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Design Decsription Results Reference

1.10 Beam Design to BS 8110 and ACI 318: 95

1.20 General Parameters
1.2.1 Design Illustration

1.2.2 Dimensions Materials

Short span lx 2 m fcu 30 N/mm Material
Long span ly 3 m fy 500 N/mm2 Characteri-
Depth h 150 mm fyv 250 N/mm2 zation
Top cover 20 mm Density 24 kN/m3
Bottom cover 20 mm density 20 kN/m3

1.30 Loads FoS

Self-weight 3.6 kN/m Dead (ɤf) = 1.4 BS 8110
Extra Dead load Live (ɤf) = 1.6
Ceiling and service load 0.22 kN/m2
BS 648
Floor finish 0.62 kN/m
Total dead load Gk = 3.6+0.22+0.62 = 4.44 kN/m
Imposed Load Qk 2.00 kN/m BS 6399
Design Load (n) = ɤf*Gk + ɤf*Qk = 9.416 kN/m2

Loads transferred to the beam by the slab

Dead Load Gk = 8 kN/m

Live Load Qk = 3.6 kN/m
Total Design load on beam due to slab n = 11.6 kN/m

Assume beam carries a 200mm thick & 3m high walling over it's entire length
Masonry loading = 0.2*1*3*20 = 12 kN/m

Total Design load on beam n = 23.6 kN/m

2.10 Beam sizing
2.1.1 Depth of the beam
Beam should be of sufficient depth to avid the necessity of expensive comp reinf.
Length of bem to be designed, L = 2000 mm BS 8110
Span/effective depth ratio L/d = 20 Table 3.9
Depth of beam d = 2000/20 = 100 mm
Add cover and reinf. h = 100+20+8+12 = 140 mm

Since slab thickness is 150mm and the largest opening to be introduced will be 0.45h,
ensuring enough cover around the openings and reinforcements,
Adopt depth of the beam h = 250 mm Try 250mm thick beam
Actual effective depth d = 250-20-12-8 = 210 mm

2.12 Width of the beam b

Min. depth/width ratio for beam D/b = 4
Min width of the beam b = 250/4 = 62.5 mm
Allowing for min cover around reinforcements,
Width of beam b = 62.5+20+20+24+16 = 142.5 mm
Adopt width of beam b = 150 mm Try 150mm wide beam

3.30 Beam reinforcement design

Total Design load on beam n = 23.6 kN/m
Add beam self weight = 0.25*0.15*1*24 = 0.9 kN/m

Total Design load on beam n = 24.5 kN/m

Maximum span Moment = n*L2/8 = 12.25 kNm

Maximum shear force at support V = n*l/2 = 24.5 kN

3.31 Design for Bending

Check if compression reinforcements are required
k = M/bd fcu = 12.25*10^6/150*210^2*30 = 0.062 < 0.156
No need for compression reinforcement
Provide min. area of reinf. = 0.2% of Ac = 63 mm
2 2
Therefore provide 2T8 top reinf As = 101 mm < 63mm Ok!

Lever arm z = d {0.5+√(0.25-k/0.9)} = 194.44 mm < 0.95d = 199.5mm

Tension reinforcements As = = 144.83 mm2

. ∗ ∗
2 2
Therefore provide 2T12 As = 226 mm < 144.83 mm Ok! Mosley et al.,

Check min % max reinf.

Min As = 0.2%b*d = 0.2/100*150*200 = 63 mm2 < 226 mm2 Ok!

Max As = 4%b*d = 4/100*150*200 = 1260 mm2 > 226 mm2 Ok!

3.32 Design for Shear

3.3.3 BS 8110 Approach
Shear Stress at supports
u= = 24.5*10^3/(150*210) = 0.7778 N/mm < 0.8√fcu Ok! Eqn 3
BS 8110
Concrete shear strength
∗ 2
= ∗
= 0.7175 N/mm

2 2
Design concrete shear stress νc = 0.5539 N/mm < 0.7778N/mm
Therefore shear links at support are required
0.5*νc = 0.5* 0.5539 = 0.2769 N/mm
νc + 0.4 = 0.5539+0.4 = 0.9539 N/mm2
Therefore the condition 0.5νc < ν < νc +0.4 applies - provide min links for the whole length of beam
Min links Asv/sv=0.4bv/0.87fyv = 0.2759
Therefore provide T8@300mm = 0.335 > 0.2759 Ok! Mosley et al.,

BS 8110 does not give guidelines on the shear strength of beams with openings

3.3.4 ACI Approach

Shear at supports νu = 24.5 kN
3.3.5 Beam without opening
Concrete shear νc = 1 ∗ ∗ ∗ = 25.72 ACI 318:95

øvc = 0.85*vc = 21.862 kN

Since νu > ø* vc , provide shear reinf.
Extra shear force øvs = vu - øvc = 24.5-21.862 = 3.8579 kN
Provide min shear reinforcement
Min shear reinf. 1 0.20
= ∗ =
Therefore provide T8@300mm = 0.335 > 0.20 Ok!

3.3.6 Beam with a square opening at 300mm from the support

Since the experimental set-up will be a 4-point loading,
Shear force at the opening location vu = 24.5 kN
Opening sizes vary from 0.25h, 0.35h to 0.45h

Adequacy of the section

Concrete shear resistance at opening region
øνc = 1
∗ø∗ ∗ ∗ − =
for 0.25h opening 15.355 kN
for 0.35h opening 12.753 kN
for 0.45h opening 10.15 kN

Small Opening (0.25h) - Assume beam-type failure

Design of full-depth stirrups
Since vu = 24.5kN > 0.5øvc = 15.355kN, but less than 3øvc provide shear reinforcement
Extra shear force øvs = vu - øvc = 24.5-15.355 = 9.1448 kN
vs = 9.1448/0.85 = 10.759 kN

Assuming that the total shear force is to be carried by vertical stirrups,

and that 2-legged T8 stiruups are used, the required no. of stirrps can be given by;
10.759 ∗ 10^3 0.4261
= = =
∗ 101 ∗ 250
Provide one full length stirrup on either side of the opening
Provide nominal diagonal bars for crack control
4.10 Concluding Remarks
For frame-type failure (occurs when the opening is gretaer that 0.25h),
the top and bottom chords are designed independently and shear reinforcement
provided in both chords in addition to diagonal bars for crack control.

Since this study is aimed at evaluating the effect of PET fibres on beams with
openings, the beam is underdesigned in shear (so that shear failure occurs)
and the required stirrups adjacent to the openings and diagonal reinforcements
will not be provided. This will help evaluate the contribution of the modified
fibre concrete on shear resistance of the beam

The figure below shows the reinforcement layout for the beam and possible strain gauge locations

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