Tuner Studio App Debug

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TunerStudio 3.0.28 started on Mon Jan 21 18:47:51 CET 2019

JRE 1.8.0_66, Windows 10 10.0, x86
Look:Metal, ClassName:'javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel'
Look:Nimbus, ClassName:'javax.swing.plaf.nimbus.NimbusLookAndFeel'
Look:CDE/Motif, ClassName:'com.sun.java.swing.plaf.motif.MotifLookAndFeel'
Look:Windows, ClassName:'com.sun.java.swing.plaf.windows.WindowsLookAndFeel'
Look:Windows Classic,
Look:Night Shade, ClassName:'de.muntjak.tinylookandfeel.TinyLookAndFeel'
Setting Look & Feel to:javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel
21/01/19 18:47:51 :Debug: no update:defaultFont
21/01/19 18:47:51 :Info: Finishing Upgrade....
21/01/19 18:47:52 :Debug: Delete Results startScreenRoot true
Saved user properties successfully
21/01/19 18:47:52 :Info: Loading Language Content.
21/01/19 18:47:52 :Info: Initializing File Dialogs.
21/01/19 18:47:55 :Debug: Running speed test
21/01/19 18:47:56 :Debug: Processor Score:246551
21/01/19 18:47:57 :Debug: Command Non-VolatileBytes for F resolved to: x46
21/01/19 18:47:57 :Debug: Command Non-VolatileBytes for I resolved to: x49
21/01/19 18:47:57 :Debug: Command Non-VolatileBytes for f resolved to: x66
21/01/19 18:47:57 :Info: Initializing Help.
21/01/19 18:47:57 :Info: Initializing Edition Features.
21/01/19 18:47:57 :Info: Initializing App Events.
21/01/19 18:47:57 :Debug: App Name:TunerStudio, appEdition:MS Lite!
21/01/19 18:47:57 :Debug: Dummy Function Factory Created.
21/01/19 18:47:57 :Info: Initializing User Interface
21/01/19 18:47:58 :Warning: Unable to set Main cluster for title:
21/01/19 18:47:59 :Info: Loading Font list.
21/01/19 18:48:02 :Debug: Time to retreive font name list: 2109 ms.
21/01/19 18:48:02 :Info:
21/01/19 18:48:02 :Info: Initializing UI Components.
21/01/19 18:48:02 :Info: Ready
21/01/19 18:48:08 :Info: Checking for updates
21/01/19 18:48:11 :Debug: Swing Event Thread not heard from in 10 seconds, assuming
dead lock. Printing all stacks
Thread UpdateThread
at java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)
at ag.dB.run(Unknown Source)
Thread TimerQueue
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(LockSupport.java:175)
at java.util.concurrent.DelayQueue.take(DelayQueue.java:211)
at javax.swing.TimerQueue.run(TimerQueue.java:171)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
Thread Thread-6
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:502)
at java.awt.EventQueue.invokeAndWait(EventQueue.java:1313)
at java.awt.Window.doDispose(Window.java:1214)
at java.awt.Window.dispose(Window.java:1151)
at ag.ds.run(Unknown Source)
Thread AWT-Shutdown
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:502)
at sun.awt.AWTAutoShutdown.run(AWTAutoShutdown.java:295)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
Thread StartScreenUpdate
at java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)
at ag.kl.run(Unknown Source)
Thread MessageMonitor
at java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)
at w.b.run(Unknown Source)
Thread Swing-Shell
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(LockSupport.java:175)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
Thread main
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:502)
at java.awt.EventQueue.invokeAndWait(EventQueue.java:1313)
at java.awt.EventQueue.invokeAndWait(EventQueue.java:1294)
at javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(SwingUtilities.java:1348)
at TunerStudio.main(Unknown Source)
Thread File Change monitor
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at A.x.a(Unknown Source)
at A.x.run(Unknown Source)
Thread Java2D Disposer
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(ReferenceQueue.java:143)
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(ReferenceQueue.java:164)
at sun.java2d.Disposer.run(Disposer.java:148)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
Thread AWT-Windows
at sun.awt.windows.WToolkit.eventLoop(Native Method)
at sun.awt.windows.WToolkit.run(WToolkit.java:306)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
Thread Attach Listener
Thread Finalizer
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(ReferenceQueue.java:143)
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(ReferenceQueue.java:164)
at java.lang.ref.Finalizer$FinalizerThread.run(Finalizer.java:209)
Thread AWT-EventQueue-0
at java.io.WinNTFileSystem.createFileExclusively(Native Method)
at java.io.File.createNewFile(File.java:1012)
at aV.P.a(Unknown Source)
at aV.P.a(Unknown Source)
at aV.P.a(Unknown Source)
at ag.kg.e(Unknown Source)
at ag.kg.c(Unknown Source)
at ag.kg.a(Unknown Source)
at ag.h.E(Unknown Source)
at ag.do.g(Unknown Source)
at b.run(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(InvocationEvent.java:301)
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(EventQueue.java:756)
at java.awt.EventQueue.access$500(EventQueue.java:97)
at java.awt.EventQueue$3.run(EventQueue.java:709)
at java.awt.EventQueue$3.run(EventQueue.java:703)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(EventQueue.java:726)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:101)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:93)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(EventDispatchThread.java:82)
Thread Signal Dispatcher
Thread SalesLabelRotation
at java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)
at ag.hV.run(Unknown Source)
Thread SwingWorker-pool-2-thread-1
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:502)
at java.awt.EventQueue.invokeAndWait(EventQueue.java:1313)
at java.awt.EventQueue.invokeAndWait(EventQueue.java:1294)
at javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(SwingUtilities.java:1348)
at javax.swing.JEditorPane.getStream(JEditorPane.java:760)
at javax.swing.JEditorPane$PageLoader.doInBackground(JEditorPane.java:625)
at javax.swing.JEditorPane$PageLoader.doInBackground(JEditorPane.java:604)
at javax.swing.SwingWorker$1.call(SwingWorker.java:295)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266)
at javax.swing.SwingWorker.run(SwingWorker.java:334)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
Thread Reference Handler
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:502)
at java.lang.ref.Reference$ReferenceHandler.run(Reference.java:157)
Thread DeadLockMonitor
at java.lang.Thread.dumpThreads(Native Method)
at java.lang.Thread.getAllStackTraces(Thread.java:1603)
at aJ.a.c(Unknown Source)
at aJ.a.a(Unknown Source)
at aJ.c.run(Unknown Source)
Saved user properties successfully
Saved user properties successfully
21/01/19 18:48:17 :Info: Update Check Completed
Saved user properties successfully
Saved user properties successfully
Jar Name:TunerStudioMS.jar
Saved user properties successfully
21/01/19 18:48:37 :Info: closeApp Called
21/01/19 18:48:37 :Info: Finalizing Sensors
Saved user properties successfully
TunerStudio 3.0.28 started on Mon Jan 21 18:48:40 CET 2019
JRE 1.8.0_66, Windows 10 10.0, x86
Look:Metal, ClassName:'javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel'
Look:Nimbus, ClassName:'javax.swing.plaf.nimbus.NimbusLookAndFeel'
Look:CDE/Motif, ClassName:'com.sun.java.swing.plaf.motif.MotifLookAndFeel'
Look:Windows, ClassName:'com.sun.java.swing.plaf.windows.WindowsLookAndFeel'
Look:Windows Classic,
Look:Night Shade, ClassName:'de.muntjak.tinylookandfeel.TinyLookAndFeel'
Setting Look & Feel to:javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel
21/01/19 18:48:41 :Debug: no update:defaultFont
21/01/19 18:48:43 :Info: Loading Language Content.
21/01/19 18:48:44 :Info: Initializing File Dialogs.
21/01/19 18:48:46 :Debug: Command Non-VolatileBytes for F resolved to: x46
21/01/19 18:48:46 :Debug: Command Non-VolatileBytes for I resolved to: x49
21/01/19 18:48:46 :Debug: Command Non-VolatileBytes for f resolved to: x66
21/01/19 18:48:46 :Info: Initializing Help.
21/01/19 18:48:46 :Info: Initializing Edition Features.
21/01/19 18:48:46 :Info: Initializing App Events.
21/01/19 18:48:46 :Debug: App Name:TunerStudio, appEdition:MS Lite!
21/01/19 18:48:46 :Debug: Dummy Function Factory Created.
21/01/19 18:48:46 :Info: Initializing User Interface
21/01/19 18:48:46 :Warning: Unable to set Main cluster for title:
21/01/19 18:48:47 :Debug: Running speed test
21/01/19 18:48:48 :Info: Loading Font list.
21/01/19 18:48:48 :Debug: Time to retreive font name list: 17 ms.
21/01/19 18:48:48 :Info:
21/01/19 18:48:48 :Info: Initializing UI Components.
21/01/19 18:48:48 :Info: Ready
21/01/19 18:48:48 :Debug: Processor Score:172640
MSmain: No check, last update check=Mon Jan 21 18:48:14 CET 2019
MSad: No check, last update check=Mon Jan 21 18:48:22 CET 2019
21/01/19 18:49:11 :Debug: Directory Changed:
21/01/19 18:49:13 :Debug: File Changed:
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Info: Ouverture d�un projet ...
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Debug: Opening project:
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Debug: Reading translation file as plain text
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Info: Updating project ecu def from version: 0.0 to version: 2.1
from installer.
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Debug: ECU def update check time: 70.48675
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Info: Supported iniSpecVersion=3.51
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Debug: Filtered ConfigurationOptionGroup in 32ms.
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Info: Supported iniSpecVersion=3.51
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Info: Read file canPcVariables.ini: 0.885764ms
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Info: Filtered ini: 0.056225ms
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Info: No iniVersion defined
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Info: Loading Trigger Wheels
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Info: Loaded All known ini sections
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Info: Parsed and validated ini "canPcVariables.ini" in : 16ms.
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Info: Read file mainController.ini: 3.638996ms
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Info: Filtered ini: 2.999549ms
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Info: iniVersion =2.1
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Debug: ini signature: MS1/Extra format 029y3 *********
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Info: Set Write Blocks on = true
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Info: EcuOutputChannel::Error executing formula (fastMath):
Was: (customWBAfrHigh-customWBAfrLow)/(customWBVoltsHigh-customWBVoltsLow)
Reported Error:
An attempt was made to divide by zero.
Using last set value for customWbSlope
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Info: EcuOutputChannel::Error executing formula (fastMath):
Was: (customWBAfrHigh-customWBAfrLow)/(customWBVoltsHigh-customWBVoltsLow)
Reported Error:
An attempt was made to divide by zero.
Using last set value for customWbSlope
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Info: EcuOutputChannel::Error executing formula (fastMath):
Was: (customWBAfrHigh-customWBAfrLow)/(customWBVoltsHigh-customWBVoltsLow)
Reported Error:
An attempt was made to divide by zero.
Using last set value for customWbSlope
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Info: EcuOutputChannel::Error executing formula (fastMath):
Was: (customWBAfrHigh-customWBAfrLow)/(customWBVoltsHigh-customWBVoltsLow)
Reported Error:
An attempt was made to divide by zero.
Using last set value for customWbSlope
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Info: Loading Trigger Wheels
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Info: Loading Depricated ini section [UserDefined], use
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Info: Loaded All known ini sections
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Info: Parsed and validated ini "mainController.ini" in : 156ms.
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Info: Supported iniSpecVersion=3.51
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Info: Read file ms1ExtraDefaultTools.ini: 0.76082ms
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Info: Filtered ini: 0.064703ms
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Info: No iniVersion defined
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Info: Loading Trigger Wheels
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Info: Loaded All known ini sections
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Info: Parsed and validated ini "ms1ExtraDefaultTools.ini" in :
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Info: Time to load primary config: 338.73715ms. used cached
config: false
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Debug: Fill Constants: 15
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Info: Supported iniSpecVersion=3.51
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Info: Read file ms1ExtraWueAnalyzeMaps.ecu: 3.562691ms
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Info: Filtered ini: 0.049531ms
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Info: No iniVersion defined
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Info: Loading Trigger Wheels
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Info: Loaded All known ini sections
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Info: Parsed and validated ini "ms1ExtraWueAnalyzeMaps.ecu" in :
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Info: Supported iniSpecVersion=3.51
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Debug: Adding Configuration: MS1_Extra_Example
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Info: Tune opened, 1349 bytes updated.
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Info: Tune opened, 1349 bytes updated.
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Debug: Flush lasted: 0ms.
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Info: !!! Loaded config in 532
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Info: Com Thread created: COMM Thread52491.614273892206
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Info: !!! Activated Project 719
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Info: Opening Gauge Cluster..
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Info: Comm Manager for MS1_Extra_Example Started, thread ID:
COMM Thread52491.614273892206
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Debug: Port not valid: No Controller Interface.
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Error: Unable to resolve Expression:rpmhigh
EcuOutputChannel::Error executing formula:rpmhigh
Variable 'rpmhigh' used in expression, but not defined as OutputChannel or Setting
Parameter in MS1_Extra_Example
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Debug: High Speed Paint: true
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Info:
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Debug: !!! Opened Dash 882
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Info: MS1_Extra_Example Pr�t
21/01/19 18:49:15 :Debug: Tuning View Files loaded in 0.749218ms.
21/01/19 18:49:16 :Info: Supported iniSpecVersion=3.51
21/01/19 18:49:16 :Info: Read file ms1ExtraVeAnalyzeMaps.ini: 0.767067ms
21/01/19 18:49:16 :Info: Filtered ini: 0.041053ms
21/01/19 18:49:16 :Info: No iniVersion defined
21/01/19 18:49:16 :Info: Loading Trigger Wheels
21/01/19 18:49:16 :Info: Loaded All known ini sections
21/01/19 18:49:16 :Info: Parsed and validated ini "ms1ExtraVeAnalyzeMaps.ini" in :
21/01/19 18:49:18 :Debug: Port not valid: No Controller Interface.
21/01/19 18:49:21 :Debug: Port not valid: No Controller Interface.
21/01/19 18:49:24 :Debug: Port not valid: No Controller Interface.
21/01/19 18:49:27 :Debug: Port not valid: No Controller Interface.
21/01/19 18:49:30 :Debug: Flush lasted: 0ms.
21/01/19 18:49:30 :Debug: Port not valid: No Controller Interface.
21/01/19 18:49:33 :Debug: Port not valid: No Controller Interface.
21/01/19 18:49:36 :Debug: Port not valid: No Controller Interface.
21/01/19 18:49:39 :Debug: Port not valid: No Controller Interface.
21/01/19 18:49:42 :Debug: Port not valid: No Controller Interface.
21/01/19 18:49:45 :Debug: Port not valid: No Controller Interface.
21/01/19 18:49:48 :Debug: Port not valid: No Controller Interface.
21/01/19 18:49:51 :Debug: Port not valid: No Controller Interface.
21/01/19 18:49:54 :Debug: Port not valid: No Controller Interface.
21/01/19 18:49:57 :Debug: Port not valid: No Controller Interface.
21/01/19 18:50:00 :Info: Opening URL:
21/01/19 18:50:00 :Debug: Port not valid: No Controller Interface.
21/01/19 18:50:03 :Debug: Port not valid: No Controller Interface.
21/01/19 18:50:05 :Info: Opening URL:
21/01/19 18:50:06 :Debug: Port not valid: No Controller Interface.
21/01/19 18:50:09 :Debug: Port not valid: No Controller Interface.
21/01/19 18:50:12 :Debug: Port not valid: No Controller Interface.
21/01/19 18:50:15 :Debug: Port not valid: No Controller Interface.
21/01/19 18:50:18 :Debug: Port not valid: No Controller Interface.
21/01/19 18:50:21 :Debug: Port not valid: No Controller Interface.
21/01/19 18:50:24 :Debug: Port not valid: No Controller Interface.
21/01/19 18:50:27 :Debug: Port not valid: No Controller Interface.
21/01/19 18:50:29 :Info: file:CurrentTune.msq is not Monitored, cannot pause
Monitoring of it.
21/01/19 18:50:29 :Info: Time to save msq: 175.84671
21/01/19 18:50:29 :Info: file:CurrentTune.msq is not Monitored, cannot unpause
Monitoring of it.
21/01/19 18:50:29 :Info: closeApp Called
21/01/19 18:50:29 :Debug: TuneLog Editor set text
21/01/19 18:50:29 :Info: file:CurrentTune.msq is not Monitored, cannot pause
Monitoring of it.
21/01/19 18:50:30 :Info: Time to save msq: 26.779528
21/01/19 18:50:30 :Info: file:CurrentTune.msq is not Monitored, cannot unpause
Monitoring of it.
21/01/19 18:50:30 :Debug: Port not valid: No Controller Interface.
21/01/19 18:50:31 :Debug: goOffline Starting, Time:0
21/01/19 18:50:31 :Info: Deactivated Turbo Baud, goOffline
21/01/19 18:50:31 :Debug: goOffline about to stopProcessing, Time:0
21/01/19 18:50:31 :Debug: goOffline closed port, Time:1
21/01/19 18:50:33 :Info: MS1_Extra_Example ComThread stopped COMM
21/01/19 18:50:33 :Debug: goOffline comm thread stopped, Time:2810
21/01/19 18:50:33 :Debug: No Remaining Queue Write instructions
21/01/19 18:50:33 :Debug: removing Configuration: MS1_Extra_Example
21/01/19 18:50:33 :Debug: ############################################# Save
Project ##########################################
21/01/19 18:50:33 :Info: Finalizing Sensors
Saved user properties successfully
TunerStudio started on Fri Apr 26 14:34:14 CEST 2019
JRE 1.8.0_66, Windows 10 10.0, x86
Look:Metal, ClassName:'javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel'
Look:Nimbus, ClassName:'javax.swing.plaf.nimbus.NimbusLookAndFeel'
Look:CDE/Motif, ClassName:'com.sun.java.swing.plaf.motif.MotifLookAndFeel'
Look:Windows, ClassName:'com.sun.java.swing.plaf.windows.WindowsLookAndFeel'
Look:Windows Classic,
Look:Night Shade, ClassName:'de.muntjak.tinylookandfeel.TinyLookAndFeel'
Setting Look & Feel to:javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel
26/04/19 14:34:18 :Debug: no update:defaultFont
26/04/19 14:34:19 :Info: Loading Language Content.
26/04/19 14:34:25 :Info: Finishing Upgrade....
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results addInfo.properties true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results class1BtRs232-200.png true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results Q818XT-sm.jpg true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results whatsNew.jpg true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results images true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results index.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results index1.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results prepped_index.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results prepped_index1.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results ad true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results buttonActive.png true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results buttonInactive.png true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results gettingStartedButtonActive.png true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results gettingStartedButtonInActive.png true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results Help32.png true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results launch.png true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelpButtonActive.png true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelpButtonInactive.png true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results smallDashSplash.png true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results Thumbs.db true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results images true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_ar.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_cs.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_de.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_el.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_es.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_fi.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_fr.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_it.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_iw.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_ja.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_ko.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_nl.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_pl.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_pt.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_ru.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_sv.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_th.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_tr.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_zh.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results prepped_startScreen.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results prepped_startScreen_fr.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_ar.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_cs.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_de.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_el.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_es.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_fi.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_fr.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_it.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_iw.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_ja.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_ko.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_nl.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_pl.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_pt.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_ru.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_sv.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_th.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_tr.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_zh.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results main true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results dont-waste-time-sm.png true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results Thumbs.db true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results images true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results prepped_registerMain.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results prepped_registerMain_fr.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_ar.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_cs.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_de.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_el.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_es.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_fi.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_fr.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_it.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_iw.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_ja.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_ko.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_nl.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_pl.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_pt.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_ru.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_sv.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_th.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_tr.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_zh.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_ar.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_cs.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_de.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_el.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_es.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_fi.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_fr.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_it.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_iw.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_ja.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_ko.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_nl.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_pl.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_pt.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_ru.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_sv.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_th.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_tr.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_zh.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results register true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results startScreenRoot true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results archiveProjectInfo.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results firmwareLoadCompleteNoProject.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results firmwareLoadCompleteProject.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results firmwareLoaderIntro.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results backup-drive.png true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results database-upload.png true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results firmware-update.png true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results ms3-pro.jpg true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results ms3.jpg true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results images true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results tuneRestore.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results tuneRestored.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results tuneRestoredNoPC.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results tuneRestoring.html true
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Debug: Delete Results firmwareLoader true
Saved user properties successfully
26/04/19 14:34:26 :Info: Initializing File Dialogs.
26/04/19 14:34:32 :Debug: Command Non-VolatileBytes for F resolved to: x46
26/04/19 14:34:32 :Debug: Command Non-VolatileBytes for I resolved to: x49
26/04/19 14:34:32 :Debug: Command Non-VolatileBytes for f resolved to: x66
26/04/19 14:34:32 :Info: Initializing Help.
26/04/19 14:34:32 :Info: Initializing Edition Features.
26/04/19 14:34:32 :Info: Initializing App Events.
26/04/19 14:34:32 :Debug: App Name:TunerStudio, appEdition:MS(Beta) Lite!
26/04/19 14:34:32 :Debug: Dummy Function Factory Created.
26/04/19 14:34:32 :Info: Initializing User Interface
26/04/19 14:34:34 :Info: Loading Font list.
26/04/19 14:34:38 :Debug: Swing Event Thread not heard from in 10 seconds, assuming
dead lock. Printing all stacks
Thread AWT-Windows
at sun.awt.windows.WToolkit.eventLoop(Native Method)
at sun.awt.windows.WToolkit.run(WToolkit.java:306)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
Thread AWT-Shutdown
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:502)
at sun.awt.AWTAutoShutdown.run(AWTAutoShutdown.java:295)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
Thread Attach Listener
Thread File Change monitor
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at U.B.a(Unknown Source)
at U.B.run(Unknown Source)
Thread Finalizer
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(ReferenceQueue.java:143)
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(ReferenceQueue.java:164)
at java.lang.ref.Finalizer$FinalizerThread.run(Finalizer.java:209)
Thread Reference Handler
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:502)
at java.lang.ref.Reference$ReferenceHandler.run(Reference.java:157)
Thread AWT-EventQueue-0
at sun.font.SunFontManager.initialiseDeferredFont(SunFontManager.java:1074)
at sun.font.SunFontManager.findOtherDeferredFont(SunFontManager.java:1037)
at sun.font.SunFontManager.findDeferredFont(SunFontManager.java:1054)
at sun.font.SunFontManager.findFont2D(SunFontManager.java:2256)
at java.awt.Font.getFont2D(Font.java:500)
at java.awt.Font.access$000(Font.java:224)
at java.awt.Font$FontAccessImpl.getFont2D(Font.java:228)
at sun.font.FontUtilities.getFont2D(FontUtilities.java:180)
at sun.font.FontDesignMetrics.<init>(FontDesignMetrics.java:350)
at sun.font.FontDesignMetrics.getMetrics(FontDesignMetrics.java:302)
at sun.swing.SwingUtilities2.getFontMetrics(SwingUtilities2.java:1113)
at javax.swing.JComponent.getFontMetrics(JComponent.java:1626)
at javax.swing.JComponent.getPreferredSize(JComponent.java:1662)
at java.awt.BorderLayout.preferredLayoutSize(BorderLayout.java:709)
at java.awt.Container.preferredSize(Container.java:1796)
at java.awt.Container.getPreferredSize(Container.java:1780)
at javax.swing.JComponent.getPreferredSize(JComponent.java:1664)
at java.awt.BorderLayout.preferredLayoutSize(BorderLayout.java:714)
at java.awt.Container.preferredSize(Container.java:1796)
at java.awt.Container.getPreferredSize(Container.java:1780)
at javax.swing.JComponent.getPreferredSize(JComponent.java:1664)
at java.awt.BorderLayout.preferredLayoutSize(BorderLayout.java:709)
at java.awt.Container.preferredSize(Container.java:1796)
at java.awt.Container.getPreferredSize(Container.java:1780)
at javax.swing.JComponent.getPreferredSize(JComponent.java:1664)
at java.awt.BorderLayout.preferredLayoutSize(BorderLayout.java:729)
at java.awt.Container.preferredSize(Container.java:1796)
at java.awt.Container.getPreferredSize(Container.java:1780)
at javax.swing.JComponent.getPreferredSize(JComponent.java:1664)
at java.awt.BorderLayout.layoutContainer(BorderLayout.java:821)
at java.awt.Container.layout(Container.java:1510)
at java.awt.Container.doLayout(Container.java:1499)
at java.awt.Container.validateTree(Container.java:1695)
at java.awt.Container.validateTree(Container.java:1704)
at java.awt.Container.validateTree(Container.java:1704)
at java.awt.Container.validateTree(Container.java:1704)
at java.awt.Container.validate(Container.java:1630)
at java.awt.Container.validateUnconditionally(Container.java:1667)
at java.awt.Window.show(Window.java:1033)
at java.awt.Component.show(Component.java:1673)
at java.awt.Component.setVisible(Component.java:1625)
at java.awt.Window.setVisible(Window.java:1014)
at aG.cF.<init>(Unknown Source)
at e.run(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(InvocationEvent.java:301)
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(EventQueue.java:756)
at java.awt.EventQueue.access$500(EventQueue.java:97)
at java.awt.EventQueue$3.run(EventQueue.java:709)
at java.awt.EventQueue$3.run(EventQueue.java:703)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(EventQueue.java:726)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:101)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:93)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(EventDispatchThread.java:82)
Thread TimerQueue
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(LockSupport.java:175)
at java.util.concurrent.DelayQueue.take(DelayQueue.java:211)
at javax.swing.TimerQueue.run(TimerQueue.java:171)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
Thread SalesLabelRotation
at java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)
at aG.hs.run(Unknown Source)
Thread main
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:502)
at java.awt.EventQueue.invokeAndWait(EventQueue.java:1313)
at java.awt.EventQueue.invokeAndWait(EventQueue.java:1294)
at javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(SwingUtilities.java:1348)
at TunerStudio.main(Unknown Source)
Thread Java2D Disposer
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(ReferenceQueue.java:143)
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(ReferenceQueue.java:164)
at sun.java2d.Disposer.run(Disposer.java:148)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
Thread PreLoader
at sun.nio.ch.FileDispatcherImpl.read0(Native Method)
at sun.nio.ch.FileDispatcherImpl.read(FileDispatcherImpl.java:61)
at sun.nio.ch.IOUtil.readIntoNativeBuffer(IOUtil.java:223)
at sun.nio.ch.IOUtil.read(IOUtil.java:197)
at sun.nio.ch.FileChannelImpl.read(FileChannelImpl.java:159)
at sun.font.TrueTypeFont.readBlock(TrueTypeFont.java:455)
at sun.font.TrueTypeFont.init(TrueTypeFont.java:501)
at sun.font.TrueTypeFont.<init>(TrueTypeFont.java:191)
at sun.font.SunFontManager.registerFontFile(SunFontManager.java:1147)
at sun.font.SunFontManager.registerFonts(SunFontManager.java:1198)
at sun.font.SunFontManager.addDirFonts(SunFontManager.java:3250)
at sun.font.SunFontManager.registerFontsInDir(SunFontManager.java:3361)
at sun.font.SunFontManager.registerFontsOnPath(SunFontManager.java:3342)
at sun.font.SunFontManager.access$1100(SunFontManager.java:65)
at sun.font.SunFontManager$11.run(SunFontManager.java:3449)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at sun.font.SunFontManager.loadFontFiles(SunFontManager.java:3439)
at com.efiAnalytics.ui.bR.c(Unknown Source)
at com.efiAnalytics.apps.ts.dashboard.Y.b(Unknown Source)
at aG.gQ.b(Unknown Source)
at aG.gQ.run(Unknown Source)
Thread DeadLockMonitor
at java.lang.Thread.dumpThreads(Native Method)
at java.lang.Thread.getAllStackTraces(Thread.java:1603)
at bi.a.c(Unknown Source)
at bi.a.a(Unknown Source)
at bi.c.run(Unknown Source)
Thread Thread-5
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:502)
at java.awt.EventQueue.invokeAndWait(EventQueue.java:1313)
at java.awt.Window.doDispose(Window.java:1214)
at java.awt.Window.dispose(Window.java:1151)
at aG.cJ.run(Unknown Source)
Thread Signal Dispatcher
Thread Swing-Shell
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(LockSupport.java:175)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
26/04/19 14:34:40 :Debug: Time to retreive font name list: 5766 ms.
26/04/19 14:34:40 :Info:
26/04/19 14:34:40 :Info: Initializing UI Components.
26/04/19 14:34:40 :Info: Starting Internet Monitor
26/04/19 14:34:40 :Info: Ready
26/04/19 14:34:40 :Info: V�rification des mises � jour
Saved user properties successfully
26/04/19 14:34:50 :Info: Update Check Completed
Saved user properties successfully
Saved user properties successfully
26/04/19 14:34:54 :Debug: Directory Changed:
26/04/19 14:34:56 :Debug: Directory Changed:
New:Ce PC
26/04/19 14:34:58 :Debug: File Changed:
26/04/19 14:34:58 :Debug: Directory Changed:
Old:Ce PC
26/04/19 14:35:03 :Debug: File Changed:
New:E:\clio demarrage
26/04/19 14:35:09 :Debug: Directory Changed:
New:E:\clio demarrage
26/04/19 14:35:12 :Debug: Directory Changed:
Old:E:\clio demarrage
26/04/19 14:35:17 :Debug: File Changed:
26/04/19 14:35:18 :Debug: File Changed:
26/04/19 14:35:21 :Debug: File Changed:
26/04/19 14:35:21 :Debug: Directory Changed:
26/04/19 14:35:22 :Debug: File Changed:
26/04/19 14:35:23 :Debug: Directory Changed:
26/04/19 14:35:26 :Debug: Directory Changed:
26/04/19 14:35:27 :Debug: File Changed:
26/04/19 14:35:27 :Debug: Directory Changed:
26/04/19 14:35:28 :Debug: File Changed:
26/04/19 14:35:29 :Debug: Directory Changed:
26/04/19 14:35:30 :Debug: Directory Changed:
26/04/19 14:35:31 :Debug: Directory Changed:
26/04/19 14:35:32 :Debug: Directory Changed:
26/04/19 14:35:34 :Debug: File Changed:
New:E:\clio demarrage
26/04/19 14:35:35 :Debug: Directory Changed:
New:E:\clio demarrage
26/04/19 14:35:39 :Debug: Directory Changed:
Old:E:\clio demarrage
26/04/19 14:35:43 :Debug: File Changed:
26/04/19 14:35:43 :Debug: Directory Changed:
26/04/19 14:35:45 :Debug: Directory Changed:
26/04/19 14:35:48 :Debug: File Changed:
New:E:\OPEL Astra 1.7 Dti
26/04/19 14:35:49 :Debug: Directory Changed:
New:E:\OPEL Astra 1.7 Dti
26/04/19 14:35:50 :Debug: Directory Changed:
Old:E:\OPEL Astra 1.7 Dti
26/04/19 14:35:52 :Debug: File Changed:
New:E:\PEUGEOT 308 SW Family
26/04/19 14:35:52 :Debug: Directory Changed:
New:E:\PEUGEOT 308 SW Family
26/04/19 14:35:53 :Debug: Directory Changed:
Old:E:\PEUGEOT 308 SW Family
26/04/19 14:35:55 :Debug: File Changed:
26/04/19 14:35:55 :Debug: Directory Changed:
26/04/19 14:36:00 :Debug: Directory Changed:
26/04/19 14:36:02 :Debug: Directory Changed:
New:Ce PC
26/04/19 14:36:07 :Debug: File Changed:
26/04/19 14:36:12 :Debug: Directory Changed:
Old:Ce PC
26/04/19 14:36:18 :Info: closeApp Called
26/04/19 14:36:18 :Info: Finalizing Sensors
Saved user properties successfully
TunerStudio started on Fri Apr 26 15:30:21 CEST 2019
JRE 1.8.0_66, Windows 10 10.0, x86
Look:Metal, ClassName:'javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel'
Look:Nimbus, ClassName:'javax.swing.plaf.nimbus.NimbusLookAndFeel'
Look:CDE/Motif, ClassName:'com.sun.java.swing.plaf.motif.MotifLookAndFeel'
Look:Windows, ClassName:'com.sun.java.swing.plaf.windows.WindowsLookAndFeel'
Look:Windows Classic,
Look:Night Shade, ClassName:'de.muntjak.tinylookandfeel.TinyLookAndFeel'
Setting Look & Feel to:javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel
26/04/19 15:30:22 :Debug: no update:defaultFont
26/04/19 15:30:22 :Info: Loading Language Content.
26/04/19 15:30:24 :Info: Initializing File Dialogs.
26/04/19 15:30:26 :Debug: Command Non-VolatileBytes for F resolved to: x46
26/04/19 15:30:26 :Debug: Command Non-VolatileBytes for I resolved to: x49
26/04/19 15:30:26 :Debug: Command Non-VolatileBytes for f resolved to: x66
26/04/19 15:30:26 :Info: Initializing Help.
26/04/19 15:30:26 :Info: Initializing Edition Features.
26/04/19 15:30:26 :Info: Initializing App Events.
26/04/19 15:30:26 :Debug: App Name:TunerStudio, appEdition:MS(Beta) Lite!
26/04/19 15:30:26 :Debug: Dummy Function Factory Created.
26/04/19 15:30:26 :Info: Initializing User Interface
26/04/19 15:30:26 :Info: V�rification des mises � jour
26/04/19 15:30:28 :Info: Loading Font list.
26/04/19 15:30:28 :Debug: Time to retreive font name list: 0 ms.
26/04/19 15:30:28 :Info:
26/04/19 15:30:28 :Info: Initializing UI Components.
26/04/19 15:30:28 :Info: Starting Internet Monitor
26/04/19 15:30:28 :Info: Ready
26/04/19 15:30:28 :Debug: Running speed test
26/04/19 15:30:29 :Debug: Processor Score:275332
MS(Beta)main: No check, last update check=Fri Apr 26 14:34:47 CEST 2019
MS(Beta)ad: No check, last update check=Fri Apr 26 14:34:51 CEST 2019
26/04/19 15:30:33 :Info: Update Check Completed
Saved user properties successfully
26/04/19 15:30:38 :Debug: Directory Changed:
26/04/19 15:30:41 :Debug: Directory Changed:
New:Ce PC
26/04/19 15:30:54 :Debug: Directory Changed:
Old:Ce PC
26/04/19 15:30:56 :Debug: Directory Changed:
New:Ce PC
26/04/19 15:30:57 :Debug: File Changed:
26/04/19 15:30:58 :Debug: Directory Changed:
Old:Ce PC
26/04/19 15:31:01 :Debug: File Changed:
New:E:\clio demarrage
26/04/19 15:31:05 :Debug: Directory Changed:
New:E:\clio demarrage
26/04/19 15:31:12 :Debug: Directory Changed:
Old:E:\clio demarrage
26/04/19 15:31:17 :Debug: Directory Changed:
26/04/19 15:31:19 :Debug: Directory Changed:
New:Ce PC
26/04/19 15:31:22 :Debug: File Changed:
26/04/19 15:31:23 :Debug: Directory Changed:
Old:Ce PC
26/04/19 15:31:25 :Debug: Directory Changed:
New:Ce PC
26/04/19 15:31:26 :Debug: File Changed:
26/04/19 15:31:26 :Debug: Directory Changed:
Old:Ce PC
26/04/19 15:31:34 :Debug: File Changed:
New:E:\clio demarrage
26/04/19 15:31:38 :Info: Ouverture d�un projet ...
26/04/19 15:31:38 :Debug: Opening project: E:\clio demarrage
Valid TunerStudio Project not found at:
E:\clio demarrage
T.a: Valid TunerStudio Project not found at:
E:\clio demarrage
at au.a.b(Unknown Source)
at au.a.a(Unknown Source)
at aG.g.a(Unknown Source)
at aG.g.a(Unknown Source)
at aG.B.run(Unknown Source)
26/04/19 15:31:42 :Info: Opening URL: http://www.EFIAnalytics.com
26/04/19 15:32:55 :Debug: Directory Changed:
New:Ce PC
26/04/19 15:32:59 :Info: closeApp Called
26/04/19 15:32:59 :Info: Finalizing Sensors
Saved user properties successfully
TunerStudio started on Fri Apr 26 16:26:32 CEST 2019
JRE 1.8.0_66, Windows 10 10.0, x86
Look:Metal, ClassName:'javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel'
Look:Nimbus, ClassName:'javax.swing.plaf.nimbus.NimbusLookAndFeel'
Look:CDE/Motif, ClassName:'com.sun.java.swing.plaf.motif.MotifLookAndFeel'
Look:Windows, ClassName:'com.sun.java.swing.plaf.windows.WindowsLookAndFeel'
Look:Windows Classic,
Look:Night Shade, ClassName:'de.muntjak.tinylookandfeel.TinyLookAndFeel'
Setting Look & Feel to:javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel
26/04/19 16:26:33 :Debug: no update:defaultFont
26/04/19 16:26:33 :Info: Loading Language Content.
26/04/19 16:26:35 :Info: Initializing File Dialogs.
26/04/19 16:26:37 :Debug: Command Non-VolatileBytes for F resolved to: x46
26/04/19 16:26:37 :Debug: Command Non-VolatileBytes for I resolved to: x49
26/04/19 16:26:37 :Debug: Command Non-VolatileBytes for f resolved to: x66
26/04/19 16:26:37 :Info: Initializing Help.
26/04/19 16:26:37 :Info: Initializing Edition Features.
26/04/19 16:26:37 :Info: Initializing App Events.
26/04/19 16:26:37 :Debug: App Name:TunerStudio, appEdition:MS(Beta) Lite!
26/04/19 16:26:37 :Debug: Dummy Function Factory Created.
26/04/19 16:26:37 :Info: Initializing User Interface
arg found 0:E:\clio f2000_2019-04-26_15.32.13.tsproj
26/04/19 16:26:39 :Info: Loading Font list.
26/04/19 16:26:39 :Debug: Time to retreive font name list: 0 ms.
26/04/19 16:26:39 :Info:
26/04/19 16:26:39 :Info: Initializing UI Components.
26/04/19 16:26:39 :Info: Starting Internet Monitor
26/04/19 16:26:39 :Info: Ready
26/04/19 16:26:40 :Info: closeApp Called
26/04/19 16:26:42 :Info: closeApp Called
26/04/19 16:26:42 :Info: Finalizing Sensors
Saved user properties successfully
TunerStudio started on Fri Apr 26 16:27:24 CEST 2019
JRE 1.8.0_66, Windows 10 10.0, x86
Look:Metal, ClassName:'javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel'
Look:Nimbus, ClassName:'javax.swing.plaf.nimbus.NimbusLookAndFeel'
Look:CDE/Motif, ClassName:'com.sun.java.swing.plaf.motif.MotifLookAndFeel'
Look:Windows, ClassName:'com.sun.java.swing.plaf.windows.WindowsLookAndFeel'
Look:Windows Classic,
Look:Night Shade, ClassName:'de.muntjak.tinylookandfeel.TinyLookAndFeel'
Setting Look & Feel to:javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel
26/04/19 16:27:24 :Debug: no update:defaultFont
26/04/19 16:27:24 :Info: Loading Language Content.
26/04/19 16:27:27 :Info: Initializing File Dialogs.
26/04/19 16:27:28 :Debug: Command Non-VolatileBytes for F resolved to: x46
26/04/19 16:27:28 :Debug: Command Non-VolatileBytes for I resolved to: x49
26/04/19 16:27:28 :Debug: Command Non-VolatileBytes for f resolved to: x66
26/04/19 16:27:28 :Info: Initializing Help.
26/04/19 16:27:28 :Info: Initializing Edition Features.
26/04/19 16:27:28 :Info: Initializing App Events.
26/04/19 16:27:28 :Debug: App Name:TunerStudio, appEdition:MS(Beta) Lite!
26/04/19 16:27:28 :Debug: Dummy Function Factory Created.
26/04/19 16:27:28 :Info: Initializing User Interface
26/04/19 16:27:30 :Info: Loading Font list.
26/04/19 16:27:30 :Debug: Time to retreive font name list: 16 ms.
26/04/19 16:27:30 :Info:
26/04/19 16:27:30 :Info: Initializing UI Components.
26/04/19 16:27:30 :Info: Starting Internet Monitor
26/04/19 16:27:30 :Info: Ready
26/04/19 16:27:30 :Info: closeApp Called
26/04/19 16:27:30 :Info: Finalizing Sensors
Saved user properties successfully
TunerStudio 3.0.28 started on Fri Apr 26 16:37:31 CEST 2019
JRE 1.8.0_66, Windows 10 10.0, x86
Look:Metal, ClassName:'javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel'
Look:Nimbus, ClassName:'javax.swing.plaf.nimbus.NimbusLookAndFeel'
Look:CDE/Motif, ClassName:'com.sun.java.swing.plaf.motif.MotifLookAndFeel'
Look:Windows, ClassName:'com.sun.java.swing.plaf.windows.WindowsLookAndFeel'
Look:Windows Classic,
Look:Night Shade, ClassName:'de.muntjak.tinylookandfeel.TinyLookAndFeel'
Setting Look & Feel to:javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel
26/04/19 16:37:33 :Debug: no update:defaultFont
26/04/19 16:37:35 :Info: Finishing Upgrade....
26/04/19 16:37:35 :Debug: Delete Results addInfo.properties true
26/04/19 16:37:35 :Debug: Delete Results class1BtRs232-200.png true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results Q818XT-sm.jpg true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results whatsNew.jpg true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results images true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results index.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results index1.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results prepped_index.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results prepped_index1.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results ad true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results buttonActive.png true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results buttonInactive.png true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results gettingStartedButtonActive.png true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results gettingStartedButtonInActive.png true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results Help32.png true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results launch.png true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelpButtonActive.png true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelpButtonInactive.png true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results smallDashSplash.png true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results Thumbs.db true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results images true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_ar.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_cs.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_de.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_el.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_es.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_fi.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_fr.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_it.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_iw.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_ja.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_ko.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_nl.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_pl.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_pt.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_ru.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_sv.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_th.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_tr.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_zh.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results prepped_startScreen_fr.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_ar.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_cs.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_de.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_el.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_es.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_fi.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_fr.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_it.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_iw.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_ja.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_ko.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_nl.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_pl.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_pt.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_ru.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_sv.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_th.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_tr.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_zh.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results main true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results dont-waste-time-sm.png true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results Thumbs.db true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results images true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results prepped_registerMain_fr.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_ar.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_cs.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_de.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_el.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_es.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_fi.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_fr.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_it.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_iw.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_ja.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_ko.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_nl.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_pl.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_pt.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_ru.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_sv.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_th.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_tr.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_zh.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_ar.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_cs.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_de.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_el.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_es.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_fi.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_fr.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_it.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_iw.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_ja.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_ko.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_nl.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_pl.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_pt.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_ru.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_sv.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_th.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_tr.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_zh.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results register true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results startScreenRoot true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results archiveProjectInfo.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results firmwareLoadCompleteNoProject.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results firmwareLoadCompleteProject.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results firmwareLoaderIntro.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results backup-drive.png true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results database-upload.png true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results firmware-update.png true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results ms3-pro.jpg true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results ms3.jpg true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results images true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results prepped_firmwareLoaderIntro.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results tuneRestore.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results tuneRestored.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results tuneRestoredNoPC.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results tuneRestoring.html true
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Debug: Delete Results firmwareLoader true
Saved user properties successfully
26/04/19 16:37:36 :Info: Loading Language Content.
26/04/19 16:37:38 :Info: Initializing File Dialogs.
26/04/19 16:37:39 :Debug: Command Non-VolatileBytes for F resolved to: x46
26/04/19 16:37:39 :Debug: Command Non-VolatileBytes for I resolved to: x49
26/04/19 16:37:39 :Debug: Command Non-VolatileBytes for f resolved to: x66
26/04/19 16:37:39 :Info: Initializing Help.
26/04/19 16:37:39 :Info: Initializing Edition Features.
26/04/19 16:37:39 :Info: Initializing App Events.
26/04/19 16:37:39 :Debug: App Name:TunerStudio, appEdition:MS Lite!
26/04/19 16:37:39 :Debug: Dummy Function Factory Created.
26/04/19 16:37:39 :Info: Initializing User Interface
26/04/19 16:37:40 :Info: V�rification des mises � jour
26/04/19 16:37:41 :Info: Loading Font list.
26/04/19 16:37:42 :Debug: Time to retreive font name list: 375 ms.
26/04/19 16:37:42 :Info:
26/04/19 16:37:42 :Info: Initializing UI Components.
26/04/19 16:37:42 :Info: Ready
Saved user properties successfully
26/04/19 16:37:44 :Info: Update Check Completed
Saved user properties successfully
MSmain: No check, last update check=Fri Apr 26 14:34:47 CEST 2019
MSad: No check, last update check=Fri Apr 26 14:34:51 CEST 2019
26/04/19 16:39:48 :Debug: Directory Changed:
26/04/19 16:39:54 :Debug: Directory Changed:
New:Ce PC
26/04/19 16:39:55 :Debug: File Changed:
26/04/19 16:39:56 :Debug: File Changed:
26/04/19 16:39:56 :Debug: Directory Changed:
Old:Ce PC
26/04/19 16:40:25 :Info: Making copy of AppDebug for packaging.
Adding directory DebugPackage
Adding file TunerStudioAppDebug.txt
26/04/19 16:40:26 :Debug: Delete Results TunerStudioAppDebug.txt true
26/04/19 16:40:26 :Debug: Delete Results DebugPackage true
TunerStudio 3.0.28 started on Fri Apr 26 16:40:36 CEST 2019
JRE 1.8.0_66, Windows 10 10.0, x86
Look:Metal, ClassName:'javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel'
Look:Nimbus, ClassName:'javax.swing.plaf.nimbus.NimbusLookAndFeel'
Look:CDE/Motif, ClassName:'com.sun.java.swing.plaf.motif.MotifLookAndFeel'
Look:Windows, ClassName:'com.sun.java.swing.plaf.windows.WindowsLookAndFeel'
Look:Windows Classic,
Look:Night Shade, ClassName:'de.muntjak.tinylookandfeel.TinyLookAndFeel'
Setting Look & Feel to:javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel
TunerStudio 3.0.28 started on Fri Apr 26 16:40:36 CEST 2019
JRE 1.8.0_66, Windows 10 10.0, x86
26/04/19 16:40:36 :Debug: no update:defaultFont
Look:Metal, ClassName:'javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel'
Look:Nimbus, ClassName:'javax.swing.plaf.nimbus.NimbusLookAndFeel'
Look:CDE/Motif, ClassName:'com.sun.java.swing.plaf.motif.MotifLookAndFeel'
Look:Windows, ClassName:'com.sun.java.swing.plaf.windows.WindowsLookAndFeel'
Look:Windows Classic,
Look:Night Shade, ClassName:'de.muntjak.tinylookandfeel.TinyLookAndFeel'
Setting Look & Feel to:javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel
26/04/19 16:40:37 :Debug: no update:defaultFont
26/04/19 16:40:37 :Info: Loading Language Content.
26/04/19 16:40:37 :Info: Initializing File Dialogs.
26/04/19 16:40:39 :Debug: Command Non-VolatileBytes for F resolved to: x46
26/04/19 16:40:39 :Debug: Command Non-VolatileBytes for I resolved to: x49
26/04/19 16:40:39 :Debug: Command Non-VolatileBytes for f resolved to: x66
26/04/19 16:40:39 :Info: Initializing Help.
26/04/19 16:40:39 :Info: Initializing Edition Features.
26/04/19 16:40:39 :Info: Initializing App Events.
26/04/19 16:40:39 :Debug: App Name:TunerStudio, appEdition:MS Lite!
26/04/19 16:40:39 :Debug: Dummy Function Factory Created.
26/04/19 16:40:39 :Info: Initializing User Interface
arg found 0:E:\clio f2000_2019-04-26_15.32.13.tsproj
26/04/19 16:40:41 :Info: Loading Font list.
26/04/19 16:40:41 :Debug: Time to retreive font name list: 359 ms.
26/04/19 16:40:41 :Info:
26/04/19 16:40:41 :Info: Initializing UI Components.
26/04/19 16:40:41 :Info: Ready
26/04/19 16:40:43 :Info: closeApp Called
26/04/19 16:40:44 :Debug: FullScreen
26/04/19 16:40:45 :Debug: FullScreen
26/04/19 16:41:24 :Info: closeApp Called
26/04/19 16:41:24 :Info: Finalizing Sensors
Saved user properties successfully
26/04/19 16:41:29 :Info: Loading Language Content.
26/04/19 16:41:30 :Info: Initializing File Dialogs.
26/04/19 16:41:31 :Debug: Command Non-VolatileBytes for F resolved to: x46
26/04/19 16:41:31 :Debug: Command Non-VolatileBytes for I resolved to: x49
26/04/19 16:41:31 :Debug: Command Non-VolatileBytes for f resolved to: x66
26/04/19 16:41:31 :Info: Initializing Help.
26/04/19 16:41:31 :Info: Initializing Edition Features.
26/04/19 16:41:31 :Info: Initializing App Events.
26/04/19 16:41:31 :Debug: App Name:TunerStudio, appEdition:MS Lite!
26/04/19 16:41:31 :Debug: Dummy Function Factory Created.
26/04/19 16:41:31 :Info: Initializing User Interface
arg found 0:E:\clio f2000_2019-04-26_15.32.13.tsproj
26/04/19 16:41:33 :Info: Loading Font list.
26/04/19 16:41:34 :Debug: Time to retreive font name list: 379 ms.
26/04/19 16:41:34 :Info:
26/04/19 16:41:34 :Info: Initializing UI Components.
26/04/19 16:41:34 :Info: Ready
26/04/19 16:41:36 :Info: closeApp Called
26/04/19 16:41:36 :Info: closeApp Called
26/04/19 16:41:36 :Info: Finalizing Sensors
Saved user properties successfully
26/04/19 16:41:43 :Info: closeApp Called
26/04/19 16:41:43 :Info: Finalizing Sensors
Saved user properties successfully
TunerStudio 3.0.28 started on Fri Apr 26 18:20:13 CEST 2019
JRE 1.8.0_66, Windows 10 10.0, x86
Look:Metal, ClassName:'javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel'
Look:Nimbus, ClassName:'javax.swing.plaf.nimbus.NimbusLookAndFeel'
Look:CDE/Motif, ClassName:'com.sun.java.swing.plaf.motif.MotifLookAndFeel'
Look:Windows, ClassName:'com.sun.java.swing.plaf.windows.WindowsLookAndFeel'
Look:Windows Classic,
Look:Night Shade, ClassName:'de.muntjak.tinylookandfeel.TinyLookAndFeel'
Setting Look & Feel to:javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel
26/04/19 18:20:13 :Debug: no update:defaultFont
26/04/19 18:20:15 :Info: Loading Language Content.
26/04/19 18:20:16 :Info: Initializing File Dialogs.
26/04/19 18:20:18 :Debug: Command Non-VolatileBytes for F resolved to: x46
26/04/19 18:20:18 :Debug: Command Non-VolatileBytes for I resolved to: x49
26/04/19 18:20:18 :Debug: Command Non-VolatileBytes for f resolved to: x66
26/04/19 18:20:18 :Info: Initializing Help.
26/04/19 18:20:18 :Info: Initializing Edition Features.
26/04/19 18:20:18 :Info: Initializing App Events.
26/04/19 18:20:18 :Debug: App Name:TunerStudio, appEdition:MS Lite!
26/04/19 18:20:18 :Debug: Dummy Function Factory Created.
26/04/19 18:20:18 :Info: Initializing User Interface
arg found 0:E:\clio f2000.msq
26/04/19 18:20:20 :Info: Loading Font list.
26/04/19 18:20:20 :Debug: Time to retreive font name list: 468 ms.
26/04/19 18:20:20 :Info:
26/04/19 18:20:20 :Info: Initializing UI Components.
26/04/19 18:20:20 :Info: Ready
26/04/19 18:20:32 :Debug: Directory Changed:
26/04/19 18:20:36 :Debug: Directory Changed:
New:Ce PC
26/04/19 18:20:38 :Debug: File Changed:
26/04/19 18:20:38 :Debug: Directory Changed:
Old:Ce PC
26/04/19 18:20:40 :Debug: File Changed:
New:E:\clio f2000
26/04/19 18:20:41 :Info: Ouverture d�un projet ...
26/04/19 18:20:41 :Debug: Opening project: E:\clio f2000
26/04/19 18:20:41 :Debug: Reading translation file as plain text
26/04/19 18:20:42 :Info: Supported iniSpecVersion=3.51
26/04/19 18:20:42 :Debug: Filtered ConfigurationOptionGroup in 46ms.
26/04/19 18:20:42 :Info: Supported iniSpecVersion=3.51
26/04/19 18:20:42 :Info: Read file canPcVariables.ini: 5.307445ms
26/04/19 18:20:42 :Info: Filtered ini: 0.070058ms
26/04/19 18:20:42 :Info: No iniVersion defined
26/04/19 18:20:42 :Info: Loading Trigger Wheels
26/04/19 18:20:42 :Info: Loaded All known ini sections
26/04/19 18:20:42 :Info: Parsed and validated ini "canPcVariables.ini" in : 31ms.
26/04/19 18:20:42 :Info: Read file mainController.ini: 5.734932ms
26/04/19 18:20:42 :Info: Filtered ini: 7.181159ms
26/04/19 18:20:42 :Info: No iniVersion defined
26/04/19 18:20:42 :Debug: ini signature: MS2Extra comms342aU
26/04/19 18:20:42 :Info: Loaded All Read Only ini sections
26/04/19 18:20:42 :Info: Parsed and validated ini "mainController.ini" in : 109ms.
26/04/19 18:20:42 :Info: Not Loading default Tools because they were already loaded
from the project ini(s)
26/04/19 18:20:42 :Info: Time to load primary config: 259.00723ms. used cached
config: false
26/04/19 18:20:42 :Info: Supported iniSpecVersion=3.51
26/04/19 18:20:42 :Debug: Adding Configuration: clio f2000
26/04/19 18:20:42 :Debug: Fill Constants: 31
26/04/19 18:20:42 :Info: Tune opened, 6150 bytes updated. File:E:\clio
26/04/19 18:20:42 :Info: Tune opened, 6150 bytes updated. File:E:\clio
26/04/19 18:20:42 :Debug: Flush lasted: 0ms.
26/04/19 18:20:42 :Info: !!! Loaded config in 859
26/04/19 18:20:42 :Info: Com Thread created: COMM Thread92625.67970995202
26/04/19 18:20:42 :Info: !!! Activated Project 875
26/04/19 18:20:42 :Info: Comm Manager for clio f2000 Started, thread ID: COMM
26/04/19 18:20:42 :Info: Opening Gauge Cluster..
26/04/19 18:20:42 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:20:42 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:20:42 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:20:42 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:20:42 :Debug: High Speed Paint: true
26/04/19 18:20:42 :Info:
26/04/19 18:20:42 :Debug: !!! Opened Dash 1078
26/04/19 18:20:42 :Info: clio f2000 Pr�t
26/04/19 18:20:42 :Info: Tune opened, 0 bytes updated. File:E:\clio f2000.msq
26/04/19 18:20:42 :Info: Tune opened, 0 bytes updated. File:E:\clio f2000.msq
26/04/19 18:20:42 :Debug: Flush lasted: 0ms.
26/04/19 18:20:43 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:20:43 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:20:43 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:20:43 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:20:43 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:20:43 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:20:43 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:20:43 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:20:43 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:20:43 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:20:43 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:20:43 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:20:44 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:20:44 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:20:44 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:20:44 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:20:44 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:20:44 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:20:44 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:20:44 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:20:45 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:20:45 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:20:45 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:20:45 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:20:45 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:20:45 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:20:45 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:20:45 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:20:45 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:20:45 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:20:45 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:20:45 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:20:46 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:20:46 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:20:46 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:20:46 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:20:46 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:20:46 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:20:46 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:20:46 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:20:47 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:20:47 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:20:47 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:20:47 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:20:47 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:20:47 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:20:47 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:20:47 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:20:47 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:20:47 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:20:47 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:20:47 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:20:48 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:20:48 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:20:48 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:20:48 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:20:48 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:20:48 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:20:48 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:20:48 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:20:49 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:20:49 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:20:49 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:20:49 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:20:49 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:20:49 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:20:49 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:20:49 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:20:49 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:20:49 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:20:49 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:20:49 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:20:50 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:20:50 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:20:50 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:20:50 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:20:50 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:20:50 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:20:50 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:20:50 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:20:51 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:20:51 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:20:51 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:20:51 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:20:51 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:20:51 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:20:51 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:20:51 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:20:51 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:20:51 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:20:51 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:20:51 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:20:52 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:20:52 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:20:52 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:20:52 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:20:52 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:20:52 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:20:52 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:20:52 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:20:53 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:20:53 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:20:53 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:20:53 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:20:53 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:20:53 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:20:53 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:20:53 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:20:53 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:20:53 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:20:53 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:20:53 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:20:54 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:20:54 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:20:54 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:20:54 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:20:54 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:20:54 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:20:54 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:20:54 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:20:55 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:20:55 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:20:55 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:20:55 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:20:55 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:20:55 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:20:55 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:20:55 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:20:55 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:20:55 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:20:55 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:20:55 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:20:56 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:20:56 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:20:56 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:20:56 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:20:56 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:20:56 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:20:56 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:20:56 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:20:57 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:20:57 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:20:57 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:20:57 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:20:57 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:20:57 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:20:57 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:20:57 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:20:58 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:20:58 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:20:58 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:20:58 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:20:58 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:20:58 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:20:58 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:20:58 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:20:58 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:20:58 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:20:58 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:20:58 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:20:59 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:20:59 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:20:59 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:20:59 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:20:59 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:20:59 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:20:59 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:20:59 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:00 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:00 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:00 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:00 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:00 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:00 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:00 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:00 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:00 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:00 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:00 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:00 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:01 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:01 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:01 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:01 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:01 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:01 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:01 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:01 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:02 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:02 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:02 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:02 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:02 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:02 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:02 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:02 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:02 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:02 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:02 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:02 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:03 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:03 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:03 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:03 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:03 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:03 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:03 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:03 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:04 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:04 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:04 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:04 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:04 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:04 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:04 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:04 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:04 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:04 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:04 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:04 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:05 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:05 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:05 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:05 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:05 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:05 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:05 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:05 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:06 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:06 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:06 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:06 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:06 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:06 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:06 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:06 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:06 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:06 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:06 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:06 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:07 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:07 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:07 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:07 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:07 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:07 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:07 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:07 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:08 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:08 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:08 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:08 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:08 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:08 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:08 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:08 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:08 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:08 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:08 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:08 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:09 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:09 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:09 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:09 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:09 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:09 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:09 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:09 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:10 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:10 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:10 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:10 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:10 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:10 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:10 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:10 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:10 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:10 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:10 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:10 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:11 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:11 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:11 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:11 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:11 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:11 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:11 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:11 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:12 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:12 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:12 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:12 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:12 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:12 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:12 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:12 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:12 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:12 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:12 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:12 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:13 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:13 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:13 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:13 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:13 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:13 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:13 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:13 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:14 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:14 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:14 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:14 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:14 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:14 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:14 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:14 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:14 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:14 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:14 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:14 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:15 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:15 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:15 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:15 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:15 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:15 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:15 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:15 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:16 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:16 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:16 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:16 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:16 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:16 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:16 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:16 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:16 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:16 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:16 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:16 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:17 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:17 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:17 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:17 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:17 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:17 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:17 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:17 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:18 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:18 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:18 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:18 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:18 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:18 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:18 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:18 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:18 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:18 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:18 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:18 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:19 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:19 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:19 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:19 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:19 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:19 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:19 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:19 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:20 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:20 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:20 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:20 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:20 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:20 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:20 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:20 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:20 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:20 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:20 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:20 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:21 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:21 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:21 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:21 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:21 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:21 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:21 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:21 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:22 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:22 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:22 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:22 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:22 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:22 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:22 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:22 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:22 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:22 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:22 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:22 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:23 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:23 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:23 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:23 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:23 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:23 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:23 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:23 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:24 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:24 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:24 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:24 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:24 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:24 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:24 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:24 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:25 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:25 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:25 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:25 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:25 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:25 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:25 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:25 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:25 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:25 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:25 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:25 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:26 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:26 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:26 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:26 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:26 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:26 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:26 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:26 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:27 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:27 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:27 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:27 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:27 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:27 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:27 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:27 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:27 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:27 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:27 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:27 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:28 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:28 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:28 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:28 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:28 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:28 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:28 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:28 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:29 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:29 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:29 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:29 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:29 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:29 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:29 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:29 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:29 :Debug: File Changed:
Old:E:\clio f2000
26/04/19 18:21:29 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:29 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:29 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:29 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:30 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:30 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:30 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:30 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:30 :Debug: File Changed:
New:E:\clio demarrage
26/04/19 18:21:30 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:30 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:30 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:30 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:30 :Debug: Directory Changed:
New:E:\clio demarrage
26/04/19 18:21:31 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:31 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:31 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:31 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:31 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:31 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:31 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:31 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:31 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:31 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:31 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:31 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:32 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:32 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:32 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:32 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:32 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:32 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:32 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:32 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:33 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:33 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:33 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:33 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:33 :Info: file:CurrentTune.msq is not Monitored, cannot pause
Monitoring of it.
26/04/19 18:21:33 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:33 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:33 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:33 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:33 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:33 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:33 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:33 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:34 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:34 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:34 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:34 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:34 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:34 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:34 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:34 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:35 :Info: Time to save msq: 1611.2902
26/04/19 18:21:35 :Info: file:CurrentTune.msq is not Monitored, cannot unpause
Monitoring of it.
26/04/19 18:21:35 :Info: closeApp Called
26/04/19 18:21:35 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:35 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:35 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:35 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:35 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:35 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:35 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:35 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:36 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:36 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:36 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:36 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:36 :Info: file:CurrentTune.msq is not Monitored, cannot pause
Monitoring of it.
26/04/19 18:21:36 :Info: Time to save msq: 81.90887
26/04/19 18:21:36 :Info: file:CurrentTune.msq is not Monitored, cannot unpause
Monitoring of it.
26/04/19 18:21:36 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:36 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:36 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:36 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:36 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:36 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:36 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:36 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:37 :Info: Opening port: COM4
26/04/19 18:21:37 :Info: Error creating streams to port, closing port to cleanup.
26/04/19 18:21:37 :Info: Error closing port on cleanup. Port name - COM4; Method
name - closePort(); Exception type - Port not opened.
26/04/19 18:21:37 :Debug: Port not valid: Unable to open port: COM4
Please check your Communications Settings.
26/04/19 18:21:37 :Debug: goOffline Starting, Time:0
26/04/19 18:21:37 :Info: Deactivated Turbo Baud, goOffline
26/04/19 18:21:37 :Debug: goOffline about to stopProcessing, Time:0
26/04/19 18:21:37 :Debug: goOffline closed port, Time:0
26/04/19 18:21:37 :Info: clio f2000 ComThread stopped COMM Thread92625.67970995202
26/04/19 18:21:37 :Debug: goOffline comm thread stopped, Time:437
26/04/19 18:21:37 :Debug: No Remaining Queue Write instructions
26/04/19 18:21:37 :Debug: removing Configuration: clio f2000
26/04/19 18:21:37 :Debug: ############################################# Save
Project ##########################################
26/04/19 18:21:37 :Info: Finalizing Sensors
Saved user properties successfully
TunerStudio 3.0.28 started on Fri Aug 02 08:55:50 CEST 2019
JRE 1.8.0_66, Windows 10 10.0, x86
Look:Metal, ClassName:'javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel'
Look:Nimbus, ClassName:'javax.swing.plaf.nimbus.NimbusLookAndFeel'
Look:CDE/Motif, ClassName:'com.sun.java.swing.plaf.motif.MotifLookAndFeel'
Look:Windows, ClassName:'com.sun.java.swing.plaf.windows.WindowsLookAndFeel'
Look:Windows Classic,
Look:Night Shade, ClassName:'de.muntjak.tinylookandfeel.TinyLookAndFeel'
Setting Look & Feel to:javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel
02/08/19 08:55:54 :Debug: no update:defaultFont
02/08/19 08:55:56 :Info: Loading Language Content.
02/08/19 08:56:01 :Info: Initializing File Dialogs.
02/08/19 08:56:05 :Debug: Command Non-VolatileBytes for F resolved to: x46
02/08/19 08:56:05 :Debug: Command Non-VolatileBytes for I resolved to: x49
02/08/19 08:56:05 :Debug: Command Non-VolatileBytes for f resolved to: x66
02/08/19 08:56:05 :Info: Initializing Help.
02/08/19 08:56:05 :Info: Initializing Edition Features.
02/08/19 08:56:05 :Info: Initializing App Events.
02/08/19 08:56:05 :Debug: App Name:TunerStudio, appEdition:MS Lite!
02/08/19 08:56:05 :Debug: Dummy Function Factory Created.
02/08/19 08:56:05 :Info: Initializing User Interface
02/08/19 08:56:08 :Info: Loading Font list.
TunerStudio 3.0.28 started on Fri Aug 02 08:56:08 CEST 2019
JRE 1.8.0_66, Windows 10 10.0, x86
Look:Metal, ClassName:'javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel'
Look:Nimbus, ClassName:'javax.swing.plaf.nimbus.NimbusLookAndFeel'
Look:CDE/Motif, ClassName:'com.sun.java.swing.plaf.motif.MotifLookAndFeel'
Look:Windows, ClassName:'com.sun.java.swing.plaf.windows.WindowsLookAndFeel'
Look:Windows Classic,
Look:Night Shade, ClassName:'de.muntjak.tinylookandfeel.TinyLookAndFeel'
Setting Look & Feel to:javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel
02/08/19 08:56:08 :Debug: no update:defaultFont
02/08/19 08:56:11 :Info: V�rification des mises � jour
02/08/19 08:56:11 :Debug: Time to retreive font name list: 3758 ms.
02/08/19 08:56:11 :Info:
02/08/19 08:56:11 :Info: Initializing UI Components.
02/08/19 08:56:12 :Info: Ready
Saved user properties successfully
Saved user properties successfully
02/08/19 08:56:15 :Info: Update Check Completed
Saved user properties successfully
Saved user properties successfully
02/08/19 08:56:26 :Info: Loading Language Content.
02/08/19 08:56:26 :Info: Initializing File Dialogs.
02/08/19 08:56:28 :Debug: Command Non-VolatileBytes for F resolved to: x46
02/08/19 08:56:28 :Debug: Command Non-VolatileBytes for I resolved to: x49
02/08/19 08:56:28 :Debug: Command Non-VolatileBytes for f resolved to: x66
02/08/19 08:56:28 :Info: Initializing Help.
02/08/19 08:56:28 :Info: Initializing Edition Features.
02/08/19 08:56:28 :Info: Initializing App Events.
02/08/19 08:56:28 :Debug: App Name:TunerStudio, appEdition:MS Lite!
02/08/19 08:56:28 :Debug: Dummy Function Factory Created.
02/08/19 08:56:28 :Info: Initializing User Interface
02/08/19 08:56:28 :Info: V�rification des mises � jour
02/08/19 08:56:30 :Info: Loading Font list.
02/08/19 08:56:30 :Debug: Time to retreive font name list: 332 ms.
02/08/19 08:56:30 :Info:
02/08/19 08:56:30 :Info: Initializing UI Components.
02/08/19 08:56:30 :Info: Ready
Saved user properties successfully
Saved user properties successfully
02/08/19 08:56:33 :Info: Update Check Completed
Saved user properties successfully
Saved user properties successfully
02/08/19 08:56:36 :Debug: Directory Changed:
02/08/19 08:56:45 :Info: closeApp Called
02/08/19 08:56:45 :Info: Finalizing Sensors
Saved user properties successfully
02/08/19 08:56:47 :Info: closeApp Called
02/08/19 08:56:47 :Info: Finalizing Sensors
Saved user properties successfully
TunerStudio 3.0.28 started on Mon Mar 02 16:36:31 CET 2020
JRE 1.8.0_66, Windows 10 10.0, x86
Look:Metal, ClassName:'javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel'
Look:Nimbus, ClassName:'javax.swing.plaf.nimbus.NimbusLookAndFeel'
Look:CDE/Motif, ClassName:'com.sun.java.swing.plaf.motif.MotifLookAndFeel'
Look:Windows, ClassName:'com.sun.java.swing.plaf.windows.WindowsLookAndFeel'
Look:Windows Classic,
Look:Night Shade, ClassName:'de.muntjak.tinylookandfeel.TinyLookAndFeel'
Setting Look & Feel to:javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel
02/03/20 16:36:36 :Debug: no update:defaultFont
02/03/20 16:36:39 :Info: Loading Language Content.
02/03/20 16:36:43 :Info: Initializing File Dialogs.
02/03/20 16:36:47 :Debug: Command Non-VolatileBytes for F resolved to: x46
02/03/20 16:36:47 :Debug: Command Non-VolatileBytes for I resolved to: x49
02/03/20 16:36:47 :Debug: Command Non-VolatileBytes for f resolved to: x66
02/03/20 16:36:47 :Info: Initializing Help.
02/03/20 16:36:47 :Info: Initializing Edition Features.
02/03/20 16:36:47 :Info: Initializing App Events.
02/03/20 16:36:47 :Debug: App Name:TunerStudio, appEdition:MS Lite!
02/03/20 16:36:47 :Debug: Dummy Function Factory Created.
02/03/20 16:36:47 :Info: Initializing User Interface
02/03/20 16:36:49 :Info: Loading Font list.
02/03/20 16:36:56 :Debug: Swing Event Thread not heard from in 10 seconds, assuming
dead lock. Printing all stacks
Thread Java2D Disposer
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(ReferenceQueue.java:143)
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(ReferenceQueue.java:164)
at sun.java2d.Disposer.run(Disposer.java:148)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
Thread main
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:502)
at java.awt.EventQueue.invokeAndWait(EventQueue.java:1313)
at java.awt.EventQueue.invokeAndWait(EventQueue.java:1294)
at javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(SwingUtilities.java:1348)
at TunerStudio.main(Unknown Source)
Thread File Change monitor
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at A.x.a(Unknown Source)
at A.x.run(Unknown Source)
Thread TimerQueue
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(LockSupport.java:175)
at java.util.concurrent.DelayQueue.take(DelayQueue.java:211)
at javax.swing.TimerQueue.run(TimerQueue.java:171)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
Thread SalesLabelRotation
at java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)
at ag.hV.run(Unknown Source)
Thread Swing-Shell
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(LockSupport.java:175)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
Thread DeadLockMonitor
at java.lang.Thread.dumpThreads(Native Method)
at java.lang.Thread.getAllStackTraces(Thread.java:1603)
at aJ.a.c(Unknown Source)
at aJ.a.a(Unknown Source)
at aJ.c.run(Unknown Source)
Thread AWT-EventQueue-0
at sun.nio.ch.FileDispatcherImpl.read0(Native Method)
at sun.nio.ch.FileDispatcherImpl.read(FileDispatcherImpl.java:61)
at sun.nio.ch.IOUtil.readIntoNativeBuffer(IOUtil.java:223)
at sun.nio.ch.IOUtil.read(IOUtil.java:197)
at sun.nio.ch.FileChannelImpl.read(FileChannelImpl.java:159)
at sun.font.TrueTypeFont.readBlock(TrueTypeFont.java:455)
at sun.font.TrueTypeFont.init(TrueTypeFont.java:501)
at sun.font.TrueTypeFont.<init>(TrueTypeFont.java:191)
at sun.font.SunFontManager.registerFontFile(SunFontManager.java:1147)
at sun.font.SunFontManager.registerFonts(SunFontManager.java:1198)
at sun.font.SunFontManager.addDirFonts(SunFontManager.java:3250)
at sun.font.SunFontManager.registerFontsInDir(SunFontManager.java:3361)
at sun.font.SunFontManager.registerFontsOnPath(SunFontManager.java:3342)
at sun.font.SunFontManager.access$1100(SunFontManager.java:65)
at sun.font.SunFontManager$11.run(SunFontManager.java:3449)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at sun.font.SunFontManager.loadFontFiles(SunFontManager.java:3439)
at sun.font.SunFontManager.findFont2D(SunFontManager.java:2358)
at sun.font.SunFontManager.findFont2D(SunFontManager.java:2350)
at java.awt.Font.getFont2D(Font.java:500)
at java.awt.Font.access$000(Font.java:224)
at java.awt.Font$FontAccessImpl.getFont2D(Font.java:228)
at sun.font.FontUtilities.getFont2D(FontUtilities.java:180)
at sun.font.FontDesignMetrics.<init>(FontDesignMetrics.java:350)
at sun.font.FontDesignMetrics.getMetrics(FontDesignMetrics.java:302)
at sun.swing.SwingUtilities2.getFontMetrics(SwingUtilities2.java:1113)
at javax.swing.JComponent.getFontMetrics(JComponent.java:1626)
at javax.swing.JComponent.getPreferredSize(JComponent.java:1662)
at java.awt.BorderLayout.preferredLayoutSize(BorderLayout.java:709)
at java.awt.Container.preferredSize(Container.java:1796)
at java.awt.Container.getPreferredSize(Container.java:1780)
at javax.swing.JComponent.getPreferredSize(JComponent.java:1664)
at java.awt.BorderLayout.preferredLayoutSize(BorderLayout.java:714)
at java.awt.Container.preferredSize(Container.java:1796)
at java.awt.Container.getPreferredSize(Container.java:1780)
at javax.swing.JComponent.getPreferredSize(JComponent.java:1664)
at java.awt.BorderLayout.preferredLayoutSize(BorderLayout.java:709)
at java.awt.Container.preferredSize(Container.java:1796)
at java.awt.Container.getPreferredSize(Container.java:1780)
at javax.swing.JComponent.getPreferredSize(JComponent.java:1664)
at java.awt.BorderLayout.layoutContainer(BorderLayout.java:821)
at java.awt.Container.layout(Container.java:1510)
at java.awt.Container.doLayout(Container.java:1499)
at java.awt.Container.validateTree(Container.java:1695)
at java.awt.Container.validateTree(Container.java:1704)
at java.awt.Container.validateTree(Container.java:1704)
at java.awt.Container.validateTree(Container.java:1704)
at java.awt.Container.validate(Container.java:1630)
at java.awt.Container.validateUnconditionally(Container.java:1667)
at java.awt.Window.show(Window.java:1033)
at java.awt.Component.show(Component.java:1673)
at java.awt.Component.setVisible(Component.java:1625)
at java.awt.Window.setVisible(Window.java:1014)
at ag.do.<init>(Unknown Source)
at b.run(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(InvocationEvent.java:301)
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(EventQueue.java:756)
at java.awt.EventQueue.access$500(EventQueue.java:97)
at java.awt.EventQueue$3.run(EventQueue.java:709)
at java.awt.EventQueue$3.run(EventQueue.java:703)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(EventQueue.java:726)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:101)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:93)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(EventDispatchThread.java:82)
Thread Reference Handler
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:502)
at java.lang.ref.Reference$ReferenceHandler.run(Reference.java:157)
Thread Finalizer
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(ReferenceQueue.java:143)
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(ReferenceQueue.java:164)
at java.lang.ref.Finalizer$FinalizerThread.run(Finalizer.java:209)
Thread PreLoader
at sun.font.SunFontManager.getFullNameToFileMap(SunFontManager.java:1807)
at com.efiAnalytics.ui.bA.c(Unknown Source)
at ag.hr.d(Unknown Source)
at ar.H.b(Unknown Source)
at ag.hr.b(Unknown Source)
at ag.hr.run(Unknown Source)
Thread AWT-Shutdown
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:502)
at sun.awt.AWTAutoShutdown.run(AWTAutoShutdown.java:295)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
Thread Signal Dispatcher
Thread Thread-4
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:502)
at java.awt.EventQueue.invokeAndWait(EventQueue.java:1313)
at java.awt.Window.doDispose(Window.java:1214)
at java.awt.Window.dispose(Window.java:1151)
at ag.ds.run(Unknown Source)
Thread Attach Listener
Thread AWT-Windows
at sun.awt.windows.WToolkit.eventLoop(Native Method)
at sun.awt.windows.WToolkit.run(WToolkit.java:306)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
arg found 0:C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\2018-02-02_18.42.04.ralenti-trop-haut-
2500 .msq
02/03/20 16:36:57 :Info: V�rification des mises � jour
02/03/20 16:36:58 :Debug: Time to retreive font name list: 8062 ms.
02/03/20 16:36:58 :Info:
02/03/20 16:36:58 :Info: Initializing UI Components.
02/03/20 16:36:58 :Info: Ready
02/03/20 16:37:31 :Debug: Reading translation file as plain text
02/03/20 16:37:31 :Info: Supported iniSpecVersion=3.51
02/03/20 16:37:31 :Info: Read file MS2Extracomms333e2.ini: 25.5274ms
02/03/20 16:37:31 :Info: Filtered ini: 10.3397ms
02/03/20 16:37:31 :Info: No iniVersion defined
02/03/20 16:37:31 :Debug: ini signature: MS2Extra comms333e2
02/03/20 16:37:31 :Info: Loading Trigger Wheels
02/03/20 16:37:31 :Info: Loading Depricated ini section [UserDefined], use
02/03/20 16:37:31 :Info: Loaded All known ini sections
02/03/20 16:37:31 :Info: Parsed and validated ini "MS2Extracomms333e2.ini" in :
02/03/20 16:37:33 :Info: Time to load non-cached dashboard: 1308.3672 ms.
02/03/20 16:37:33 :Debug: ############################################# Save
Project ##########################################
02/03/20 16:37:33 :Info: Ouverture d�un projet ...
02/03/20 16:37:33 :Debug: Opening project:
02/03/20 16:37:33 :Info: Supported iniSpecVersion=3.51
02/03/20 16:37:33 :Debug: Filtered ConfigurationOptionGroup in 13ms.
02/03/20 16:37:33 :Info: Supported iniSpecVersion=3.51
02/03/20 16:37:33 :Info: Read file canPcVariables.ini: 83.3174ms
02/03/20 16:37:33 :Info: Filtered ini: 0.0044ms
02/03/20 16:37:33 :Info: No iniVersion defined
02/03/20 16:37:33 :Info: Loading Trigger Wheels
02/03/20 16:37:33 :Info: Loaded All known ini sections
02/03/20 16:37:33 :Info: Parsed and validated ini "canPcVariables.ini" in : 78ms.
02/03/20 16:37:33 :Info: Read file MS2Extracomms333e2.ini: 7.6118ms
02/03/20 16:37:33 :Info: Filtered ini: 3.8569ms
02/03/20 16:37:33 :Info: No iniVersion defined
02/03/20 16:37:33 :Debug: ini signature: MS2Extra comms333e2
02/03/20 16:37:33 :Info: Loaded All Read Only ini sections
02/03/20 16:37:33 :Info: Parsed and validated ini "MS2Extracomms333e2.ini" in :
02/03/20 16:37:33 :Info: Not Loading default Tools because they were already loaded
from the project ini(s)
02/03/20 16:37:33 :Info: Time to load primary config: 236.3832ms. used cached
config: false
02/03/20 16:37:33 :Info: Supported iniSpecVersion=3.51
02/03/20 16:37:33 :Debug: Adding Configuration: Temp
02/03/20 16:37:33 :Info: !!! Loaded config in 562
02/03/20 16:37:34 :Info: !!! Activated Project 594
02/03/20 16:37:34 :Info: Opening Gauge Cluster..
02/03/20 16:37:34 :Debug: High Speed Paint: true
02/03/20 16:37:34 :Info:
02/03/20 16:37:34 :Debug: !!! Opened Dash 656
02/03/20 16:37:34 :Info: Temp Pr�t
02/03/20 16:37:34 :Debug: Fill Constants: 47
02/03/20 16:37:34 :Info: Tune opened, 6148 bytes updated.
File:C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\2018-02-02_18.42.04.ralenti-trop-haut-2500 .msq
02/03/20 16:37:34 :Info: Tune opened, 6148 bytes updated.
File:C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\2018-02-02_18.42.04.ralenti-trop-haut-2500 .msq
02/03/20 16:37:34 :Debug: Flush lasted: 0ms.
02/03/20 16:37:34 :Info: Update Check Completed
Saved user properties successfully
02/03/20 16:38:10 :Debug: Directory Changed:
02/03/20 16:38:15 :Debug: File Changed:
02/03/20 16:38:16 :Info: Ouverture d�un projet ...
02/03/20 16:38:17 :Debug: goOffline Starting, Time:0
02/03/20 16:38:17 :Info: Deactivated Turbo Baud, goOffline
02/03/20 16:38:17 :Debug: goOffline about to stopProcessing, Time:1
02/03/20 16:38:17 :Debug: goOffline closed port, Time:1
02/03/20 16:38:18 :Debug: goOffline comm thread stopped, Time:501
02/03/20 16:38:18 :Debug: No Remaining Queue Write instructions
02/03/20 16:38:18 :Debug: removing Configuration: Temp
02/03/20 16:38:18 :Debug: ############################################# Save
Project ##########################################
02/03/20 16:38:18 :Debug: Opening project:
02/03/20 16:38:18 :Info: Supported iniSpecVersion=3.51
02/03/20 16:38:18 :Debug: Filtered ConfigurationOptionGroup in 31ms.
02/03/20 16:38:18 :Info: Supported iniSpecVersion=3.51
02/03/20 16:38:18 :Info: Read file canPcVariables.ini: 0.7211ms
02/03/20 16:38:18 :Info: Filtered ini: 0.0394ms
02/03/20 16:38:18 :Info: No iniVersion defined
02/03/20 16:38:18 :Info: Loading Trigger Wheels
02/03/20 16:38:18 :Info: Loaded All known ini sections
02/03/20 16:38:18 :Info: Parsed and validated ini "canPcVariables.ini" in : 15ms.
02/03/20 16:38:18 :Info: Read file mainController.ini: 5.2747ms
02/03/20 16:38:18 :Info: Filtered ini: 0.1855ms
02/03/20 16:38:18 :Info: No iniVersion defined
02/03/20 16:38:18 :Debug: ini signature: 20
02/03/20 16:38:18 :Info: Loaded All Read Only ini sections
02/03/20 16:38:18 :Info: Parsed and validated ini "mainController.ini" in : 125ms.
02/03/20 16:38:18 :Info: Not Loading default Tools because they were already loaded
from the project ini(s)
02/03/20 16:38:18 :Info: Time to load primary config: 218.3231ms. used cached
config: false
02/03/20 16:38:18 :Debug: Fill Constants: 0
02/03/20 16:38:18 :Info: Supported iniSpecVersion=3.51
02/03/20 16:38:18 :Debug: Adding Configuration: MS1_BG_3.0
02/03/20 16:38:18 :Info: Tune opened, 3 bytes updated.
02/03/20 16:38:18 :Info: Tune opened, 3 bytes updated.
02/03/20 16:38:18 :Debug: Flush lasted: 0ms.
02/03/20 16:38:18 :Info: !!! Loaded config in 422
02/03/20 16:38:18 :Info: Com Thread created: COMM Thread31921.162384277966
02/03/20 16:38:18 :Info: !!! Activated Project 532
02/03/20 16:38:18 :Info: Comm Manager for MS1_BG_3.0 Started, thread ID: COMM
02/03/20 16:38:18 :Info: Opening Gauge Cluster..
02/03/20 16:38:18 :Debug: Port not valid: No Controller Interface.
02/03/20 16:38:18 :Error: Unable to resolve Expression:rpmhigh
EcuOutputChannel::Error executing formula:rpmhigh
Variable 'rpmhigh' used in expression, but not defined as OutputChannel or Setting
Parameter in MS1_BG_3.0
02/03/20 16:38:18 :Debug: Deactivated fast paint Main Dashboard
02/03/20 16:38:18 :Debug: High Speed Paint: true
02/03/20 16:38:18 :Info:
02/03/20 16:38:18 :Debug: !!! Opened Dash 594
02/03/20 16:38:18 :Info: MS1_BG_3.0 Pr�t
02/03/20 16:38:21 :Debug: Port not valid: No Controller Interface.
02/03/20 16:38:23 :Info: file:CurrentTune.msq is not Monitored, cannot pause
Monitoring of it.
02/03/20 16:38:23 :Info: Time to save msq: 6.0498
02/03/20 16:38:23 :Info: file:CurrentTune.msq is not Monitored, cannot unpause
Monitoring of it.
02/03/20 16:38:23 :Info: closeApp Called
02/03/20 16:38:23 :Info: file:CurrentTune.msq is not Monitored, cannot pause
Monitoring of it.
02/03/20 16:38:23 :Info: Time to save msq: 3.4157
02/03/20 16:38:23 :Info: file:CurrentTune.msq is not Monitored, cannot unpause
Monitoring of it.
02/03/20 16:38:24 :Debug: goOffline Starting, Time:0
02/03/20 16:38:24 :Info: Deactivated Turbo Baud, goOffline
02/03/20 16:38:24 :Debug: goOffline about to stopProcessing, Time:0
02/03/20 16:38:24 :Debug: goOffline closed port, Time:1
02/03/20 16:38:24 :Info: MS1_BG_3.0 ComThread stopped COMM Thread31921.162384277966
02/03/20 16:38:24 :Debug: goOffline comm thread stopped, Time:102
02/03/20 16:38:24 :Debug: No Remaining Queue Write instructions
02/03/20 16:38:24 :Debug: removing Configuration: MS1_BG_3.0
02/03/20 16:38:24 :Debug: ############################################# Save
Project ##########################################
02/03/20 16:38:24 :Info: Finalizing Sensors
Saved user properties successfully
TunerStudio 3.0.28 started on Thu Oct 14 18:09:10 CEST 2021
JRE 1.8.0_66, Windows 10 10.0, x86
Look:Metal, ClassName:'javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel'
Look:Nimbus, ClassName:'javax.swing.plaf.nimbus.NimbusLookAndFeel'
Look:CDE/Motif, ClassName:'com.sun.java.swing.plaf.motif.MotifLookAndFeel'
Look:Windows, ClassName:'com.sun.java.swing.plaf.windows.WindowsLookAndFeel'
Look:Windows Classic,
Look:Night Shade, ClassName:'de.muntjak.tinylookandfeel.TinyLookAndFeel'
Setting Look & Feel to:javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel
14/10/21 18:09:13 :Debug: no update:defaultFont
14/10/21 18:09:16 :Info: Loading Language Content.
14/10/21 18:09:17 :Info: Initializing File Dialogs.
14/10/21 18:09:21 :Debug: Command Non-VolatileBytes for F resolved to: x46
14/10/21 18:09:21 :Debug: Command Non-VolatileBytes for I resolved to: x49
14/10/21 18:09:21 :Debug: Command Non-VolatileBytes for f resolved to: x66
14/10/21 18:09:21 :Info: Initializing Help.
14/10/21 18:09:21 :Info: Initializing Edition Features.
14/10/21 18:09:21 :Info: Initializing App Events.
14/10/21 18:09:21 :Debug: App Name:TunerStudio, appEdition:MS Lite!
14/10/21 18:09:21 :Debug: Dummy Function Factory Created.
14/10/21 18:09:21 :Info: Initializing User Interface
14/10/21 18:09:23 :Info: Loading Font list.
14/10/21 18:09:27 :Debug: Time to retreive font name list: 3470 ms.
14/10/21 18:09:27 :Info:
14/10/21 18:09:27 :Info: Initializing UI Components.
14/10/21 18:09:27 :Info: Ready
14/10/21 18:09:41 :Info: Opening URL:
TunerStudio 3.0.28 started on Thu Oct 14 18:10:00 CEST 2021
JRE 1.8.0_66, Windows 10 10.0, x86
Look:Metal, ClassName:'javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel'
Look:Nimbus, ClassName:'javax.swing.plaf.nimbus.NimbusLookAndFeel'
Look:CDE/Motif, ClassName:'com.sun.java.swing.plaf.motif.MotifLookAndFeel'
Look:Windows, ClassName:'com.sun.java.swing.plaf.windows.WindowsLookAndFeel'
Look:Windows Classic,
Look:Night Shade, ClassName:'de.muntjak.tinylookandfeel.TinyLookAndFeel'
Setting Look & Feel to:javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel
14/10/21 18:10:00 :Debug: no update:defaultFont
14/10/21 18:10:00 :Info: Loading Language Content.
14/10/21 18:10:01 :Info: Initializing File Dialogs.
14/10/21 18:10:02 :Debug: Command Non-VolatileBytes for F resolved to: x46
14/10/21 18:10:02 :Debug: Command Non-VolatileBytes for I resolved to: x49
14/10/21 18:10:02 :Debug: Command Non-VolatileBytes for f resolved to: x66
14/10/21 18:10:02 :Info: Initializing Help.
14/10/21 18:10:02 :Info: Initializing Edition Features.
14/10/21 18:10:02 :Info: Initializing App Events.
14/10/21 18:10:02 :Debug: App Name:TunerStudio, appEdition:MS Lite!
14/10/21 18:10:02 :Debug: Dummy Function Factory Created.
14/10/21 18:10:02 :Info: Initializing User Interface
14/10/21 18:10:04 :Info: Loading Font list.
14/10/21 18:10:04 :Debug: Time to retreive font name list: 417 ms.
14/10/21 18:10:04 :Info:
14/10/21 18:10:04 :Info: Initializing UI Components.
14/10/21 18:10:04 :Info: Ready
14/10/21 18:10:14 :Warning: Download of: config.zip, succeeded! File size: 5717152
14/10/21 18:10:20 :Debug: Swing Event Thread not heard from in 10 seconds, assuming
dead lock. Printing all stacks
Thread main
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:502)
at java.awt.EventQueue.invokeAndWait(EventQueue.java:1313)
at java.awt.EventQueue.invokeAndWait(EventQueue.java:1294)
at javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(SwingUtilities.java:1348)
at TunerStudio.main(Unknown Source)
Thread Attach Listener
Thread TimerQueue
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(LockSupport.java:175)
at java.util.concurrent.DelayQueue.take(DelayQueue.java:211)
at javax.swing.TimerQueue.run(TimerQueue.java:171)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
Thread AWT-Shutdown
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:502)
at sun.awt.AWTAutoShutdown.run(AWTAutoShutdown.java:295)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
Thread Java2D Disposer
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(ReferenceQueue.java:143)
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(ReferenceQueue.java:164)
at sun.java2d.Disposer.run(Disposer.java:148)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
Thread Swing-Shell
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(LockSupport.java:175)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
Thread Signal Dispatcher
Thread Reference Handler
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:502)
at java.lang.ref.Reference$ReferenceHandler.run(Reference.java:157)
Thread Thread-4
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:502)
at java.awt.EventQueue.invokeAndWait(EventQueue.java:1313)
at java.awt.Window.doDispose(Window.java:1214)
at java.awt.Window.dispose(Window.java:1151)
at ag.ds.run(Unknown Source)
Thread SalesLabelRotation
at java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)
at ag.hV.run(Unknown Source)
Thread DeadLockMonitor
at java.lang.Thread.dumpThreads(Native Method)
at java.lang.Thread.getAllStackTraces(Thread.java:1603)
at aJ.a.c(Unknown Source)
at aJ.a.a(Unknown Source)
at aJ.c.run(Unknown Source)
Thread Finalizer
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(ReferenceQueue.java:143)
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(ReferenceQueue.java:164)
at java.lang.ref.Finalizer$FinalizerThread.run(Finalizer.java:209)
Thread MessageMonitor
at java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)
at w.b.run(Unknown Source)
Thread AWT-Windows
at sun.awt.windows.WToolkit.eventLoop(Native Method)
at sun.awt.windows.WToolkit.run(WToolkit.java:306)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
Thread AWT-EventQueue-0
at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead0(Native Method)
at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead(SocketInputStream.java:116)
at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(SocketInputStream.java:170)
at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(SocketInputStream.java:141)
at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read1(BufferedInputStream.java:284)
at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read(BufferedInputStream.java:345)
at sun.net.www.MeteredStream.read(MeteredStream.java:134)
at java.io.FilterInputStream.read(FilterInputStream.java:133)
at java.io.BufferedInputStream.fill(BufferedInputStream.java:246)
at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read(BufferedInputStream.java:265)
at bi.a.a(Unknown Source)
at bi.a.a(Unknown Source)
at bi.a.a(Unknown Source)
at ag.do.j(Unknown Source)
at ag.do.<init>(Unknown Source)
at b.run(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(InvocationEvent.java:301)
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(EventQueue.java:756)
at java.awt.EventQueue.access$500(EventQueue.java:97)
at java.awt.EventQueue$3.run(EventQueue.java:709)
at java.awt.EventQueue$3.run(EventQueue.java:703)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(EventQueue.java:726)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:101)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:93)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(EventDispatchThread.java:82)
Thread File Change monitor
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at A.x.a(Unknown Source)
at A.x.run(Unknown Source)
14/10/21 18:10:29 :Warning: Download of: Dash.zip, succeeded! File size: 15322344
14/10/21 18:10:30 :Warning: Download of: FieldMaps.zip, succeeded! File size: 2253
14/10/21 18:10:30 :Debug: Swing Event Thread not heard from in 10 seconds, assuming
dead lock. Printing all stacks
Thread main
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:502)
at java.awt.EventQueue.invokeAndWait(EventQueue.java:1313)
at java.awt.EventQueue.invokeAndWait(EventQueue.java:1294)
at javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(SwingUtilities.java:1348)
at TunerStudio.main(Unknown Source)
Thread Attach Listener
Thread TimerQueue
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(LockSupport.java:175)
at java.util.concurrent.DelayQueue.take(DelayQueue.java:211)
at javax.swing.TimerQueue.run(TimerQueue.java:171)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
Thread AWT-Shutdown
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:502)
at sun.awt.AWTAutoShutdown.run(AWTAutoShutdown.java:295)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
Thread Java2D Disposer
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(ReferenceQueue.java:143)
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(ReferenceQueue.java:164)
at sun.java2d.Disposer.run(Disposer.java:148)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
Thread Swing-Shell
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(LockSupport.java:175)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
Thread Signal Dispatcher
Thread Reference Handler
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:502)
at java.lang.ref.Reference$ReferenceHandler.run(Reference.java:157)
Thread Thread-4
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:502)
at java.awt.EventQueue.invokeAndWait(EventQueue.java:1313)
at java.awt.Window.doDispose(Window.java:1214)
at java.awt.Window.dispose(Window.java:1151)
at ag.ds.run(Unknown Source)
Thread SalesLabelRotation
at java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)
at ag.hV.run(Unknown Source)
Thread DeadLockMonitor
at java.lang.Thread.dumpThreads(Native Method)
at java.lang.Thread.getAllStackTraces(Thread.java:1603)
at aJ.a.c(Unknown Source)
at aJ.a.a(Unknown Source)
at aJ.c.run(Unknown Source)
Thread Finalizer
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(ReferenceQueue.java:143)
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(ReferenceQueue.java:164)
at java.lang.ref.Finalizer$FinalizerThread.run(Finalizer.java:209)
Thread MessageMonitor
at java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)
at w.b.run(Unknown Source)
Thread AWT-Windows
at sun.awt.windows.WToolkit.eventLoop(Native Method)
at sun.awt.windows.WToolkit.run(WToolkit.java:306)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
Thread Keep-Alive-Timer
at java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)
at sun.net.www.http.KeepAliveCache.run(KeepAliveCache.java:172)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
Thread AWT-EventQueue-0
at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead0(Native Method)
at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead(SocketInputStream.java:116)
at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(SocketInputStream.java:170)
at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(SocketInputStream.java:141)
at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read1(BufferedInputStream.java:284)
at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read(BufferedInputStream.java:345)
at sun.net.www.MeteredStream.read(MeteredStream.java:134)
at java.io.FilterInputStream.read(FilterInputStream.java:133)
at java.io.BufferedInputStream.fill(BufferedInputStream.java:246)
at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read(BufferedInputStream.java:265)
at bi.a.a(Unknown Source)
at bi.a.a(Unknown Source)
at bi.a.a(Unknown Source)
at ag.do.j(Unknown Source)
at ag.do.<init>(Unknown Source)
at b.run(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(InvocationEvent.java:301)
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(EventQueue.java:756)
at java.awt.EventQueue.access$500(EventQueue.java:97)
at java.awt.EventQueue$3.run(EventQueue.java:709)
at java.awt.EventQueue$3.run(EventQueue.java:703)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(EventQueue.java:726)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:101)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:93)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(EventDispatchThread.java:82)
Thread File Change monitor
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at A.x.a(Unknown Source)
at A.x.run(Unknown Source)
14/10/21 18:10:35 :Warning: Download of: help.zip, succeeded! File size: 4919034
14/10/21 18:10:36 :Warning: Download of: inc.zip, succeeded! File size: 74435 bytes
14/10/21 18:10:37 :Warning: Download of: LogViewer.properties, succeeded! File
size: 1906 bytes
14/10/21 18:10:37 :Warning: Download of: Staging.class, succeeded! File size: 17735
14/10/21 18:10:40 :Debug: Swing Event Thread not heard from in 10 seconds, assuming
dead lock. Printing all stacks
Thread main
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:502)
at java.awt.EventQueue.invokeAndWait(EventQueue.java:1313)
at java.awt.EventQueue.invokeAndWait(EventQueue.java:1294)
at javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(SwingUtilities.java:1348)
at TunerStudio.main(Unknown Source)
Thread Attach Listener
Thread TimerQueue
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(LockSupport.java:175)
at java.util.concurrent.DelayQueue.take(DelayQueue.java:211)
at javax.swing.TimerQueue.run(TimerQueue.java:171)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
Thread AWT-Shutdown
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:502)
at sun.awt.AWTAutoShutdown.run(AWTAutoShutdown.java:295)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
Thread Java2D Disposer
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(ReferenceQueue.java:143)
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(ReferenceQueue.java:164)
at sun.java2d.Disposer.run(Disposer.java:148)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
Thread Swing-Shell
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(LockSupport.java:175)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
Thread Signal Dispatcher
Thread Reference Handler
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:502)
at java.lang.ref.Reference$ReferenceHandler.run(Reference.java:157)
Thread Thread-4
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:502)
at java.awt.EventQueue.invokeAndWait(EventQueue.java:1313)
at java.awt.Window.doDispose(Window.java:1214)
at java.awt.Window.dispose(Window.java:1151)
at ag.ds.run(Unknown Source)
Thread SalesLabelRotation
at java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)
at ag.hV.run(Unknown Source)
Thread DeadLockMonitor
at java.lang.Thread.dumpThreads(Native Method)
at java.lang.Thread.getAllStackTraces(Thread.java:1603)
at aJ.a.c(Unknown Source)
at aJ.a.a(Unknown Source)
at aJ.c.run(Unknown Source)
Thread Finalizer
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(ReferenceQueue.java:143)
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(ReferenceQueue.java:164)
at java.lang.ref.Finalizer$FinalizerThread.run(Finalizer.java:209)
Thread MessageMonitor
at java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)
at w.b.run(Unknown Source)
Thread AWT-Windows
at sun.awt.windows.WToolkit.eventLoop(Native Method)
at sun.awt.windows.WToolkit.run(WToolkit.java:306)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
Thread AWT-EventQueue-0
at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead0(Native Method)
at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead(SocketInputStream.java:116)
at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(SocketInputStream.java:170)
at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(SocketInputStream.java:141)
at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read1(BufferedInputStream.java:284)
at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read(BufferedInputStream.java:345)
at sun.net.www.MeteredStream.read(MeteredStream.java:134)
at java.io.FilterInputStream.read(FilterInputStream.java:133)
at java.io.BufferedInputStream.fill(BufferedInputStream.java:246)
at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read(BufferedInputStream.java:265)
at bi.a.a(Unknown Source)
at bi.a.a(Unknown Source)
at bi.a.a(Unknown Source)
at ag.do.j(Unknown Source)
at ag.do.<init>(Unknown Source)
at b.run(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(InvocationEvent.java:301)
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(EventQueue.java:756)
at java.awt.EventQueue.access$500(EventQueue.java:97)
at java.awt.EventQueue$3.run(EventQueue.java:709)
at java.awt.EventQueue$3.run(EventQueue.java:703)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(EventQueue.java:726)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:101)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:93)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(EventDispatchThread.java:82)
Thread File Change monitor
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at A.x.a(Unknown Source)
at A.x.run(Unknown Source)
14/10/21 18:10:42 :Warning: Download of: TunerStudioMS.jar, succeeded! File size:
5484020 bytes
14/10/21 18:10:46 :Warning: Download of: TuneView.zip, succeeded! File size:
2826785 bytes
14/10/21 18:10:47 :Info: Lock on file: TunerStudioMS.jar will leave a temp version
to be renamed on restart.
Saved user properties successfully
Saved user properties successfully
Jar Name:TunerStudioMS.jar
Saved user properties successfully
14/10/21 18:10:47 :Info: closeApp Called
14/10/21 18:10:47 :Info: Finalizing Sensors
TunerStudio 3.1.06 started on Thu Oct 14 18:11:35 CEST 2021
JRE 1.8.0_66, Windows 10 10.0, x86
Look:Metal, ClassName:'javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel'
Look:Nimbus, ClassName:'javax.swing.plaf.nimbus.NimbusLookAndFeel'
Look:CDE/Motif, ClassName:'com.sun.java.swing.plaf.motif.MotifLookAndFeel'
Look:Windows, ClassName:'com.sun.java.swing.plaf.windows.WindowsLookAndFeel'
Look:Windows Classic,
Look:Night Shade, ClassName:'de.muntjak.tinylookandfeel.TinyLookAndFeel'
Setting Look & Feel to:javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel
14/10/21 18:11:35 :Debug: no update:defaultFont
14/10/21 18:11:35 :Info: Initializing File Dialogs.
Registration file not found.
14/10/21 18:11:36 :Info: Loading Language Content.
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Info: Finishing Upgrade....
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results addInfo.properties true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results class1BtRs232-200.png true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results Q818XT-sm.jpg true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results whatsNew.jpg true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results images true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results index.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results index1.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results prepped_index.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results prepped_index1.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results ad true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results buttonActive.png true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results buttonInactive.png true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results gettingStartedButtonActive.png true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results gettingStartedButtonInActive.png true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results Help32.png true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results launch.png true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelpButtonActive.png true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelpButtonInactive.png true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results smallDashSplash.png true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results Thumbs.db true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results images true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_ar.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_cs.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_de.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_el.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_es.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_fi.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_fr.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_it.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_iw.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_ja.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_ko.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_nl.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_pl.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_pt.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_ru.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_sv.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_th.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_tr.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results onlineHelp_zh.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results prepped_startScreen_fr.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_ar.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_cs.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_de.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_el.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_es.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_fi.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_fr.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_it.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_iw.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_ja.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_ko.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_nl.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_pl.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_pt.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_ru.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_sv.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_th.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_tr.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results startScreen_zh.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results main true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results dont-waste-time-sm.png true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results Thumbs.db true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results images true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results prepped_registerMain_fr.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_ar.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_cs.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_de.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_el.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_es.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_fi.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_fr.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_it.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_iw.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_ja.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_ko.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_nl.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_pl.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_pt.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_ru.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_sv.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_th.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_tr.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results registeredMain_zh.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_ar.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_cs.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_de.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_el.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_es.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_fi.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_fr.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_it.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_iw.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_ja.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_ko.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_nl.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_pl.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_pt.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_ru.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_sv.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_th.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_tr.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results registerMain_zh.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results register true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results startScreenRoot true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results archiveProjectInfo.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results firmwareLoadCompleteNoProject.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results firmwareLoadCompleteProject.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results firmwareLoaderIntro.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results backup-drive.png true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results database-upload.png true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results firmware-update.png true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results ms3-pro.jpg true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results ms3.jpg true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results images true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results tuneRestore.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results tuneRestored.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results tuneRestoredNoPC.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results tuneRestoring.html true
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Delete Results firmwareLoader true
Saved user properties successfully
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Command Non-VolatileBytes for F resolved to: x46
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Command Non-VolatileBytes for I resolved to: x49
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Command Non-VolatileBytes for f resolved to: x66
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Info: Initializing Help.
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Info: Initializing Edition Features.
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Info: Initializing App Events.
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: App Name:TunerStudio, appEdition:MS Lite!
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Debug: Dummy Function Factory Created.
14/10/21 18:11:39 :Info: Initializing User Interface
14/10/21 18:11:40 :Info: V�rification des mises � jour
14/10/21 18:11:41 :Info: Loading Font list.
14/10/21 18:11:41 :Debug: Time to retreive font name list: 20 ms.
14/10/21 18:11:41 :Info:
14/10/21 18:11:41 :Info: Initializing UI Components.
14/10/21 18:11:41 :Info: Ready
Saved user properties successfully
14/10/21 18:11:44 :Info: Update Check Completed
Saved user properties successfully
14/10/21 18:11:44 :Debug: Saved user log settings.
Saved user properties successfully
Saved user properties successfully
14/10/21 18:11:57 :Debug: Directory Changed:
14/10/21 18:12:06 :Debug: File Changed:
14/10/21 18:12:09 :Debug: File Changed:
14/10/21 18:12:10 :Debug: File Changed:
14/10/21 18:12:11 :Info: Ouverture d�un projet ...
14/10/21 18:12:11 :Debug: Opening project:
14/10/21 18:12:11 :Debug: Reading translation file as plain text
14/10/21 18:12:11 :Info: Updating project ecu def from version: 0.0 to version: 2.2
from installer.
14/10/21 18:12:11 :Debug: ECU def update check time: 219.16978
14/10/21 18:12:12 :Info: Supported iniSpecVersion=3.68
14/10/21 18:12:12 :Debug: Filtered ConfigurationOptionGroup in 71ms.
14/10/21 18:12:12 :Info: Supported iniSpecVersion=3.68
14/10/21 18:12:12 :Info: Read file canPcVariables.ini: 2.606ms
14/10/21 18:12:12 :Info: Filtered ini: 0.0666ms
14/10/21 18:12:12 :Info: No iniVersion defined
14/10/21 18:12:12 :Info: Loading Trigger Wheels
14/10/21 18:12:12 :Info: Loaded All known ini sections
14/10/21 18:12:12 :Info: Parsed and validated ini "canPcVariables.ini" in : 28ms.
14/10/21 18:12:12 :Info: Read file mainController.ini: 5.5298ms
14/10/21 18:12:12 :Info: Filtered ini: 3.1399ms
14/10/21 18:12:12 :Info: iniVersion =2.2
14/10/21 18:12:12 :Debug: ini signature: MS1/Extra format 029y3 *********
14/10/21 18:12:12 :Info: Set Write Blocks on = true
14/10/21 18:12:12 :Info: EcuOutputChannel::Error executing formula (fastMath):
Was: (customWBAfrHigh-customWBAfrLow)/(customWBVoltsHigh-customWBVoltsLow)
Reported Error:
An attempt was made to divide by zero.
Using last set value for customWbSlope
14/10/21 18:12:12 :Info: EcuOutputChannel::Error executing formula (fastMath):
Was: (customWBAfrHigh-customWBAfrLow)/(customWBVoltsHigh-customWBVoltsLow)
Reported Error:
An attempt was made to divide by zero.
Using last set value for customWbSlope
14/10/21 18:12:12 :Info: EcuOutputChannel::Error executing formula (fastMath):
Was: (customWBAfrHigh-customWBAfrLow)/(customWBVoltsHigh-customWBVoltsLow)
Reported Error:
An attempt was made to divide by zero.
Using last set value for customWbSlope
14/10/21 18:12:12 :Info: EcuOutputChannel::Error executing formula (fastMath):
Was: (customWBAfrHigh-customWBAfrLow)/(customWBVoltsHigh-customWBVoltsLow)
Reported Error:
An attempt was made to divide by zero.
Using last set value for customWbSlope
14/10/21 18:12:12 :Info: Loading Trigger Wheels
14/10/21 18:12:12 :Info: Loading Depricated ini section [UserDefined], use
14/10/21 18:12:12 :Info: Loaded All known ini sections
14/10/21 18:12:12 :Info: Parsed and validated ini "mainController.ini" in : 120ms.
14/10/21 18:12:12 :Info: Supported iniSpecVersion=3.68
14/10/21 18:12:12 :Info: Read file ms1ExtraDefaultTools.ini: 2.0612ms
14/10/21 18:12:12 :Info: Filtered ini: 0.0784ms
14/10/21 18:12:12 :Info: No iniVersion defined
14/10/21 18:12:12 :Info: Loading Trigger Wheels
14/10/21 18:12:12 :Info: Loaded All known ini sections
14/10/21 18:12:12 :Info: Parsed and validated ini "ms1ExtraDefaultTools.ini" in :
14/10/21 18:12:12 :Info: Time to load primary config: 680.6674ms. used cached
config: false
14/10/21 18:12:12 :Debug: Fill Constants: 16
14/10/21 18:12:12 :Info: Supported iniSpecVersion=3.68
14/10/21 18:12:12 :Info: Read file ms1ExtraWueAnalyzeMaps.ecu: 3.9948ms
14/10/21 18:12:12 :Info: Filtered ini: 0.0734ms
14/10/21 18:12:12 :Info: No iniVersion defined
14/10/21 18:12:12 :Info: Loading Trigger Wheels
14/10/21 18:12:12 :Info: Loaded All known ini sections
14/10/21 18:12:12 :Info: Parsed and validated ini "ms1ExtraWueAnalyzeMaps.ecu" in :
14/10/21 18:12:12 :Debug: Adding Configuration: MS1_Extra_Example
14/10/21 18:12:12 :Debug: controllerOnline = 0.0
14/10/21 18:12:12 :Info: Tune opened, 1349 bytes updated.
14/10/21 18:12:12 :Info: Tune opened, 1349 bytes updated.
14/10/21 18:12:12 :Info: dirtyData.size(): 0
14/10/21 18:12:12 :Info: dirtyData.size(): 0
14/10/21 18:12:12 :Debug: Flush lasted: 1ms.
14/10/21 18:12:12 :Info: dirtyData.size(): 0
14/10/21 18:12:12 :Info: dirtyData.size(): 0
14/10/21 18:12:12 :Debug: Flush lasted: 1ms.
14/10/21 18:12:12 :Debug: Skip Burn, last write page: -2
14/10/21 18:12:12 :Info: !!! Loaded config in 983
14/10/21 18:12:12 :Info: !!! Activated Project 1404
14/10/21 18:12:12 :Info: Opening Gauge Cluster..
14/10/21 18:12:13 :Error: Unable to resolve Expression:rpmhigh
EcuOutputChannel::Error executing formula:rpmhigh
Variable 'rpmhigh' used in expression, but not defined as OutputChannel or Setting
Parameter in MS1_Extra_Example
14/10/21 18:12:13 :Info: Error: Unable to resolve Expression:rpmhigh
EcuOutputChannel::Error executing formula:rpmhigh
Variable 'rpmhigh' used in expression, but not defined as OutputChannel or Setting
Parameter in MS1_Extra_Example
14/10/21 18:12:13 :Debug: High Speed Paint: true
14/10/21 18:12:13 :Info:
14/10/21 18:12:13 :Info: endModalBlock called, but Root Pane is not a ProgressPane.
14/10/21 18:12:13 :Debug: !!! Opened Dash 1889
14/10/21 18:12:13 :Info: MS1_Extra_Example Pr�t
14/10/21 18:12:13 :Debug: Tuning View Files loaded in 0.5357ms.
14/10/21 18:12:13 :Info: No Persistor set, not activating persisted triggers.
14/10/21 18:12:13 :Info: Supported iniSpecVersion=3.68
14/10/21 18:12:13 :Info: Read file ms1ExtraVeAnalyzeMaps.ini: 2.2891ms
14/10/21 18:12:13 :Info: Filtered ini: 0.0432ms
14/10/21 18:12:13 :Info: No iniVersion defined
14/10/21 18:12:13 :Info: Loading Trigger Wheels
14/10/21 18:12:13 :Info: Loaded All known ini sections
14/10/21 18:12:13 :Info: Parsed and validated ini "ms1ExtraVeAnalyzeMaps.ini" in :
14/10/21 18:12:27 :Debug: Received Instruction: Read Page 1, Page: 1
14/10/21 18:12:27 :Info: Initiating read page 1
14/10/21 18:12:43 :Info: dirtyData.size(): 0
14/10/21 18:12:43 :Info: dirtyData.size(): 0
14/10/21 18:12:43 :Debug: Flush lasted: 0ms.
14/10/21 18:12:43 :Debug: Skip Burn, last write page: -2
14/10/21 18:12:44 :Info: file:CurrentTune.msq is not Monitored, cannot pause
Monitoring of it.
14/10/21 18:12:44 :Info: Time to save msq: 303.1139
14/10/21 18:12:44 :Info: file:CurrentTune.msq is not Monitored, cannot unpause
Monitoring of it.
14/10/21 18:12:44 :Info: closeApp Called
14/10/21 18:12:44 :Debug: TuneLog Editor set text
14/10/21 18:12:44 :Info: file:CurrentTune.msq is not Monitored, cannot pause
Monitoring of it.
14/10/21 18:12:44 :Info: Time to save msq: 26.8993
14/10/21 18:12:44 :Info: file:CurrentTune.msq is not Monitored, cannot unpause
Monitoring of it.
14/10/21 18:12:44 :Debug: goOffline Starting, Time:0
14/10/21 18:12:44 :Info: Deactivated Turbo Baud, goOffline
14/10/21 18:12:44 :Debug: goOffline about to stopProcessing, Time:1
14/10/21 18:12:44 :Debug: goOffline closed port, Time:1
14/10/21 18:12:45 :Debug: goOffline comm thread stopped, Time:512
14/10/21 18:12:45 :Debug: No Remaining Queue Write instructions
14/10/21 18:12:45 :Debug: removing Configuration: MS1_Extra_Example
14/10/21 18:12:45 :Info: No Persistor set, not saving active triggers.
14/10/21 18:12:45 :Debug: ############################################# Save
Project Backup ##########################################
14/10/21 18:12:45 :Info: Finalizing Sensors
Saved user properties successfully
14/10/21 18:12:45 :Debug: Saved user log settings.

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