1701 111 Cutting and Sewing Instructions Original

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ourd Style.com 111 Pyjama Top Burda sizes 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 Back length approx. 66 cm (26 ins) Materials Recommended fabrics: Softly draping fabrics of cotton, viscose-rayon or silk Silk satin print Interfacing: Vilene/Pellon G 785 4 buttons Satin piping: size 36: 2.90 m (3 1/4 yds), sizes 38, 40: 2.95 m (3 3/8 yds), sizes 42, 44; 3.00 m (3 3/8 yds) Size 36 6/38 «/40 |42 [44 Fab. width aq Fabric requirements (meters/ yds) Fabric 135 1.70 1.75 53 he Mh Preparations Print the pattern out on letter or Ad sized paper. Itis very important to not scale the document. Your pattern will print on multiple pages, which you will then tile together. Arrange the sheets on a large, hard and flat surface matching up the numbers and letters (ie. 6A to 6A). Cut or fold one of the sides and match the edge to it’s corre- sponding side. Then, tape down in place so paper is secure. ‘Trace the pattern pieces from the pattern sheet following the lines and markings for style 111 and your size. Pin pattern pieces to the fabric as shown on the pattern layout. Mark pieces a and b directly on the fabric. burda style magazine patterns do not have seam allowance included. Seam and hem allowance to be added: Seams and edges 1.5 cm (5/8 in), hem 4 em (1 5/8 ins). ‘Measurements for pieces a and b include allow- ances, Cutting and Sewing Instructions Pattern pieces 21 to 29 Size 36 Size 38 —— —— —— Size 40 Size 42 Size 44 Cutting Out 21 front 2x 22 back, on afold 1x 23 yoke, on afold 1x 24 sleeve 2x 25 sleeve band 4x 26 front facing 2x 27 collar, ona fold 2x 28 upper pocket 1x 29 lower pocket 2x Also draft the following pieces NOT included in the pat- tern: a upper pocket band 1x blower pocket band 2x Measurements for a-b: size [36 [38 [40 [a2 [aa [Length (em/ins) [Width for al sizes (cm/ins) la 3 1 Sik 4 b 18 12 Th on ee shaded area on pattern layout. Transfer pattern lines to the fabric: Transfer the pattern piece outlines (seam and hem lines), placement lines for pockets, pleat lines, centre front line, lapel fold line, and seam marks from the pattern pieces to the wrong fabric side, with burda style dressmaker's carbon paper (see detailed instructions included with the pack). Hand baste along pocket placement lines, centre front line, and lapel fold lines to make these lines visible on the right fabric side. Copyright 2016 by Verlag GmbH & Co.KG Aenne Burd, Hubert Burds-Pat 2, 0-77652 Offenburg.Allmodels, pattem pleces and drawings are copyrighted, commercial use is prohibited. The publisher shall not be lable far damages eaused by improper handing of the cut mateal, improper execution cf the Tips and InstrUctons, Or improper use of ‘the models are emerging right side of fabric wrong side of fabric interfacing When basting and stitching, the right fabric sides must be facing. Backstitch to secure start and end of seams. Back / pleat: On back piece, lay pleat in direction of arrows and baste to upper edge (1). = === Piping: Baste piping to upper edge of each pocket as illustrated. The flat tape lies on the seam allow- ance and the piping cord lies on the pocket (2). 2 . Attach pocket bands: Fold each pocket band in half lengthwise, wrong side facing in, and press. Pin open edges of band to upper pocket edge, right sides facing. Using your machine's zipper foot, stitch close to the piping cord (3). Trim seam allow- ances. Neaten edges of allowances together and press allowances toward pocket. The piping cord lies on the pocket band. Cutting and Sewing Instructions print, 135 em wide ‘Attach pocket: Neaten pocket edges. Press allow- ances on pocket edges to wrong side. Pin small pocket to upper left front, at placement line, and ‘edgestitch in place. Stitch large pockets to both lower fronts (4). 4 Attach yoke: Pin yoke to back piece, right sides facing. Stitch as pinned (5). Stitch yoke to fronts in same manner. At each seam, neaten edges of al- lowances together. In back, press allowances toward yoke; in front press allowances toward front pieces. Copyright 2016 by Verlag Gmbl 8 Co. KG Aenne Burda, Hubert Burda-Pat 2, D-77652 Ofenburg All model, pattem pleces and drawings ate copyrighted, commercial uses prohibited. The pubilsher shall not be Hable far damages caused by improper handling of the eut mata, improper execution ofthe ips and instctons, r improper use of ‘the models are emerging Cutting and Sewing Instructions Side seams: Lay fronts on back, right sides facing. Pin side seams, Stitch seams, At each seam, neaten edges of allowances together and press toward back, Collar: Baste piping to outer edges of collar as de- scribed for the pockets (see text and illustration for step 2). Pin collar pieces together, right sides facing, Then stitch together, using your machine's, zipper foot to stitch close to piping cord (6). Trim seam allowances. Turn collar right side out, baste edges, and press. Pin open edges together. Front edges / Lapels / Collar: Baste piping to edges of fronts and lapels as described for pockets, At seam marks and at marked hem line, turn ends of piping under, at an angle toward seam allowance. Pin collar to neck edge, between seam marks, right sides facing. The seam marks on collar and yoke must match. Clip the allowance of the collar piece Which lies on top, at the yoke attachment seam (arrow), Baste collar in place, basting only the under collar to the yoke (7) Facings: Neaten outer edges of facings. Press al- lowances on upper edge to wrong side, Lay facings on fronts, right sides together. Stitch along front and lower edges, catching the collar as far as clips in seam allowance. Between the clips, stitch only the under collar in place. Trim allowances, trim- ‘ming diagonally across corners. Clip curves. Clip allowances at yoke attachment seams (arrow). Trim hem allowance up to 3 cm (1.1/4 ins) before each facing edge (8). ‘Turn facings to inside and press edges. On yoke, press allowances toward collar. Turn edge of upper collar under and sew to collar attachment seam by hand, Hand sew upper facing edges to yoke attach- ment seams (9), Copyright 2016 by Verlag Gmbl 8 Co. KG Aenne Burda, Hubert Burda-Pat 2, D-77652 Ofenburg All model, pattem pleces and drawings ate copyrighted, commercial uses prohibited. The pubilsher shall not be Hable far damages caused by improper handling of the eut mata, improper execution ofthe ips and instctons, r improper use of ‘the models are emerging Cutting and Sewing Instructions Hem: Finish lower edge. Press hem allowance to inside and sew loosely in place by hand. Sew fac- ings to hem (10). 0 J —_ Set in sleeves: Pin each sleeve to armhole edge, right sides facing. Seam marks (9) on sleeve and is front must match. Sleeve seam and side seam ke must match. Seam mark on sleeve cap must match seam mark on yoke. Working from the sleeve side, Sleeves: Baste piping to lower edge of each sleeve baste then stitch sleeves to armhole edges (13). as described for pockets (see text and illustration Neaten edges of seam allowances together and for step 2). Fold each sleeves lengthwise, right side ress toward sleeves. facing in. Stitch sleeve seams. At each seam, neaten edges of seam allowances together and 3 al press to one side. — Sleeve bands: Fold each sleeve band piece right my side facing in, and stitch ends together. Slide one f+ sleeve band into the other, right sides facing. Stitch / lower edges together (11). / 7 Buttonholes / buttons: Work buttonholes in right front as marked. Sew buttons to left front, at marked centre front, to match buttonholes. Turn sleeve bands right side out and press edges. Pin open edges together Stitch each sleeve band to lower sleeve edge, right sides facing, catching the piping (12). Trim seam allowances, neaten edges together, and press toward sleeve band. Copyright 2016 by Verlag Gmbl 8 Co. KG Aenne Burda, Hubert Burda-Pat 2, D-77652 Ofenburg All model, pattem pleces and drawings ate copyrighted, commercial uses prohibited. The pubilsher shall not be Hable far damages caused by improper handling of the eut mata, improper execution ofthe ips and instctons, r improper use of ‘the models are emerging burda Style.com Additional Information: Burda patterns do not include seam and hem allowances. We recommend adding 1-2 cm (3/8 - 3/4 inch) for seams and 2-5 cm (3/4 - 2 inch/es) for hems. Refer to your specific pattern instructions for exact measurements. The fabric requirements are based on the fabric used for the original designs. ‘These amounts will change if you use fabric of a different width. The pattern of the fabric determines whether all the pieces must be cut in the same direction or whether some can be reversed to save fabric. ‘The cutting layout printed with the instructions shows the best way to place the pattern pieces on our original fabric. Fold the fabric double with the right side facing in. The fabric then has a fold edge and a selvedge edge. When cutting from a single fabric layer, the right side should face up. Pattern pieces which are shown in the cutting layout with broken outlines should be pinned to the fabric with their printed side facing down. Grey shaded areas in the cutting layout indicate which pieces are to be inter- faced. Transfer the pattern piece lines to the wrong side of your fabric with dressmakers carbon paper. Hand-baste along lines (e.g. for pockets or centre front) to make them visible on the right side of the fabri Have fun sewing, and make sure to upload pictures of your finished sewing project to BurdaStyle.com/projects and link it to the pattern you made it from! If you have any questions about the pattern or specific instructions please email answers@burdastyle.com and your inquiry will be forwarded to one of, our sewing pattern experts. Fabrics may shrink when laundered for the first time, especialy those made of cotton, linen, and rayon. To avoid shrinkage of the finished garment, these fabrics should be pre-treated (washed and dried before cutting out the fabric pieces). Use the temperature settings you plan to use forthe finshed garment: if you want to test the amount of shrinkage Cf your fabric, cut a square of the fabric and measure it exactly Finish the edges, then wash i, ‘and compare the size after washing with the original size. Symbols ‘Amhole markings lib gee and ont ‘shan tn save st rote ine so Sreereaione. ff ST efoweageota Sole oe a Soe tution ttonhle Eyelet pening x — fot ine bor thsbroten ine [ then srfeld'and note Ising tine tage pen pece hat cme, fit on the pater oar sheet wl ‘ul be tapes ogee ah fave been raced onto patern et A douse nite [odes match poms. tensioning theater met soeeu you wi need | Widsgiienthengo ce he | pte orto pape ‘of te row bythe amount nected Pat symbot Fold the pleat inthe drction ofthe arom Presse foot ‘A reser foot image incatesseam eatepatehing nes, smo Sedat i ah Soreaee ate ai one loadable patterns, scisors indicate oe Sierts Bat tour on sed Sim atowsnes) ra roe Ad the acl Sovnloadable pattern ples, the words are Shown on eng scams, nectar: perpen Inaleate eagesto be Seam numbers Agha pen ices {gener ae ieheated ‘wih the ome som ‘Rumbo Match ples ‘Sahih some numbers, StivPiacket mark “rama thik ine that iments te cutng ine Incas begining ee hd ofa packet burda Style.com _ Se For the bes it’s important o tke precise measures, Measure your ‘ass yu if needed, Use a ele easing ape to measure around ou: boy, ensuring the ae i taut bu ot igh and part the fla Stand upright witha eaved posture, and breathe normally while you measure. 4 ust: Measure acu he flest part of your bust. Meck cruference: ‘Measure the ccamfence atthe base of th neck and above the calbone 2 Waist: Measure around yournaturl was the narowes part Hips: ‘Measure hezomtaly eur Additional measurements: '3 Front waist length: Mezsue fom the side base othe neck ver the ‘apexcfthe bust the natal wasting. Bust depth: Measure om the side base ofthe nek to the apex of he bust. the fulest par ofyourbotom and uperthihs ody while wearing undenvea or clsefitng garments and have someone 4 Back waist length: Measure from the base of your neck to the natural waistline, Back width: Measure horizontal between yout am ‘tachment pons. '5 Shoulder Meas rom the base of your neck to the tp of your shoulder ‘Upper arm: Measure aroud the fulest pat of you upoe rm 6 Armength: With your am sight bene, measure fom te tip of you Shoude ove the elbow to the natural waste. INFANTS" AND TODDLERS’ SIZE CHART (based on height) Important: Compare your body measurements to the |BURDASIZE S662 68480 go ge GM 1108 appropriate Burda size chart here or on BurdaStyle. | cuest 17k 185 19% 20 212% 223 3h Ih 3H com, Circle each of your body measurements on the | Waist ie 1k ih 18h 9 size chart since you may want to adjust your pattern | wp 181g 19K 208 21 222323424 D5 to fit a range of sizes. Your Burda size will be different | BACKLENGTH 635 6% 75 8 from your regular store-bought clothing size. ARMLENGTH 6% 78% 9 10m NECK 899-8 9H WOMEN'S SIZE CHART (Regular) inches (MEN'S SIZE CHART (Regulay) inches BURDASWE 32 34 36 38 40 a és 45 4850527545658 HEIGHT G6 O5/ 66% 66% 66% G6 G5A 66K GSK 66/ 66L 65K GSK 66 a ust 30333 336137397, 4143 ASH AR SO 52K SSK 57h | [HEIGHT GOK GK GBM GOH TH 71K 72¥ waist 232426 27h 79K 30. 37h 34 36K 38a 43; 45H 48504 | | CyesT 34H 36M 37H 30K A DH 44 HP, BIE 34_35h_37 38 40 ate a3 45/48 50h 82/594 57h 60 BACKLENGTA 151. 1616 16h 16% 16k 17 1717 WHAT 18 18 Tw 18H | |WAIST 30K 32% ¥4 38H 37 38H At SLEEVE LENGTH 231. 230 2323 MWh 4A DR 24K _Wh_D0h| | SEAT 35% BT 38 40 40H ATK AH NECKWIDTH 131341314 15154 1% 16h 16h 17h WA WA 8H) | oe LENGTH 39% 40% 40% 40% 41 41 41% ANA AIK 41% ATA ANA 424 424 4am | [LENGTH 16 17 17% 17% 7H 18 18% FRONT WAIST ‘ARN LENGTH 617 17h 1H 1h Wh 19 19% 19% 20% 20% 2 2% 2 22%) TENGTH 24 2 28h 29K 25% 26 26% BUSTPOINT 9% 9% 104 lov 11h Wh Wh WA 12K 13 13 14h 14h W815. UPPER ARN NECK 1S 15h 5H 16 16K 17 ORCUMFERENCE 9% 10% 10% 11% 1 Wh 1% 12h 13K WH 15 15h 16K 17K 18K WOMEN'S SIZE CHART (Petit) inches WOMEN'S SIZE CHART (Tall) inches * These sizes ae Buda petite szs and fern height rom the regular sizes. the | |» These sizes are Burda tall snes and fern height from the equa sizes. The height measurements are from 63 1 66% inches. you are aller than 66% inches, |__| eight measurement is 63% inches and up. you ae shore than 69% inches, you you can make alterations tothe length ofthe garment, the sleeve length, et. tofit | | can make alteration tothe length ofthe gament, the sleeve length, ett fit your yout measurements, ‘measurements, HURDA SIZE wow 9m 3 | BuRDAsize 6 68 om 1% BB 8B OD HEIGHT 8 8 8 6 8 8 6 6 | | HEIGHT 6) 60" 6M 69K 69K 69" 69K 69K Bust 303363 BOA BUST 3031333436 373915 aT waist 232262742930 3A _—A_| | WAIST 2h 26 27H 79-30 3NS 3 HP, we Mas) 3 Ae aT || HO 32h 3435) 37 38k 40M 41K 43h BACKLENGTH 15 15154 15M 16 16a 16 16% | | BACKLENGTH Tos 1617 17h 1741781718 SUEEVELENGTH 224 20/2 228232373 73 De | | SLEEVELENGTH 24 24-2424 DAH DHA DOE ‘NECK WIDTH B13k_ WA 1am 1S 1515] | NECK WIDTH 319K 134k Wh 15 15h 15H SIDELEGLENGTH 38% 30% 384 39 30 39H 39% 30% | | SIDELEGLENGTH 414 AMM ah AM ah HB FRONT WAIST FRONT WAIST LENGTH 15% 164 164 17 _ 17M _7K_ 18h 194 | | LENGTH. 1% 17% 8A 18% 19 19% 19% _ 20% ‘ust POINT 9% 9A 9h TOK 10 11h 1 17_| | BUSTPOINT. 9h 10} 10K 1A Te TWh ‘UPPER ARM UPPER ARNT CIRCUMFERENCE 9% © 10% 10% 11% 11% 1% 12% 12% | [CIRCUMFERENCE 9%; 10% 10% NM 1h 1M Wk

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