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Floating Storage Regasification Units

As decarbonization increases, so does the popularity of LNG as fuel. Those

already in the market may need to increase capacity quickly, and small or
new players in the dynamic gas to power market will also want flexibility with
relatively low risk. Floating Storage Regasification Units, or ‘FSRUs’ have been
developed to respond to these needs.

In this article, we look at the construction How are FSRUs different from b) LNG regasification plant. LNG
of an FSRU and therefore it’s operations FSU / FPSO and FLNGs ? regasification equipment usually
and contractual arrangements as consists of high-pressure pumps and
compared with traditional LNG tankers In order to understand how these vaporizers and is generally installed
and how that affects P&I cover. vessels differ from one another, it ashore. LNG stored in the tanks is
is useful to understand how LNG regasified here to natural gas and
discharge ports or regasification
What is an FSRU? pumped through the gas distribution
terminals are built. network to be used as feed fuel for
Natural gas is extracted and
A discharge port / regasification power generation, or connected
transported by pipeline, or liquified
terminal has: directly to the shore grid for domestic
by cooling and transported by
purposes. But where an FSRU is used
sea on specially constructed LNG a) LNG storage facility. This could
instead of shore-based equipment,
tanker vessels. The liquified gas either be tanks built ashore, or LNG
the regasification equipment is
then needs to be re-gasified for use vessels used for storage which
installed on board the FSRU itself.
at destination. This regasification are permanently moored. Such
The FSRU also provides a storage
can take place by discharging to an vessels may be moored alongside
solution in addition to re-gasifying the
onshore terminal or, alternatively, a jetty or offshore and connected
stored LNG to natural gas.
offshore to a purpose-built vessel or to the receiving terminal either to
converted LNG tanker referred to as supplement existing storage or as c) A jetty for mooring the LNG vessel.
Floating Storage Regasification Units permanent storage solutions in This LNG vessel may well be the
or “FSRUs”. the absence of shore tanks. These supplying LNG tanker that discharges
vessels are called floating storage LNG into the shore tanks or into the
units (FSU). FSU / FSRU that permanently sits
alongside the jetty, in which case the
supplying LNG tanker sits alongside
Here is a diagram that illustrates
the FSU / FSRU.
the key equipment on board the FSRU.

Regasification Trains
Loading arms for receiving LNG Storage Tanks
transforming LNG at
-160˚c to gas at high (on the other side of tanker)

Seawater Pumps for pumping Export Manifold

seawater to re-gas trains in order
to heat up the LNG
Floating Storage Regasification Units

LNG Value Chain


Processing Tank Tank Utilities

Gas LNG LNG LNG Regasification Power

Field Liquefacation Loading Receiving Plant
Plant Terminal Terminal

Natural Gas Processing Shipping Regasification End User

Production and Liquefaction
(LNG Train)


A Floating Liquefaction Natural Gas Though onshore terminals offer a It is worth remembering that when
(FLNG) on the other hand is for use permanent and high capacity solution converting an existing LNG vessel,
at the other end of the LNG shipment with relatively low daily operating the seller does not warrant that it is
chain and is stationed offshore at a costs, they are expensive to build and fit for conversion to an FSRU. The
loading port in lieu of a liquefaction offer far less flexibility than an FSRU risk is on the buyer to determine
plant / loading terminal ashore. which can be relocated should there that the vessel will be suitable and
It operates in a similar manner to be a change in demand. capable of conversion within their
FSRU’s with the exception that the required time frame and whether it
Whilst projects vary considerably,
FLNG has a production unit installed will ultimately be accepted by the
onshore terminals can also take 3 to
onboard which treats the raw natural end user. Further, and unlike a new
5 years to build, whereas converting
gas to separate methane from other build project, title and risk remains
an existing vessel to an FSRU can
gases and impurities before liquefying with the buyer/new owner throughout
take as little as 18 to 24 months.
the natural gas to LNG. the duration of the conversion and
Delivering a new build FSRU can also
they cannot simply walk away if the
take up to 3 years and is similar in
In the above LNG value chain, the build is substantially delayed.
cost to purchasing and converting an
FLNG replaces the need for gas
existing vessel, but gives the flexibility We always suggest that the Club is
processing, liquefaction, storage
to tailor specifications - like capacity consulted when a conversion of an
and loading terminal at the load port
for example - to those required for a existing LNG vessel to an FSRU is
whereas the FSRU negates the need
specific project. Redeployment and envisaged in order for the Club to
for a receiving tank and regasification
chartering-in of an existing FSRU assist with identifying new contractual
facility ashore at the discharge port.
to a new location is obviously the arrangements that may require
least time-consuming option where additional cover. Below are some of
Onshore terminal or FSRU?
capacity is required quickly, when the issues that Members operating
The decision to build an onshore units are available. LNG FSRU’s may wish to consider
terminal, purchase a new build FSRU from a P&I perspective.
or convert an existing LNG carrier to
an FSRU will depends on a number
of factors including project timeline,
capacity requirements, geography
and cost.
Floating Storage Regasification Units

P&I Liabilities Contractual arrangements.

As stated previously in this article, Essentially FLNGs would fall within The owner of an FSRU may have
FSRU’s are similar in their operation this definition and the liabilities arising liabilities arising from Terminal
to FPSO’s / FLNG’s, except that from their operations are consequently Use Agreements, Operation and
FSRU’s store and re-gasify the LNG excluded from cover in their entirety. Maintenance Agreements, Offtake
to vapour compared with FLNG’s that FSRU’s on the other hand are not Agreements and other contracts.
treat the natural gas and then liquefy involved in the production operations It is important to understand who
it to liquified natural gas. This is an per se and are therefore eligible for the various parties involved in the
important distinction that has a direct full mutual cover. ownership and operation of the
bearing on poolable cover. FSRU are and the role played by
Though many other P&I risks arising
each party. It may well be that the
Under guidelines contained in onboard an FSRU are similar to those
FSRU is jointly owned by the terminal
the International Group’s Pooling on any other LNG vessel, there are
interests and the ship owner under a
Agreement (“PA”), cover is excluded some interesting differences.
joint venture (JV).
for a unit or vessel constructed or
Crew and property
adapted for the purpose of carrying The FSRU may be chartered out
out drilling operations in connection For example, as part of their under a long term charter to the
with oil or gas exploration or employment and normal cargo terminal owner. If the owner of the
production to extent that liabilities operations it may be necessary for FSRU is a JV there would usually
costs and expenses arise out of the highly trained crew onboard an also be a separate operation and
or during drilling or production FSRU to operate certain parts of maintenance agreement with a ship
operations. onshore infrastructure. Injuries arising operator which may also be the part
from crew’s necessary work ashore owner of the FSRU-owning JV . A
The pooling guidelines further defines
would fall within Club cover. It is not separate gas delivery contract may
an insured Vessel to be carrying out
unusual for FSRU contracts to have exist between the terminal owner and
production operations if it is a storage
knock for knock clauses for damage the end customer.
tanker or other vessel engaged in the
to property and injury to crew, so
storage of oil, and either: From a Club cover perspective, it is
even if a crew injury or death or any
important that parties and their roles
(a) the oil is transferred directly from damage on board the FSRU were
are clearly identified and understood
a producing well to the storage caused by shore side equipment or
to establish their respective
vessel; or infrastructure the liability would rest
insurable interest in the FSRU. This
with the FSRU operator. But likewise,
(b) the storage vessel has oil and gas is particularly relevant when naming
any damage caused to a shore
separation equipment on board parties on the policy as assureds.
side facility arising out of the crew
and gas is being separated from oil
negligence should rest with the shore
whilst on board the storage vessel
other than by natural venting; and

(ii) in respect of any Insured Vessel

employed to carry out production
operations in connection with oil
or gas production.
Floating Storage Regasification Units

Flexible charter terms Conclusion

It is not unusual for FSRU charter customary in the LNG trade, most The floating storage and regasification
parties to contain bespoke LNG terminals issue a condition of unit market is one of the fastest
contractual terms, where liability use agreement to the LNG vessel growing segments in the LNG
allocations and performance alongside which aims to pass on most industry. One of the primary
requirements are drafted such that liabilities to the inbound LNG vessel. reasons for the increase in FSRUs
they meet the needs of the project. It is foreseeable that FSRU operators are the policies adopted by various
will also request the inbound LNG governments to reduce green-house
In traditional LNG charters, the risk of
tanker to agree the terms of a COU. gas emissions and adopt cleaner fuels
loss and title to the cargo are clearly
This is a sensible way of passing any with a view to reducing the impact
identified and generally rests with
risk incurred under the COU with the of climate change. FSRUs can be
the shipowner when the cargo is in
terminal to the inbound LNG tanker, built and made operational relatively
the custody of the ship. In the case
similar to a back to back charter quickly as compared to land-based
of an FSRU that is regularly loading
party arrangement. The IG has terminals that takes years to build,
on top cargo received from incoming
certain conditions for liabilities under commission and operate, thereby
LNG tankers while simultaneously
a COU to be poolable and the Club assisting governments to reduce
pumping natural gas to shore,
has issued guidance on this subject green-house gas emissions sooner
inventory management becomes
in a circular which can be accessed whilst the construction of traditional
particularly relevant. It is important
using the link: land based infrastructure is being
that detailed records of any loss
Publications/News/Port-Agreements- considered.
are recorded and the charter party
provides for protocols to measure FSRUs also offer commercial flexibility
that loss. It is particularly important Other Insurance Arrangements and scheduling as well as lower costs,
that owners preserve the right to resulting in many viewing them as
Like most other types of ships FSRUs
defend any claim for loss of cargo a perfect solution due to their
will also have Hull and Machinery
and limit their liability for any incurred regasification capabilities and the fact
insurance and often further policies
loss by incorporating the Club’s that they can be deployed anywhere.
like War Risks, Defence and Loss of
recommended Hague Visby Rules
Hire insurance in place. Inventory management on board the
provisions in the charter party.
FSRU is important. Responsibility for
For newbuild FSRU projects, Defence
If the charter party incorporates any risk of loss of cargo and title to the
cover may also be taken out at
liquidated damages provision for loss cargo are important considerations
commencement of the build contract
of cargo, those provisions must not as the cargo passes through from the
to cover disputes with contractors. It
conflict with the Hague Visby Rules in LNG tanker to the FSRU and from the
is vital that cover incepts on the date
order for Club cover to be preserved. FSRU to the shore facility.
the newbuild contract is signed rather
Port and Marine Services / Conditions than, say, on delivery of the unit in
of use (COU ) order for cover to be able to respond
to any dispute that arises during the Co-wrote by
The terminal owner will usually also
building process. Erin Walton
own the port and marine services
Claims Manager
such as tugs, pilotage etc. The owner
and or operator of the FSRU is likely
to enter into an agreement for the
use of tugs and pilotage services
to inbound LNG tankers. As is

The West of England Ship Owners Mutual Insurance Association (Luxembourg)

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