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Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter is a grassroots social and political organization that opposes police

cruelty and all racist incidents hostile to black people. The Black Lives Matter organization

brings together various people and organizations. No group has dubbed the Black Lives Matter.

The movement and its affiliates oppose police cruelty and hostility against black people and

other black freedom policies. The organization started in July 2013 with a hashtag on social

media (Matter, pp1). This comes after the release of Zimmerman George in February 2012 in

connection with the murder of a young black man, Trayvon Martin. The movement was

recognized nationally following two street protests by two blacks, Michael Brown, which led to

demonstrations and turmoil in Ferguson close to St. Petersburg and Garner Eric in New York

City. As from the Ferguson demonstrations, members of the organization have protested the

killing of many blacks by police action or police detention. In 2015, activists were encompassed

in the 2016 U.S. presidential balloting (Matter, pp1) (Matter, pp1). Call to Action and the

founders of the hashtag, Opel Tometi, Patrice Cullers, and Alicia Garza, have developed their

program into a nationwide system of more than 30 local sections in two years. The Public Black

Lives Matter is a low-level activist organization.

The organization has garnered international attention after returning to the headlines in

2020 when it launched a protest against George Floyd. This came after Minneapolis police cop

Derek Chauvin put his knee on George Floyd's neck, making Floyd not breathe and led to his

death. At this time, Floyd was in handcuffs and calling out to the police officer, telling him that

he could not breathe. Around 15 million to 26 million persons partook in the organization's

demonstrations in the United States by 2020, one of the most significant in the nation's antiquity.

The organization incorporates a wide range of ideas and broader interests but focuses on

transforming criminal justice (Rickford, pp13). The popularity of the organization changed

rapidly over time. The general idea of movement was negative in 2018, but throughout 2019 and

2020, its popularity increased. A survey done in June 2020 presented that 67% of Americans

advocate the Black Lives Matter association. In another September 2020 vote, the percentage of

older American supporters dropped to 55%, a significant decrease between Hispanics and whites,

while backing was extensive among black adults.

Structure of Black Lives Matter

The phrase of the Black Lives Matter can refer to the hashtag, the motto, an organization,

a political act party, or a coalition of opposition groups against racism and police brutality. As an

army, it is scattered, and the leaders are scattered, stressing the significance of local

arrangements for general management (Taylor, pp14). The makeup is different from preceding

black movements, such as the civil rights movement. Activist Trey says the organization puts

everyone in public declares that the lives of black people have the same purpose as whites and

destroy their energy and time accordingly (Matter, pp2). In 2013, Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullers,

and Opel Tometi founded the Black Lives Matter Association. Alicia describes the association as

an online site that offers shared goals and policies for lovers. Local organizational chapters are

requested to participate in the list of managing principles of the movement but operate without a

central framework or class of management. Alicia, the organization, did not care who was and

who was not part of the organization. The loose structure of this movement is confusing in the

press and amongst campaigners because chapters or actions and reports from the public

sometimes lead to something Black people as a whole (Rickford, pp14). Written by Los Angeles

Times writer Matt Pierce, these words refer to a political cry or an activist movement. It can be

an unspecified use label to describe various exhibitions and debates emphasizing racial


At the same time, a comprehensive organization was formed that included many

organizations and campaigners under the Black Lives Matter movement. In 2015, Trey and

others launched Campaign Zero to promote policy changes to terminate police cruelty. The

movement provided a 10-point strategy for transformations to the police, including proposals to

eliminate police violations in the windows, create stricter rules for using force, and increase

public attention to police departments (Matter, pp2). New York Times correspondent Eligon

John inscribed that some campaigners were concerned that the movement was forcing legal

solutions to police violence. Black Lives Matter supports the campaign and causes other than

black police brutalities such as women, immigration reform, LGBT activism, and financial


Movement for black lives

The Movement for Black Lives is more than just an alliance. Its more than fifty groups

represent the welfares of black people all over the United States. Associates include the National

Conference of Black Representatives and the Black Lives Matter Network. After the

assassination of George Floyd, Movement for Black Lives, issued the Breathe Act, which

summoned for the police's law adjustments. This policy includes calls to avoid direct protection

as well community service renewal and other emergency response modes. On July 24, 2015, the

organization met for the first time in Cleveland State University, where about 2,000 campaigners

met to participate in open debates and exhibitions. The meeting in Cleveland sought to devise

ways for an organization of black people to consider law enforcement responsible for their

conducts nationally (Matter, pp1). However, this conference led to the construction of a very

important meeting social movement. This led to establishing an institutional center to articulate

the demands, objectives, and policies promoted by the Black Lives supports the achievement of

black freedom throughout the United States.


In 2015, Politico declared that Democracy Alliance planned to meet with many groups

that have previously agreed on the Black Lives Matter movement (Rickford, pp15). Focus on

building this organization, Solitaire, led by a member of democracy alliance Texas Oil Fortune

heir Leah Hunt-Hendrix had given more than $ 200,000 to Black Lives Matter by 2015.

Strategies and tactics

Black Lives Matter initially operated on social media to reach its followers faster.

However, the movement now involves various tactics (Rickford, pp15). Protests by this group

are very peaceful, and in the event of violence, it is usually perpetrated by the police or

opposition groups. Despite this, their opponents viewed the organization as violent.

The Impacts of the Black Life Matter.

The Black Lives Matter organization has changed the subject of police cruelty in the

United States since 2013. The impact came after the assassination of George Floyd in May 2020.

Many states in the United States have promised or agreed to take Action (Matter, pp3). Racial

infiltration is rampant within police departments. For example, in some states, such as Alabama,

Kentucky, and Philadelphia, the Confederate military base was abolished. The protests are

reminiscent of their anti-racism agenda during human rights. However, the media and the

downgraded form play an important role in leadership, making the difference between the two


Although the Black Lives Matter association is based in the United States, it is widely

supported worldwide by local protests in at least 60 nations on every continent except Antarctica.

This is because of the problems of apartheid in all societies. Like the United States, governments

have long ignored the legal issues of racial justice. Racially, some are denied equal access to

opportunities, basic rights, and services (Rickford, pp16). While most of these local

demonstrations began in partnership with their American colleagues, many took on new forms

and led to various negotiations to keep pace with other national themes.

The contemporary series of Black Lives Matter protests is the cause of widespread public

outcry (Taylor, pp14). Experts say Trump was a threat to democracy, including the opinion of

many on the left. In late years, youth activities on matters such as weather variation and gun

rights have helped develop a comprehensive anti-cultural agenda; Experts say that when the

reforms fail, the opposition is strengthened as effective measures. The support of superstars and

sportspersons also assisted keep the fire burning (Matter, pp1). It continues to be seen how long

the Black Lives Matter will last to be in the middle of the political and social era. Experts say the

group could go a long way in a year, similar to the protests against the human rights association

and the Vietnam War. Several Black community leaders have said they do not support the

movement because it is not connected to the people as it claims to be. Miller Daneek, the

council's assistant chairman, opposed the defunding of police, saying that the leaders of the

movement were not blacks and blacks' lives would not be lectured by non-blacks.

Work Cited

Matter, Black Lives. "Black lives matter." Accessed September 1 (2020).

Rickford, Russell. "Black lives matter: Toward a modern practice of mass struggle." New Labor

Forum. Vol. 25. No. 1. Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications, 2016.

Taylor, Keeanga-Yamahtta. From# BlackLivesMatter to black liberation. Haymarket Books,


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