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Journals for

Leadership Skills

Name: Le Ngoc Han

Class D18AV04
Code: 1822202010203

English in Leadership Skills

2020-2021 Semester 3

Due Dates:
You must complete the tests required in the journal collection

Websites assigned

c. Your suggestions: https://.......
Steps to finish a journal:
1. Visit the above website in turn and finish the test.
2. Copy the results and paste it in the given box.
3. Write a little summary about the test: what it asks you about, how many questions, which
might confuse you, which you like best.
4. Comment on the test: What you think about the test result, to what extent it is right for you.
5. Note down at least 5 words you have learned from the test. Remember to make an example
with each one.


Complete – The journal is complete with response, activities, and self- 1 point
Response – The response is an opinion, not a summary. The response shows 2 points
effort and thoughtfulness.
Activities – Activities are correctly completed and show effort. This include 2 points
vocabulary and gap-fill.
TOTAL 5 points
Leadership skill journal
Website Test Title Assessment Aspects
Discover the best part of HIGH5 is a free strengths test
yourself that has helped people
to discover what they are
naturally good at.

Summary: What is the test about?

what it asks you about, how many questions, which might confuse you, which you like best.

About 100 questions,

Test results: What are your strengths? What score did you get?

My strength is: Thinker, storyteller, peace keeper, empathizer, philomath

Your comments: What do you think about the test? To what extent are the results right to
you? What will you develop? What will you lessen?
In the "thinker" part, I feel this result is quite true when actually I am not a focused person,
but I simply love activities that make people brainstorm and create.

In the "storyteller" part, I don't think I am a person with strong communication skills as
described by the test and indeed people do listen to my opinion but it is not the best choice,
and at times I can't quite get everyone's attention when I'm doing a presentation

In the "peace keeper" section, I feel this phrase is describing myself because in anything I
don't want disagreements or arguments, because that only leads to bad results. So in some
cases I will accept to sacrifice my opinion to get along with everyone

The "empathizer" part is the same as above, I find this part very true for me, I want to be able
to empathize with people, understand why people act like that so that I don't give it out
myself wrong decisions

I will develop my communication skills to become more confident

Vocabulary: What words did you learn? (Write)

1. Get across: ex: I tried to get my point across.
2. For the sake of: Because. Ex: For the sake of God, I didn’t do that
3. Exposure:
4. Contagious:
5. Intimidating:
6. Orator:
7. Rigorous
8. Diverging
9. Troubleshooter

Question Yes No Maybe
It was too long. x
The vocabulary was difficult. x
The questions were difficult. x
This helped my skills. x
I like this test. x
I think my reading skills are improving. x
I need to improve my reading skill
Leadership skill journal
Website Test Title Assessment Aspects
Aptitude Test Find Your Strengths &

Summary: What is the test about?

The Richard Step Strengths and Weaknesses Aptitude Test (RSWAT) is a tool to help you get
a better look at who you really are and how much you could grow. I found this test to be
pretty clear about options. Includes 84 questions about my decision choices, preferences, and

Test results: What are your strengths? What score did you get?
My strengths are: Curiosity (81%), Visionary (75%), Balance (75%), Communication (75%),
Focus (75%)

Your comments: What do you think about the test? To what extent are the results right to
you? What will you develop? What will you lessen?
The "Curiosity" section is pretty much right to describe myself, because I'm always curious
about everything around me and celebrate milestones along the way when I achieve what I
can. I also know how to learn by teaching others about new knowledge
The "Visionary" section is correct because I think I know how to look for news and articles
that cover the future plans of things. But one thing I need to improve is that I don't really
know how to look for roles where I will be pushed to see the future as vividly as possible as
the test given above
The "Balance" part is still not right about me because I feel like I've lost my way a lot. I am
unable to seek advance notice of deadlines, meetings, and project milestones and am still
having difficulty in offering to help with time management and department processes.
In the "Communication" part, to be honest, communication has never been my forte, the
reason is because I'm an introvert. I need to improve on this part by scheduling some real time
to develop communication strengths and skills or read books or plan to participate, organize,
and encourage company social events in the future.
In the "Focus" part, I agree with the test because I feel I have a different focus on what I do or
like, I don't like change, because it makes me feel pressured to do new things. batch. I think
this is also something that I should improve on.
This test also analyze my weak, which is “Ambition”, and the solution is I need to maintain
my focus on improving working things and not fixing the broken things, participate in or
design a program for measuring and celebrating employee productivity.

Vocabulary: What words did you learn? (Write)

1. Genuine
2. Resistance
3. Novice
4. Delegate
5. Sort

Question Yes No Maybe
It was too long. x
The vocabulary was difficult. x
The questions were difficult. x
This helped my skills. x
I like this test. x
I think my reading skills are improving. x
I need to improve my ambition
Leadership skill journal
Website Test Title Assessment Aspects
Personality Test To know what kind of
personality you have and
what you can do to improve
if there are any challenges

Summary: What is the test about?

To help you get out of this zone of confusion and provide you with assistance in times of
difficulty, you need to understand yourself better so that your interpersonal, decision making
skills are improved. There are 2 answer to choose per question. The total is 41 question. The
only thing confused me is that my reading is possible not good enough to understand the
whole sentence.

Test results: What are your strengths? What score did you get?
My strengths are: Well-organized, hard working, work steadily towards identified goals,
Extremely thorough, responsible and dependable, well-developed powers of concentration.

Your comments: What do you think about the test? To what extent are the results
right to you? What will you develop? What will you lessen?
Regarding this personality trait assessment, I believe the results are close to how I feel about
myself. The test describes me as a fairly introverted person, I gather information by focusing
on facts. The decisions that I make are based on logic, certainty and have been clearly
analyzed. I planned my life in an organized way, trying to keep everything under control.

Vocabulary: What words did you learn? (Write)

1. Hunch:
2. Firm:
3. Inclination
4. Inclined
Question Yes No Maybe
It was too long. x
The vocabulary was difficult. x
The questions were difficult. x
This helped my skills. x
I like this test. x
I think my reading skills are improving.
I need to improve my reading skill
Leadership skill journal
Website Test Title Assessment Aspects
Aptitudes test Find out what your interests are and how they relate to
the world of work.

Summary: What is the test about?

The test offers choices to search for careers by keyword, we can determine which fields we
will fit in in general and which jobs in particular through a test of 60 questions about
activities. the work that some people do at work, and how it feels to do it. The questions are
fairly straightforward, but the questions are somewhat predictable using verbs that are too
career-specific, which can cause answers to be biased.

Test results: What are your strengths? What score did you get?
My strengths are: Realistic, Enterprising, Artistic.

Your comments: What do you think about the test? To what extent are the results
right to you? What will you develop? What will you lessen?
I think the realistic and artistic part is right about me because I like work that includes
practical, hands-on problems and answers, I also don't really like desk jobs or having to work
with other people. Plus, I feel like I'm suitable for creative work like design
People with Enterprising interests like work that has to do with starting up and carrying out
business projects. These people like taking action rather than thinking about things.
As for "enterprising", I disagree because I don't like startups and I'm not the type to take my
decisions at risk.
This is probably also a skill I should improve on because if all my plans are too safe I won't
be able to get out of my comfort zone to develop further

Vocabulary: What words did you learn? (Write)

1. Brick
2. Tile
3. Proofread
4. Rehabilitation

Question Yes No Maybe
It was too long. x
The vocabulary was difficult. x
The questions were difficult. x
This helped my skills. x
I like this test. x
I think my reading skills are improving. x
I need to improve my social skill.
Leadership skill journal
Website Test Title Assessment Aspects
Bring Your Strengths to how to achieve a more Life & Live More Fully optimal, engaged, and
positively fulfilled life

Summary: What is the test about?

Help Others Build Their Strengths
The free VIA Survey is the premier tool in the field of positive psychology that assesses
an individual's character strengths. When you know the strengths of your clients,
students or employees, you can guide them more effectively and authentically. Create a
VIA Pro account to use the VIA Survey and in-depth reports to bring out the best in

Test results: What are your strengths? What score did you get?

Your comments: What do you think about the test? To what extent are the results
right to you? What will you develop? What will you lessen?
Vocabulary: What words did you learn? (Write)

Question Yes No Maybe
It was too long. x
The vocabulary was difficult. x
The questions were difficult. x
This helped my skills. x
I like this test. x
I think my reading skills are improving.
I need to improve my
Leadership skill journal
Website Test Title Assessment Aspects

Summary: What is the test about?

Test results: What are your strengths? What score did you get?

Your comments: What do you think about the test? To what extent are the results
right to you? What will you develop? What will you lessen?
Vocabulary: What words did you learn? (Write)

Question Yes No Maybe
It was too long. x
The vocabulary was difficult. x
The questions were difficult. x
This helped my skills. x
I like this test. x
I think my reading skills are improving.
I need to improve my

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