Chapter III (Methodology)

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Chapter III

Research Methodology

This part of the research shows the different processes, methods, and ways of gathering

data and information needed to fulfill the needs of the whole study. This chapter was also able to

show instruments and techniques used by the researchers to give satisfying and proper data for

the study. The information that the researchers gathered underwent a process before getting the

correct terms and data.

This chapter presents which research design was used and who are the selected

respondents for the whole study. It also shows how to do information is gathered and analyzed

by means of showing the data gathering procedure and statistics to formulate the answers of each


Research Design

     To achieve one of the purposes of this study, researchers used descriptive research as its

research design. This research design is where events are recorded, analyzed, interpreted, and

shown. As a result, this study used surveys and interviews among its respective respondents to

achieve its goal. It aims to identify the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on human resources

management with its old and new practices.

       On the other hand, this study used the quantitative method to achieve more satisfying and

accurate results needed to make this whole study understandable and more convincing.

According to a site in (2018), quantitative research is a structured way of

collecting and analyzing data obtained from different sources. Also, it involves using
computational, statistical, and mathematical tools to derive results. It can give accurate analysis

on every question in the survey to be conducted by the researchers.

The goal of experimental research is to find a link between the dependent and

independent variables. A relation between one specific element and the variable being researched

is either supported or rejected when an experimental research study is completed (Harland,

1998). During the last century, the experimental approach has proven resistant to paradigm

revisions in learning psychology, such as behaviorism to cognitivism, objectivism to

cognitivism, and instructive to constructivism (Jonassen, Campbell, & Davidson, 1994).

Experiments are easier to do when they are planned and executed methodically. (1)

choosing a topic, (2) determining the research problem, (3) doing a literature search, (4)

declaring research questions or hypotheses, (5) determining the research design, (6) determining

techniques, and (7) determining data analysis approaches are all steps in a seven-step process

(Ross, S.M. & Morrison, Gary, 2003).

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study were the selected human resource managers, managers, or

HRM experts online who are available to provide time and to limit the size of the area and their

answers. The selected respondents will be given a survey or questionnaires, which is a part of the

quantitative research method. They could have at least answered it accurately, for the questions

were explicitly made for them.

In addition, the chosen respondents will be informed ahead and ask for permission before

giving them the form that they will be going to answer in order for them to have enough time to

prepare so they can answer it correctly. Also, these respective respondents answered survey
forms to acquire accurate and specific answers to be reviewed, tallied and analyzed by the


As a result, gender, age, and color were not reflected upon the study since there are no

needs among their statuses and genders. As a matter of fact, these respondents were selected by

means of their availability and capabilities to answer the questions rightfully without bothering

their own time. This somehow shows that their answers were truthfully compiled and observed

by the researchers to acquire more satisfying answers.

Data Gathering Procedure

The data and information needed for this study came from different sources, related

studies, personal understanding and reviews, and searching and analysis of different books and

articles. In addition, a survey questionnaire was distributed to its first batch of respondents,

which are the customers, to have more specific and measurable information for the study. At the

same time, interviews were also part of the data gathering since the researchers conducted it to

the second batch of respondents (HRM) to have more reliable, realistic, and first-hand sources

used as proof and evidence towards the fulfillment of this study.

Somehow, for the surveys, researchers produced a survey questionnaire that contains

closed questions to limit the answers of the respondents, and it can lead to an easier

understanding of the study and specific analysis since it was computed relatively. Also, within

the closed questions themselves, researchers provided choices for the answers to be limited,

visible, and easier to present. The researchers observed the respondents while answering the

questionnaires to secure more truthful data to establish more reliable answers. Moreover, these
questionnaires served as a significant factor in data gathering since they gave more accurate,

specific, and satisfying information.

Respondents answer the questions by ticking and using the Likert Scale questionnaire.

Strongly Strongly
Question Disagree Neutral Agree
Disagree Agree

Question #1
Question #2
Question #3
The survey questionnaire shows as follows:

Table 3.1.1 An example of likert scale format of survey questionnaire.

Likert scale is also known as a kind of questionnaire that uses ratings to achieve more

specific information from the researchers' survey.

All along, interviews were also conducted by the researchers to have more understanding

within the study itself. The interview was done since it conveys more reliable information when

the researcher itself takes the data by first-hand source. Also, there are follow-up questions,

where it was freely given to have more understanding within the area of the whole study.

For fairness and formality of the interview questions, researchers made questions before

interviewing to avoid misconceptions and stuttering while interviewing. Also, it is advisable to

have prepared questions so the answers can be easily grouped after the interview. The follow-up

questions depended on the answers given by the interviewees; if there are instances that the

answer is a bit blurry, researchers are free to ask more questions for a more precise


Research Instrument
           For this part, survey and interview are the two most essential things in this study, for it

provides the expected answers that were needed to fulfill the needs of the whole study. Survey

questionnaires are one of the things that the researchers used to attain accurate and specific

information from the respondents. It contains 10 closed questions in a Likert scale format, which

implies ratings to get more accurate results. Also, the questions were asked to see the effect of

the Covid-19 pandemic on human resources management with its old and new practices.

For the interview, it is also a part of the needs of the study since it was used for gathering

the information from the managers. There were three prepared questions, excluding the follow-

up questions if their answers were hard to understand. Also, an interview is needed for the study

to be more reliable since the researcher got the information all on its own.

Interviews and surveys are the research instruments that the researchers used to acquire the

needed data and information for the study. In addition, it aims to have the needed information to

compare old practices of human resources to their newly proposed practices because of the


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