Rosales Et Al 2013

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Neuromuscular Center at The Research Institute at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, Ohio
Department of Pediatrics and Center for Gene Therapy, at The Research Institute at Nationwide Children’s Hospital,
700 Children’s Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43205
The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, at The Research Institute at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, Ohio
Accepted 3 September 2012

ABSTRACT: Introduction: Recent in vitro studies suggest that other cellular compartments, which suggests multi-
CAPN3 deficiency leads initially to accelerated myofiber forma-
tion followed by depletion of satellite cells (SC). In normal mus-
ple functions in skeletal muscle.9–12 Of particular
cle, up-regulation of miR-1 and miR-206 facilitates transition interest, in vitro evidence was presented that
from proliferating SCs to differentiating myogenic progenitors. CAPN3 plays a role in myogenic differentiation,
Methods: We examined the histopathological stages, Pax7 SC
content, and muscle-specific microRNA expression in biopsy
more specifically in the maintenance of the pool
specimens from well-characterized LGMD 2A patients to gain of reserve satellite cells (SC) by down-regulating
insight into disease pathogenesis. Results: Three distinct myoD.13 It has been speculated that a calpain defi-
stages of pathological changes were identified that represented
the continuum of the dystrophic process from prominent inflam-
ciency state would lead to an overall perturbed
mation with necrosis and regeneration to prominent fibrosis, regeneration response by means of accelerated
which correlated with age and disease duration. Pax7-positive myofiber neoformation, followed by a gradual
SCs were highest in the fibrotic group and correlated with
down-regulation of miR-1, miR-133a, and miR-206. Conclu-
exhaustion of the SC pool. An important missing
sions: These observations, and other published reports, are piece of understanding of the pathogenic process
consistent with microRNA dysregulation leading to inability of in CAPN3 deficiency is muscle fibrosis, a shared
Pax7-positive SCs to transit from proliferation to differentiation.
This results in impaired regeneration and fibrosis.
fate with other dystrophies, probably best charac-
Muscle Nerve 47: 731–739, 2013 terized in Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD).
Endomysial fibrosis is an end-stage consequence of
muscle fiber loss. It is often explained by a putative
The limb-girdle muscular dystrophies (LGMDs) failure of muscle fiber regeneration that requires a
are a clinically and genetically heterogeneous
stepwise process that includes activation of SCs
group of disorders characterized by progressive
with transition to proliferation and differentiation,
weakness and wasting of the proximal limb girdle
followed by lateral fusion of myotubes with each
muscles. LGMD type 2A (calpainopathy)is one of
other and a subsequent union to surviving muscle
the most common forms of LGMD worldwide1–5
stumps. Recent literature has shown that certain
and is caused by mutations in the CAPN3 gene,
muscle-specific microRNAs (miRs) are known to
which encodes a skeletal muscle-specific Ca2þ-acti-
play an important posttranscriptional regulatory
vated intracellular cysteine protease, calpain-3
role in this process.14–17 For example, miR-1 and
(CAPN3).6 As a protease, CAPN3 potentially has a
miR-206 facilitate SC differentiation by restricting
broad range of substrates, and the anchorage of
their proliferative potential. Conversely, down-regu-
CAPN3 to the muscle-specific titin protein is
lation or inhibition of miR-1 and miR-206 enhan-
thought to serve a stabilizing role to prevent auto-
ces SC proliferation and increases Pax7 protein lev-
lysis.7 A series of studies have demonstrated the
els in vivo.16–18 This is well-illustrated in mice that
role of CAPN3 in sarcomere assembly, turnover,
lack miR-206, where muscle regeneration was
and maintenance.6,8 It has also been observed in
delayed in response to cardiotoxin injury due to
inefficient SC differentiation.19 Furthermore, dele-
Abbreviations: CAPN3, calpain 3; CK, creatine kinase; CTX, cardiotoxin; tion of miR-206 from the mdx model for DMD exa-
DMD, Duchenne muscular dystrophy; LGMD, limb girdle muscular dystro-
phy; miR, microRNA; MNC, mononuclear cell; SC, satellite cell cerbated the dystrophic phenotype resulting from
Key words: fibrosis, LGMD2A, microRNA, muscle regeneration, Pax failure of SC differentiation.19 The results from
Additional Supporting information may be found in the online version of
this article. the mdx model demonstrate an inverse relationship
Correspondence to: Z. Sahenk; e-mail: zarife.sahenk@nationwidechildrens. between miR-206 and SC differentiation in DMD, a
form of dystrophy with extensive fibrosis. These
C 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Published online 7 September 2012 in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.
findings further link miR dysregulation with con-
com). DOI 10.1002/mus.23669 nective tissue proliferation.16,17,20,21 Another
Impaired Regeneration in LGMD2A MUSCLE & NERVE May 2013 731
muscle-specific microRNA, miR-133a has been The histopathological features of each case
shown to play an essential role in the maintenance were categorized according to the following crite-
of adult skeletal muscle structure, function, bioen- ria: inflammation [(a)none, (b) minimal with small
ergetics, and myofiber identity.22 mononuclear cell (MNC) collections restricted to
We hypothesized that the severity of LGMD2A perivascular regions in the perimysium, or (c)
is a consequence of muscle fibrosis related to dys- prominent multifocal areas of MNC collections
regulation of miR-1, miR-206, and miR-133, mus- extending beyond perivascular regions with or
cle-specific microRNAs. We first characterized the without eosinophils]; necrosis/phagocytosis or regenera-
muscle biopsy findings from our well-characterized tion (present in > 10 fibers per section); lobulated
LGMD2A population and identified 3 distinct fibers (present in >50% of fibers per section); and fibro-
stages of pathological changes that represent the sis (grade 0, absent; grade 1, scattered, noncontig-
continuum of the disease process. A significant uous, focal endomysial connective tissue deposits
increase of Pax7-positive SCs were found in all related to muscle fiber loss; grade 2, contiguous
samples in comparison with control muscle, similar endomysial connective tissue deposits throughout
to those observations in DMD biopsies.20 A Pax7- the muscle section; grade 3, contiguous endomy-
positive SC increase correlated with down-regula- sial connective tissue deposits throughout the mus-
tion of miR-1, miR-133a, and miR-206 in the cle with fibrosis and fat replacing focal regions of
fibrotic group. This suggests inefficient regenera- muscle fiber loss; grade 4, diffuse fibro-fatty
tion resulting from inability of Pax7-positive cells changes with marked dropout in muscle fibers).
to differentiate into competent SCs. The fact that
these same microRNAs are similarly dysregulated Fiber type-specific identification of Pax7-positive
in DMD16,21,23 and in X-linked canine muscular Satellite Cell Number. Based upon tissue preserva-
dystrophy17 provides a potential therapeutic target tion from the archived tissue, 13 biceps muscle bi-
for delaying the onset of skeletal muscle fibrosis opsy specimens were available for Pax7 staining
not only in CAPN3 deficiency but other muscular that included group 1 (n ¼ 1), group 2 (n ¼ 3),
dystrophies as well. and group 3 (n ¼ 9). Five of the group 3 biopsies
showed lobulated fibers. Three biceps muscle biop-
sies from patients with myalgias without histologi-
cal changes were used as controls. Ten 12-lm se-
Subjects. Forty-five patients were evaluated through
rial cryosections were properly aligned on plus
an NIH supported LGMD characterization study
glass slides for cross-sectional fiber analysis. Pax-7-
(NIAMS U54 AR050733-05). Ethics approval was
positive satellite cells were identified with mouse
given by the Institutional Review Board of Ohio
Pax-7 IgG1 antibody (R&D systems) by an immu-
State University and Nationwide Children’s Hospital.
nohistochemistry protocol of Super Sensitive poly-
Written informed consent was obtained at the time
mer-HRP detection kit using i6000TM Automated
of enrollment. Consistent information was obtained
Staining System from BiogenexV R . Briefly, cryosec-
for each patient to establish ethnic and geographical
tions were fixed in 2% paraformaldehyde for 10
origin, family history, consanguinity, age at onset,
min at 4 C and incubated in Pax-7 antibody (1:100
initial distribution of symptoms, pattern of muscle
dilutions) for 30 min after blocking with peroxide,
involvement, ambulatory status, disease progression,
and Power BlockTM for 10 min. Slides were washed
and serum creatine kinase (CK) levels.
5 times with IHC supersensitiveTM wash buffer.
Histopathological Analysis of Muscle Biopsies. Thirty- Finally, 3, 30 -Diaminobenzidine (DAB) was used as
eight biopsy specimens from a well-characterized a substrate with Mayor hematoxylin used as a coun-
cohort of 45 LGMD2A patients based on DNA test- ter stain. The adjacent sections were stained for
ing (see Supplementary Tables S1 and S2, which ATPase activity after acid preincubation at pH 4.2
are available online; patients 2 and 4 had 2 biop- followed by a series of dehydration steps to deter-
sies, 13 and 14 years apart, respectively) were avail- mine the muscle fiber type (in biceps muscle, type
able for histopathological analysis. These were 1 muscle fibers constitute approximately 42% of
archived biopsy specimens obtained between 1994 total fibers).24
and 2010. All were mounted in gum tragacanth From the Pax7-stained slides, randomly selected
and initially frozen in isopentane cooled in liquid images were captured at 270 or 540 magnifica-
nitrogen. A standard battery of stains included tion to allow unambiguous determination of SC
hematoxylin and eosin (H&E), modified Gomori localization. Fiber type-specific localization was
trichrome, succinic dehydrogenase, NADH dehy- determined by matching the serial ATPase stained
drogenase, and ATPase (pH 4.2, 4.6, and 9.4). sections at pH 4.2. The data were used to deter-
Where necessary, considering the age of the biop- mine the number of SCs per type 1 and type 2
sies, some stains were repeated. muscle fibers. The number of fibers analyzed per
732 Impaired Regeneration in LGMD2A MUSCLE & NERVE May 2013
FIGURE 1. Localization of the mutations in the Calpain-3 gene. The exons with light blue background represent the missense muta-
tions; a green background color was used for the frameshift mutations, purple for deletions, red for stop codon, and yellow for splice
site mutations. The circle shape indicates the patients with a mild phenotype. The exons encircled in a rectangular shape represent
the group with a moderate clinical course, and the diamond shape for the more severe phenotype. Although the genotype-phenotype
correlation is difficult to interpret in cases of double heterozygosity, most of the moderate to severe phenotypes correlated with non-
sense mutations clustered in the proteolytic domain.

case (mean 6 SEM) included type 1 ¼ 228.08 6 Statistical Analyses. For all comparisons with sum-
50.78 and type 2 ¼ 80.85 6 18.48, well above the mary statistics indicating practical significant differ-
numbers needed for sufficient estimation of SCs ence, two-sample t-tests were used. Significance
for each fiber type.25 The overrepresentation of level was set at 0.05.
type 1 fibers is related to the type 1 fiber predomi-
nance characteristic of CAPN3 deficiency. RESULTS
Figure 1 shows the localization of the CAPN3 muta-
Identification of Muscle-specific microRNA Expres- tions in our cohort of 45 LGMD2A patients. Clinical
sion. For these studies, the same biceps biopsy severity was not strictly correlated with disease dura-
materials used for Pax7-positive SC analysis were tion, and although variability of disease course
grouped representing inflammatory (Group 1 and could not be attributed to the genotype, most of the
2; n ¼ 3) or fibrotic spectrum [Group 3 with lobu- moderate to severe phenotypes were associated with
lated fibers (n ¼ 3) and Group 3 with nonlobu- nonsense mutations clustered in the proteolytic do-
lated fibers (n ¼ 3)] and controls (n ¼ 3). Total main. See Supplementary data for further details of
RNA was isolated from the specimens using a mir- clinical, histopathological and genotypic features
Vana miRNA isolation kit (Life TechnologiesV R ). (Supporting Information Tables S1, S2, and S3).
Reverse transcription was performed by using a
Taqman microRNA reverse transcription kit Histopathological Studies. Histopathological crite-
(Applied BiosystemsV R ). Quantitative reverse tran- ria detailed in Methods, permitted us to place each
scription-polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) for of the 36 biopsies into 1 of the 3 groups (Support-
miR-1, miR-206, miR-133a, and U6snRNA was per- ing Inforamtion Table S1): Group 1 (n ¼ 7), promi-
formed using predesigned Taqman primers and nent multifocal inflammation with minimal fibrosis
probes. Each miRNA expression was normalized to (grade 0–1); Group 2 (n ¼ 8), minimal inflamma-
U6snRNA expression. Expression data were given tion and grade 1–2 fibrosis; Group 3 (n ¼ 23), no
as means of relative expression values obtained inflammation accompanied by grade 2–4 fibrosis.
from 3 samples in conjunction with standard error Group 1 with minimal or no fibrosis and with
of means and presented in a graph format. multifocal prominent inflammation, necrosis and
Impaired Regeneration in LGMD2A MUSCLE & NERVE May 2013 733
FIGURE 2. (A) A large area of mononuclear cell collections including eosinophils (arrowheads) are seen in a representative case from
group 1. (B) A representative area of grade 1 fibrosis illustrating pericapillary fibrosis (small arrows) and an area of muscle fiber drop
out replaced by fibrosis (arrowhead) from a biopsy classified as group 2 (group 2 represents minimal inflammation with grade 1–2
fibrosis) is seen with a large arrow pointing to a small area of endomysial perivascular inflammation. (C) Diffuse mild endomysial
fibrosis (grade 2 fibrosis, arrows) with scarce mononuclear cells is seen in a specimen classified as group 2. (D) Moderately severe dif-
fuse fibrosis, perimysium greater than endomysium (grade 3) is seen with fatty tissue replacement in some areas of the perimysium
(asterisks) in a representative specimen from group 3. (E) Small and medium size lobulated fibers (arrows and inset) are shown in a
specimen with diffuse endomysial and perimysial fibrosis from a group 3A biopsy. (F) Diffuse fibrofatty changes (asterisks) with marked
dropout in the muscle fibers from a biopsy in group 3B representing grade 4 fibrosis. Scale bar ¼ 20 lm for all panels.

regeneration also displayed conspicuous eosino- sporadic muscle pain, marked CK elevation
philic infiltrates in 5 cases (patients 1, 2, 3, 4, and (11,000 U/L) and peripheral blood eosinophilia.
6) (Fig. 2A). The patients with eosinophilic infil- One of the 5 patients (patient 3) is homozygous
trates were younger (ages of 4–25, mean 3.4 6 7.1 for a genetic mutation [c.2306G>A] previously
years) at the time the biopsies were performed. associated with an eosinophilic response.26
The duration of symptoms (the time between the Eight cases fit criteria for Group 2. These cases
reported age of onset of clinical symptoms and showed minimal inflammation and fiber necrosis
patient age at the time of biopsy) varied from 1 to or regeneration occurring scattered or in small
11 years, mean 4.6 6 3.7 years. Fibrosis grade was clusters and grade 1 or 2 fibrosis (Fig. 2B,C).
0 in 3 cases and 1 in 2 cases. Immunoblot analysis These patients represented the intermediate age
showed severely reduced to complete absence of group (mean age, 25.9 6 9.1 years; symptom dura-
the CAPN3 protein in all available cases (not tion, 10.9 6 5.6 years). Grade 2 fibrosis was pres-
shown). Two biopsies (patients 1 and 3, see Sup- ent in 2 patients (patients 8, 13), 1 of the youngest
porting Inforamtion Tables S1, S2, and S3) were patients and an older patient in this group with
from patients who had an unusual initial presenta- the longest duration of symptoms. Group 3, repre-
tion in the first decade of life consisting of senting the oldest group (33.9 6 11.8 years) with
734 Impaired Regeneration in LGMD2A MUSCLE & NERVE May 2013
FIGURE 3. Relationship between age and fibrosis (A,B), and duration of symptoms and fibrosis (C,D). In B, mean age of groups is
plotted against mean fibrosis grade; in D, mean duration of symptoms is plotted against mean fibrosis grade for each histopathological

the longest symptom duration (17.6 6 9.3 years) trum of calpain histopathology. Contrary to the ex-
was composed of 23 cases with prominent fibrosis pectation of a gradual decrease of the SC pool
(grade 2–4), and no inflammatory infiltrates (Fig. with disease duration (as proposed by Stuelsatz
2D–F). Interestingly, in this group (Supporting et al.),13 we observed a significant increase of
Inforamtion Table S1), 11 cases (Group 3A) Pax7-positive SCs in all samples in comparison with
showed a prominent lobulated pattern of cytoarch- control muscle specimens, similar to the observa-
itectural change in small and medium fibers (Fig. tions in DMD biopsies.20 For the entire cohort, the
2E). The mean age (33.7 6 7.7 years) and the number of Pax7-positive cells per muscle fiber was
degree of fibrosis (2.7 6 0.4) in the lobulated significantly greater than controls (0.192 6 0.037;
group was similar to those in the remaining 12 n ¼ 13 vs. 0.065 6 0.006; n ¼ 3; P ¼ 0.006). In
patients (Group 3B) who had a nonlobulated pat- addition, the number of SC per type 1 fibers was
tern (34.1 6 14.2 and 2.8 6 1.4, respectively), less than the number per type 2 fibers (0.171 6
while the symptom duration was slightly shorter in 0.038 vs. 0.275 6 0.061; n ¼ 13; P ¼ 0.01), a rever-
the lobulated group without reaching statistical sig- sal of findings in our control specimens. These
nificance (16.5 6 7.8 vs. 18.5 6 10.1 years). findings in our controls are in close agreement
Overall, considering the entire cohort, there with the previously reported normal values using
was a good correlation between age, duration of the same SC marker.25 This fiber type-specific
symptoms and degree of fibrosis (correlation coef- change of SC content was maintained in all sam-
ficient of 0.604 for the age and 0.583 for the symp- ples from each group. Moreover, the number of
toms duration and fibrosis) (Fig. 3A–D). Pax 7-positive nuclei per muscle fiber showed a
positive correlation with fibrosis grade when 3 his-
Pax7-positive Satellite Cell Number and the Disease topathological groups were compared (Fig. 4A).
Stage in Biopsies. Recent in vitro studies have Group 3 (n ¼ 9) with no inflammation, necrosis,
reported that down-regulation of MyoD by CAPN3 or regeneration and a mean fibrosis grade of 3.1
promotes generation of reserve cells in C2C12 showed the highest number of SCs per both fiber
myoblasts, suggesting a role for CAPN3 as a poten- types in comparison with 1 sample from group 1
tial new player involved in muscle regeneration by with prominent inflammation, and 3 samples from
promoting renewal of the SC compartment.13 To group 2 with mild inflammation and grade 1 fibro-
explore whether or not CAPN3 mutations have a sis. The biopsy from group 1 with prominent
negative effect on the SC pool, we quantified the inflammation and eosinophilia (patient 3 in Fig. 1,
number of Pax7-positive nuclei in type 1 and type Supporting Inforamtion Tables S1, S2, and S3)
2 muscle fibers in biopsies from 3 distinct histo- had the lowest number of SC per both type 1 and
pathological groups representing the entire spec- type 2 fibers accompanied by prominent
Impaired Regeneration in LGMD2A MUSCLE & NERVE May 2013 735
FIGURE 4. (A) The table shows fiber type-specific distribution of satellite cells in LGMD2A biopsies representing histopathological
groups, 1, 2, and 3. DD, disease duration; FG, fibrosis grade; SC, satellite cell. (B) Group 3 with the highest mean FG of 3.1 has the
highest number of SCs. (C) SC number in lobulated and nonlobulated biopsies is shown. Nonlobulated biopsies (n ¼ 4) with mean FG
of 3.5 displays significantly high SC number per type 1 fibers (*P ¼ 0.035) and per total fibers compared with lobulated biopsies (n¼5)
with FG of 2.8 (þP ¼ 0.026). Serial cross-sections of a biceps muscle from an LGMD patient illustrate Pax7-positive SCs (arrows)
using immunohistochemistry (D) and fiber types with ATPase at pH 4.2 (E). Fiber type-specific localization of SCs (see the Methods
section) was determined by matching the serial ATPase stained sections at pH 4.2. Some fibers with Pax7-positive nuclei marked as
a, b and c in D match with type 1 fibers (darkly stained) in E. II, marks a type 2 fiber with Pax7-positive SC. Scale bar ¼ 50 lm.

regeneration (Fig. 4B). Fiber type-specific localiza- depleted but instead are increased significantly,
tion of SCs is shown in Figure 4D and E. correlating with age and disease progression.
Quantifying muscle fiber types revealed type 1
fiber predominance with increasing age and dura- Muscle Specific microRNA Expression and Pax7-posi-
tion of disease process in calpainopathy. The per- tive Satellite Cells in Calpainopathy. We analyzed
centage of type 1 fibers in group 3 was significantly the expression profiles of miR-1, miR-206, and
higher, 80.9 6 6.8 % (n ¼ 9) compared with miR-133a by qRT-PCR in muscle biopsies repre-
group 2 with mild inflammation (50.3 6 6.4, n ¼ senting different histopathological stages of the
3; P ¼ 0.03). Within group 3, type 1 fiber predomi- dystrophic process in calpainopathy. We speculated
nance was slightly higher in the subgroup with a that increased Pax 7-positive nuclei are a morpho-
lobulated pattern (83.9 6 8.2; n ¼ 5) compared logic correlate of decreased miR-1 and miR-206 lev-
with those without lobulation (77.0 6 19.3; n ¼ 4) els, reflecting inefficient regeneration, and that
while type 1 fiber SC content was significantly type 1 fiber predominance is a manifestation of
higher in the nonlobulated group (P ¼ 0.03) cor- miR-133a down-regulation. As shown in Figure 5,
relating with higher degree of fibrosis (Fig. 3C). miR-1 expression was slightly reduced in the speci-
For the entire cohort of group 3, increases in SC mens with inflammation, down to 80% of control
number per muscle fiber showed a positive correla- levels; however, a significant down-regulation was
tion with the fibrosis grade (r ¼ 0.658). This observed in the group 3 cohort (0.54 6 0.10, n ¼
strong correlation was present only for type 1 6 vs. 1.00 6 0.19; n ¼ 3; P ¼ 0.039) more notably
fibers (r ¼ 0.698). These findings show clearly that in the nonlobulated fibrotic biopsies (38% of
in calpainopathy, Pax7-positive SCs are not control level; 0.6-fold change) similar to those
736 Impaired Regeneration in LGMD2A MUSCLE & NERVE May 2013
were identified including 12 novel mutations. A
hot spot in exons 4–5 of the catalytic domain II of
CAPN3 was demonstrated with an interesting corre-
lation of clinical severity and nonsense mutations
clustered in the proteolytic domain (see Supple-
mentary data).
Analysis of biopsies based on histopathological
criteria led to identification of 3 groups of patients
who were clustered by age, symptom duration, and
clinical severity. The youngest patients with the
shortest disease duration at the time of biopsy
were clustered in group 1 and were characterized
by prominent inflammation; the oldest patients
with the longest duration of symptoms were typi-
cally in group 3. They had no inflammation but
did have high grade fibrosis. The biopsies from
FIGURE 5. Expression levels of miR-1, miR-133a, and miR- group 2 with minimal inflammation, necrosis, and
206 in biceps muscles of LGMD2A patients grouped as inflam-
regeneration were from patients with intermediate
matory and noninflammatory (with nonlobulated and lobulated
fibers), and of controls. All expression levels were determined disease severity. This suggests that groups 1, 2, and
by real time RT-PCR. Results are presented as mean relative 3 represent a continuum of disease in calpainop-
expression 6 MSE; n ¼ 3. P ¼ 0.05 for control vs. lobulated athy. In our cohort, the age and symptom duration
group; P ¼ 0.039 for control (n ¼ 3) vs. the entire noninflamma- show a strong correlation with fibrosis grade, sup-
tory cohort (lobulated þ nonlobulated, n ¼ 6).
porting the conclusion that biopsies from patients
with longstanding disease are characterized by a
observations in DMD biopsies and the canine minimally active necrotic process and prominent
model for DMD.17,23 miR-133a expression levels interstitial fibrosis. Furthermore, we had the op-
showed a similar pattern of changes to miR-1 with portunity to examine biopsy materials from
the lowest expression in the non-lobulated fibrotic patients who were biopsied twice (patients 2 and 4;
biopsies from group 3 compared with controls they were re-biopsied 13 and 14 years later; see Sup-
(45% of control level; -0.55-fold change). plementary data). We found that the first biopsy at a
miR-206 was shown previously to increase dra- younger age had prominent inflammation with
matically (more than 10-fold) in regenerating mus- eosinophilia, and the second biopsy showed no
cle fibers following cardiotoxin (CTX) -induced inflammation but significant fibrosis, providing
injury related to SC proliferation. Similar findings direct evidence for the presence of both ends of the
are seen in mdx mice, a model associated with ro- disease spectrum in the same individual.
bust muscle fiber necrosis, regeneration, and In this series, the presence of lobulated, predom-
inflammation.17 We observed only a small, 1.6-fold inantly small and medium fibers was observed in
increase of miR-206 expression in the biopsies with approximately one-fourth (11 of 38) of all biopsies,
inflammation and necrosis/regeneration from and it was markedly overrepresented (48%) in
younger patients (Fig. 4). Specimens from group 3 group 3 from patients with a long clinical course.
with prominent lobulated fibers also showed a Lobulated fibers expressed type 1 fiber histochemi-
modest, 2-fold increase in miR-206 expression. cal markers as previously reported.27 A lobulated
However, in group 3, fibrotic biopsies without pattern of cytoskeletal change, although nonspe-
lobulated fibers, miR-206 expression was reduced cific, is frequently observed in muscle biopsies of
to levels less than control muscles. Overall, these patients with calpainopathy. Gene expression pro-
results suggest that miR-206 is not abundantly files in LGMD 2A muscle biopsies with lobulated
expressed in calpainopathy muscles even in the fibers have shown an up-regulation of genes that
early stages with inflammation, necrosis, and express actin-filament binding proteins consistent
regeneration, and declined with age and progres- with the structural changes of the intermyofibrillary
sion of the dystrophic process. network.28 Zebra fish studies show that down-regula-
tion of miR-1 and miR-133 disrupts actin filament
DISCUSSION organization during sarcomere assembly.29 More-
We performed detailed correlative clinical and over, studies have shown that miR-133a suppresses
histopathological studies on a large cohort of a the type 1 fiber genetic program, and mice that lack
well-characterized LGMD 2A patient population miR-133a have alterations in the intermyofibrillary
collected over a 10-year period. In this cohort of network, ring-like fibers, and lobulated-like fibers
45 subjects, 46 different CAPN3 gene variances and interestingly, fast to slow myofiber conversion.22
Impaired Regeneration in LGMD2A MUSCLE & NERVE May 2013 737
As we predicted, miR-133a expression was down- calpainopathy is modest compared with examples
regulated in biopsies from group 3, where we see of robust regeneration as seen in wild type cardio-
type 1 fiber predominance. No previous studies toxin-induced injury, where miR-206 increases dra-
have demonstrated the relationship between the matically (more than 10-fold) within regenerating
CAPN3 mutations and a specific mRNA leading to muscle fibers. This quantitative analysis as well as
type 1 fiber predominance. the results of in situ hybridization indicates that
The analysis of Pax7-positive nuclei in the rep- miR-206 is highly expressed in myotubes newly
resentative biopsies from each group showed a sig- formed from SCs in a paradigm with robust regen-
nificant increase of SCs that correlated with the erative capacity.17 On the other hand, the changes
duration of disease and the degree of fibrosis. We in the expression levels of these microRNAs in cal-
observed the highest number of Pax7-positive SCs painopathy or DMD are more comparable to those
in the group with the highest grade of fibrosis but reported in the canine dystrophy model, which
no inflammation, necrosis, or regeneration. Our exhibits a more severe clinical phenotype accompa-
findings are similar to observations made in DMD nied by progressive muscle degeneration.17
muscle biopsies, that, despite increasing fibrosis, We believe that our findings are important for
Pax7-positive nuclei per muscle fiber were elevated. illustrating the presence of a similar pattern of
This highlights the discrepancy between histologi- microRNA dysregulation in calpainopathy and
cal and cell culture studies.13,20,30–32 Moreover, we DMD, both of which show inefficient regeneration
see an inverse relationship between the number of leading to fibrosis, even though the underlying
Pax7-positive cells and miR-1, miR-133a and miR- gene defects are uniquely different. The link to
206 expression levels, indicating that increased Pax the understanding of this similar pattern of micro-
7-positive nuclei is a morphologic correlate of inef- RNA dysregulation associated with markedly dispar-
ficient regeneration leading to increased fibrosis. ate gene defects requires further study to unravel a
In fact, a recent study using a three-dimensional common feature of the dystrophic process. The
muscle tissue engineering paradigm provides proof importance cannot be overlooked in the evolution
of concept for this direct relationship between of novel therapeutic strategies.
Pax7 expressing cells and miR-1. In that study, the
This work was supported by NIH NIAMS U54 AR050733-05, Jesse’s
number of Pax7-positive cells was reduced by trans- Journey, and the Muscular Dystrophy Association.
fection with miR-1 compared with microRNA-
scrambled controls.33 REFERENCES
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