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Republic Of The Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02
Schools Division of Quirino


School Discipline

BALLIGUI HIGH SCHOOL shall maintain discipline inside the school campus as well as outside the
school premises when students are engaged in activities authorized by the school.

1.         Mandated by the Department of Education/City Ordinance

1.1 Cellphones are not allowed on school.

1.2 Bringing momma inside the school is strictly prohibited

2.         Imposition of Disciplinary Action

2.1 School officials and teachers shall have the right to impose appropriate reasonable disciplinary
measures in case of minor offenses or infarctions of good discipline. However, no cruel or physically
harmful punishment shall be imposed or applied against and pupil or student.

2.2 Suspension/Expulsion: For first and other offenses which are not serious in nature an oral
reprimand shall be given to the students. However, parents must be informed by the teacher thru a

2.3 For the first and other offenses, which are serious in nature, three (3) days suspension may be
authorized by the principal. Parents must be informed by the teacher or the school principal of any
misconduct on the part of their children for which disciplinary action is necessary.

2.4 For the persistent offender or one guilty of a serious offense, a suspension for not more than
one (1) week may be imposed. However, parents must be informed in writing by the teacher or the
school principal of a misconduct for which disciplinary action is necessary.

2.5 In all cases of suspension, a written promise of future exemplary conduct signed by the students
and countersigned by his parents or guardian shall be required as a condition for readmission and
must be required in the case of suspension for more than three (3) days.
Republic Of The Philippines
Department of Education
Region 02
Schools Division of Quirino

2.6 Offenses punishable by suspension or expulsion depending on the seriousness of the offenses.

 Gross misconduct
 Cheating and stealing
 Assaulting a teacher or any other school authority on his agents.
 Smoking inside the school premises.
 Vandalism, writing on or destroying school property like chairs, tables, windows, books,
laboratory equipment and others.
 Gambling of any sort
 Carrying and concealing of deadly weapons
 Extortion
 Tampering and forgery
 Habitual disregard of school rules
 Fighting or acts of violence resulting to physical injury
 Other similar injuries
 Bringing pornography to school.
 Bringing or using any prohibited drugs

IV.       Other School Policies

A.        Attendance

Students must be present at least 80% of the total number of school days in a year, to fulfill the
requirements of the DepEd. Absences of a student should not exceed the allowed 20% of the total
number of days in a school year.

1.         Punctuality and Tardiness

Students are expected to come to school on time. A student is considered late if he/she comes after
the assembly and he/she must secure an Admission slip from the H.T. /Principal using the
correspondence page of the Student Diary.

2.         A student may leave the school upon the parent’s request. The letter of request is granted
upon an approval from the office of the principal.
Republic Of The Philippines
Department of Education
Region 02
Schools Division of Quirino

3.         Reporting to School after an illness

3.1 The student must present an excuse slip with a medical certificate when he/she is ready to
attend classes.

3.2 Any student who gets sick with any contagious disease like chicken pox, measles, sore eyes,
mumps and others, is advised to stay home. He/she is allowed to come to school if fully healed and
with a medical certificate/clearance.

4.         Special Test

A special exam is scheduled to students who missed any Summative (Quizzes, Long Tests, Quarterly

5.         Systems of Communication

5.1       Diary

The best means of communication between the home and school/parents and teachers is the
Student Diary. Parents are highly encouraged to follow-up their child/children by inspecting and
signing daily any communication written in the diary. Fill-up pp. 5, 11 and the last page of school
policies/rules and regulations.

5.2       Circular Parents

The school updates the parents of the student’s activities with parent’s participation through a
circular. Parents are requested to read and file the circular and to fill up. Reply Slip and send it back
to school the following day.

6.         Identification Card

The school ID is part of the school uniform. It should be worn every time they come to school for all

7.         Dress Code
Republic Of The Philippines
Department of Education
Region 02
Schools Division of Quirino

7.1       Daily School Uniform

Students should come to school during school days and school function in the prescribed uniform,
wearing of expensive and fashion jewelries are highly discouraged.

New students are given 30 days to wear their civilian clothes if the school uniform is not yet

7.2       P.E. Uniform

Students should wear their prescribed P.E. uniform during scheduled P.E. day/days.

8.         Library

The library is a place for study or research. The students are expected to observe its rules and

9.         Laboratory/Computer Room/ Home Economics

The students are expected to observe its rules and regulations in using any of the rooms. They
report lost or damaged equipment to the teacher.

10.       Suspension of Classes

OCCUR (DECS Order No. 68, s, 1998)

Classes shall be automatically suspended, without need any announcement in the following

11.       School Activities

11.1 All students are encouraged to join school/activities like; Holy mass, Recollection, Confession,
First Holy Communion (except non-Catholic students), Foundation Day and other educational
Republic Of The Philippines
Department of Education
Region 02
Schools Division of Quirino

11.2 Excursion and Field Trips

Joining class excursion, field trips and other out-of-school activities will require parent’s written

12. Leaving the School Campus

12.1 In case of illness, a student may go home but with a parent or guardian to fetch him/her.

12.2 A student may leave the campus with parent’s permission written in the Student Diary

1. When typhoon signal No.1 is raised by PAGASA, classes in the pre-schools shall be
automatically suspended and typhoon signal No. 2 for elementary and High School levels.
2. Where the rains are heavy causing floods in the community and in the area of the school,
classes in the schools affected are automatically suspended.
3. Where other calamities such as floods, fire and earthquakes have occurred and have
seriously damaged the homes of families in the community and probable recurrence of such
calamities is declared by proper authorities, classes in all levels are automatically suspended.
4. Announcement by the DepEd’s Regional Director – As a matter of policy, the suspension
cancellation and/or postponement of classes in a particular region if it is region-wide, shall be
announced by the Regional Director after consultation with superintendents  and local
government officials.
5. Announcement by the School Heads/Principals – In cases where conditions endanger the
lives and safety of students, teachers and other school personnel. School Heads/principals are
enjoined to use their best judgment in this regard.

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