Cookbook: Pôle Emploi: Configuration

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Pôle Emploi: configuration

For device Work Center C3655

Implementation Closure Report Version Control

Version Date Author Change Description
1.0 02-09-2015 Le Pecheur Guy Initialisation

1.1 14-09-2015 DELBUT Gilles Corrections

1.2 30-09-2015 DELBUT Gilles Ajout référence clone pour 3655V_SM

1.3 06-10-2015 DELBUT Gilles Modification mot de passe admin

1.4 2018-11-20 BUCHARD Frédéric Complete documentation with ‘scan autonome’ specifications

1.5 2018-12-14 BUCHARD Frédéric Complement after first sending to Veneray

1.6 2019-01-19 BUCHARD Frédéric Some spelling fixes and add-on to be explicit

1.7 2019-02-01 BUCHARD Frédéric Add chapter ‘Change the document feeder rools kit’

1.8 2019-03-04 BUCHARD Frédéric Add chapter ‘Define Image Overwrite Security’

1.9 2019-03-20 BUCHARD Frédéric Adjustments after feedback Venray and test into live session

1.10 2019-12-01 BUCHARD Frédéric Adjustments for certificate name

1.11 2020-08-31 BUCHARD FRédéric Add diagnostic button for Conseiller profile

1.12 2020-10-05 BUCHARD Frédéric Add diagnostic button for Demandeur Emploi profile
Table des matières
I. Objectives and prerequires ............................................................................................................. 4
A. Objectives .................................................................................................................................... 4
1. Special notice for ‘Demandeurs d’emploi’ .............................................................................. 5
2. Special notice for ‘Conseillers’ ................................................................................................ 6
B. Some convention......................................................................................................................... 7
C. Prerequires .................................................................................................................................. 7
1. Check version / Update / downgrade ..................................................................................... 7
2. Ensure password ..................................................................................................................... 7
3. Enter the Supplies Plan Activation Code ................................................................................. 8
II. Automatic configuration ................................................................................................................. 9
A. Steps descriptions ..................................................................................................................... 10
B. Robot’s rapid description of composition, configuration and usage ........................................ 11
1. Configure the robot ............................................................................................................... 11
2. Launching the robot .............................................................................................................. 12
C. Launching robot for ‘Standard’ usage ....................................................................................... 13
D. Launching robot for ‘Conseiller’ usage ...................................................................................... 13
E. Launching robot for ‘Demandeur d’emploi’ usage (or also plus Conseiller) ............................. 13
1. Cover protection for ‘Demandeur d’emploi’ ......................................................................... 14
III. Manual configuration ................................................................................................................ 16
A. Apply the clone on the device ................................................................................................... 16
B. Change default admin password ............................................................................................... 16
C. Variables parameters different on each device ........................................................................ 17
1. Properties > Description ........................................................................................................ 17
2. Properties > General Setup > Supplies Plan Activation Code................................................ 17
3. Properties > Connectivity ...................................................................................................... 17
4. Services > Display .................................................................................................................. 19
5. Services > Email Setup ........................................................................................................... 19
D. Specific configuration for ‘Conseiller’ ....................................................................................... 20
1. Install EIP ‘Conseiller’ application ......................................................................................... 20
2. Install EIP ‘Diagnostic’ application......................................................................................... 20
3. Configure default screen ....................................................................................................... 20
E. Specific configuration for ‘Demandeur d’emploi’ ..................................................................... 21
1. Install EIP ‘Demandeur d’emploi’ application ....................................................................... 21
2. Configure application to keyboard screen ............................................................................ 21

3. Configure default screen ....................................................................................................... 22
4. Define timeout configuration ................................................................................................ 22
5. Define ‘Image Overwrite Security’ ........................................................................................ 23
6. Load all root certificate ......................................................................................................... 24
7. Load device certificate .......................................................................................................... 26
8. Activate 802.1x protocol ....................................................................................................... 27
9. Manuals configuration on the device’s UI............................................................................. 28
IV. The clone configuration............................................................................................................. 30
A. Before the configuration ........................................................................................................... 30
1. Description ............................................................................................................................ 31
2. General Setup ..................................................................................................................... 31
3. Alert Notification .................................................................................................................. 32
4. Software Upgrade ................................................................................................................. 33
5. Connectivity ........................................................................................................................... 33
6. DNS Search Domains ............................................................................................................. 35
7. DNS Address Precedence = Disabled..................................................................................... 35
8. Login / Permissions / Accounting .......................................................................................... 39
9. User Permissions ................................................................................................................... 40
10. Services .............................................................................................................................. 42
11. Custom Services ................................................................................................................ 43
12. Printing .............................................................................................................................. 43
13. Secure Print ....................................................................................................................... 44
14. Copy ................................................................................................................................... 45
15. Scan services...................................................................................................................... 45
16. Email .................................................................................................................................. 45
17. Security .............................................................................................................................. 49
V. Annexes ......................................................................................................................................... 51
A. Install manually an EIP............................................................................................................... 51
B. Remove manually an EIP ........................................................................................................... 52
C. Check EIP Application ‘Demandeurs d’emploi’ is working ........................................................ 53
D. Check EIP Application ‘Conseiller’ is working ............................................................................ 53
E. Change the document feeder rolls kit ....................................................................................... 54

I. Objectives and prerequires
A. Objectives
This cookbook is made for Work Center 3655 used into ‘Pôle Emploi’ sites. This procedure describes
all steps to do an installation from scratch.

This procedure is done to configurate WC3655 for four usages:

Case Description Firmware

Standard usage Device provide for basic contract with Pole Emploi
Device for Conseiller Device provide in back office is a standard device from basic contract
plus EIP Conseiller application and Diagnostic button
Device in ZLA for Device provide in Zone Libre Accès (ZLA). The device is used for people
Demandeur d’emploi who are in search of a job to scan documents and store them directly
into the electronics document storage of Pole Emploi
Device in ZLA for This usage is same to the previous one, but in this case the EIP
Demandeur d’emploi, Conseiller has been installed
plus Conseiller This case has been provided during pilot phase of the project, no

Two ways are explained to reach the objectives:

• An automatic procedure to do all the configuration by a robot configurator
• A complete manual procedure

You must do the configuration by the automatic configuration at first. You should use the manual
configuration only if the automatic configuration has failed.

1. Special notice for ‘Demandeurs d’emploi’
‘Demandeurs d’emploi’s project has been designed to provide the capacity for people who looking for
a job or having relation to Pôle Emploi to upload documents to a documents storage into Pôle Emploi
Information System.

You can access to the right icon representation and application access, only if device is
correctly connected to Pôle Emploi network.

On this device, there is two EIP applications, loaded to provide access to the service.

1. The first application is set to default and for ‘Demandeurs d’emploi’ people (see
icon on right side), to provide the capacity, after authentication, to select kind
of document to upload and to do the scan and upload. The application’s screen
is looking like this:

2. The second application, if needed, (see icon on right side) is used by ‘Agent’s
people of Pôle Emploi, to do the same things, but instead of ‘Demandeurs
d’emploi’. The application’s screen is looking like this:

2. Special notice for ‘Conseillers’
‘Demandeurs d’emploi’s project has been designed to provide the capacity for people who looking for
a job or having relation to Pôle Emploi to upload documents to a documents storage into Pôle Emploi
Information System.

You can access to the right icon representation and application access, only if device is
correctly connected to Pôle Emploi network.

On this device, there is only one of the two EIP applications provide by the project to be installed.

The application (see icon on right side) is used by ‘Agent’s people of Pôle Emploi, to do
the same thing’s, but instead of ‘Demandeurs d’emploi’. The application’s screen is
looking like this:

B. Some convention
Demandeur d’emploi
This term defines a person who is in search of a job and also the application dedicated to this

This term defines a person in charge of welcoming people looking for a job, an EIP application is
also created for this population.

ZLA – Zone Libre Accès

This denomination defines a device who is put into public access place. That means that the device
is dedicated to people who need to scan some documents directly into Pole Emploi's
documentation storage, threw an EIP application using the keyboard screen.

C. Prerequires
First of all, you HAVE to unsure that your device is in firmware version

1. Check version / Update / downgrade

The firmware version on WC3655 must be If not, proceed as follow.
1. Download version on
2. In CentreWare Internet Services, click Properties > General Setup > Software Upgrade
3. Validate Security Installation Policy is allowed
4. Install version

ATTENTION: Special notice for ‘Demandeurs d’emploi’ and also for ‘Conseiller’, in thoses
case it has been defined that the firmware version must be into


ATTENTION: When device is upgrade to 073 firmware version, the “scan to me” will not
work anymore. This due to the LDAPS query used into Pole Emploi (who is not compatible
with the security key). Compromise arbitrated with the Pole Emploi governance because
the 073 solves the problems of random disconnection penalizing for the application 'Scan

ATTENTION-FR : Une fois migré en 073, la fonction « scan to me » qui requiert la

connexion de l’utilisateur en LDAPS ne fonctionne pas (incompatibilité clé de cryptage
serveur LDAPS Pole emploi). Compromis arbitré avec la gouvernance Pole emploi car la
073 résout des problèmes de déconnexion aléatoire pénalisant pour l’application scan

2. Ensure password
If you deploy the configuration via the robot, ensure that the password is set to default factory
password (1111).

3. Enter the Supplies Plan Activation Code
In the "properties" tab and "Supplies Plan Activation Code”, configure the following fields
- Enter the pin Code in the machine and fill the correspondent field with the information in

II. Automatic configuration
After firmware upgrade, you have to launch the robot who would do some general configuration
similar to all device, and after it will do device’s specific configuration, like setting names, location, etc.

What you must know before launching the robot:

• Device’s specifics parameters,
• The kind of the device’s usage

Note: In the future, in this chapter, the automatic configuration tool will be noted as 'robot'. The robot
is a software designed to be ran from a computer who able to contact the device you want to manage.

Before launching the robot, you ensure you have entered the Supplies Plan Activation Code

A. Steps descriptions
In the table below, you have three case for installation. All those three have same root step to be
applied, identified as ‘commons steps’. After in case of the installation you want, you have some

Specific for
Specific for
Steps Commons steps Specific for ‘Conseiller’ ‘Demandeur d’emploi’,
‘Demandeur d’emploi’
plus ‘Conseiller’
file runStandard.bat runConseiller.bat runZLA-Demandeur.bat
1 Downloading a clone to the
device, containing generic
2 Change the default
password to client password
3 Set the description for the
device (hostname, location
and xeroxAssetTag)
4 Set the DNS specific
information for the device
5 Set the ‘Device Email
Address’ for SMTP protocol
6 Set the icon to display on
the IHM
7 Set the ‘Default From
Address’ while sending email
8 - THE END - Installing EIP application for Set default screen to Set default screen to
‘Conseiller’ ‘Services Home’ ‘Services Home’
9 Installing EIP application for Installing EIP application for Installing EIP application for
‘Diagnostic’ ‘Demandeur d’emploi’ ‘Conseiller’
10 - THE END - Set default screen > Service Installing EIP application for
application to ‘Demandeur ‘Demandeur d’emploi’
d’emploi’ EIP Application
11 Set screen display to only Set default screen > Service
‘Demandeur d’emploi’ application to ‘Demandeur
Application d’emploi’ EIP Application
12 Set system timeout to 3 Set screen display to only
minutes ‘Conseiller’ and ‘Demandeur
d’emploi’ Applications
13 Install six Pole Emploi root Set system timeout to 3
certificates minutes
14 Install device certificate Install six Pole Emploi root
15 Activate 802.1x protocol Install device certificate
16 Installing EIP application for Activate 802.1x protocol
17 - THE END - - THE END -

After all those steps, some manual steps must be done.

For those steps, refer to ‘Manuals configuration on the device’s UI’ and apply all those steps to finalize
the installation.

B. Robot’s rapid description of composition, configuration and usage
The robot is a portable tool, that means, that there is no installation
needed. You can copy all the robot folder into a disk device, like
computer disk or USB key.

Robot has several folders to work correctly:

•Process, is used to define kind of job the robot must do and on witch
•Several batch files on root folder who’ll launch specific job (on for each

1. Configure the robot

To configurate the robot you must go into process > input folder
and open the right file for your configuration.

To configure the robot, you must open ‘printer.csv’ file to define

witch printer and is configuration.

printer.csv description

The first row [1] is needed to define the column usage.

After the first line, each line will define a device specification.
The first column (host) MUST be the network way to contact the device during robot’s execution. So,
test this address from the computer you will run the robot to see if you can ping the device. [A2] can
be an IP address or an FQDN.

Column definition:
‘deviceName’, is “nomHote” in DAMaaaS
‘location’, is “location” in DAMaaaS
‘xeroxAssetTag’, is “Asset Tag” in DAMaaaS
‘requestDomainName’, is “NomDeDomaine” in DAMaaaS

2. Launching the robot
So, when you have done the right robot configuration, you should launch the robot via batch file on
root folder.

In this place you will find three batch files:

1. runStandard.bat
This batch will launch the robot with the configuration you have defined. It’ll apply all common

2. runConseiller.bat
This batch will launch the robot with the configuration you have defined. It’ll apply all common
steps, and steps specifics for ‘Conseiller’

3. runZLA-Demandeur.bat
This batch will launch the robot with the configuration you have defined. It’ll apply all common
steps, and steps specifics for ‘Demandeur d’emploi’
ATTENTION: Be sure that you have the device certificate file for the device you want to proceed. Check
into ‘\data\certificats\prod\devices’ folder to see if there is a certificate file named as ‘deviceName.p12’
(example: id1660.p12 for device name id1660).

4. work.ZLA-Demandeur-Conseiller.bat
This batch will launch the robot with the configuration you have defined. It’ll apply all common
steps, and steps specifics for ‘Demandeur d’emploi’ and also for ‘Conseiller’
ATTENTION: Be sure that you have the device certificate file for the device you want to proceed. Check
into ‘\data\certificats\prod\devices’ folder to see if there is a certificate file named as ‘deviceName.p12’
(example: id1660.p12 for device name id1660).

When you have launched the robot, a black screen appears and inside, you can follow what append,
means what it is doing by the robot. At the end of the execute the robot left the screen open until you
press a key, to let you see if execution is successful.

C. Launching robot for ‘Standard’ usage
Launching the robot for ‘Standard’ usage will apply all actions describes in the ‘Common steps’.

After all those steps, some manual steps must be done.

For those steps, refer to ‘III.E.10 - Manuals configuration on the device’s UI’ and apply all those steps
to finalize the installation.

D. Launching robot for ‘Conseiller’ usage

Launching the robot for ‘Conseiller’ usage will apply all actions describes in the ‘Specific for ‘Conseiller’’

After all those steps, some manual steps must be done.

For those steps, refer to ‘III.E.10 - Manuals configuration on the device’s UI’ and apply all those steps
to finalize the installation.

You can also check if the ‘Conseiller’s application this working correctly. Refer to chapter ‘V.D - Check
EIP Application ‘Conseiller’ is working’

E. Launching robot for ‘Demandeur d’emploi’ usage (or also plus

Launching the robot for ‘Demandeur d’emploi’ usage will apply all actions describes in the ‘Specific for
‘Demandeur d’emploi’ steps.

ATTENTION: Be sure that you have the device certificate for the device you want to
proceed. Check into ‘\data\certificats\prod\devices’ folder to see if there is a certificate
file named as ‘device.p12’ (example: id1660.p12).

When the robot has finished the execution, you should see an error on last action. When the robot
activates the 802.1x protocol, like bellow. This is normal. This step is the last one to execute, and when
the 802.1x protocol has been activated, the network connection is lost. So, the robot cannot say with
certitude that it has working. But if the connection is lost, that tell that the activation has worked.

After all those steps, some manual steps must be done.

For those steps, refer to ‘III.E.10 - Manuals configuration on the device’s UI’ and apply all those steps
to finalize the installation.

You can also check if the ‘Demandeurs d’emploi’s application this working correctly. Refer to chapter
‘V.C - Check EIP Application ‘Demandeurs d’emploi’ is working’.

You can also check if the ‘Conseiller’s application this working correctly. Refer to chapter ‘V.D - Check
EIP Application ‘Conseiller’ is working’.

After running the configuration via the robot, you must install the cover to protect the keyboard's use
on only the necessary features, for ‘Demandeurs d’emploi’.

After all you also must change the document feeder rolls kit. Refer to the chapter ‘V.E - Change the
document feeder rolls kit’ to see how to proceed.

1. Cover protection for ‘Demandeur d’emploi’

Specially for ‘Demandeur d’emploi’ you must add a specific cover over the keyboard.

The cover is made in two parts as illustrated Hardware needed to assemble keyboard

1. The major cover who come over the

keyboard to protect it
2. The top of the protection to close the
3. A torx screw driver, size 10

All steps to assembly the cover over the keyboard

Put the cover in position

To put the cover over the keyboard, take a card, like a credit card. Place it between the cover and the
keyboard. This is important to help the cover to pass over all buttons without hurting them. Push the
cover until it's blocked because it's in place. After, remove the card.

Put the cover top component
You have to place the top cover component as illustrated below, and after you have to screw the lid
to the bottom cover component. Ensure, that the two part are correctly assembled.

Control that all functionality still working

After, you have placed the cover to protect the keyboard, proceed with some tests usual to verify that
the cover doesn’t perturb functionality.

III. Manual configuration
This chapter explain how to do the configuration manually instead of automatic deployment by the
robot. Please, prefer the installation via the robot, because it will be more reliable and faster.

A. Apply the clone on the device

First of all, you have to activate the possibility to applying a clone file:

Go to ‘General configuration > clone’

Ensure that ‘Installation security policy’ is enabled.

In the Toolkit given to you, you have two clone files, depending of the firware version.

For 072, use: PE-3655-072-Clone general settings.20181130.dlm

For 073, use: PE-3655-073-Clone general settings.20190111.dlm

B. Change default admin password

Security > Password Policies > Admin Password
Go to the Admin Password screen, enter old password ‘1111’ (factory
password) to the client password, given to you for this project.

C. Variables parameters different on each device
The clone does not take all the parameters of the machine, it is important to modify the following

All the configuration below is place into ‘Properties’ tab

1. Properties > Description

In the "Properties" tab and "Description", configure the following fields
- Device Name with fields « nomHote » in DAMaaaS
- Location with fields « location » in DAMaaaS
- Xerox Asset Tag with fields « Asset Tag » in DAMaaaS

2. Properties > General Setup > Supplies Plan Activation Code

In the "properties" tab and "Supplies Plan Activation Code”, configure the following fields
- Enter the pin Code in the machine and fill the correspondent field with the information in

3. Properties > Connectivity

• Edit “IP (internet protocol)” and In “DNS” tab, configure the following fields
o Requested Host Name: with fields «nomHote» in DAMaaaS
o Requested Domain Name: with fields « NomDeDomaine» in DAMaaaS

• Edit “SMTP protocol”, and in “Required information” configure fields :
o Device Email Address: with, Hostname field corresponds to
« nomHote » in DAMaaaS

4. Services > Display
Ensure that only three icons are visible on the device UI. To do that, go to “Services”, “Display” select
the tab ‘Show/Hide’ and then select only ‘Copy’, ‘ID Card Copy’ and ‘Email’, as shown below.

5. Services > Email Setup

In this screen click on ‘From Field’ Edit.. button to access to the From Field edition.
o Default From Address: with, Hostname field corresponds to
« nomHote » in DAMaaaS

D. Specific configuration for ‘Conseiller’
1. Install EIP ‘Conseiller’ application
For this part, please refer to the annexe: ‘Install manually an EIP’ to see how to do the EIP installation.

The file you have to use to install ‘Conseiller’

application, is named ‘Conseiller.xml’ in the
‘data\EIP’ folder at the root of your toolkit.

2. Install EIP ‘Diagnostic’ application

For this part, please refer to the annexe: ‘Install manually an EIP’ to see how to do the EIP installation.

The file you have to use to install ‘Diagnostic’

application, is named ‘Diagnostic.xml’ in the
‘data\EIP’ folder at the root of your toolkit.

3. Configure default screen

Services > Display
Ensure that only two icons are visible on the
device IHM. To do that, go to “Services”,
“Display” select the tab ‘Show/Hide’ and then
select only ‘Accès conseiller Pôle Emploi -
PROD’ and ‘Outil de diagnostic’, as shown on

E. Specific configuration for ‘Demandeur d’emploi’
1. Install EIP ‘Demandeur d’emploi’ application
For this part, please refer to the annexe: ‘Install manually an EIP’ to see how to do the EIP installation.

The file you have to use to install ‘Demandeur

d’emploi’ application, is named ‘Demandeur.xml’ in
the ‘data\EIP’ folder at the root of your toolkit.

In some case of configuration, you should have to install also 'Conseiller' application. So, to
do that refer to chapter describing the installation: “D.1 Install EIP ‘Conseiller’ application”

2. Install EIP ‘Diagnostic’ application

For this part, please refer to the annexe: ‘Install manually an EIP’ to see how to do the EIP installation.

The file you have to use to install ‘Diagnostic’

application, is named ‘Diagnostic.xml’ in the
‘data\EIP’ folder at the root of your toolkit.

3. Configure application to keyboard screen

General Setup > Entry Screen Defaults
Go to the “General Setup”, “Entry Screen Defaults” screen
and select into “Services” the application named
‘Demandeurs d’emploi – Envoi documents PROD’, you have
installed before.

Select ‘Demandeurs d’emploi – Envoi documents PROD’ on

Default Screen when Original sar detected.

After, click to ‘Apply’ button.

4. Configure default screen
Services > Display
Ensure that only one icons is visible on the device
IHM. To do that, go to “Services”, “Display” select
the tab ‘Show/Hide’ and then select only
‘Demandeurs d’emploi – Envoi documents PROD’,
as shown on right.

In case you are installing

‘Demandeur d’emploi’ plus
‘Conseiller’ you should select also
‘Accès conseiller Pôle Emploi

5. Define timeout configuration

Security > Timeout & Resume
You have to set the ‘Touche User Interface
System Timeout’ with 3 minutes and 0
To do that, go to “Security”, “Timeout &
Resume” select the tab ‘System Timeout’ and
set Minutes and seconds to 3 for minutes and
0 for seconds, as illustrated.

6. Define ‘Image Overwrite Security’
Security > Image Overwrite Security
You must activate the ‘Image Overwrite

To do that, go to “Security”, “Image

Overwrite Security” or the ‘Immediate Job
Overwrite’ tab, activate Enable, click on it
and apply.

After, on the “Disk Overwrite” tab activate by clicking on Enable button. Change Frequency to set
‘Weekly’. Set Time to fixe 20:00 as time. Click on ‘SAT’ to set Saturday. Leave ‘Confirmation Report for
Schedule Overwrites’ as ‘Off’. Set ‘Overwrite Mode’ to Standard.

7. Load all root certificate
Security > Certificates > Security Certificates
In this part you have six (6) certificates to install on the device. To do that you must go to “Security”,
“Certificates”, “Security Certificates” and go to the tabs “Root/Intermediate Trusted Certificate(s)”.

At the begin, you should not have any certificate installed. In the case that you have certificates
installed, remove them. You should start with a screen as illustrated below.

a) Install all ‘root’ certificates

In the configuration kit you have received, you
should find six root certificates into
‘data/certificats/prod/autorites’ folder.

You MUST do the operation describe into

“Install a ‘root’ certificate” chapter six times.
One for each certificate.

After that all certificates have been installed, you should have the certificate list look like the
illustration below.

b) Install a ‘root’ certificate

To install a ‘root’ certificate, you have to click on ‘Install external Root/Intermediate trusted
certificates’ button.

A new screen appears, browse into the tools kit folder ‘data/certificats/prod/autorites’ and select the
certificate you want to install. After, click ‘Next’ button. After few seconds, another screen appears
and propose to you to change the certificate name. Don’t change and click to ‘Next’ button.

After several seconds, the certificate is loaded, and the certificate list appear with the certificate you
have imported.

8. Load device certificate
Security > Certificates > Security Certificates
ATTENTION: the device certificate is very important in the safety chain. It must be
imperatively protected against any form of disclosure.

In this part you have to install the device certificate. To do that you must go to “Security”,
“Certificates”, “Security Certificates” and go to the tabs “CA-Signed Device Certificate(s)”.

To install the device certificate, click on “Install CA-signed Device Certificate”, a new screen will appear.
Then, you have to select into the Tools kit you have received, and into “data/certificats/prod/devices”
folder, the device certificate. Your choice WILL depends of the device name, defined in the fields
«nomHote» in DAMaaaS. By example, if your device is named ‘id1660’, you should select the
‘id1660.p12’ certificate. Thus, click on ‘Next button’

The new screen asks you to enter the certificate password. This password has been given to you by a
confidential way. KEEP IT SECRET. And, click to ‘Next’ button.

The new screen asks you to change the certificate name. You MUST change the name by adding before
the name the prefix ‘2019_’. Doing that you should have ‘2019_id1660’, where id1660 is the device
name. Then, click on ‘Next’ button.

When it’s done, you should see on the screen, the list of certificate device. In this list, you should see
the certificate you have imported.

9. Activate 802.1x protocol
WARNING: this operation MUST be the last one of all the operation you should do on this
device. Be sure that you have done everything before this operation. Because, after this
operation you should not be able to connect to the device by network. This is due to the
802.1x protocol, who need that two devices used certificates to ensure that the other
device is validate (accredited)

Connectivity > Setup > Wired Connection

To activate the 802.1x protocol, you should go into “Wired Connection”.

And go into 802.1x protocol

In the screen, shown on right, you have to activate the

protocol by clicking on ‘Enable 802.1x’ check box.

Select the ‘Authentication Method’ to ‘EAP-TLS’.

Select the ‘Device Certificate (TLS)’ you have installed in a

step before.

Enter the device name issue from DAMaaaS in field


Thus, click on ‘Save’ button.



10. Manuals configuration on the device’s UI
a) Set the interface language



In addition, the Keyboard MUST BE AZERTY

On the UI of the device you must to be authenticate as administrator, enter login and password

Press button to go to settings menu.

Go to Device Settings > General > Language / Keyboard Selection

Select French language and keyboard (click on it) and validate

b) Set no sound on keypress

Disable any sound when a key is press on the UI Interface.

Go to the Outils > Paramètres du périphérique > Généralités > Tonalités audio

IV. The clone configuration
In this place you will find the configuration done to generate the clone file from an upgrade firmware
to All those steps have been done before generating the clone file.

Décrire le contenu du clone, reprendre les parties de la doc en anglais

This section includes all IMF settings for "Pôle emploi."

If the clone does not work, set the IMF with the following configuration

A. Before the configuration

You must send the Mac Address to the customer to obtain
• Host name
• IP Address
• Gateway

GUI Work Centre 3655 « PÔLE EMPLOI »

At the end of the process, default panel must be like this:

Configure the device with Internet Service
Connect to the machine with IP Address
Select Properties
ID User : admin
Password: 1111

Select properties.

1. Description

- You must configure Device Name , Xerox Asset Tag in accordance with Data-Navette (DCC)

- Device Name with fields « nomHote » in DAMaaaS

- Xerox Asset Tag with fields « Asset Tag » in DAMaaaS

2. General Setup
Entry Screen Default:

Services : Service Home

Job Status : Active Job Tab
Default Walkup Screen: services
Default Screen when Originals are detected : Copy

Paper Management:

Factory Value

Date & Time:

Automatic using NTP

NTP Server Setting

IPV4 Port : (Set by DHCP)
IPV4 Alternate : (Set by DHCP)
Date & Time
Display 24 h hour clock
Time Zone
(GMT+1) Brussels Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris


Selected Locale: XE

Extensible Service Setup

Factory Value

SMart eSolutions Setup

SMart eSolutions Enrollment: Not Enrolled

Display Services Information

Information Field: IPv4 Address

Configure Driver Links

Default Value

Energy Saver
30 mm / 30 mm

Network Settings When in Sleep Mode

: 5 minutes 00 Seconds
Resume Network Controller Briefly to Broadcast
: 00 h 05 mm 00 s

Network Log

Factory Value

Supplies Plan Activation Code

Enter the pin Code (see DCC)

Feature Installation

Factory Value

Billing Impression Mode

Factory Value

3. Alert Notification
Email Alert: Default
Local UI Alert: Disabled

Low Supply Warning

All 0 (No Warning)

4. Software Upgrade
Factory Default

5. Connectivity

Select Setup Network

AppleTalk, Netware, Mopria, Mopria Discovery, POP3, Proxy
Server, SLP, SSD, Airprint

Must be disabled

Protocols Enabled
If there is no information in the cook book for a protocol it’s default factory configuration

Edit Wired connection

Edit IP (Internet Protocol)

Protocol: Enabled
IP Address Resolution: DHCP
Self-Assigned Address: Enabled

Protocol: Disabled
IP Address Resolution: DHCP
Self-Assigned Address: Enabled

Requested Host Name: « nomHote » in DAMaaaS
Requested Domain Name: « nomDeDomaine » in DAMaaaS

6. DNS Search Domains
Append Device Domain: Enabled

7. DNS Address Precedence = Disabled

Close the windows and return to main menu Connectivity / Setup

Edit http Protocol

Connection = Enabled
Port Number = 80

Force Traffics over SSL = Yes (Port 443)
Edit LDAP protocol

Tab Server
Host Name
Friendly Name : vipave.sip91.pole-emploi.intra
Host Name : Port : vipave.sip91.pole-emploi.intra 636
Ldap Server = Netscape
Optional Information
Search Directory Root: o=ave.pole-emploi.intra
Login Credentials to Access LDAP Server None
Secure LDAP Connection
SSL: Enable SSL

Search Criteria
Maximum Number of Search Results : 25
Search Timeout : 30 seconds
Perform Search on Mapped Field(s)* : Name
Sort Results by Mapped Field : Surname and Given Name
LDAP Referrals : Enabled

Tabs Contexts
Factory Default

Tabs Mappings
Factory Default

Tabs Custom Filters

User ID query Filter:

Enable custom filter = uid=LDAP

Close the windows and return to main menu LDAP

Edit LDAP Policies

Enable SASL Binds to LDAP = Off

Close the windows than

Edit SMTP protocol

Tab: Required Information

Specify SMTP server manually
Host Name
Host Name Port: vipsmtphub2.sip91.pole-emploi.intra 25

Device Email Address

Verify DCC Variable = Hostname +
Hostname is fields « nomHote » in DAMaaaS

TAB: SMTP Authentication

User Jobs
SMTP Login credentials applied to email jobs sent from the machine's touch interface None

System Jobs
SMTP Login credentials for the machine…. : None

TAB : Connection Encryption

Connection Encryption: None

TAB: File Size Management

File Size Management
File Size Management: 10240 Kb
Number of Fragments: 1
Total Job Size : 300000 Kb


Edit SNMP Protocol

SNMP v1/v2v: Activate

SNMP v3: Disabled
Authentication Failure Generic Traps: Disabled

8. Login / Permissions / Accounting

Login Method

Touch and Web User Interfaces

Touch UI method: User Name/ Password – Valid on the Network

Personalize Touch UI: Automatically (Enabled)

Configuration Settings
Edit Authentication Servers
Authentication Type: LDAP
Edit LDAP Servers
Must be Friendly Name: vipave.sip91.pole-emploi.intra
IP Address: vipave.sip91.pole-emploi.intra : 636
Search Directory Root: o=ave.pole-emploi.intra


Edit Log Out Confirmation

Display confirmation screen : Yes

9. User Permissions

Edit User Permissions Method: Remotely on the Network using LDAP

Configuration Settings
Device User Database: Default

Edit User Permission Rôles

TAB Non-Logged-In Users

Tab Print

Tab « services & Tools »

Services (Allowed/ Not Allowed)

Not Allowed

Not Allowed

Machine Status = Allowed

Tools (Touch & Web UI) = Not Allowed
Job Status = Allowed
Services Pathway = Allowed
Copy = Allowed
Color Coy = Allowed
ID CardCopy = Allowed
Color Copy = Allowed
Email = Not Allowed (you me be authentifie)


Allow access to all web pages except Properties (Standard Access)

Close windows and return to user role

TAB Logged-In Users

Default Factory

Accounting Methods

10. Services


Only Copy /Email/Id Card

In this order

11. Custom Services


12. Printing
Printing Web Services: Default


Print at power on: Disabled

Delete All print jobs at Power On: Disabled
Configuration / Information Pages Report: Disabled

Held Job Policy (Active Queue)

Allow 'Print Around' on Held Jobs: Yes
Allow 'Print on Alternate Paper' When job is 'Held for Resources: Yes
Delete Held Jobs After
0 Days 04 Hours 00 Seconds

Banner Sheet

Print Banner Sheets: Yes
Allow the Print Driver to Override: Yes
Banner Sheet Identification : (Job Owner / Job Name)

Output Error Sheet


Default & Policies

Copies = 1, 1 sided, Black and White, A4

13. Secure Print

Hold All Job : Default (Off)

Mobile Print : Default
Printer Fonts : Default
Page Description Langages : Default

14. Copy

15. Scan services

Factory Default

16. Email

Must be like the picture

If Not verify SMTP (connectivity) (return to previous menu)
Then close the menu, return to Email Setup and Edit From Field

Edit From Field

Default From Address: Verify DCC = Hostname+

Hostname is fields « nomHote » in DAMaaaS
Always use default From Address: No
Edit "From:" Field when Authentication is not required: No

Close and return to Setup Email

Edit Email Setup / General

Message Body : Le document joint a été numérisé et envoyé

à l'aide d'une imprimante multifonctions Xerox.

Users :
User Name = Enabled
Email Address = Enabled
Number of Images = Disabled
Attachement Type = Enabled
Multifontion Printer System:
Device Name: Enabled

Device Location: Disabled
Serial Number: Disabled
IP Address: Disabled
MAC Address: Disabled

Auto Add Me = Enabled

Edit Email Setup / Address Book

Use device Address Book = No (Hide)

Use Network Address Book = No (Hide)
Create / Edit Contact = System Administrator Only

Email Setup / Defaults

Scan to Email = Factory Default

Advanced Setting = Factory Default
Layout Adjustment = EDIT
Original Orientation = Portrait
Original Size = Manual Size (A4)
Edge Erase = All Edges
Blank Page Management = Include Blank Pages
Attachment File Name = EDIT

File naming: Advanced
Name: Scan_%ui_le_%d %m %Y_a_%Hh%M

Email Setup / Compression

Factory Value

Email Setup / Security

Encryption: = Off
Signing = Off
Domain Filtering = Off
Allow LDAP Email Address = Off

Internet Fax Setup

Server Fax Default
Scan TO
WorkFlow Scanning

Scan To mail Box
Scan To home
Scan To USB
Print From
Print From USB : Disabled
Print From Mailbox : Disabled
Reprint Saved Job
Enablement : Disabled

17. Security
Password Policies
Set Admin Password
Old Password: 1111
New password: 3791
Confirm new password: 3791

Installation Policies: Default

McAfee Embedded: Default
Secure Print:
Device Policies: Show all Job Name / Release job without Prompting for passcode
Print Drivers Defaults: Passcode / 4

Authentication (Login)
Same menu than Login method)

Fips 140-2: Disabled
User Data Encryption Enablement: Enabled

Security Certificates: Default
Certificate Key Length: Default

Ip filtering: Default
Timeout & Resume: Default

USB Security Port:

Rear USB Ports (Pair): Enabled
Side USB Port: Disabled

Image Overwrite Security

Immediate job overwrite: Enabled
Disk Overwrite

Scheduled: Disabled
Overwrite Now: Error only

Postscript Password: Default

Hide 'User Name' : Default (No)

V. Annexes
A. Install manually an EIP
In your ToolKit, you should find in ‘EIPInstall’ folder an executable file
named ‘Registration.exe’. Launch it.

When the application is launched, enter the IP address

of the device, the user name and password. Then click
on ‘Connect’ [1] button.

When the application has connected to the device, the

list of ‘Registrations’ is filled with the list of EIP

To install a new application, you must click on the

‘Create New’ button. Thus, a new screen appears.

In this new screen, click on ‘Load’ [1] button, then browse

your computer’s folder to select the xml configuration's
file and validate.

When the file is loaded, all fields like ‘Registration Name’

etc. are filled with the right values. All those values will be
stored into the device when you click on ‘Create’ [2]

After, this last action, the screen will be closed, and you’ll
be back into the first screen. If you scroll into
‘Registration’ list, you will see that your application is
loaded. In the same time on the device screen, the
application should have appeared.

Depending of the EIP application you install, you should

have the list of application like this ➔

B. Remove manually an EIP
In your ToolKit, you should find in ‘EIPInstall’ folder an executable file
named ‘Registration.exe’. Launch it.

When the application is launched, enter the IP

address of the device, the user name and
password. Then click on ‘Connect’ button.

When the application has connected to the device,

the list of ‘Registrations’ is filled with the list of EIP

Then scroll to select the application you want to

remove in the ‘Registrations’ list and click on
‘Delete’ button. Confirm your action. After this,
the application has been removed from the device.

C. Check EIP Application ‘Demandeurs d’emploi’ is working
If you just have done the configuration, perhaps icons are not like shown below. So, you can wait until
it is correct, or you can make a shutdown/restart to ensure the device query about network

You can access to the right icon representation and application access, only if device is
correctly connected to Pôle Emploi network.

On this device, there is two EIP applications, loaded to provide two service’s access.

1. The first application is set to default and for ‘Demandeurs d’emploi’ people (see
icon on right side), to provide the capacity, after authentication, to select kind
of document to upload and to do the scan and upload. The application’s screen
is looking like this:

D. Check EIP Application ‘Conseiller’ is working

You can access to the right icon representation and application access, only if device is
correctly connected to Pôle Emploi network.

On this device, there is only one of the two EIP applications provide by the project to be installed.

The application (see icon on right side) is used by ‘Agent’s people of Pôle Emploi, to do
the same thing’s, but instead of ‘Demandeurs d’emploi’. The application’s screen is
looking like this:

E. Change the document feeder rolls kit
Estimate time: 10 minutes

• View the print queue and verify that there are no files in treatment.
• Switch off the equipment by pressing the "On / Off" switch.
• Wait until the machine screen is completely off.
• Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet

The purpose of this tutorial is to describe the procedure for replacing the parts of the starting roll kit
of the automatic document feeder.

Pay attention during this procedure.

Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury

1. Open the top panel of the

Document Feeder

2. Remove the two notched caches

located on each side by unclipping
3. Raise the fingers on each side of the
shaft at 90°.
4. Remove the whole set.
5. Install the new assembly by
performing the above steps in

6. Remove the retard pad by pulling on it

(CAUTION: Do not remove the spring
7. Position the new retarder pad, taking
care to reposition the spring in the slot
located under the delay pad provided
for this purpose.

Perform tests to verify the correct operation of the document feeder.


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