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Thank you Vishaka - now I would be talking about the Leadership

Lessons by Dhirubhai Ambani

Well – If one sits to list down there are so many lessons one can learn
from Dhirubhai.

The slide lists some Leadership Lessons by Dhirubhai Ambani :

I would be talking on few of them.

Starting with the 1st one -- You can learn the most from the risks you
Some of the greatest lessons you can learn in life is by taking risks. Just
like Dhirubhai said, “The person who doesn’t take risks will not have
major growth in their life.” From the very moment he came to Mumbai
only with Rs. 500 / and a family to take care of / he realised things
won’t go forward without taking risks. If he hadn’t taken the chance/
and gone through with the idea of starting his own company, Reliance
would not be what it is today!

2nd lesson is - The silent benefactor.

This was another of his remarkable traits. When he helped someone,
he never ever breathed a word about it to anyone else. There are so
many people who know about his kindness, yet Dhirubhai Ambani
himself never went around broadcasting it. He never used charity as a
platform to gain publicity. Sometimes, he would even go to the extent
of not letting the recipient know who the donor was. Such was the
extent of his generosity.
And last on my list is - Create a niche for yourself
One of the reasons Ambani is one of the greatest leaders in the Country
is because of how he discovered a niche for himself. In a life which
spanned over a period of 69 years, he managed to hold onto his ideas
and managed to turn each idea into a success. From the oil industry to
the  communications world, Dhirubhai Ambani monopolised markets
which people did not think were viable industries at the time. The niche
he created for himself was so strong and great, no one had the guts to
penetrate, leaving Reliance as the sole leader in these fields for the
longest time!

So these were some of the Leadership Lessons by Dhirubhai Ambani

Over to Saurabh

 1st - You can learn the most from the risks you take
 2nd - The silent benefactor.
 3rd - Bet on the people around you
 4th –Money is not a product by itself, it is a by-product, so don't
chase it AND
 5th - Create a niche for yourself
Next is - Bet on the people around you
The people you have in your team are there because you want them to
be a part of your business. They are working with you because they
believe in your leadership skills. Dhirubhai realised early on in life that
he had to give the people on his team a reason to believe in him and in
the company. The philosophy of “arm around the shoulder type leader”
was made popular by him and with time, this has become a widely
popular form of leadership. Furthermore, not only did he believe in his
employees, he also made sure his employees had safety nets in place
for them when things went wrong. Every great leader reaches
greatness because of the amount of trust they place in the people
around them.

Money is not a product by itself, it is a by-product, so don't chase it

This was a belief by which Dhirubhai lived all his life. For instance when
he briefed about setting up Mudra, his instruction was clear: 'Produce
the best textile advertising in the country,' he said. He did not breathe a
word about profits, nor about becoming the richest ad agency in the
country. Great advertising was the goal that he set. A by-product is
something that you don't set out to produce. It is the spin off when you
create something larger. When you turn logs into lumber, sawdust is
your by-product and a pretty lucrative one it can be too! It is a very
simple analogy but extremely effective in driving the point home. Work
toward a goal beyond your bank balance. Success in attaining that goal
will eventually ring in the cash. For instance, if you work towards
creating a name for yourself and earning a good reputation, then
money is a logical outcome. People will pay for your product or service
if it is good. But if you get your priorities slightly mixed up, not only will
the money you make remain just a quick buck it would in all likelihood
blacklist you for good. Sounds too simplistic for belief? Well, look
around you and you will know exactly how true it is.

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