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A) Match the following phrasal verbs with their definitions:

1. to call for a) to campaign for a position

2. to care for b) to explain
3. to check for c) head in a certain direction
4. to go for d) move or travel towards
5. to look for e) to enter a competition
6. to run for f) to be attracted to someone
7. to stand for g) to request to have or to be given
8. to stand up for h) to be careful of something
9. to stick up for i) not sleep because you are waiting for someone or
10. to wait up for something
11. to watch out for j) defend ones opinions
12. to ask for k) to defend ( something one believes in)
13. to fall for l) to tolerate
14. to go in for m) to campaign for a government position
15. to head for n) to search for
16. to make for o) to try to achieve
17. to account for p) to try to find
18. to run for q) to take care of/ supply care to
r) to require

B) Complete the sentences with phrasal verbs from A:

1. An emergency like this _____________ some pretty drastic action.

2. I don´t _____________ for fizzy drinks. I prefer water.
3. They _____________ termites before they bought the house
4. Our team is _____________ the gold medal in Olympics
5. I´m _____________ my keys. Have you seen them?
6. Gore is _____________ for president of United States.
7. I won´t _____________ people criticizing me.
8. Every individual must _____________ what they believe.
9. John joined the army because he believes he must _____________ his country.
10. Let´s _____________ Mary to see how her date went.
11. _____________ bats in caves many have rabies.
12. I _____________ the menu!
13. He _____________ her the moment their eyes met.
14. He _____________ the photography prize but he didn´t win.
15. It´s getting late- I´m _____________ home
16. We _____________ home when it started to rain.
17. They had to _____________ all the money that had gone missing.
18. She´s thinking about _____________ the presidency.


1. r 1. calls for
2. q 2. care for
3. p 3. checked for
4. o 4. going for
5. n 5. looking for
6. m 6. running for
7. l 7. stand for
8. k 8. stand up for
9. j 9. stick up for
10. i 10. wait up for
11. h 11. watch out for
12. g 12. asked for
13. f 13. fell for
14. e 14. went in for
15. d 15. heading for
16. c 16. made for
17. b 17. account for
18. a 18. running for

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