of global climate change to species phenology

B. Reasons for scientists to be concerned with phenology

C. Processes in climate change to affect phenology

D. The seasonal cycle of natural phenomena

E. Factors triggering climate phonological events


5. The ideas in the passage may be best summarized that ……

A. In winter plants are dormant and animals are hibernating

B. Seasons changes as the natural events do, following them

C. Winter constrains plants and animals from growing and breeding

D. Different organisms respond to different cues for seasonal activities

E. Phonological events represent a complex chain of natural interactions


6. Based on the passage, it can be hypothesized that reproductive hormones in many bird species
will not be produce if …..

A. There is an inadequate number of daylight hours

B. Seasons as well as local weather change a bit

C. Those feeding on insects are hibernating

D. No orderly sequence of events occur

E. Global climate change happens


In 2012, Anxiety UK conducted a survey on social media use and its effects on emotions. The
survey found Those who said their lives had been worsened by using social media reported feeling
less confident when they compared their achievements against their friends. Furthermore, the
survey revealed that two thirds of participants reported difficulty relaxing and sleeping after they
used the sites, while 55% said they felt "worried or uncomfortable" when they were unable to log
onto their social media accounts. In a more recent study, social interaction on social media sites,
specifically Facebook, may have a negative impact on face-to-face encounters for individuals who
already have high levels of anxiety.. that 53% of participants said social media sites had changed
their behavior.
Another concern regarding social media use is cyber bullying. As stated earlier in this feature,
the majority of social networking users are under the age of 30, Most of these are adolescents.
According to Enough is Enough (EIE) - an organization that aims to make Internet use safer for
children and families - 95% of teenagers who use social media have witnessed forms of cyber
bullying on social networking sites. In addition, 33% have been victims of cyber bullying. But Dr.
Rauch believes it is not purely the use of social media that is getting out of control. It is more on
our need to be electronically connected at all times. Dr. Rauch further says, "I would encourage
any parent to explore ways to encourage or even mandate 'off time, not just away from social
media sites, but away from the devices. That is probably good advice for all of us."
Although many studies point to the negative impacts of social media on mental health and
well-being, some researchers say they could have the opposite effect. Social networking sites
could be a useful tool in identifying individuals with mental health issues. Some studies have
suggested that social media use may even improve mental health and well-being. Last year,
Medical News Today reported that Facebook activity may be an indicator of a person's
psychological health. It was found that people who shared fewer pictures on the site,
communicated less frequently, and had a longer profile and fewer Facebook friends were more
likely to experience social anhedonia. This is the inability to encounter happiness from activities
that are normally enjoyable, such as talking to friends. However, another study suggests that
using social media may even spread happiness.
Overall, it appears that the exact effects of social media on our mental health and well-being
remain to be seen, But one thing is certain: our use of social networking sites is unlikely to fade
anytime soon.
7. In which paragraph does the information in paragraf 4 contradict?

A. 1 only

B. 1 and 2

C. 1 and 3

D. 2 and 3

E. 1,2,dan 3

8. Which of the following shows the most relevant analogy between social media and mental health
discussed in the passage?

A. Breakfast and energy

B. Aeroplane and pilot

C. Weather and feeling

D. House and window

E. Sports and fitness


9. With the last paragraph, the author assumes that

A. The youngsters using social media will suffer most from mental illnesses

B. People will remain ignorant with the impact of social media use on health

C. In spite of its use, social media will always have negative impacts on users

D. Use of social media may impact both positively and negatively on the users

E. Health problems are more likely to appear as the impact of social media use


10. Which paragraph best supports ideas of the undesirable effect of use of social media on

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

E. 5


11. It is implied in paragraph 2 that

A. More and more people will often use social media

B. Social media users will never care about its impact

C. People will keep communicating using social media

D. We need to be always alert to the impacts of social media

E. Social media will effect users mental and social welfare more


12. Which of the following sentences best restates the information in paragraph 5?

A. Social media cause both physical and mental impacts on their users

B. Frequent use of social media will result in severe addiction of their users

C. Social media use enhances the users psychological well-being positively

D. People feeling anxious tend to turn into social media to ease their burden

E. Users of social media might find them useful for improving their happiness

The sun set on the North Pole more than a month ago, not to rise again until spring. Usually
that serves as a cue for sea ice to spread its frozen tentacles across the Arctic Ocean. But in the
depths of the polar night, a strange thing started to happen in mid-October. Sea ice growth
slowed to a crawl and even started shrinking for a bit.
Intense warmth in both the air and oceans is driving the mini-meltdown at a time when Arctic
sea ice should be rapidly growing. This follows last winter, when temperatures saw a huge
December spike. Even in an age where climate change is making outliers – lowest maximum sea
ice extent set two years in a row, the hottest year on record set three years in a row, global coral
bleaching entering a third year – the norm, what is happening in the Arctic right now does not
have any relation else where.
"I've never seen anything like it this last year and a half," Mark Serreze, director of the
National Snow and Ice Data Center, said. The latest twist in the Arctic sea ice saga began in mid-
October. Temperatures stayed stuck in their September range, pausing sea ice growth. By the end
of the month, the Arctic was missing a chunk of ice the size of the eastern U.S.
The oddness continued into November, A large area of the Arctic saw temperatures as much
as 36°F above normal, further slowing arctic sea ice growth and even turning it around for a few
days. In other words, it was so warm in the Arctic that despite the lack of sunlight, sea ice actually
disappeared. “The ridiculously warm temperatures in the Arctic during October and November
this year are off the charts over our 68 years of measurements," Jennifer Francis, a climate
scientist at Rutgers University who studies the Arctic, said. Compounding the warm air is warm
water. Sea surface temperatures on the edge of the ice are also running well above normal in
many places, further encouraging sea ice growth.
13. Another way of expressing “Sea ice growth slowed to a crawl and even started shrinking for a
bit” is

A. Sea ice was melting slowly in a slightly reduced size

B. Sea ice was formed very slowly and in a slightly reduced size

C. The ice was formed very slowly and started getting a bit large

D. The sea was formed very slowly and the ice was reduced in size

E. The growth of sea ice was very slow and the size was a bit large


14. The author begins paragraph 3 by quoting an expert’s opinion followed by

A. Some reasons for the sea ice growth

B. Some facts about the effect of the sea ice growth

C. Some ideas about twisting the temperature in the arctic sea

D. Sine detailed examples of what happened in the arctic sea

E. Some explanation of the detailed activities done by this expert


15. What does Mark Serreze imply by saying “I’ve never seen anything like it this last year and half”?
A. He has witnessed the changes happening in the North Pole for one year and a half

B. He was suprised of what was happening to the arctic sea

C. He has observed some changes in the North Pole for one year and a half

D. He has seen the latest twist in the arctic sea for one year and a half

E. He has been living in the North Pole for one year and a half


Young people have put the spotlight on mental health in Mission Australia's Youth Survey this
year, naming it as one of the top three issues facing Australia. The survey found concerns about
mental health across the country have doubled alarmingly since 2011. About 22,000 young people
aged 15 to 19 took part in the survey and more than 20 per cent cited mental health as among
their top national issues. Alcohol and drugs were cited as their top concern, followed by equity
and discrimination.
Mission Australia chief executive Chaterine Yeomans said concerns about mental health were
at their highest level in the survey’s 15-year history, "If young people are telling us that they think
this is one of the top three concerns facing the nation, then we should sit up and pay top
attention and we should think about whether we've got the right responses in place," she said.
"Let's look at the issues and put in programs that are going to support young people.”
The results did not surprise 19-year-old Savannah van deer Veer, who has managed
depression and obsessive compulsive disorder for more than a decade. "People don't take you
seriously, they just assume all children are kind of moody and unusual- they do strange things that
don't make sense." she said. "But I was really suffering and I didn't really know how to talk about
it and I didn't really know that what was happening to me wasn’t normal." Miss van deer Veer said
she turned to her mother and counsellors for support.
Youth mental health group Batyr held more than 150 workshops in Australian high schools
last year. The program is facilitated by young people who have experienced mental health issues.
"What our programs are designed to do is to make it OK to not be OK -to show young people that
there are people out there like them who are suffering and going through tough times but that we
can talk about it as a group." chief executive Sam Refshauge said, The sessions incorporate music
and activities to shift negative stigma around mental health issues.
16. What topic does the paragraph preceding the passage most likely discuss ?

A. Alcohol and drugs

B. Mental health of adults

C. Equity and discrimination

D. Mission Australia’s youth survey

E. Mental problems faced by Australians


17. What is the author’s attitude toward the topic of the passage ?

A. Concerned

B. Ignorant

C. Pessimistic
D. Doubtful

E. Critical


18. Based on the passage, young people will understand their own mental health condition if

A. High school programs prioritize social welfare.

B. Workshops on mental health are effectively conducted.

C. Their family and school consider mental disorder seriously.

D. More research on mental health reveals the roots.

E. Mental health becomes a school subject.


19. Which of the following is the best summary of the passage?

A. A survey this year named mental health as the second top issues in Australia. The first top issue
was alcohol and drugs, while the third one was equity and discrimination.

B. Unlike what most people believe, mental health is a serious issue for Australians. The government
his quickly reacted to a survey result and provided free counseling for everyone who needs
professional help.

C. Youth mental health workshop are held in 150 high schools. The workshop are facilitated by
teenagers who have recovered from mental health problems so that participants with mental health
issues can relate with them well

D. Mental health has become a main issue for Australians teenagers to a survey this year. This
problem receives serious attention, and youth mental health programs are held in Australians high
school to support young people
E. While many people did not expect it, mental health apparently became a significant problem in
Australia. In particular, many teenagers suffer from depression and obsessive compulsive disorder.
Therefore, they need help from their family and school.


A study into the educational impact of esports was launched recently at the annual general
meeting of Ukie, the trade body for the UK games and interactive entertainment industry.
The study, conducted by Staffordshire University, examined data to determine the effect of
participation in the Digital Schoolhouse Esports Tournament 2018. Over 2000 students aged 12-18
participated in various roles, including event management, production, tournament
administration, community management, on-screen talent and players. The skills that these roles
helped to develop were recognised by the Duke of York's Inspiring Digital Enterprise Award (iDEA).
Key Findings of the study included an increase in transferable skills, with communication
(74%) and team working (80%) coming top. Positive effects of bonds of friendship amongst
participants were also reported, with 67% of respondents stating that friendship bonds grew over
the course of the tournament (and 94% of friendships were maintained or grew during the
competition). Qualitative evidence from teachers and schools involved in the tournament further
reinforced these findings, particularly regarding the effects on behaviour and engagement
amongst harder to reach students. Meanwhile, almost 90% of students said that the tournament
had increased their interest in a career in the video games industry and that it had increased their
interest in computers and computing.
The results show that taking part not only improved skills and confidence but sparked their
interest in subjects, job roles and opportunities they probably not have thought were possible
before. The objective of Digital Schoolhouse's tournament was to use esports as a vehicle to
provide students with an immersive careers education experience and help them realise the
breadth of career opportunities available to them.
"E-sports offers a great opportunity to take a popular pastime and to turn it into an enriching
learning opportunity. The tournament's impact on the numbers of students interested in
computing has been fantastic. A real eye-opener has been the increase in other areas too;
improved confidence and self-esteem, better team working and communication and strategic
thinking skills too. Additionally, the transformative effects we've seen on participating schools has
been phenomenal. All this combined with that magical fun factor make this one of the most
effective and meaningful learning experiences we can find today."
Mark Ward at St John Fisher Catholic Voluntary Academy said: "Getting involved in the
tournament has been amazing. I can bring the pupils' world into my lessons - I can use role models
that they have heard of (some I hadn't until very recently!) and talk about careers that they are
interested in and passionate about, all whilst 'playing games'. The most amazing thing: this is a
world that is open to everybody."
20. E-sports offers a great opportunity to take a popular pastime and to turn it into an enriching
learning opportunity.

The sentence could best be restated as

A. The enhance learning occasion will affect the pastime opportunity to be taken by the great E-

B. A great opportunity of learning chance will improve the popular pastime, so that E-sport effect
will be enriched.

C. E-sport ignores a great opportunity into enriching learning opportunity through the popular
D. E-sport gives a significant chance of drawing popular pastime and becomes an improving learning

E. E-sports doesn't provide a great chance of enriching learning achievement by drawing popular


21. The paragraph following the passage would likely contain an information about

A. The relation between e-sport and career enhancement.

B. The role of teachers in providing teaching materials that benefitted their students.

C. The prospects of e-sport as a promising occupation for everybody.

D. The finding about the negative effects of too much gaming for students.

E. Some precious e-sports world tournaments that involved many participants

22. The following sentences are main ideas from every paragraph in the passage. Rearrange based
on its paragraph!

(1) The results of the study.

(2) E-sports enriches learning oportunity.

(3) The educational impact of e-sports.

(4) The methods of conducting the study.

(5) The benefit of e-sports in classroom setting.

(6) The implications of the study.

A. 3-6-2-4-5-1

B. 3-4-1-6-2-5

C. 3-4-6-2-1-5

D. 3-5-2-4-1-6

E. 3-1-4-2-6-5


23. If the participants ... the tournament, they wouldn't have thought that some occupations were
possible before.

A. didn't join

B. were join

C. have been joined

D. are not join

E. hadn't joined


SwimAware is a start-up company that has the vision of providing customers with swimsuits
made out of 100% recycled plastics, including waste from the oceans (Econyl®, 2017), and create a
connection between swimmers and their natural environment. This will be achieved by devoting
2% of the company's revenues to marine conservation projects.
According to a report, by 2050 the oceans will contain more plastic particles by weight than
fish (Ellen McArthur Foundation, 2016). At least 267 species are affected by ocean waste,
especially sea turtles (Jean- Michel Cousteau, Ocean Adventures, 2014). Moreover, it has been
calculated that the clothing industry accounts for approximately 3% of global Co, emissions
(Greenpeace, 2016). Negative social impacts, such as unfair labor conditions, are also part of the
picture. SwimAware wants to provide customers with a sustainable alternative to conventional
swimsuits that will constitute a powerful statement of ethical lifestyle, while positively impacting
the environment and society.
The company's focus will be on branding and marketing the swimsuits. Production and
manufacturing will be outsourced: the raw material (Econyl®, 100% recycled plastics) will be
acquired by SwimAware, who will then provide it to an Italian manufacturer. SwimAware will
market its products through offline and online channels, focusing its initial activities on Southern
Europe, which constitutes the biggest proportion of the European swimwear market. SwimAware
will target local stores and engage with the local community through design-creation
competitions: SwimAware wants to provide a platform for young, locally-based designers, to
showcase their work and see their designs made into products that can better align with local
taste and needs.
24. The word sustainable in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to

A. Untenable.

B. Sequential.

C. Successive.

D. Reasonable.

E. Tenable.


25. Which of the following sentences is not mentioned in the passage?

A. SwimAware focuses on branding and marketing swimsuits.

B. SwimAware wants to provide customers with a sustainable alternative to conventional swimsuits.

C. SwimAware creates a connection between swimmers and their natural environment.

D. SwimAware provide customers with swimsuits made out of 100% pure fabric.

E. SwimAware will devote 2% of the company's revenues to marine conservation projects.


While the debate regarding how much screen time is appropriate for children rages on
among educators, psychologists, and parents, it's another emerging technology in the form of
artificial intelligence and machine learning that is beginning to alter education tools and
institutions and changing what the future might look like in education. It is expected that artificial
intelligence in U.S. Education will grow by 47.5% from 2017-2021 according to the Artificial
Intelligence Market in the US Education Sector report. Even though most experts believe the
critical presence of teachers is irreplaceable, there will be many changes to a teacher's job and to
educational best practices.
Al has already been applied to education primarily in some tools that help develop skills and
testing systems. As Al educational solutions continue to mature, the hope is that Al can help fill
needs gaps in learning and teaching and allow schools and teachers to do more than ever before.
AI can drive efficiency, personalization and streamline admin tasks to allow teachers the time and
freedom to provide understanding and adaptability-uniquely human capabilities where machines
would struggle. By leveraging the best attributes of machines and teachers, the vision for Al in
education is one where they work together for the best outcome for students. Since the students
of today will need to work in a future where Al is the reality, it's important that our educational
institutions expose students to and use the technology.
Artificial intelligence tools can help make global classrooms available to all including those
who speak different languages or who might have visual or hearing impairments. Presentation
Translator is a free plug-in for PowerPoint that creates subtitles in real time for what the teacher
is saying. This also opens up possibilities for students who might not be able to attend school due
to illness or who require learning at a different level or on a particular subject that isn't available
in their own school. Al can help break down silos between schools and between traditional grade
An educator spends a tremendous amount of time grading homework and tests. Al can step
in and make quick work out of these tasks while at the same time offering recommendations for
how to close the gaps in learning. Although machines can already grade multiple-choice tests,
they are very close to being able to assess written responses as well. As Al steps in to automate
admin tasks, it opens up more time for teachers to spend with each student. There is much
potential for Al to create more efficient enrollment and admissions processes.
1. In which part of the paragraph does the author mention about the vision of Al in education?

A. At sentence 2 paragraph 3.

B. At sentence 1 paragraph 4.

C. At sentence 4 paragraph 2.

D. At sentence 1 paragraph 3.

E. At sentence 2 paragraph 5.


2. How does the information in sentence 1 and 2 in paragraph 3 relate?

A. The former discusses the definition of Al; the later describes its origin.

B. The former presents the involvement of Al in education; the later presents its benefit.

C. The former shows the need of Al in education; the later contradicts the idea.

D. The former explains the benefit of Al in education; the later mentions certain app to support it.
E. The former informs the application of Al in education; the later elaborates the example to
increase its benefit.


3. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Al has not already been applied to education primarily in some tools that help develop skills and
testing systems.

B. Education can be faster to the adoption of artificial intelligence and machine learning.

C. Al can help improve silos between schools and between traditional grade levels.

D. As Al steps in to automate admin tasks, it opens up more time for teachers to spend with each

E. It is expected that artificial intelligence in U.S. Education will grow by 67.5% from 2017-2022.


4. The paragraph following the passage will likely contain an information about

A. many applications involved in increasing the usage of Al in education.

B. how Al and machine learning applied in education.

C. the role of teachers in implementing Al and machine learning to students.

D. the virtual global conferences as the best tool used in education.

E. the challenges faced by educators in applying Al in the classroom setting.


5. It can be summarized from the passage that

A. The use of Al in education is a new breakthrough that gives many benefits to teachers and
students in classroom setting inspite of being slow in implemention.

B. The involvement of Al has gained its fame in 2021 that is predicted that its implementation will be

C. The new finding in technology has a positive and negative side, while Artificial Intelligence is one
of its greatest tool to achive the goal of teachers in the classroom setting.
D. The role of teachers in the classroom could be exchanged by the present of Al that it helps
teacher to aoutomate admin task.

E. The finding of Al in education has been known worldwide; therefore, students and teachers must
actively involve in the classroom.


Watching cooking shows that featured healthy recipes seemed to encourage healthy eating
in children, the study showed. "The findings from this study indicate cooking programs can be a
promising tool for promoting positive changes in childrens food-related preferences, attitudes and
behaviors," said lead author Frans Folkvord, from Tilburg University in the Netherlands. The study
was published in the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior.
The researchers engaged 125 children, aged 10 to 12, who watched 10 minutes of a Dutch
public television cooking program designed for children. All were offered a snack as a reward for
taking part in the study. Some of the children watched an episode featuring healthy food, while
others watched an episode featuring unhealthy food.
Those who watched the healthy episode were 2.7 times more likely to choose a healthy snack
(an apple or a few pieces of cucumber) than an unhealthy snack (a handful of chips or salted mini-
pretzels). Previous research has found children are more likely to eat healthy foods such as fruits
and vegetables if they help prepare meals. However, the growing reliance on ready- prepared
foods and fewer parents preparing fresh foods have led to a drop in cooking skills among children,
the researchers said.
They noted that the study was conducted at the childrens schools, which could represent a
promising alternative to teach children healthy eating behaviors. "Providing nutritional education
in school environments instead may have an important positive influence on the knowledge,
attitudes, skills and behaviors of children," Folkvord said in a journal news release.
6. What does the passage mainly discuss?

A. A healthy cooking program impacts contardictive preference of eating food to children.

B. TV cooking program gives impacts on children's behavior, attitudes, and food- related preference.
C. The program aired by TV stations influences people's choice.

D. TV programs are aimed to entertain their viewers.

E. How TV cooking program impacts on children's behaviour.


7. Which of the following statements is mentioned in the passage?

A. The study was conducted in the children's house and guided by their parents.

B. Children must watch healthy cooking program in order to be healthy.

C. Children watching healthy cooking program are more likely to choose a healthy snacks.

D. All children are offered snacks as a reward for taking part in the program.

E. The cooking programs can be a promising tool to change people's behavior.


8. What is likely the author's motive in writing the passage?

A. To give information about children cooking programs on television.

B. To present responses on how children follow what they watch on TV.

C. To give information about cooking program on television that gives positive impacts on attitude,
food-related preference, and behaviour.

D. To show that TV program always impacts positively.

E. To present different point of views about children's attitude after watching TV.

9. The word engaged in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to

A. Followed.

B. Included.

C. Dismissed.

D. Involved.

E. Asked.


10. The sentence "Previous research has found children are more likely to eat healthy foods such as
fruits and vegetables if they help prepare meals" can be best replaced by...

A. The following research has found children are more likely to eat healthy foods such as fruits and
vegetables if they help prepare meals.

B. The following research has found children are more likely to eat healthy foods such as fruits and
salads if they help prepare meals.
C. Former research has found children are more likely to eat healthy diet such as fruits and
vegetables if they help prepare foods.

D. The former research has found children are more likely to eat junk foods such as fruits and
vegetables if they help prepare meals.
E. The following research has found children are more likely to eat junk foods such as fruits and
vegetables if they help prepare diets.


The coronavirus and its spread has changed the way people interact with each other. Keeping
social and physical distance, although only temporary, is now the norm. People stay at home in
isolation, unable or unwilling to leave their homes and engage as a community. Fortunately,
people have found other ways to come together and connect. Some turn to digital conferencing
apps like Zoom. Others escape to media like Netflix and YouTube. But an increasing number are
jumping onto a quirky yet compelling app called TikTok, and loving every second of it.
TikTok is a social media app that allows users to create, promote, and react to short- form
music video content. TikTok users have been using the app to create videos of themselves
dancing, acting and exercising to audio clips and sharing it with their friends.
The concept has proved immensely popular. According to official company announcements,
TikTok has over 500 million monthly users, and has been downloaded from the Google Play store
over 1 billion times. The app's popularity was on the rise even before the coronavirus hit. Young
TikTok users had been creating energetic and fun music videos to entertain themselves and their
friends, and in the process engaged others from all over the world. In the months of 2020, TikTok
had grown its influence across different age and regional demographics and drawn more
attention from brands and advertisers looking for the next big social media platform.
As the coronavirus began spreading across the world, governments ordered citizens to
practice social distancing and to stay at home in order to curb infection rates. Now forced into
isolation, people all over the world suddenly need a way to both entertain themselves and
connect with others. Many people latched on to TikTok, that quaint music video app their friend
or child was using, and things only snowballed from there.
TikTok has become a media sensation. Publications all over the internet are writing about
how people are connecting with each other over the platform. Take the family who created the
first-ever Quarantine Olympics, for example, or the Vancouver teen who became a TikTok idol-in
Italy. Educators are figuring out how to leverage TikTok, too; some want to keep kids learning, and
others just want to connect.
11. What does the passage mainly discuss ?

A. TikTok App emerges as the result of COVID-19 Pandemic.

B. TikTok has become a media sensation in society.

C. TikTok is the main communication media during COVID-19 pandemic.

D. The way people communicate has changed through TikTok.

E. People have changed their ways of using social media platforms.


12. Look at the following statement: The coronavirus and its spread has changed the way people
interact with each other. If the coronaviruses didn't spread, it ……… change the way people
communicate with each other.

A. will.

B. will not.

C. would.

D. would not.

E. should.


13. In which part of the passage does the author mention about TikTok has developed its influence
across different age and regional demographics?

A. Paragraph 1.

B. Paragraph 2.

C. Paragraph 3.

D. Paragraph 4.

E. Paragraph 5.


14. It can be concluded from paragraph 1 that

A. Tiktok has become the way people to communicate during the pandemic.

B. social media platforms are always the best to get away from being bored during pandemic.

C. pandemic gives positive impacts on advertising company due to social media users.

D. people change their ways of communicating with their family.

E. people prefer offline communication to online communication with their colleagues.


15. Paragraph following the passage would most likely tell about

A. TikTok and other social media platforms during COVID-19 pandemic.

B. another social media platforms as means of communication.

C. how corona virus spreads through the world.

D. other implications of TikTok in connecting people.

E. the benefits of using TikTok as a media of learning.


One of the keys to combating COVID-19 is understanding how our immune system responds
to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes the disease. We can potentially use this information for a
number of purposes, like trying to predict the likelihood of severe illness, preventing or treating
serious complications, developing a vaccine, and understanding if reinfection is possible. Here,
we'll review what a normal immune response looks like, and what we've learned so far about how
the immune system reacts to COVID-19. Let's start with the basics of how your body responds to
and fights off a virus.
Our body's immune response is broken down into two systems that work together in
different ways to protect us: the innate and adaptive (or acquired) immune systems. Your innate
immune system is the first line of defense against viruses, taking minutes to hours to kick in. It
provides a general defense against invaders. This system includes physical barriers like skin and
protective layers in our throat or gut, chemicals in our blood, and different immune cells to fight
Compared to your innate immune response, this response is more specific for the virus. Some
B cells work to fight the current infection, while others are stored in the body as a memory of the
virus to fight future infections, sometimes lasting for decades. This is generally how many vaccines
work. They use your adaptive immune system to create long-lasting memory cells. For example,
memory B cells you develop from getting the smallpox vaccine can last over 50 years.However,
some vaccines may require multiple doses to get an adequate immune response, and some
require boosters as the initial protection starts to wear off. T cellsare also white blood cells that
are part of your adaptive immune system.
Researchers have been trying to understand why some people get sick from COVID-19 while
others do not. Looking at how the immune system responds to the virus can give us some ideas,
and it can possibly help us try to predict the course of the disease in people who have been
infected. Under normal circumstances, the innate immune response kicks in first to attack and
clear out the virus, followed by the adaptive immune response to remove any remaining virus and
create a memory for future infections. For people with asymptomatic or mild cases of COVID-19,
everything tends to work together as it should, or at least it does not progress to severe disease
that requires hospitalization. But in severe cases, especially with older people, research has
suggested that sometimes the different arms of the immune response can be out of sync. This can
create a perfect storm, leading to some of the complications that we've seen in severe COVID-19.
16. What is the passage mainly dealt with?

A. The description of our adaptive immune system that creates long-lasting memory cells.

B. The explanation about how the body immune system fights off COVID-19.
C. The information of some immune cells in our immune system that plays a crucial role in the
development of severe COVID-19.

D. The argument of COVID-19 asymptomatic patients that do not need hospitalizing.

E. The description about both the innate and adaptive immune system in the development of severe


17. The word response in paragraph 2 can be replaced by...

A. Flunkee.

B. Contributor.

C. Reaction.

D. Companion.

E. Nemesis.


18. Based on the passage, why are researchers curious to investigate how some infected people
from COVID-19 get sick while others do not? Because they want to gain information about ...

A. how their adaptive immune system creates memory cells.

B. how asymptomatic or mild cases of COVID-19 become severe.

C. how the immune system responds to the virus which can give the researchers some ideas to
predict the course of the disease.

D. how the virus spread of throughout the body leading to some of the complications that we've
seen in severe COVID-19.

E. how their adaptive immune system can develop antibodies and white blood cells.


19. This system includes physical barriers like skin and protective layers in our throat or gut,
chemicals in our blood, and different immune cells to .……. infections.

A. Shield

B. Props up

C. Combat

D. Fuse

E. Weld


20. The paragraph following the passage will likely discuss about

A. further information about some of the complications in severe COVID-19 cases.

B. another part of both the innate and adaptive immune responses that can play a large role in the
development of severe COVID-19.

C. how the immune system reacts to COVID-19.

D. information about how your innate immune responds the virus.

E. some infections caused by COVID-19.


The diffusion of information and communications technology (ICT) into all aspects of our lives
and its impact on altering the nature of social interactions is not a new phenomenon. When
coupled with additional push factors, such as the current COVID-19 pandemic that forced many
countries to implement strict social distancing policies by closing offices and schools, we are now
entering a new era of exploiting ICT in full gear to keep the world going while keeping our feet on
the ground. As the tech-savvy young generations including children seem to be excelling in
adapting to online learning, we are being more and more convinced that maybe the way
education is delivered will never be the same again even after COVID-19. The question is, is this
new way of learning really benefitting the community?
Online learning was initially seen as a cheaper and more flexible alternative for developing
countries to increase the number of students who have access to fulltime education and to close
the education divide between rural and urban students. The developing countries, however, are
facing many challenges in implementing online learning, from poor ICT network infrastructure, a
lack of quality content and issues over the competencies of the people that interact with the e-
learning system.
Indonesia is in a unique position to exploit the advent of online learning. More than 171
million or 69 percent of Indonesians are connected to the worldwide web with an internet
penetration rate that stood at 63.5 percent in 2019 according to the latest survey by the
Association of Indonesian Internet Service Providers (APJII), which is higher than the average of
Asian countries. However, most Indonesian internet users are relying on the expensive and limited
capacity mobile network, instead of the broadband network that can easily cater to the online
learning requirements that require a large data exchange especially for video conferencing.
Online learning also can facilitate everyone to contribute to the advancement of the
education sector through knowledge sharing. We can expect the mid-term impact in which
Indonesian students in rural areas no longer need to go to big cities to get a better education, thus
the rural community can retain their talent to help develop villages. In the long run, the social and
economic impact will be enormous, especially in helping the government's effort at regional
development equalization. The period of school closure is supposed to be utilized by all
stakeholders in the education sector to adapt to the e-learning ecosystem and find the best
formula for how best the online education content need to be developed and delivered.
21. The period of school closure is supposed to be utilized by all stakeholders in the education sector
to adapt to the e-learning ecosystem and find the best formula for how best the online education
content .…… be developed and delivered.

A. May

B. Will

C. Should

D. Had to

E. Can

22. Which of the following statements is not mentioned in the passage?

A. The author expects that the way education will never be the same even after COVID-19.

B. Online learning can prevent everyone from contributing to the education sector.

C. Online learning can close the gap of education between rural and urban students.

D. About 69 percent of Indonesians are connected to the worldwide web with an internet
penetration rate in 2019.

E. Most Indonesian internet users rely on the expensive and limited capacity mobile network.


23. It can be inferred from the passage that

A. only some people actively involve in the advancement of learning devices for better education

B. the way people think about the best education that is shifted from direct learning to e-learning is
the same.

C. children now tend to smartly adapt to online learning because they are assisted by information
and communications technology (ICT).

D. we have to keep the world going while our feet must stay on the ground.

E. rural students will not have the same opportunity in gaining good education as urban students do.


24. To whom is the text likely intended?

A. Linguists.

B. Sociologists

C. Government.

D. Educators.

E. Psychologists.


25. What is the author's motive in writing the passage?

A. The need to change the educational methods increases the education practicioners.

B. The abundant benefits of e-learning lead to the mass of unemployment threatening the young

C. The goverment efforts have reached a turning point in increasing the quality of education sector
D. People have a lack of knowledge about lCT in e-learning for its practicioners.

E. Most people in urban area have already understood the benefit of online learning.

Healthy eating is not about strict dietary limitations, staying unrealistically thin, or depriving
yourself of the foods you love. Rather, it is about feeling great, having more energy, improving
your outlook, and stabilizing your mood. If you feel overwhelmed by all the conflicting nutrition
and diet advice out there, you are not alone. It seems that for every expert who tells you a certain
food is good for you, you will find another saying exactly the opposite. But by using these simple
tips, you can cut through the confusion and learn how to create a tasty, varied, and healthy diet
that is as good for your mind as it is for your body.
We all know that eating right can help maintain a healthy weight and avoid certain health
problems, but your diet can also have a profound effect on your mood and sense of well being.
Studies have linked eating a typical western diet – filled with processed meats, packaged meals,
takeout food, and sugary snacks - with higher rates of depression, stress bipolar disorder, and
anxiety. Eating an unhealthy diet may even play a role in the development of mental health
disorder such as ADHD, Alzheimers disease, and schizophrenia, or in the increased risk of suicide
in young people.
Eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, cooking meals at home, and reducing your intake of
sugar and refined carbohydrates, on the other hand, may help to improve mood and lower your
risk for mental health problems. If you have already been diagnosed with a mental health
problem, eating well can even help to manage your symptoms and regain control of your life.
While some specific foods or nutirens have been shown to have a beneficial effect on mood,
it is your overall dietary pattern that is most important. That means switching to a healthy diet
does not have to be an all or nothing proposition. You do not have to be perfect, and you do not
have to completely eliminate foods you enjoy to have a healthy diet and make a difference to the
way you think and feel.
26. The passage can be best summarized as ...

A. Good meal is only a matter of feeling good, having more stamina and goodlooking.

B. Appropriate dietary food can reduce risk of being depressed, stressed, and anxious.

C. Dietary change is often misperceived by many people as losing weight and being slim.

D. Good diet means to be healthy by eating fresh fruits, vegetables, and less carbohydrates.

E. Healthy diet means physiologically balance intake of nutrients and results in good mood.


27. What is the authors attitude toward the topic of the passage?

A. Decisive.

B. Optimistic.

C. Ambitious.

D. Motivated.

E. Considerate.


28. The paragraph following the passage will likely talk about

A. Important patterns of healthy diet.

B. Definition of perfect dietary pattern.

C. Types of food to improve mood.

D. Feelings resulted from changing diet.

E. Cases of mood improvement influenced by diet.


29. Based on the passage, it can be hypothesized that a good diet will impact the body if ...

A. The dietary menu is under a nutrition expert control.

B. The meals are home-cooked in traditional fashion.

C. What is eaten equalizes the feeling of enjoying the food.

D. A good selection of fruit and vegetable becomes the menu.

E. Diet is losing controlled for minimizing distress and stress.


Banana peels can be used to purify drinking water contaminated with toxic heavy metals
such as cooper and lead, according to a study. Researchers from the Bioscience Institute at
Botucatu, Brazil, said that the peels can outperform even conventional purifiers such as
aluminium oxide, cellulose and silica. These have potentially toxic side effects and are expensive.
The teams method follows previous work that showed that plant parts, such as apple and sugar
cane wastes, coconut fibers and peanut shells, can remove toxins from water. These natural
materials contain chemicals that have an affinity for metals.
In the process, the researchers dried the peels in the sun for a week, ground them and added
them to river water containing known concentrations of copper and lead. They found that the
peels absorbed 97 per cent of the metals after just one hour. The peels were tested in the lab and
worked perfectly. Eventually their efficiently reduces, at which point they should be removed
from the peels so that they can be disposed of safely. In addition, they said that although the
peels were tested only on copper and lead, the material could also work on cadmium, nickel and
zinc. But they warned that this sort of filter is better suited to industrial purposes and cannot be
used for water purification at home as the extraction capacity of banana peels depends on the
particle size of the heavy metals and this is difficult to measure. Dimitris Kalderis, from the
Technical University of Crete, Greece, said: "The results are very promising and the banana peel
processes has proven to be a cost- effective and quick alternative to conventional knowledge is
there, what we need now is innovation and construction.”
30. Paragraph 1 and 2 are related in that both...

A. Discuss the advantages of banana skins for metal absorption.

B. Present a cause effect relationship between banana and metals.

C. Illustrate the need to use banana filters for industrial purposes.

D. Highlight general and detailed information on banana peels.

E. Demonstrate chemical elements of metals in purifying water.


31. What does the word " these " in " These have potentially toxic ". (paragraph 1) refer to?
A. Conventional purifiers.

B. Natural materials.

C. Heavy metals.

D. Banana peels.

E. Toxic effects.


32. The author believes that banana peels as a water purifier ....

A. Should not be tested for other chemical elements.

B. Are suggested to be used for industrial purposes.

C. Still have toxic side effects and are expensive.

D. Can only be used to purify water at home.

E. Should be disposed after one hour use.


Scientists have long recognized the incredible diversity within a species. But they thought it
reflected evolutionary changes that unfolded imperceptibly, over millions of years. That
divergence between populations within a species was enforced, according to Ernst Mayr, the
great evolutionary biologist of the 1940s, when a population was separated from the rest of the
species by a mountain range or a desert, preventing breeding across the divide over geologic
scales of time. Without the separation, gene flow was relentless. But as the separation persisted,
the isolated population grew apart and speciation occurred.
In the mid-1960s, the biologist Paul Ehrlich – author of The Population Bomb (1968) – and his
Stanford University colleague Peter Raven challenged Mayr's ideas about speciation. They had
studied checker spot butterflies living in the Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve in California, and it
soon became clear that they were not examining a single population. Through years of capturing,
marking and then recapturing the butterflies, they were able to prove that within the population,
spread over just 50 acres of suitable checker spot habitat, there were three groups that rarely
interacted despite their very close proximity.
Among other ideas, Ehrlich and Raven argued in a now classic paper from 1969 that gene
flow was not as predictable and ubiquitous as Mayr and his cohort maintained, and thus
evolutionary divergence between neighboring groups in a population was probably common.
They also asserted that isolation and gene flow were less important to evolutionary divergence
than natural selection (when factors such as mate choice, weather, disease or predation cause
better-adapted individuals to survive and pass on their successful genetic traits). For example,
Ehrlich and Raven suggested that, without the force of natural selection, an isolated population
would remain unchanged and that, in other scenarios, natural selection could be strong enough to
overpower gene flow.
33. Which of the following best sums up Ehrlich and Raven's argument in their classic 1969 paper? A.
Ernst Mayr was wrong in identifying physical separation as the cause of species diversity.

B. Checker spot butterflies in the 50-acre Jasper Ridge Preserve formed three groups that rarely
interacted with each other.

C. While a factor, isolation was not as important to speciation as natural selection.

D. Gene flow is less common and more erratic than Mayr and his colleagues claimed.

E. Isolation and gene flow were more important to evolutionary divergence than natural selection.


34. All of the following statements are true according to the passage EXCEPT

A. Gene flow contributes to evolutionary divergence.

B. The Population Bomb questioned dominant ideas about species diversity.

C. Evolutionary changes unfold imperceptibly over time.

D. Checker spot butterflies are known to exhibit speciation while living in close proximity.

E. Gene flow was relentless without separation.


35. The author discusses Mayr, Ehrlich and Raven to show that...

A. evolution is a sensitive and controversial topic.

B. Ehrlich and Raven's ideas about evolutionary divergence are widely accepted by scientists.

C. the causes of speciation are debated by scientists.

D. checker spot butterflies offer the best example of Ehrlich and Raven's ideas about speciation.

E. Evolutionary divergence between neighboring is stronger than gene flow.


36. The purpose of the writer in writing the text is to...

A. Contrasting point of view of the cause of speciation.

B. Illustrate the incredible diversity within a species in a population.

C. argue the misconception of the cause of speciation.

D. Show the force of natural selection in diversity between species.

E. Explain how speciation happens in a population.


In the world of birds, bill design is a prime example of evolutionary fine- tuning. Shorebirds
such as oystercatchers use their bill to pry open the tightly sealed shell of their prey.
Hummingbirds have stiletto-like bills to probe the deepest nectar-bearing flowers, and kiwis smell
out earthworms thanks to nostril located at the tip of their beaks. But few birds are more
intimately tied to their source of sustenance than are crossbills. Two species of these finches,
name for the way the upper and the lower part of their bill cross, rather than meet in the middle,
reside in the evergreen forests of North America and feed on the seeds held within the cones of
coniferous trees.
The efficiency of the bill is evident when a crossbill locates a cone. Using a lateral motion of
its lower mandible, the birds separate two overlapping scales on the cone and expose the seeds.
The cross mandible enable the bird to exert a powerful biting force at the bills tip, which is critical
for maneuvering them between the scales and spreading the scales apart. Next, the cross bill
snakes its long tongue into the gap and draw out the seed. Using the combined action of the bill
and tongue, the birds cracks open and discards the woody seed covering action and swallows the
nutritious inner kernel. This whole process takes but a few seconds and is repeated hundreds of
times a day.
The bills of different crossbill species and subspecies vary. Some are stout and deep, other
more slander and shallow. As a rule, large-billed crossbills are better securing seed from large
cones, while small- billed crossbills are more deft at removing the seed from small, -thin scaled
cones. Moreover, the degrees to which cones are slightly open or tightly close helps determine
which bill design is the best.
One anomaly is the subspecies of red crossbill known as the Newfoundland crossbill. This bird
has a large, robust bill, yet most of Newfoundland's conifers have small cones, the same kind of
cones that the slender-billed white-wings rely on.
37. The passage mostly talks about

A. The variety of food available in a forest.

B. The efficiency of the bill of crossbill.

C. The different techniques the birds use to obtain the food.

D. The importance of conifers in evergreen forests.

E. The way of crossbill in obtaining the cones of conifers.


38. Which of the following statement best represents the type of "evolutionary fine- turning"?

A. White-wings crossbills have evolved from red crossbills.

B. Different shape of bills have evolved depending on the available food supply.

C. Newfoundland's conifers have evolved small cones.

D. Several subspecies of crossbills have evolved from two species.

E. The red crossbill have evolved its bill into big bill for small cones.


39. Why does the author mention oystercatchers, kiwis, and hummingbirds?

A. They illustrate the relationship between bill shape and food supply.

B. They are examples of birds that live in the conifer forest.

C. They are closely related to the crossbill.

D. Their beak are similar to the beak of the crossbill.

E. They describe the same food supply they have and how to obtain it.


40. The word "deft" in paragraph 3 is closest meaning to...

A. Skilled.
B. Tenacious.

C. Cunning.

D. Hard.

E. Pleasant.


Scientists are as obsessed with the question of why the super old survive and thrive as Ponce
de Leon was to find the Fountain of Youth. They want to understand why the Japanese islands of
Okinawa are home to the worlds largest population of centenarians, with almost 600 of its 1.3
million inhabitants living into their second century-many of them active and looking decades
younger than their actual years. Like weekend visitors on the summer ferry to Marthas Vineyard,
scientists and sociologists block the boats to Sardinia and Nova Scotia, Canada, to see why those
craggy locales hide vast clusters of the super old.
As well as studying these populations intensively to unlock their secrets, scientists have also
taken a hard look at the very old in the U.S., most notably in the New England Centenarian Study,
led by Dr. Thomas Perls, a geriatrician at Boston University. While the very old are happy to offer
homespun explanations for their longevity - "I never took a drink". "I drank a shot of whiskey
every day," – experts are trying to unravel and understand the biological factors that allow some
people to reach 100 while others drop off in their 70s or 80s. Researchers are particularly
interested in determining which factors allow up to 30% of those who reach 100 to do so in
sufficient mental and physical health: a whopping 90% of centenarians, according to Perls, remain
functionally independent up to age 92.
It is pretty obvious even to non- scientists that how you get there depends partly on the
genes you are born with and partly on lifestyle-what and how much you eat, where you live and
what types of stress and trauma you experience. How much depends on each factor, through, was
unknown until Swedish scientists tackled the problem in 1998. They did it by looking at the only
set of people who share genes but not lifestyle: identical twins who were separated at birth and
reared apart. If genes were most important, you would expect the twins to die at about the same
age. In fact, they do not, and the average difference convinced the scientists that only about 20%
to 30% of how long we live is genetically determined. The dominant factor is lifestyle.
41. How is the information of the last paragraph in the text organized ?

A. Each question is provided with an illustration.

B. Scientific questions are followed by studies.

C. Scientific questions are presented from general to specific.

D. Three related question are followed by one finding.

E. Each study is followed by research finding.


42. According to the information in the passage, people may

A. Reach an old age if they are brought up separately from their siblings.

B. Not reach old age unless they live in areas where it is prevalent.

C. Reach old age if they keep a healthy lifestyle.

D. Fail to reach an old age unless they are mentally healthy.

E. Reach old age if their parents do so.


43. What is the topic of text above ?

A. Long-life span.

B. Survival.

C. Youth.

D. Old age.

E. Health secrets.


44. Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the text ?

A. Several biological factors are at work affecting life span.

B. The population of the eldery people is increasing.

C. Eldery people cluster in particular part of the world.

D. Biological factors influence mental and physical health.

E. Genes and lifestyles are essential for a long-life span.


Many modern educational experts claim that teaching facts and academic skill is less
important than achieving other social objectives. For some liberals, the school must first change
attitudes or provide nurturing in place of failed families or help establish equality and social
justice. For some conservatives, the schools must first prepare kids for the workplace by molding
them into supple corporate citizens, while other want to focus to be on family values, a
competitive spirit, or other social or behavioral objectives. But the idea of simply educating kids
seems to have taken a backseat to most educational expert and administrators. They miss the
point that kids with real academic skills, especially skills in reading, writing, and mathematics, are
more likely to overcome social barriers, more likely to have genuine self esteem, and likely to
begenuinely prepared for the challenges of life and the workplace. By emphasizing so many things
besides a genuine, classical education, the educational establishment tends to sell our kids short
and bring about many of the problems they claim to be solving.
Consider the case of Wesley Elementary School in Houston. According to Richard Nadler in
article, "Failing Grade", Wesley has all the demographic markers of a school bound for failure.
Over 80 % of the students quality for subsidized lunches, and nearly all are minorities (92 % black,
7 % Hispanic). Yet it ranks among the best school of Houston, with first-graders placing at the
82nd percentile level in reading test which is 50 points higher than the expected level for similar
at-risk schools.
What has made Wesley so successful? The answer is classical education in the form of Direct
Instruction curriculum design by Siegfried Engelmann, an example of the much ridiculed "Sage-on-
the-stage" approach. The Direct Instruction system boosts reading, writing, and math scores by 30
to 40 percentile points in at-risk schools. Sadly, Engelmann like others who successfully challenge
popular fads in educational reform, has been rejected by much of the educational establishment.
His success is in embarrassment to them.

45. Which of the following best reflects the authors opinion about schools?

A. Consider the case of Wesley Elementary School in Houston.

B. Teaching academic skills is more important than social skills.

C. Teaching academic skills is somehow contemporary.

D. Teaching social skills is more important than academic skills.

E. Teaching social skills should use conventional methods more.


46. From the second paragraph, it can be inferred that ..

A. Wesley curriculum is adopted by other school.

B. The students at Wesley are from the haves.

C. The students at Wesley are mostly colored.

D. Wesley is a successful prestigious school.

E. The colored student usually perform better.


47. In writing the text, the writers tone could be best described as

A. Conservative.

B. Descriptive.

C. Informative.

D. Evaluative.

E. Persuasive.


48. Given that the baseline score in reading is 23 percentile points, which of the following most likely
reflects the maximum impact of Direct Instruction on the students learning achievement in Wesley
Elementary School ?

A. 53.

B. 63.

C. 45.

D. 85.

E. 95.

With the increasing concern about use and misuse of pesticides in commercial agriculture
and home garden, more and more inquiries for "organically grown" commodities are received
every year. Non- chemical practices for plant diseases have been known and recommended for
years. The backbone of any integrated pest control program must always include cultural and
sanitation practices, two important components of non-chemical disease control. Unfortunately,
disease problem may begin as soon as seeds are planted and can continue into harvest and
Plant diseases may be caused by several different living pathogenic organism such fungi,
bacteria, viruses, phytoplasmas, and nematodes. In addition to this parasitic organism, non-living
factors as deficiencies or excessive of water, light, temperatures, pollution, pesticides and
nutrients can either predispose a plan to disease or directly cause plant injury. Fortunately, many
disease problems can be prevented or controlled without the use of pesticides. Effective plant
disease control must begin at the onset of the disease or even before symptoms appears. Several
non- chemical practices that can reduce plant loss are as follows. First is resistance.
Effective plant disease control through resistance, ( or plant's tolerance or immunity to a
disease) is based on the knowledge of the disease known to occur in an area. Selection of
resistant plant may eliminate many disease problems.
Exclusion, another non-chemical practices, is preventing the entrance and establishment of
disease causing organism (pathogens) into areas where plants are grown. This means avoid
bringing disease into and/or moving them around the garden. Use certified, disease free-seeds or
transplants. Examine the leaves and the root system of transplants and eliminate or destroy
diseased plant. Either raise your own transplants in sterilized beds or buy them from a reputable
dealer. Also, avoid transporting soil or tools from known disease areas to free-disease areas.
Last but not least is eradication. Eradication is the elimination of the disease- causing
organism after it has become established on a plant. Eradication can be accomplished by
sanitation, crop rotation, fallowing, or soil sanitation treatments.
49. What is the author's attitude toward the topic in the passage?

A. Pessimistic.

B. Cynical.

C. Critical.

D. Objective.

E. Realistic.


50. What is likely the topic of the paragraph following the passage discussed?

A. Most effective preventive treatments of plant disease.

B. Selection of resistant plant to eliminate many disease problems.

C. Examination of leaves and roots system of diseased plant.

D. How disease causing organism establish themselves and proliferate in plants.

E. How certain measures such as sanitation are effectively used to fertilize harmful organisms.


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