NeftyBlocks WhitePaper

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Disclaimer 3

Key Takeaways 4

About NeftyBlocks 5

Our Vision 6

Our Mission 6

Team 6

Tokenomics 6
Team allocation: 7
NEFTY Token utility: 7
For Artists / Collection owners 7
Collections Not staking $NEFTY 8
For Buyers 9
NEFTY Token distribution: 9
I. Community Sale 9
Additional Rewards 10
Extra NFTs 10
Use of the funds 10
II. Community Airdrop 11
Buyers and Collection owners 11
AlpacaWorlds Coin holders 11
Betsy NFT holders 12
III. Liquidity Mining 12
Buyers Liquidity Mining 13
Artist Liquidity Mining 14
The information contained herein is only conceptual and outlines the future development goals for the NeftyBlocks
platform and the $NEFTY token. This document is provided solely for informational purposes and does not
constitute any binding commitment.
Please do not rely on this information in making purchasing decisions because ultimately, the development,
release, and timing of any products, features or functionality remains at the sole discretion of the company, and is
subject to change.
This Whitepaper may be amended from time to time. There are no obligations to update the Whitepaper or to
provide recipients with access to any information beyond what is provided herein.

Key Takeaways

● The $NEFTY Token empowers artists and collectors around the world to
easily create, trade, and manage NFT collections.

● A community sale will take place on August 31st on NeftyBlocks.

● After the community sale, $NEFTY can be mined by buying and selling
NFTs on NeftyBlocks.

● By staking $NEFTY, collections gain access to premium features and can

request and vote for features.

● Collectors staking $NEFTY and paying for their NFTs with $NEFTY will
boost their mining power.

● AlpacaWorlds coin holders, Betsy NFTs holders, and buyers and sellers
who used NeftyBlocks before June 29, 2021, will benefit from $NEFTY

● The NeftyBlocks roadmap outlines building an End to End solution for

NFTs including a marketplace and applying to become a WAX Guild.

● The buyers of the community sale who also hold a Nefty Pioneer Pass
will be able to blend the first ever Cross-collection pack.
About NeftyBlocks
Since its creation, NeftyBlocks has been about empowering artists and collection owners with
state-of-the-art tools in the NFT space.

Working closely with NFT artists, collection owners, buyers, and sellers has been a key part of
our strategy. In this way, we have been able to deliver tools that NFT artists were longing to

Using our development power, NeftyBlocks has filled a void for artists and collectors in the
WAX ecosystem in a matter of weeks. NeftyBlocks has seen an enormous increase in users and
sales volume and is rapidly growing from user-friendly NFT tools to a complete NFT platform

We are now at a pivotal moment of the NeftyBlocks platform.

To achieve the expected growth, we must cater to the ever-growing interest in NFTs.
By incentivizing all groups to actively participate on the NeftyBlocks platform, we believe the
expected growth will be achieved.

To attain the expected participation levels, NeftyBlocks is introducing the $NEFTY token. The
token is designed to serve multiple purposes, incentivizing active participation on the
NeftyBlocks platform. Through the token, we aim to give artists, collection owners, buyers,
and sellers the power to shape the future of the platform, while being rewarded for active
use of NeftyBlocks.

Monthly statistics show an increasing interest in the NeftyBlocks platform

Source: DappRadar

Our Vision
Empowering artists and collectors around the world to easily create, trade and manage NFT

Our Mission
NeftyBlocks is the platform of choice for artists and collectors around the world on the WAX
blockchain, while supporting interoperability across multiple blockchain platforms.

NeftyBlocks was founded in 2021 by José Andrade and Juan Paniagua.
José and Juan share a passion for the blockchain and NFTs and started together NeftyBlocks
to apply their software development experience in that area.
The team has now expanded and includes multiple software developers, sysadmins, marketing
experts, and artists from Guatemala and The Netherlands.

Max supply: 100,000,000 $NEFTY


25% Team and Investors

1% Airdrop

4% Marketing and promotions

15.56% Community sale

54.44% Liquidity Mining Pool

Team allocation:

The team and investors allocation will be released according to the following vesting

Unlock # 1 2 3 4 5
Date 01/02/2022 01/07/2022 01/02/2023 01/07/2023 01/02/2024
Available tokens 25000000 20000000 15000000 9000000 4500000
Tokens to unlock 5000000 5000000 6000000 4500000 4500000

Unlock dates trigger the distribution process. Tokens will be distributed to beneficiaries
bi-weekly over a 6 month period.

NEFTY Token utility:

For Artists / Collection owners

For Artists and Collections owners, the token will serve as a utility or network token and as a
governance token.
After the community sale, anyone will be able to stake their $NEFTY. Depending on the
amount of $NEFTY staked, they will qualify for staking Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3.

The staking levels are defined as a specific amount of $NEFTY.

Once an artist or collection reaches a certain staking level, they will keep the reached level
until they un-stake their $NEFTY.

Artists will gain access to different platform features and governance possibilities according
to their staking level as described in the table below.

If an artist wants to increase or decrease his staking level, the requirements in place at the
moment of the level change will apply.

In the future, the staking levels may be adjusted and artists will have to stake a $NEFTY
amount equivalent to a USD value.

$NEFTY required to access the staking levels 10000 25000 45000
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Liquidity Mining weight 2 2.5 3
Preminted Packs y y
Tailored configuration preminted packs y
Super blender y y y
Tailored super blender configuration y
Submit feature requests y
Be featured as NeftyKing y y
Vote for features y (1 point) y (2 points)
Free banners when space available y
Discount on banners y y
NFTs participating on NeftyQuest y y y
Early access to new features y
Access to priority support channel y
Sales analytics y y y
More coming!!

Submitting a proposal for features will have a price of 1000 $NEFTY. The proceedings of the
feature requests will be added to the liquidity mining pool.

The community (other collections and artists) will vote to approve or reject the development
of a feature.

After a feature has been approved the community will also be able to vote to prioritize the
development of certain features.

NeftyBlocks will always use a part of its development capacity to work on the core
functionality of the platform.

Collections Not staking $NEFTY

Collections that are not staking the $NEFTY token will be considered Level 0 collections.
They will still participate in the liquidity mining program and will have access to the free
features of NeftyBlocks. Those features include the ability to create and configure drops,
blends using the blenderizerx contract and minted on demand packs.
For Buyers

Buyers who use the $NEFTY token to pay for their NFTs will boost their liquidity mining
power. When buying with $NEFTY from a drop, the platform will buy WAX from the
WAX/NEFTY pool, or use NeftyBlocks reserves and pay the collection with WAX, unless the
collection has specified that they accept $NEFTY for payments.

Wallets staking $NEFTY will boost their Liquidity Mining power even further according to their
staking level.

NEFTY Token distribution:

There are 3 ways to get the $NEFTY token.

I. Community Sale

The community sale of $NEFTY tokens will be conducted as an NFT drop on NeftyBlocks. It
will take place on August 31st, 2021.

There are three different NFTs pack tiers containing one Betsy NFT and $NEFTY tokens. The
tiers represent three different amounts of tokens. When someone opens a pack, they receive
an NFT piece of art and the corresponding amount of the $NEFTY tokens.
The tokens will be immediately transferred to the WAX account that opened the pack.
Any secondary transfers of the NFT inside the pack will not come with $NEFTY tokens. People
buying the highest tier pack will receive the $NEFTY token at a significant discount, as
specified in the following table:

Backed Pack price

Rarity Supply* Total $NEFTY $NEFTY price Raised$

Collector 400 8192 3276800 0.1250 $409,518.08 $49.99
NEFTY Artist 1300 4096 5324800 0.1154 $614,359.04 $149.99
NEFTY Whale 3200 2048 6553600 0.0937 $614,379.52 $299.99
$NEFTY 15155200 Total USD $1,638,256.64
*The specified supply applies to packs. The supply of the contained NFTs is superior due to the additional rewards.

The NFT drop will be open for 48 hours. Packs can be opened after the drop has concluded.
Any unsold packs will be burned and the corresponding amount of $NEFTY will be added to
the Liquidity Mining Pool.

Additional Rewards

Extra NFTs

Every pack bought on the community sale will contain at least the Betsy NFT specified in the
drop description.

Additionally, 128 Nefty Collector packs will also contain an Artist NFT. That means that
instead of being able to claim 400 $NEFTY, people opening those packs will be able to claim
1700 $NEFTY.

64 Nefty Artist packs will also contain a Whale NFT. That means that instead of claiming 1300
$NEFTY, people obtaining those packs will be able to claim 4500 $NEFTY.

One of the Nefty Whale packs will also contain one Golden Betsy. The person who gets that
pack will receive the Golden Betsy, a 1 of 2 NFT allowing this person to claim 32000 $NEFTY
on top of the 3200 corresponding to the Whale NFT, for a total of 35200 $NEFTY.

Cross Collection Packs

During the Community Sale marketing campaign, we will be partnering with multiple
collections to deliver Nefty Pioneer passes to their communities.

One week after the Community Sale, holders of a Nefty Pioneer pass and any of the three
NFTs from the Community Sale will be able to participate in a Super Blend. This allows them
to burn their Nefty Pioneer pass to receive a Cross-Collection Pack.

The Cross Collection Pack contains NFTs native to partnered collections. Many of those NFTs
can be used in the top games of the WAX blockchain including rplanet, Uplift World, WAX
Arena among others. One Golden Betsy with 32000 $NEFTY is included in the Cross-Collection

Use of the funds

The proceedings of the Community Sale will be used as follows:

90% to cover the operating costs of NeftyBlocks (Development, Infrastructure, Marketing,

10% will be locked in a WAXP/NEFTY pool in the Alcor exchange.

II. Community Airdrop

To reward NeftyBlocks pioneers, an allocation of 1% of the total $NEFTY supply is distributed

among active buyers and collection owners of NeftyBlocks. This allocation is airdropped to

There are three ways to receive $NEFTY in the airdrop:

● First, by being an active buyer or collection owner;
● Second, by owning one of the AlpacaWorlds silver and/or gold coins;
● Third, by being an early holder of Betsy NFTs.

Buyers and Collection owners

Any wallets meeting the airdrop criteria at the time of the snapshot will receive $NEFTY. A
snapshot was taken on Tuesday, 29 June 2021 08:49:19 (UTC).

Who is eligible to participate in the airdrop?

● Any NeftyBlocks user who has purchased an NFT or pack on NeftyBlocks with a
value of 1 WAX or greater (before snapshot).
● Any artist who has created a drop on NeftyBlocks (before snapshot).

Each buyer receives 45 $NEFTY after the community sale is concluded.

Each drop creator receives 250 $NEFTY after the community sale is concluded.

AlpacaWorlds Coin holders

Holders of the AlpacaWorlds silver and/or gold coins are eligible to receive an airdrop.
AlpacaWorlds collectors must hold the silver and/or gold coin before August 31th 03:00 PM
(UTC) to receive $NEFTY.

Who is eligible to participate in the airdrop?

● Holders of the AlpacaWorlds silver coin before the $NEFTY community sale is

● Holders of the AlpacaWorlds gold coin before the $NEFTY community sale is

Holders of the silver coin receive 50 $NEFTY per coin.

Holders of the gold coin receive 150 $NEFTY per coin.

Betsy NFT holders

Holders of the Betsy NFTs released by NeftyBlocks are eligible to receive an airdrop.
Betsy collectors must hold any of the Betsy NFTs in the official Uncutnefties collection to
receive $NEFTY. A snapshot will be taken on August 31th 03:00 PM (UTC). $NEFTY will be
distributed after the community sale has concluded as specified in the table below:

Max template
Template # NEFTY Total
Betsy (Sketch) 125022 1000 5 5000
Betsy (Sketch with logo) 125023 900 5 4500
Betsy (Rough polish) 125025 750 20 15000
Betsy (Rough polish with logo) 125028 500 50 25000
Betsy (Polished) 125030 250 75 18750
Betsy (Polished with logo) 125031 50 175 8750
A glimpse into the future 200580 500 5 2500

Token airdrops will be claimable on the NeftyBlocks website after the community sale has

III. Liquidity Mining

To incentivize active use of the NeftyBlocks platform, we introduce a liquidity mining

program. Every Wednesday, 150,000 $NEFTY tokens will be distributed to people who have
interacted with the NeftyBlocks platform during the previous week.

The Liquidity Mining tokens will be initially distributed as follows:

● 50% to Buyers
● 50% to Sellers
The liquidity mining rewards allocation ensures that liquidity mining will last at least 7 years.
When the liquidity mining allocation is completely used, NeftyBlocks might define a new
liquidity mining program or buy $NEFTY tokens using the marketing budget to extend the
current program.

The distribution percentages destined to buyers and sellers may be adjusted at any point in
time to maximize the platform utilization.

Buyers Liquidity Mining

Every wallet that buys NFTs on the NeftyBlocks platform will participate in liquidity mining
and will receive a proportional share of the Liquidity Mining tokens allocated to buyers.
When buyers use $NEFTY to pay for their NFTs they will boost their Liquidity Mining rewards
by 100% compared to those who choose to pay with WAX. Their Liquidity Mining power is thus

Additionally, wallets staking $NEFTY will be able to boost their Liquidity Mining power even
further according to their staking level.

Wallet Staking Level Multiplier $NEFTY Requirements

Level 0 * 1 0

Level 1 1.25 1000

Level 2 1.5 4000

Level 3 2 10000
* Wallets not staking $NEFTY

The calculation will be made as follows:

Buyer weighted WAX = WAX spent + (WAX value of $NEFTY spent x 2)

Gross mining share = Weighted WAX / Total Weighted WAX

Staking multiplier boost = Gross mining share x Staking Level Multiplier

Net mining share = Staking multiplier boost / Total Staking multiplier boost

Weekly Liquidity Mined = Weekly $NEFTY pool x Net mining share

Artist Liquidity Mining
Every collection that has sold NFTs using NeftyBlocks drops will participate in liquidity mining
and will receive a share of the Liquidity Mining tokens allocated to sellers.
By staking $NEFTY and using Nefty Drops exclusively, sellers can boost their liquidity mining
power as specified in the table below.

Collection Staking Level Multiplier $NEFTY Requirements

Level 0 * 1 0

Level 1 2 10000

Level 2 2.5 25000

Level 3 3 45000
* Collections not staking $NEFTY

The calculation will be made as follows:

Gross mining share = Sold WAX / Total Sold WAX

Staking multiplier boost = Gross mining share x Staking Level Multiplier

Net mining share = Staking multiplier boost / Total Staking multiplier boost

Weekly Liquidity Mined = Weekly $NEFTY pool x Net mining share

The staking level is determined at the beginning of each liquidity mining period.
NEFTY Roadmap
Q3 2021
● Nefty Token Launch
● Self-service Preminted Packs
● Super Blender
● Liquidity Mining Launch
● Feature proposals and voting

Q4 2021
● NeftyBlocks Site Redesign
● WAX Guild Application
● NeftyBlocks Marketplace
● Collection Verification Process

Q1 2022
● Nefty Quest
● End to End Collection Management


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