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Online research work in getting the barangay data would be really effective in the

new normal especially for us students because we’re under the legal age that are
allowed to go outside which is 21 and above. In the new normal we observe social
distancing, so getting the barangay data through online would be really great it
can observe social distancing and decreased the chance of transmitting the virus.
But also if there is an advantages there are also disadvantages. the following list
of advantages and disadvantages are from the article: Using Virtual Survey to
Gather Project Data in the New Normal by
these are advantages of virtual survey according to

 Recruitment and replacement of survey participants is efficient and

 Web-based control platforms enable immediate data export and real-time
data availability as the survey is underway.
 On-the-spot data input increases data quality. Data gaps or unclear
statements can be identified and clarified immediately with respondents.
 Virtual surveys can capture location through a global positioning system
(GPS), time stamps, and geographic information system (GIS)-integrated data.
 Virtual surveys allow for a system of records accessible and referenceable
throughout the project life and enable data analytics for progress monitoring.
 They are cheaper, reduce or eliminate travel and extensive data entry
costs, and can be conducted in less time than conventional ones.
 They also reduce CO2 emissions linked to travel and lessen the use of paper
and printed materials.

these are disadvantages of virtual survey according to

 People without mobile phones, with poor mobile network access, or who
have low digital literacy may be left out in virtual surveys leading to sampling bias.
 It is difficult to provide incentives for respondents and this can reduce
 Participants can incur costs for mobile or internet access charges when
answering the survey or downloading survey forms or apps.

It seems that there are more advantages than the disadvantages you just need to
keep it simple and make your instruction clear for them to understand it easily
and to save time. And also provide a things or food of appreciation for your
respondents to payback the time you consumed them. Lastly Plan enough time
for the development of virtual tools.

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