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Light-Mediated Circuit Switching in the Drosophila

Neuronal Clock Network
Highlights Authors
d Receptor cell 8 of the compound eyes is essential for long- Matthias Schlichting, Patrick Weidner,
day adaptation Madelen Diaz, Pamela Menegazzi,
Elena Dalla Benetta,
d PDF from the lLNvs is necessary and sufficient for long-day Charlotte Helfrich-Förster,
adaptation Michael Rosbash
d Disruption of the PDF receptor suggests a direct connection
between lLNvs and LNds
Correspondence (M.S.),
d The targets of PDF neurons change depending on
environmental conditions (C.H.-F.)

In Brief
Schlichting et al. describe the
contribution of a single photoreceptor
subtype to long-day adaptation in
Drosophila melanogaster. Light
information from this receptor is
integrated into the clock network by PDF
release from the lLNvs, suggesting a shift
of neuronal dominance in the network,
depending on environmental conditions.

Schlichting et al., 2019, Current Biology 29, 3266–3276

October 7, 2019 ª 2019 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Current Biology


Light-Mediated Circuit Switching

in the Drosophila Neuronal Clock Network
Matthias Schlichting,1,3,* Patrick Weidner,1,2 Madelen Diaz,1 Pamela Menegazzi,2 Elena Dalla Benetta,2
Charlotte Helfrich-Förster,2,* and Michael Rosbash1
1Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Department of Biology, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA 02454, USA
2Department for Neurobiology and Genetics, University of Würzburg, Am Hubland, 97074 Würzburg, Germany
3Lead Contact

*Correspondence: (M.S.), (C.H.-F.)

SUMMARY whereas this Drosophila clock has to be slowed down to the

same extent. To do so, clocks must integrate external cues, so
The circadian clock is a timekeeper but also helps called zeitgebers, which are used to synchronize the molecular
adapt physiology to the outside world. This is and physiological properties of the organism [4].
because an essential feature of clocks is their ability The most important zeitgeber is light. In mammals, a combina-
to adjust (entrain) to the environment, with light tion of the traditional photoreception pathway (rods and cones)
being the most important signal. Whereas crypto- and the circadian photoreceptor melanopsin in retinal ganglion
cells allows for fine-tuning of clock synchronization [5–7]. Simi-
chrome-mediated entrainment is well understood in
larly, Drosophila uses the visual system and possibly Rhodopsin
Drosophila, integration of light information via the vi-
7 (Rh7) within the clock neurons as well as the circadian photo-
sual system lacks a neuronal or molecular mecha- receptor cryptochrome (CRY) for light synchronization [8–14].
nism. Here, we show that a single photoreceptor CRY-mediated entrainment is well understood in Drosophila,
subtype is essential for long-day adaptation. These whereas less is known about the mechanism of entrainment
cells activate key circadian neurons, namely the large via the visual system. It consists of seven eye structures: three
ventral-lateral neurons (lLNvs), which release the ocelli, two Hofbauer-Buchner eyelets, and two compound
neuropeptide pigment-dispersing factor (PDF). eyes [15].
RNAi and rescue experiments show that PDF from The compound eye consists of approximately 800 ommatidia,
these cells is necessary and sufficient for delaying each harboring 8 photoreceptor cells (Rs): R1–6 are located in
the timing of the evening (E) activity in long-day con- the periphery and span the whole depth of the ommatidium.
These cells were previously shown to be important for motion
ditions. This contrasts to PDF that derives from the
vision and express Rhodopsin 1 (Rh1) [16]. In the center, R7 is
small ventral-lateral neurons (sLNvs), which are
located above R8. These cells have a complex expression
essential for constant darkness (DD) rhythmicity. Us- pattern of Rh4 and/or Rh3 in R7 and Rh5 or Rh6 in R8 [17].
ing a cell-specific CRISPR/Cas9 assay, we show that Although the mechanism of light transduction from the visual
lLNv-derived PDF directly interacts with neurons system to the central clock is still not completely understood,
important for E activity timing. Interestingly, this recent work indicates a special role for R8. These cells specif-
pathway is specific for long-day adaptation and ap- ically target the sLNvs in standard conditions of 12 h light and
pears to be dispensable in equinox or DD conditions. 12 h darkness (LD 12:12) [18]. R8 photoreceptors additionally ex-
The results therefore indicate that external cues press and react to HisCl1 and can therefore not only act as pho-
cause a rearrangement of neuronal hierarchy, which toreceptors but also as interneurons [19].
contributes to behavioral plasticity. Recent electrophysiological results further suggest that the vi-
sual system is able to activate an array of circadian clock neurons
[20], e.g., it can activate the small ventral-lateral neurons (sLNvs),
INTRODUCTION an important center for morning (M) activity [21, 22]. Furthermore,
the visual system increases neuronal firing in the large LNvs
Circadian clocks evolved as an adaptation to the continuous (lLNvs), the arousal center within the circadian network [23].
change of day and night and are believed to provide organisms The 5th sLNv and the NPF+ dorsal-lateral neurons (LNds), previ-
a fitness advantage. The underlying molecular machinery in- ously implicated as necessary for evening (E) activity [24–26],
cludes a transcriptional-translational feedback loop, which gen- also increase their firing rates in response to visual system
erates oscillations of clock gene expression with an endogenous stimulation [20]. In addition, the visual system activates several
period close to 24 h (circa, about; dies, day) [1]. This period is dorsal neurons (DNs), which were recently implicated in connect-
approximately 24.2 h in humans, whereas a Drosophila period ing the circadian clock to central brain sleep centers [27, 28].
was reported to be 23.8 h [2, 3]. A key feature of circadian clocks These data suggest that visual input is integrated into the clock
is the ability to entrain to the 24 h environment. This means that network in a parallel fashion, which contradicts a master-oscil-
the human clock has to be accelerated by about 0.2 h each day, lator point of view [18, 20]. The latter posits that these are the

3266 Current Biology 29, 3266–3276, October 7, 2019 ª 2019 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
pigment-dispersing factor (PDF)-expressing neurons (sLNvs and coincides with lights off at LD 12:12 and LD 14:10, it occurs dur-
lLNvs), which receive light input and release PDF upon illumina- ing the light phase at even longer photoperiods, resulting in a
tion, thereby adjusting their downstream target neurons to the maximal phase relationship of 16.4 ± 0.3 h. Given that the E
LD cycle [29]. peak is the dominant factor for defining the phase relationship
To investigate the impact of the visual input pathway at the and the M peak is also less pronounced in some of the mutants
behavioral and neuronal level, we investigated fly behavior under (Figure 1G), we focus on E peak timing as a surrogate for phase.
long-day conditions. Long days cause plastic changes in fly To investigate the effect of the compound eyes on long-day
behavior: in standard light-dark cycles (LD 12:12), flies show a adaptation, we used clieya mutants lacking the compound eyes
bimodal activity pattern with a M anticipation peak around lights but retaining ocelli and Hofbauer-Buchner eyelets [33]. Even in
on and an E anticipation peak around lights off; this results in a LD 12:12, the E peak is uncoupled from lights off and is signifi-
phase relationship of approximately 12 h between the two cantly advanced compared to WT flies (Figures 1E and 1G).
peaks. Flies are able to adjust to longer photoperiods by delaying Although eyeless flies adjust their E peak to long photoperiods
the E peak, which reduces the potentially harmful impact of hot (Figures 1E and 1G), they fail to delay like WT flies. To assess
summer days [9]. Previous experiments implicate both the visual the possible contribution of changes in free-running period to
system and CRY in long-day adaptation: Cry01 mutants delay this advance in E peak timing, we investigated DD behavior:
their E peak of activity more than wild-type, suggesting that Clieya flies show a significantly shorter period (Table 1), which
CRY functions in part to phase advance behavior. Most impor- likely contributes to the advanced E peak timing but does not
tantly, this function could be rescued by expressing CRY in cells explain the whole shift (see below). We calculated DE peak be-
important for timing E activity [30]. Flies lacking the compound tween CantonS and clieya mutants and found that this difference
eyes fail to appropriately adjust their peak timings, i.e., their E also depends on photoperiod: the maximal difference occurred
peak is phase advanced compared to wild-type flies [9]. More- in LD 20:4 (Figure 1F), which we used in the rest of this study
over, visual input appears to modulate PDF release from the to further investigate eye-mediated long-day adaptation.
lateral neurons, which in turn modulates cells important for E ac-
tivity [31]. In summary, complex interactions between CRY- and
PDF-expressing neurons appear to be essential for the behavior Receptor Cell 8 Is Responsible for Eyes Absent
under long days: expressing these proteins in different parts of Phenotype
the fly brain alters the behavior of flies and mimics the behavior The compound eyes are composed of approximately 800
of high-latitude species using Drosophila melanogaster as a ommatidia. Each ommatidium contains 8 photoreceptor cells
model [32]. It is still unknown, however, which receptors and (Rs) with R1–6 located in the periphery and spanning the whole
which neuronal pathways are involved in this adjustment. depth of the ommatidium. In the center, R7 is situated in the
Here, we show that R8 of the compound eyes is essential for distal part of the ommatidium right above R8. Besides the
long-day adaptation. These photoreceptor cells connect to the anatomical location, these cells express different photopigments
PDF-containing lLNvs and trigger the release of this neuropep- in a well-defined pattern: R1–6 express Rhodopsin 1 (Rh1), R7
tide. Using a cell-specific CRISPR/Cas9 strategy, we demon- expresses Rh3 and/or Rh4, and R8 expresses either Rh5 or
strate that light-mediated PDF directly signals to the PDF Rh6 [17]. To distinguish the contribution of outer versus inner re-
receptor (PDFR) on E cells and hence delays E activity. The ceptor cells, we compared the behavior of ninaE5 (no Rh1) and
data implicate a mammal-like structure of clock entrainment, rh52;rh31rh41rh61 flies. NinaE5 flies show no difference in E
with the visual system activating PDF-expressing clock neurons. peak timing in LD 20:4 compared to CantonS; rh52;rh31rh41rh61
Our data further support a shift of PDF targets between LD and mutants in contrast show a significantly advanced E peak (Fig-
constant darkness (DD) conditions as well as a more quantitative ures 2A and 2B). These data suggest that the inner photorecep-
reorganization of neuronal dominance within the clock network tors are necessary to mediate long-day adaptation.
by changes in photoperiod. To narrow down the phenotype to a specific inner receptor
cell, we monitored the behavior of rh31rh41 mutants eliminating
RESULTS R7 function and rh52;rh61 mutants eliminating R8 function.
rh31rh41 mutants behave similar to WT, whereas rh52;rh61 mu-
The Compound Eyes Are Essential for Long-Day tants show an advanced E peak in LD 20:4 indistinguishable
Adaptation from rh52;rh31rh41rh61 quadruple mutants (Figures 2A and 2B).
The locomotor activity of flies is controlled by their clock neuron Most importantly, these mutants show a similar trend: they
network, which causes a bimodal pattern. In wild-type (WT) flies modestly delay their E peak timing under different long-day con-
(CantonS) under standard LD 12:12 conditions, the M peak of ditions. The effect is comparable to flies lacking the compound
activity coincides with lights on and the E peak with lights off, eyes (Figure S1).
respectively (Figure 1A). In long photoperiods, the phase rela- To address the contribution of Rh5 and Rh6 expressing photo-
tionship between M and E peak increases, showing plasticity receptors on E peak timing, we recorded the single mutants in LD
in clock-controlled behavior (Figures 1A and 1D) [9]. The M 20:4. Both of the mutants showed phase-advanced E peaks,
peak does not diverge from lights on (Figure 1B), whereas the with rh61 mutants having a bigger effect than rh52 mutants (Fig-
E peak delays with increasing photoperiod (Figure 1C), demon- ure S2). This is in agreement with the distribution of these rho-
strating that a delay of E activity is responsible for the enhanced dopsins in R8 (70% Rh6 and 30% Rh5) but also points to a
phase relationship of the peaks (Figure 1D). Notably, the E peak possible involvement of the HB-eyelets, as they only express
does not follow lights off under all light conditions: whereas it Rh6. Taken together, these findings suggest that the rhodopsins

Current Biology 29, 3266–3276, October 7, 2019 3267

Figure 1. The Compound Eyes Contribute to Long Photoperiod Entrainment
(A) Average activity profiles of CantonS flies from LD 12:12 (top) to LD 20:4 (bottom). Daylight period increases by 2 h per light condition. Flies show a bimodal
activity pattern at every light condition with a broader E peak at longer photoperiods.
(B) Timing of morning (M) activity peak of CantonS flies at equinox and long-day conditions. The M peak is tightly coupled to lights on. It shows a tendency to delay
with increasing day length, which is not significant (F(4,146) = 1.8064; p = 0.1307). Values indicate the number of analyzed flies.
(C) Timing of evening (E) activity peak of CantonS flies at equinox and long-day conditions. Timing of the E peak delays with increasing day length but does not
follow lights off (F(4,146) = 177.09; p < 0.001). Values indicate the number of analyzed flies.
(D) Phase relationship of M peak to E peak in CantonS at equinox and long-day conditions. Due to the delay of the E peak timing, also the phase relationship
increases with increasing daytime (F(4,146) = 139.49; p < 0.001). Values indicate the number of analyzed flies.
(E) Timing of E activity peak of clieya flies at equinox and long-day conditions. One-way ANOVA shows that clieya flies delay their E peak timing with increasing
daytime (F(4,137) = 72.25; p < 0.001). Two-way ANOVA shows a significant difference between CantonS and clieya flies (F(1,283) = 149.23; p < 0.001) and a significant
interaction between genotype and photoperiod, suggesting differential regulation of long-day adaptation in the two genotypes (F(1,283) = 3.85; p = 0.0046).
(F) Difference of E peak timing between CantonS and clieya flies depending on day length. One-way ANOVA reveals a significant difference between the two
genotypes, which is in agreement with the interaction of genotype and photoperiod described in E (F(4,137) = 3.2766; p = 0.0134). The biggest difference between
the genotypes was found in LD 20:4.
(G) Average activity profiles of clieya flies from LD 12:12 (top) to LD 20:4 (bottom). Daylight period increases by 2 h per light condition. Clieya flies show a bimodal
pattern in LD 12:12, which turns into unimodal behavior under long days with an early E peak timing.

of R8 are necessary for WT E peak timing under long cells using UAS-HID. Immunohistochemistry shows strong
photoperiods. specificity of the combined GAL4 lines in the retina and a suc-
To further confirm the importance of R8, we combined rh5- cessful ablation of R8 in the HID experiment (Figure S3). Notably,
GAL4 and rh6-GAL4 and either silenced these two cell types us- the combined GAL4 line also expresses in the HB-eyelets (data
ing upstream activating sequence (UAS)-Kir2.1 or ablated the not shown), which can contribute to the behavioral phenotypes

3268 Current Biology 29, 3266–3276, October 7, 2019

Table 1. Changes in Free-Running Period Do Not Explain the with the pdf>Kir experiment, pdf01 flies show an advanced E
Early E Peak Timing in Flies with Impaired Visual System peak, indicating that PDF signaling to its downstream target
% Rhythmic neurons is necessary for the delay of the E peak in long
Flies Period ± SEM Power ± SEM photoperiods.
CantonS 84 24.3 ± 0.1 26.7 ± 1.9
To determine which group of PDF neurons is essential for this
behavior, we knocked down PDF using RNAi. PDF knockdown in
clieya 100 23.6 ± 0.1 25.4 ± 1.9
all PDF-positive cells (sLNvs and lLNvs) results as expected in an
ninaE 100 23.9 ± 0.1 44.2 ± 1.6
advanced E peak compared to both controls (Figures 3C and
rh52;rh31rh41rh61 23 23.6 ± 0.1 24.0 ± 3.1 3D). Knockdown only in sLNv using R6-GAL4 does not advance
rh31rh41 83 23.5 ± 0.1 25.2 ± 1.2 the timing of the E peak. In contrast, knockdown in lLNvs using
rh52;rh61 100 23.3 ± 0.1 23.0 ± 1.8 c929-GAL4 completely reproduces universal PDF knockdown
UAS-HID 100 23.9 ± 0.1 50.7 ± 2.6 (Figures 3C and 3D), indicating that PDF from the lLNvs is neces-
rh5 rh6 > HID 100 23.4 ± 0.1 39.1 ± 3.5 sary for proper E peak timing under long-day conditions. Similar
rh5 rh6-GAL4 100 23.3 ± 0.1 47.6 ± 1.8
results were obtained with an independent PDF RNAi line
(Figure S5).
rh5 rh6 > Kir 100 23.3 ± 0.1 39.6 ± 1.9
To address whether lLNv-derived PDF is also sufficient for WT
UAS-Kir 100 23.6 ± 0.1 28.1 ± 2.0
behavior, we expressed PDF in the lLNvs using c929-GAL4 in the
Free-running behavior of WT flies and flies with manipulated visual sys- pdf01-null mutant background (Figure 3E). The timing of the E
tem shows a period close to 24 h.
peak was delayed by approximately 1.5 h (Figure 3F), which re-
capitulates the WT phenotype. The two approaches taken
observed. As with the rhodopsin mutants, ablating or silencing together indicate that PDF from the lLNvs is necessary and suf-
R8 caused a 1.5-h advance in E activity, confirming an important ficient for WT behavior under long photoperiod conditions [32].
role for this photoreceptor cell. We further silenced or ablated R7
using a combination of rh3-GAL4 and rh4-GAL4. As expected, E Cells Show Extensive Arborizations in the Accessory
there is no effect on E peak timing, confirming the rhodopsin Medulla
mutant approach data (Figure S4). Previous experiments implicate the 5th sLNv and three CRY-pos-
As an early E peak might represent a ‘‘fast’’ clock, we moni- itive LNd neurons in driving and/or timing the E peak, the evening
tored the behavior of all mutants in constant darkness (Table 1). bout of activity [21, 22]. These neurons broadly innervate the dor-
Even though there was a general trend for a shorter free-running sal part of the brain, where they receive glutamatergic input [38].
period in the silencing and ablation experiments, there was no They also send fibers into the area of the accessory medulla of
difference between control and experimental strains. These the fly brain, the location of the PDF cell bodies and an important
data therefore suggest no correlation between E peak timing pacemaker center in many other insect species [36, 39].
and period length, suggesting the long photoperiod phenotype To determine whether lLNv-derived PDF could communicate
is a true entrainment phenomenon. with the E cells in that area, we expressed synaptic markers in
the E cells. This was done using a recently identified split-
PDF in lLNvs Is Necessary and Sufficient for Proper E GAL4 line, which expresses only in the three CRY+ LNds and
Peak Timing the 5th sLNv [40]. Whole-brain imaging reproduces the previ-
The terminals of R8 directly innervate the medulla, the visual cen- ously published projection pattern, showing strong synaptic
ter of the fly, where they sit in close proximity to lLNv arboriza- marker staining in the dorsal brain (Figures 4A–4D). In the acces-
tions [31]. GRASP experiments between R8- and PDF-positive sory medulla, however, we found only weak staining of dendritic
neurons did not give a signal in the medulla, suggesting no direct and axonal markers. To further illuminate the nature of these E
interaction between the compound eyes and the clock (data not cell fibers, we employed expansion microscopy and focused
shown). However, electrophysiological data suggest that the vi- on this area. The much better resolution indicates that the acces-
sual system activates the PDF-expressing ventro-lateral neurons sory medulla is indeed densely innervated by E cell fibers, both
(among others) upon light stimulation [20, 34]. To address the synaptic as well as dendritic (Figures 4E–4H). It is therefore a
importance of the PDF neurons for long-day entrainment, we likely output as well as input region of E cells. The accessory
silenced these cells using UAS-Kir2.1 (Figure 3A). Silencing the medulla more generally seems to serve as a region of communi-
PDF neurons significantly advances the E peak timing by cation between clock neurons, e.g., the lLNvs probably commu-
approximately 1.5 h, recapitulating the clieya phenotype (Fig- nicate there with the sLNvs via PDF [41].
ure 3B). Pdf>Kir flies show either arrhythmic behavior or rhythms
with short DD periods, which can contribute to the phase- PDFR in E Cells Is Necessary and Sufficient for Proper E
advanced E peak observed in this genotype [35]. Peak Timing
PDF is the major neuropeptide of the Drosophila clock and is Loss of PDF or its receptor PDFR (han5304 mutant) causes prom-
essential to synchronize the different clock neuron clusters with inent effects on LD 12:12 and DD behavior: mutant flies show a
each other [36]. Previous work showed that PDF from lLNvs is reduced M anticipation and an early E peak in LD as well as
necessary to adapt fly behavior to LD 16:8 [31]. We asked elevated arrhythmicity and a short period phenotype in DD
whether PDF from these neurons is also necessary for proper [42–44]. To address the importance of PDFR+ E cells for the
E peak timing under even longer days (LD 20:4) and investi- long-day phenotype, we employed a cell-specific CRISPR/
gated the behavior of pdf01 flies [37] (Figures 3C and 3D). As Cas9 strategy with the GAL4/UAS system. We generated an

Current Biology 29, 3266–3276, October 7, 2019 3269

Figure 2. R8 Is Necessary for Long-Day
(A) Average activity profiles of photoreceptor mu-
tants recorded in LD 20:4. All genotypes show a
bimodal activity pattern with an M peak around
lights on and an E peak uncoupled from lights off.
(B) Timing of the E peak in CantonS and all
photoreceptor mutants was investigated. One-
way ANOVA reveals significant differences be-
tween the different genotypes (F(5,161) = 62.6166;
p < 0.001). Post hoc Tukey comparison shows a
significantly advanced E peak in clieya mutants
compared to CantonS (p = 0.001). Similar ad-
vances are seen in flies lacking photoreception in
both inner receptor cells (rh52;rh31rh41rh61; p =
0.001) and flies lacking photoreception only in R8
(rh52;rh61; p = 0.001). There was no difference
between clieya and rh52;rh61 mutants (p = 0.899),
suggesting a prominent role of R8 in long-day
adaptation. Flies lacking photoreception in R1–6
(ninaE5) show no difference to CantonS (p = 0.776),
whereas there is a slight but significant delay in
flies lacking photoreception in R7 (rh31rh41; p =
0.001). Values indicate the number of analyzed
(C) Timing of the E peak in flies with silenced or
ablated R8. One-way ANOVA reveals significant
differences between the different genotypes
(F(4,150) = 25.45; p < 0.001). Post hoc Tukey com-
parison shows a significantly advanced E peak in
flies with silenced R8 (p = 0.001 for both controls)
and flies with ablated R8 (p = 0.001 for both con-
trols). There were neither significant differences
between the controls (p > 0.775) nor between the
two experimental lines (p = 0.8926), demonstrating
an important role of R8 for long-day adaptation.
Values indicate the number of analyzed flies.
(D) Average activity profiles of flies with ablated
(left) or silenced (right) R8 recorded in LD 20:4. All
genotypes show a bimodal activity pattern with an
M peak around lights on and an E peak uncoupled
from lights off.
See also Figures S1–S4.

UAS-PDFR-g line, expressing three independent guides, each long-day conditions (Figures 6A and 6B). Remarkably, DD
targeting the coding sequence (CDS) of the pdfr gene. To verify behavior was unaffected: 73% of flies were rhythmic with a
the efficiency of this strategy, we expressed PDFR-g and Cas9 in period of 23.8 ± 0.2 h, indicating that E cell PDFR is only required
most of the clock neuron network using clk856-GAL4. It repro- in LD conditions (Figure S6). To further restrict GAL4 expression,
duced the han5304 mutant phenotype: flies show a low M antici- we also investigated the behavior of MB122 split-GAL4 (Figures
pation index and an early E peak in LD 12:12, and only 37% of the 6A and 6B): knockout of PDFR using that E-cell-specific line
flies are rhythmic with a short period of 22.7 h in DD (Figure 5). generated a slight but significant phase advance of the E peak,
We then applied the same strategy to long photoperiods. again indicating the importance of E-cell PDFR for long-day
Knocking out PDFR in most clock cells (all lateral clock cells, adaptation.
most dorsal neurons, and some ectopic cells) using clk856- A lack of specific driver compromised a previous study impli-
GAL4 reproduced the early E peak phenotype seen in eyes cating E cell PDFR in long-day entrainment. The conclusion was
absent and pdf01 flies, further indicating that PDF signaling within based on an overlap analysis of much broader driver lines or
the clock network is essential for long-day adaptation (Figures driver lines with ectopic expression [31]. In contrast, the GAL4
6A and 6B). We next aimed to knock out PDFR in the E cells lines used here can directly assign E cells to this function. To
and used Mai179-GAL4, which expresses in the three CRY+ this end, we rescued PDFR in most of the clock neuron network,
and PDFR+ LNds and the 5th sLNv (among other neurons, which delayed the timing of the E peak to WT levels (Figures 6C
including sLNvs and some DN1 neurons). This line reproduced and 6D). Rescue of PDFR only in the three CRY+ LNds and the
the same behavioral phenotype, i.e., an early E peak under 5th sLNv also delayed the E peak compared to both controls,

3270 Current Biology 29, 3266–3276, October 7, 2019

Figure 3. PDF Release from the lLNvs Is
Essential for Long-Day Adaptation
(A) Average activity profiles of control flies (UAS-
Kir, left) and flies with silenced PDF neurons
(pdf>Kir, right) in LD 20:4. Flies show a bimodal
activity pattern. The timing of the E peak is signif-
icantly advanced in pdf>Kir flies.
(B) Timing of the E peak in flies with silenced PDF
neurons, including controls in LD 20:4. One-way
ANOVA reveals a significant difference between
the genotypes (F(2,89) = 70.1449; p < 0.001). Post
hoc Tukey test shows a significantly advanced E
peak in pdf>Kir compared to both controls (p =
0.001 for both). There was no significant difference
within control groups (p = 0.758). Values indicate
the number of analyzed flies.
(C) Timing of the E peak in flies with altered PDF
expression, including controls in LD 20:4. One-way
ANOVA reveals a significant difference between
the genotypes (F(8,229) = 22.8593; p < 0.001). Post
hoc Tukey analysis show that the timing of the E
peak is significantly advanced in pdf01 compared
to w1118 flies (p < 0.01). Similarly, knockdown of
PDF using RNAi in both the sLNvs and lLNvs
significantly advanced E peak timing (p < 0.01 for
both controls). Knockdown of PDF in the sLNvs
using R6-GAL4 had no effect on E peak timing (p =
0.322 for UAS control; p = 0.899 for GAL4 control),
whereas the knockdown in lLNvs using c929-
GAL4 significantly advanced E peak timing (p <
0.01 for both controls). There is no difference be-
tween pdf-GAL4- and c929-GAL4-mediated
knockdown (p = 0.899), indicating PDF from the
lLNvs is necessary for WT behavior. Values indi-
cate the number of analyzed flies.
(D) Average activity profiles of yw pdf01 (top left),
PDF knockdown in all lateral neurons (top right),
PDF knockdown in sLNvs (bottom left), and PDF
knockdown in lLNvs (bottom right) in LD 20:4. Flies
show a bimodal activity pattern. The timing of the E
peak is significantly advanced in flies lacking PDF
at least in the lLNvs.
(E) Average activity profile of PDF rescue in lLNvs in
LD 20:4. Rescue of PDF only in lLNvs restores WT
(F) E peak timing of lLNv-specific PDF rescue and
control. Student’s t test shows a significant delay
of E peak timing (p < 0.001) when PDF is rescued in
the lLNvs. Values indicate the number of analyzed
See also Figure S5.

adaptation to summer-like days is espe-

cially important for insects, as they are
prone to predator visibility and even
more importantly desiccation. Therefore,
the circadian clock has to be plastic and
showing that PDFR in the E cells is indeed sufficient to rescue the be able to adjust behavior in response to changing environ-
E peak timing under long days. ments. For example, flies show an additional afternoon peak
during summer days under semi-natural conditions, which is
DISCUSSION thought to be an escape response of the fly from heat [45, 46].
Here, we show that Drosophila adjusts its behavior to extremely
The circadian clock is able to entrain to the changes of day and long photoperiods (LD 20:4) by delaying its E peak as reported
night, with light being the most important zeitgeber. The previously [9]. Even though this photoperiod can only be found

Current Biology 29, 3266–3276, October 7, 2019 3271

Figure 4. Anatomy of E-Cell Arborizations in
the Brain of Drosophila
(A–D) Maximum projection of MB122-split-GAL4 >
Syt-GFP Den-RFP flies using regular immunohis-
tochemistry (IHC).
(A) Synaptic markers (green) are predominantly
present in the dorsal part of the brain near the pars
intercerebralis (PI). One LNd expresses synaptic
(B) Dendritic markers (red) are more prominent in
the accessory medulla and in all three LNds.
(C) PDF staining (magenta) labels lLNv and
sLNv neurons and their projections. Projections
are in close proximity in the accessory medulla
(D) Composite of all channels.
(E–G) Projections of MB122-split-GAL4 >
Syt-GFP Den-RFP flies in the accessory medulla
(aMe) using expansion microscopy. The aMe
is densely innervated by E-cells, which express synaptic (green, E) and dendritic (red, F) markers in close vicinity of PDF neuron fibers (magenta, G).
(H) Composite of all channels showing axonal-dendritic nature of E cell arborizations in the aMe.

in very northern countries, Drosophila melanogaster is still able peak under long-day conditions. Similarly, they show a reduc-
to adjust to this extreme light condition, which exemplifies its tion in M peak amplitude; this is likely due to a failure to prop-
ability to adapt to various environmental conditions. This delay erly activate PDF-expressing neurons (see below). Using
allows the animal to reduce its activity during the unfavorable rhodopsin mutants and by manipulating specific photorecep-
midday, when temperatures are highest. Most interestingly, tors using the GAL4/UAS system, only R8 of the compound
this phenotype is easily visible even without temperature eyes appears essential for this summer day response; R8
changes, underscoring the importance of light as a major was previously implicated in the adaptation to nature-like light
entrainment cue. conditions [33, 47].
A central finding is that flies lacking the compound eyes Notably, even flies lacking all compound eyes significantly
show an entrainment deficit, i.e., they have an advanced E delay their E peak timing under long photoperiod conditions

Figure 5. Expression of PDFR-g and Cas9 in

All Clock Neurons Reproduces han5304
Mutant Phenotype
(A) Example actograms of flies entrained in LD
12:12 for 5 days (indicated by yellow box) and
released into constant darkness (DD). Flies either
show rhythmic behavior with short period in DD
(left example) or arrhythmic behavior (right
(B) Average activity profiles of clk856>Cas9 control
(left), clk856 > Cas9 PDFRg (middle), and UAS-
PDFRg control (right) in LD 12:12. Both controls
show a bimodal activity pattern with an M peak
around lights on and an E peak around lights off.
Experimental flies show reduced M anticipation
and an advanced E peak comparable to han5304
mutant flies.
(C) Percentage rhythmic flies in DD. Both controls
show a high percentage of rhythmicity (>90%),
whereas less than 40% of PDFR-KO flies remained
(D) Free-running period in DD. The period of PDFR-
KO flies is about 1 h shorter than both controls.
See also Figure S6.

3272 Current Biology 29, 3266–3276, October 7, 2019

Figure 6. PDFR in E Cells Is Necessary and
Sufficient for Proper E Peak Timing in LD
(A) Average activity profiles of clk856>Cas9 control
(top left), PDFR knockout in all clock neurons (top
right), PDFR knockout using Mai179-GAL4 (bot-
tom left), and PDFR knockout in E-cells using
MB122B-split-GAL4 (bottom right) in LD 20:4. Flies
show a bimodal activity pattern with an M peak
around lights on and an E peak uncoupled from
lights off.
(B) Timing of the E peak in PDFR knockout flies,
including controls in LD 20:4. One-way ANOVA
reveals a significant difference between the ge-
notypes (F(3,96) = 13.904; p < 0.001). Post hoc Tu-
key test shows a significantly advanced E peak in
PDFR knockout in all clock cells compared to both
controls (p = 0.001 for both). Similarly, knockout of
PDFR using mai179-GAL4 advanced the E peak
timing compared to both controls (p = 0.001 for
both). Also, knockout using MB122B-split-GAL4
caused a significantly advanced E peak (p < 0.01).
There was no significant difference between the
three knockout strains (p > 0.1827), showing that
PDFR in E cells is necessary for proper E peak
timing. Values indicate the number of analyzed
(C) Timing of the E peak in PDFR rescue flies,
including controls in LD 20:4. One-way ANOVA
reveals a significant difference between the ge-
notypes (F(4,125) = 43.358; p < 0.001). Post hoc
Tukey test shows a significantly delayed E peak in
PDFR rescue in all clock cells compared to both
controls (p = 0.001 for both). Similarly, rescue of
PDFR using MB122B-split-GAL4 delayed the E
peak timing compared to both controls (p = 0.001
for both). Values indicate the number of analyzed
(D) Average activity profiles of han5304;clk856-
GAL4 control (top left), PDFR rescue in all clock
neurons (top right), han5304;MB122B-split-GAL4
control (bottom left), and PDFR rescue in E-cells
using MB122B-split-GAL4 (bottom right) in LD
20:4. Flies show a bimodal activity pattern with an
M peak around lights on and an E peak uncoupled
from lights off.

lLNv arbors in the optic lobe are in close

proximity to R8 termini [31], where they
most likely interact via cholinergic inter-
neurons in addition to the accessory me-
dulla, which was recently shown to be
important for light-evoked responses of
the lLNvs [20]. This interaction results in
a change of neuronal bursting behavior
but to a much smaller extent. This indicates that other photore- and hence neuropeptide release [34, 49]. Indeed, we show
ceptors also contribute to the E peak delays under these condi- here that release of PDF from the lLNvs is necessary and suffi-
tions. One likely candidate is the HB-eyelet. We recently showed cient for proper long-day adaptation.
that this photoreceptor contributes to delaying the E peak under These results are surprising given a recently published study
high-light-intensity conditions [48]. Similar mechanisms might on how the visual system is connected to the clock neuron
apply under long days, which is supported by the strongly network [20]. It shows that the visual system can activate a broad
advanced E peak when we silence or ablate rh5-GAL4 and spectrum of lateral and dorsal neurons; they include sLNvs,
rh6-GAL4-positive neurons, which includes the HB eyelets. lLNvs, ITP+ LNds, and DN2s, among others. Ablation of PDF

Current Biology 29, 3266–3276, October 7, 2019 3273

neurons left the other neurons responsive to visual input, electrophysiological recordings in response to entrainment
suggesting a parallel model for clock synchronization, i.e., infor- to different photoperiods [60]. This suggests that VIP is not
mation from the visual system can be directly transferred to inde- only involved in relaying light information beyond the ventral
pendent classes of clock neurons rather than only via PDF. This SCN but also in the response to light duration as shown
new pathway might be involved in the residual delay of E activity here for PDF in Drosophila. It will be interesting to see whether
in pdf01 flies under long photoperiods, suggesting a potential different VIP-expressing SCN neurons are involved in this
PDF-independent contribution to long-day adaptation [37, 50]. response.
PDF stimulates different adenylate-cyclases and increases
cAMP, which leads to the stabilization of PER and TIM and STAR+METHODS
consequently a longer period or phase delay [51–53]. Therefore,
one view is that removing the compound eyes decreases PDF Detailed methods are provided in the online version of this paper
release from the lLNvs and phase advances the molecular and include the following:
clock in downstream target neurons like the LNds. This newly
discovered ‘‘visual system to LNd pathway’’ might also d KEY RESOURCES TABLE
enhance CRY-mediated photoentrainment: CRY was shown d LEAD CONTACT AND MATERIALS AVAILABILITY
to activate neurons upon stimulation [54], similar to the newly d EXPERIMENTAL MODEL AND SUBJECT DETAILS
identified light activation of clock neuron pathway [20]. Addi- d METHOD DETAILS
tional activation of the E cells could therefore contribute to B Behavior recording and analysis
the kinetics of TIM degradation, which was recently shown to B Fly line generation
be important for the phase advance of E activity under long- B Immunohistochemistry
day conditions [30]. B Expansion Microscopy
An intriguing inference of this work is that the principal targets d QUANTIFICATION AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS
of PDF must change with the environmental conditions. Previous d DATA AND CODE AVAILABILITY
work established the sLNvs as essential for DD rhythmicity [21,
22], and recent work shows that these neurons are tightly SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION
coupled to the dorsal clock neurons in DD: speeding up the
Supplemental Information can be found online at
PDF neurons forced the DN1s to follow the short period of the cub.2019.08.033.
sLNvs [55]. In LD, however, this connection is much weaker,
and our cell-type-specific CRISPR/Cas9 knockout strategy ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
shows that it is the PDF-expressing lLNvs that communicate
with the LNd neurons [55]. Our data show that the lLNv to LNd We would like to thank Dr. Leslie Griffith and Dr. Katharine Abruzzi for discus-
connection is important in LD conditions but does not affect sions and comments on the manuscript. Also, we are thankful to Dr. Claude
Desplan, Dr. Martin Heisenberg, and Dr. Dragana Rogulja for providing fly lines
DD behavior.
and antibodies. We thank H. Dionne, A. Nern, and G. Rubin (Janelia Research
Importantly, our data not only indicate a qualitative shift Campus) for providing the MB122B-split-GAL4 line prior to publication. Stocks
of PDF targets between DD and LD but also suggest a quan- obtained from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center (NIH P40OD018537)
titative shift of dominance, depending on photoperiod or the were used in this study. This work was supported by the German Research
time of light exposure. In DD, the sLNvs are necessary for Foundation (DFG) Collaborative Research Center (SFB1047 Project A2) and
rhythmic behavior and show robust cycling in PER oscilla- the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI). M.S. was sponsored by a DFG
tions, whereas the lLNvs lose PER rhythms as early as the research fellowship (SCHL2135 1/1).

second day of DD. In equinox conditions, both groups may

be relevant [48]: PDF from either the sLNvs or lLNvs is suffi-
cient for WT behavior, and only knockdown in both sets of Conceptualization, M.S., C.H.-F., and M.R.; Methodology, M.S., C.H.-F., and
neurons is able to reproduce the pdf01 mutant phenotype M.R.; Investigation, M.S., P.W., M.D., P.M., and E.D.B.; Visualization, M.S.,
[56]. In long photoperiods, however, PDF from the lLNvs is M.D., and P.W.; Writing – Original Draft, M.S. and M.R.; Funding Acquisition,
necessary and sufficient for proper entrainment, whereas the M.S., C.H.-F., and M.R.; Resources, C.H.-F. and M.R.
sLNvs do not contribute to E peak timing [31]. Our data there-
fore point to a profound circuit switch in response to photope-
riod, analogous to the neurotransmitter switching that occurs
The authors declare no competing interests.
in the mammalian paraventricular nucleus in response to long
photoperiods [57]. Received: April 5, 2019
A similar circuit reorganization might also occur in the prin- Revised: June 28, 2019
cipal mammalian brain clock neuron location, the suprachias- Accepted: August 13, 2019
matic nucleus (SCN). We know that light information from the Published: September 26, 2019
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Anti-PDF DSHB C7; RRID: AB_760350
Anti-GFP abcam ab13970; RRID: AB_300798
Anti-dsRed Takara 632496; RRID: AB_10013483
Anti-Rh1 DSHB 4C5; RRID: AB_528451
Anti-Rh6 Gift from C. Desplan RRID: AB_2736995
Anti-chaoptin DSHB 24B10; RRID: AB_528161
Goat-anti-chicken 488 Thermo Scientific A-11039; RRID: AB_142924
Goat-anti-rabbit 546 Thermo Scientific A-11010; RRID: AB_2534077
Goat-anti-mouse 488 Thermo Scientific A-11029; RRID: AB_138404
Goat-anti-mouse 635 Thermo Scientific A-31575; RRID: AB_2536185
Bacterial and Virus Strains
DH5a Competent Cells NEB C2987H
Chemicals, Peptides, and Recombinant Proteins
Q5 Polymerase NEB M0491L
Gibson Assembly Master Mix NEB E2611L
Sodium Acrylate Sigma 408220
Acrylamide Sigma A9099
N,N’-Methylenebisacrylamide Sigma M7279
Ammonium Persulfate Sigma A3678
N,N,N’,N’-Tetramethylethylenediamine Sigma T7024
4-Hydroxy-TEMPO Sigma 176141
Critical Commercial Assays
Plasmid Maxi Kit QIAGEN 12143
PCR Purification Kit QIAGEN 28106
Experimental Models: Organisms/Strains
Drosophila melanogaster: CantonS Helfrich-Förster lab N/A
Drosophila melanogaster: clieya [61] N/A
Drosophila melanogaster: w1118 Helfrich-Förster lab N/A
Drosophila melanogaster: ninaE5 BDSC RRID: BDSC_3545
Drosophila melanogaster: ninaE17 Helfrich-Förster lab N/A
Drosophila melanogaster: rh31rh41 [62] N/A
Drosophila melanogaster: rh52;rh61 [16] N/A
Drosophila melanogaster: rh52;rh31rh41rh61 [33] N/A
Drosophila melanogaster: rh6-GAL4 [63] N/A
Drosophila melanogaster: rh5-GAL4 [64] N/A
Drosophila melanogaster: rh3-GAL4 [65] N/A
Drosophila melanogaster: rh4-GAL4 [65] N/A
Drosophila melanogaster: UAS-Kir2.1 [66] N/A
Drosophila melanogaster: UAS-HID BDSC RRID: BDSC_65403
Drosophila melanogaster: pdf(M)-GAL4 [42] N/A
Drosophila melanogaster: yw pdf01 [42] N/A
Drosophila melanogaster: UAS-pdf-RNAi BDSC RRID: BDSC_25802
Drosophila melanogaster: UAS-pdf-RNAi VDRC v4380
Drosophila melanogaster: UAS-pdf [42] N/A
(Continued on next page)

Current Biology 29, 3266–3276.e1–e3, October 7, 2019 e1

Drosophila melanogaster: UAS-dcr2 BDSC RRID: BDSC_24646
Drosophila melanogaster: R6-GAL4 [36] N/A
Drosophila melanogaster: c929-GAL4 [67] N/A
Drosophila melanogaster: UAS-DenMark UAS-syt.eGFP BDSC RRID: BDSC_33065
Drosophila melanogaster: clk856-GAL4 [68] N/A
Drosophila melanogaster: mai179-GAL4 [21] N/A
Drosophila melanogaster: MB122B-split-GAL4 [40] N/A
Drosophila melanogaster: han5304;UAS-pdfr [43, 44] N/A
Drosophila melanogaster: UAS-Cas9.P2 BDSC RRID: BDSC_58986
Drosophila melanogaster: w;CyO/Sco;MKRS/TM6B BDSC RRID: BDSC_3703
Drosophila melanogaster: UAS-PDFR-g This study N/A
Recombinant DNA
pCFD6 Addgene 73915
Software and Algorithms
astatsa N/A
Stata SE 15 N/A
ActogramJ N/A


Further information and requests for resources and reagents should be directed to and will be fulfilled by the Lead Contact, Matthias
Schlichting ( Fly stocks generated in this study are available at Brandeis University.


All flies were raised on standard cornmeal medium in LD12:12 at 25 degrees. Young male flies (2-6 days) were used in all experiments.
For genotypes please see Key Resources Table.


Behavior recording and analysis

Single 2-6 days old male flies were transferred into glass tubes with food (1% agar and 4% sucrose) on one end and a plug to close
the tube on the other end. The glass tubes were placed in Drosophila activity monitors (DAM) and a computer measured the number
of light-beam interruptions caused by the fly in one-minute intervals. Behavior was either recorded in light boxes within a climate-
controlled chamber or within incubators at constant temperature.
All flies were entrained for one week at LD 12:12. For photoreceptor mutants, flies were exposed to either LD 14:10 or LD 16:8 in
week 2 and either to LD 18:6 or LD 20:4 in week 3. To investigate clock neuron interactions, flies were subjected to LD 20:4 after
entrainment in LD 12:12 for one week. To determine free-running behavior, we entrained flies in LD 12:12 for at least 5 days and trans-
ferred them into constant darkness (DD) for at least 7 days.
Behavior analysis was performed as described in [69]. All experiments were at least performed twice.

Fly line generation

We generated a UAS-PDFR-g fly line following the protocol of [70]. In short, we digested the vector pCFD6 (pCFD6 was a gift from
Simon Bullock (Addgene plasmid # 73915;; RRID: Addgene_73915)) with BbsI. We PCR amplified two
fragments carrying three independent guides for PDFR using Q5-polymerase (New England BioLabs, NEB) and performed a Gibson
assembly (NEB). Positive clones were sent for injection to Rainbow Transgenic Flies (Camarillo, CA, USA) and inserted into the attP1
landing site on the second chromosome (BL 8621). W+ flies were balanced using BL3703 and kept as stable stocks above CyO.

e2 Current Biology 29, 3266–3276.e1–e3, October 7, 2019

Brain staining
2-6 days old male flies were fixed for 2h 45 min in 4% paraformaldehyde (PFA) in phosphate-buffered saline including 0.5% Triton X
(PBST) at room temperature (RT). After rinsing 5x 10 min each with PBST, we dissected the brains and blocked with 5% normal
goat serum (NGS) in PBST. We applied primary antibodies overnight at RT. The following antibodies were used: anti-PDF (1:1000,
C7, Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank (DSHB)), anti-GFP (1:1500, abcam, ab13970), anti-dsRed (1:1000, Living Colors DsRed
Polyclonal Antibody, Takara). After rinsing 5x 10 min each in PBST, we applied secondary antibodies (Invitrogen, 1:200 dilution) for 3h
at RT. After washing 5x 10 min each in PBST, brains were mounted on glass slides using Vectashield (VECTOR LABORATORIES,
Burlingame, CA, USA) mounting medium.
Retina staining
2-6 days old male flies were fixed for 2h 30 min in 4% PFA in PBST at RT. After washing 5x 10 min each with PBST, retinas were
dissected in PBST and blocked in 5% NGS in PBST for 1h at RT. Primary antibodies were applied for 2 nights at RT: anti-Rh1
(1:30, 4C5 DSHB), anti-Rh6 (1:2000, provided by C. Desplan [71],), anti-chaoptin (1:50, 24B10 DSHB) and anti-GFP (1:1500, abcam,
ab13970). After rinsing 5x 10 min each in PBST, we applied secondary antibodies (Invitrogen, 1:200 dilution) for 3h at RT. After
washing 5x 10min each in PBST, retinas were mounted on glass slides using Vectashield (VECTOR LABORATORIES, Burlingame,
CA, USA) mounting medium.
All images were obtained using either a Leica SPE or a Leica SP5 confocal microscope. All brains/retinas were scanned using sec-
tions of 2 um thickness. Contrast and brightness were adjusted using FIJI and Photoshop CS5 extended.

Expansion Microscopy
For expansion microscopy we applied the Pro-ExM protocol described in [72] as modified in [27]. In short, after applying the regular
IHC protocol described above, brains were transferred into the anchoring solution (Acryloyl X-SE, Life technologies A20770, 1:100 in
PBS) for 24h. We rinsed the brains 3x 10 min each in PBS, before the gelling solution was added. We incubated the brains for 45 min
on ice before transferring them into the gel chamber, in which they were incubated at 37 C for 2h. After the gel solidified, we trimmed
away the excess gel material and applied the digestion buffer (ProteinaseK, 1:100 in PBS) for 24h. Subsequently, we washed the
brians 3x 20 min each in ddH2O and placed the brains on a glass bottom culture dish (MatTek Corp, P35GC-0-14-C) with H2O.
We generated the brain images using the Zeiss LSM 880 confocal microscope using z stacks of 1 um. Image acquisition was per-
formed using FIJI.


To analyze the behavior we first generated actograms using ActogramJ [73] and calculated average activity profiles out of the last
4 days of each light condition to allow for proper entrainment. We then generated single-fly average days and determined the timing
of M and E peaks manually. Boxplots of single-fly values were generated to show the timing and the distribution of the data. Free-
running periods were determined using chi2 analysis. Statistical analysis was performed using two-way ANOVA (StataSE 15), one-
way ANOVA followed by post hoc Tukey comparison (astata) or Student’s t test (Excel).


The datasets supporting the current study have been uploaded to Google drive (

Current Biology 29, 3266–3276.e1–e3, October 7, 2019 e3

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