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Mark Newman, Chief Analyst

Dawn Bushaus, Managing Editor

December 2020


03 05 09
The big picture Section 1: Assessing business Section 2: Spectrum,
models, competitors and standards and 5G enabling
partners technologies

13 15 18
Section 3: Is 5G connectivity Section 4: Does the IoT Section 5: Which vertical
an enterprise opportunity or need 5G? markets should CSPs target?
just more of the same?

22 26 28
Section 6: Mobile private Section 7: How will 5G Section 8: Make it happen –
networks are a growth enterprise services impact Strategies for success in
opportunity for telecoms CSPs’ revenues? enterprise 5G

Additional features &
resources 2
The big picture
For the first time, the mobile communications industry is prioritizing the enterprise market.
Indeed, for more than 30 years, its main focus has been on serving individuals and
consumers, but 5G is changing the target. Now mobile operators and their suppliers believe
there is more potential for revenue growth in serving enterprises than consumers.
Most “pure” mobile operators focus Reasons for optimism A fourth reason for 5G’s enterprise
exclusively on the consumer market, focus doesn’t necessarily benefit CSPs
and all have deployed coverage based So, why are mobile operators so bullish and could result in them losing some
on where people are and where they about 5G and the enterprise market? control of the market: New
go, rather than on where businesses The answer lies in three trends: competitors including enterprises
are located. As a result, many firms Ever since work began on the themselves see an opportunity to build
ranging from companies in office 5G standard, operators have their own mobile networks. Until now,
blocks to those with large campuses, viewed it as the key to the mobile industry has been shaped
such as ports or stadiums, have unlocking the IoT opportunity. Other by national operators that have been
suffered from poor coverage. network technologies such as NB-IoT, the only companies awarded
LTE-M or LoRA may meet spectrum. But with 5G, the sector is
In addition, mobile devices have been becoming democratized, with
built for consumers, with the two requirements for a lot of IoT
applications, but 5G is still viewed as regulators awarding spectrum not only
dominant app stores, Google Play and to enterprises, but also to startup
Apple, catering to them. Operators have the long-term solution for scaling IoT
and enabling high-bandwidth and low- service providers with a focus on the
provided services on a “best effort” B2B market.
basis, while many enterprises need latency applications.
guaranteed quality of service and Along with other Vertical or horizontal?
service level agreements. Even technologies such as AI and
communications service providers There are two types of connectivity
machine learning, blockchain, services and two types of ICT services
(CSPs) with strong enterprise lines of fintech, smart manufacturing, and IoT,
business typically run their mobile CSPs can offer. On the connectivity
5G is seen as crucial to the Fourth side, they can deliver traditional
networks as standalone businesses and Industrial Revolution or Second Digital
have had little success in integrating communications services or
Revolution, in which adoption of new connectivity-as-a-service (CaaS), which
mobile into their ICT service portfolios. technologies drives automation in we’ll define and discuss more in the next
LTE has been a huge success in terms of manufacturing and industrial section. When it comes to ICT services,
delivering a great experience to processes more broadly. they can offer platform-based services
consumers but a failure when judged on and end-to-end solutions that may or
Adoption of cloud computing
its ability to deliver new revenue. There may not use a platform model.
for IT and network functions
is no reason to expect 5G to be any will enable CSPs to take a
different in the consumer market. It’s more flexible approach to building new
quite likely that the jump from 3G to 4G products and services, and to scale
delivered greater benefits to consumers them more quickly than previously
(who for the first time could stream possible.
video reliably) than the leap from 4G to
5G will. 3
The big picture

Traditional connectivity services automotive company to transform its Who CSPs’ primary competitors
comprise mobile voice and data via operations into a smart factory or one are in selling IoT and ICT solutions
smartphones and fixed wireless access. that reduces network infrastructure that rely on 5G and why some are
The key issues in assessing the required by bank branches using 5G also potential partners
potential of 5G for delivering these and edge computing.
services are: What connectivity-as-a-service is

Whether the characteristics Why platforms are important

and capabilities of 5G will CSPs are most excited
Whether 5G can command higher
result in any migration from about 5G use cases that prices for connectivity
fixed broadband and Wi-Fi to 5G require end-to-end
How CSPs are positioning basic 5G
Whether 5G offers B2B users solutions, because they services in the B2B market
the opportunity for can capture a larger
connectivity where currently Why 5G is beneficial to enterprises
there is none (for example, if the
proportion of enterprise
and why some IoT use cases need
enterprise requires temporary spending and own the 5G
connectivity, or the economics of 5G customer relationship.
make it viable to deliver connectivity for When 5G-enabled IoT services will
But their success in become available
the first time)
exploiting these
Platform services and end-to-end What the most promising IoT use
opportunities is by no
solutions cover a range of use cases cases are for CSPs
across vertical sectors such as means guaranteed.
Which verticals CSPs are targeting
manufacturing, healthcare and
and why
transportation. If the operator provides
Traditional connectivity and CaaS offer
an end-to-end solution, it acts as the Analysts' forecasts for 5G
a far more realistic, achievable
single point of contact for customers enterprise revenues
opportunity for CSPs, albeit one with
and is responsible for bringing together
less upside and less opportunity to Why enterprises are turning to
and managing all the partners needed to
expand their share of total enterprise mobile private networks and what
deliver the solution.
spending on new use cases. that means for mobile operators
Platform-based and end-to-end
In this report we look at the types of
solutions require connectivity as an
business models CSPs are pursuing to
enabler, but a much bigger part of the
target enterprises as 5G is deployed.
value proposition focuses on specific
applications. For example, a CSP might Read it to understand:
sell an end-to-end solution for lowering
the cost of air conditioning in a building Which services operators may be
or set of buildings using IoT. Or they able to provide beyond
may offer a solution that enables an connectivity 4
Section 1
Assessing business models,
competitors and partners
Communications service providers (CSPs) like to “own” the customer. This is true for
consumers and enterprises with only a few exceptions – for example, in the B2B market
many operators use distributors, and in the consumer business they may use mobile virtual
network operators. But these represent only a small proportion of their total businesses. In
enterprise 5G deals, on the other hand, CSPs may not always be able to own the customer.
As operators develop enterprise 5G capabilities they already have. Most through the direct monitoring
strategies, they must reconsider how importantly, however, they need to and/or control of industrial
to serve customers. They face several assess their existing customer base. An equipment, assets, processes
choices and must ask themselves operator that has strong relationships and events.”
these questions: with B2B customers has a great
opportunity to deliver new 5G- Cloud providers – in addition to
What size companies should enabled products and services. providing cloud computing services,
we target? Generally, the public cloud providers such as
smaller the business, the less Potential competitors Alibaba, Amazon Web Services
likely the operator will need to (AWS), Microsoft Azure and Google
develop new skills and In targeting the enterprise 5G market, Cloud Platform offer access to large
capabilities. CSPs likely will face competition from ecosystems of application.
other companies that are as well or
What kinds of products even better positioned to deliver 5G Systems integrators and
should we sell (either alone or ICT services. They include: professional service firms –
with partners)? companies like Accenture and IBM
Vertical market specialists – every deliver complex systems of
With whom should we vertical has its own specialist hardware and software
partner to expand our vendors. In telecoms, for example, components and ensure that they
capabilities and reach? Amdocs, Ericsson, Netcracker and work together. They typically have
Nokia specialize in hardware and deep knowledge of technology and
Which use cases or verticals software solutions aimed specifically vertical markets.
should we focus on? at CSPs, and they have long-standing
relationships with their customers. Enterprise IT and OT vendors –
What role should we play in
Companies like this in other sectors these are global corporations that
the digital ecosystem? CSPs
include John Deere (agricultural dominated the IT landscape before
may play different roles based
machinery), Alstom (transportation) the advent of cloud computing. Most
on the vertical and size of
and Maersk (shipping). Gartner have either transitioned into
defines these types of companies as software vendors leveraging cloud
A natural starting point for CSPs is an operational technology (OT) computing or hardware vendors.
assessment of the products and vendors: “hardware and software Examples include Bosch and
services they already offer and that detects or causes a change, Siemens. 5
Section 1

Niche ICT or IoT service providers Ecosystem partners

– this group includes specialized A partner can secure a
service providers that have a It is much too early to tell who the
technology- and vendor-agnostic winners and losers will be in larger proportion of
approach and have acquired delivering 5G-enabled services.
The market likely will remain fluid overall enterprise
expertise in specific use cases. They
often target markets such as IoT for some time as companies seek to spending if they move
and may be global or specific to a extend their roles and influence
beyond their traditional markets. higher in the value
certain country or region.
chain, and the higher a
Enterprise application developers Most solutions will require companies
– these are companies that develop to join forces to deliver all the company goes, the
software to help companies run capabilities enterprises are looking for greater their chance of
their businesses. Some, like in 5G solutions. In jockeying for
Salesforce, are cloud native, while position, partners will have the owning the relationship
others have migrated products and opportunity to move up or down the with the enterprise –
services to the cloud. value chain.
and the profit margin
Device makers – companies that that goes with it.
manufacture new devices such as
drones and robots may sell their
devices plus related applications as
a service.


In some early proofs of concept, smartphones have been
strapped into the drone. For full commercial deployments,
5G modules will need to be embedded into the electronics of
the drone itself.
Applications development
Drones-as-a-service will likely involve the use of applications
built on geographical information systems. These apps will
need to be customized for sectors such as agriculture,
utilities, and oil and gas production, and for segments within
each vertical. For example, drone applications could be used

monitor pest damage and identify growth in agriculture.
Applications deployment & enablement platforms
This role can be played by different types of companies, but itt
is often played by drone operators. Zipline, for example,
specializes in delivery of medical supplies via drone.
Drones rely on wireless connectivity. Communication is
needed for management to support authentication and
authorization, while command and control communication is
needed to support the applications onboard the drone, such
as high bandwidth video streaming for news gathering. For
collision avoidance, drones may require means to
communicate with other nearby drones.
Software infrastructure
Drones can generate huge amounts of data based on the
application and number of units deployed. Some of this may
be extremely time sensitive and require immediate processing
to generate real-time insights. Drone operations and data
Systems integration n
processing likely will take place in a public cloud to meet these
o dayy drone
drone operators
operators handle systems
objectives, ensure security and help applications scale.
integration with help from specialist firms, but
large global systems integrators are also Hardware infrastructure
beginning to build competence in this area. CSPs 
could partner or acquire expertise to off ffeer information to the cloud are needed, as well as a drone
management of drones-as-a-service. control station. 6
Section 1

Opportunities for CSPs The services category offers more Edge computing – operators
opportunities. Many large operators may be able to capture a share
Connectivity is where 5G operators are already increasing their systems of the software infrastructure
are guaranteed to have a role, unless integration and managed services market for solutions that use edge
the deployment in question is a private capabilities, often through acquisitions. computing; many are deploying their
network, in which case the enterprise For example, in 2017 Orange Business own edge computing capabilities or
may secure its own spectrum. The Services acquired Business & Decision, partnering with hyperscale cloud
connectivity share of the total value of an international consulting and systems providers and capturing a share of their
the solution will vary by application, integration group. As more use cases revenues (in return CSPs are co-locating
but many of the people we interviewed for 5G begin to emerge in different cloud providers’ edge computing servers
estimate that it will be in the range of vertical sectors, the need for in telco data centers).
10% of total enterprise spending. integration of systems will increase.
Professional services –
The highest-value parts of the digital operators could provide
ecosystem lie in application Best business models
integration and consulting
development and services. While some Realistically, the options for CSPs services, most likely in network rather
operators still aspire to attract seeking to extend their role into other than IT environments
developers, most likely will not capture parts of the 5G ecosystem are limited.
much of the value in this category, The main opportunities follow, and the Full solution provider –
unless they make acquisitions in graphic below illustrates potential CSPs could provide full
specific vertical markets. business models. solutions and manage a
complex partner ecosystem, ideally
through a platform business model

Roles for CSPs in delivering 5G services

Connectivity Platform End-to-end service

The enterprise buys 5G as a connectivity/communications service The enterprise buys an ICT solution enabled by 5G

• Operator sells standard • Operator delivers customized • Operator parcipates in a • Operator is responsible for
5G connecvity products connecvity offerings (using plaorm business model as an end-to-end service, most
(mobile and fixed) to full network slicing) to either the plaorm owner likely delivered with the help
range of businesses enterprises and third-party (with responsibility for going of many partners
service providers to market) or a plaorm
• Services are fully
configurable and flexible • In addion to connecvity,
using self-service digital tools operator provides other
enabling capabilies such as
• Other soluons offered to billing, locaon services,
enhance connecvity such as network analycs, hosng
network security or security)

Foundaonal services could

include connecvity, CaaS
or NaaS 7
Section 1

What is CaaS? Building platforms research report called How to lead in

the Open API Economy will look in
The left half of the graphic on page 7 Platform business models and the detail at using APIs in platform
illustrates roles that confine CSPs to delivery of end-to-end solutions business models.
their current one as providers of require CSPs to develop new
connectivity, while the options on the capabilities beyond connectivity. Read about China Unicom’s data
right side offer them a much bigger Platform business models come in monetization platform:
role in delivery of 5G solutions. But the many different forms. Digital business
transition from a provider of model consultant Simon Torrance China Unicom’s centralized data-sharing plaorm
Powered by Blockchain

connectivity to a provider of explains the advantages of platforms Unifies data across The plaorm uses mobile numbers
to verify users and allows data to be
China Unicom shares data with

connectivity-as-a-service (CaaS) is ill- like this:

referenced between systems,
rather than replicated,

defined and imprecise. subsidiaries

and enables the operator to share and
over 1,000 enterprise customers

No agreed definition exists for CaaS.

trade data with enterprise customers to allow
them to develop and augment services from over 20 industries

Our own loose definition is: “the

This includes China Unicom and Whale Cloud built the
data-sharing plaorm based on TM Forum’s
best pracces and standards,

delivery of connectivity/IP presence

solutions to meet the specific demands

Rather than trying to
resulng in savings of around

of different applications and users.”

$22 million in IT investment costs including the Business Process Framework
responsible for around
and Informaon Frameworks, Open Digital
related to data storage and management.
15 million connected cars Architecture and over 25 Open APIs.

TM Forum, 2020 (source: China Unicom)

In some cases, an enterprise might also

design and build
want its own dashboard to manage everything yourself – Full-service provider
varying requirements. Today’s
connectivity solutions comprise a
which is the default for End-to-end solutions represent the
most ambitious strategy for CSPs, and
limited number of pricing options with most companies today they are potentially the most lucrative.
little or no ability to configure the
network and the service to meet the
– platform thinking However, examples of operators
developing end-to-end solutions are
specific demands of different users. encourages you to act sparse, and they typically have
Network slicing is a type of CaaS that as a coordinator or acquired companies. Verizon, for
CSPs could offer to give enterprise enabling intermediary example, spent more than $3 billion to
customers this type of control. acquire Telogis and FleetMatics so that
Operators envision providing different between the needs of it could create Verizon Connect, which
types of connectivity (speed, coverage, your customers, your is now a leading global provider of
latency, quality of service, etc.), telematics. Similarly, Vodafone has
although how they will do this remains own expertise and the become a leading provider of IoT
unclear. For example, they have not expertise of others.” solutions through acquisitions and
determined whether to deploy a few organic growth. The company acquired
network slices or many. Providing CaaS Cobra Automotive Technologies and
can also mean using whichever network South African IoT solutions provider
CSPs can deliver their core CaaS IoT.nxt.
technologies (5G, fiber, satellite, etc.)
capabilities through an existing
are best suited to meeting specific
platform, or they can build their own In the next section, we’ll explain how
connectivity requirements.
platforms to offer connectivity and spectrum allocation, standards and
As part of the Digital Ecosystem other network and technology technologies such as network slicing
Management Project, TM Forum components. A small number of Tier 1 and edge computing have a role to play
members are working on essential operators including China Unicom, in enterprise 5G.
architectures and standards to position Orange and Vodafone Group are
telecoms as the trusted partner for beginning to do this using TM Forum
CaaS. This includes creating a playbook Open APIs and the Open Digital
for how to deliver the services. To learn Architecture (ODA – see page 39). See
more, please contact Joann O'Brien. the case study below for more about
China Unicom’s approach using
blockchain to make data available to
enterprise customers. An upcoming 8
Section 2
Spectrum, standards and
5G-enabling technologies
5G offers broader and more diverse capabilities than previous generations of mobile
technology. Consequently, it can help communications service providers (CSPs) better meet
the diverse requirements of business users. This section assesses which capabilities are most
important for various use cases and explains when they will become viable by looking at
progress on spectrum allocation, 5G standards, network slicing, edge computing, quality of
service (QoS) and business support capabilities.

Spectrum For existing operators, regulators are In many countries, regulators are
allocating spectrum in three bands to enabling mobile private networks
The liberalization of mobile spectrum support 5G applications: (MPNs) by allocating spectrum
means it is now available to to enterprises.
enterprises and niche service Low­band 600MHz­900MHz –
providers targeting B2B segments. this spectrum is most suited to In the US, regulators require
Both see an opportunity to build enterprises that need coverage mobile operators to share
mobile networks that are tailored to over a wide area such as CBRS (Citizens Broadband
specific business requirements. emergency services. For example, Radio Service) spectrum in the
AT&T is building an LTE-based 3.55GHz to 3.7GHz band with other
On a more foundational level, network for US emergency service organizations including businesses.
liberalization is allowing enterprises to provider FirstNet in the spectrum
add mobile coverage where previously range 758MHz to 793MHz. Licences are provided on a
it was either patchy or non-existent. In first-come first-serve basis for a
most cases companies are adopting Mid­band 3.5GHz to 3.8GHz – nominal fee in the UK in the
LTE because of the maturity of the most early 5G spectrum allocations band operating at 3.8GHz to 4.2GHz.
technology and device ecosystem. to national mobile operators are in
However, 5G is starting to gain a this spectrum band, and they will use France was the first country
foothold because of the flexibility it it to serve main areas of population formally to open licences at
promises. The graphic below shows and major road arteries. Private 2.6GHz for private use in May
how regulators in some countries are network licenses are also being 2019, with first licences going to
enabling enterprises through awarded in this spectrum band. airports and rail companies.
spectrum allocation.
High­band above 6GHz – this Licences are provided in
In many countries, regulators are spectrum is suited to fixed wireless, Germany by direct application
enabling mobile private networks and most early allocations have to the national regulator which
(MPNs) by allocating spectrum to been in the 26GHz band. has allocated 37GHz to 3.8GHz to
enterprises. private networks. 9
Section 2

Standards Esmated ming for 5G-enabled IoT services

The International Telecommunication Enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB)
Union (ITU) is standardizing 5G as part Capacity enhancement
of its IMT [International Mobile
Telecommunication system] for 2020
and beyond initiative, with Gigabytes in a second
specifications from 3GPP and
contributions from other standards 3D video - 4K screens
bodies like ETSI and NGMN.
Specifically, 3GPP is defining Non- Work & play in the cloud
standalone 5G, which provides Smart city cameras
standards for new radio interfaces Augmented reality

(Release 15) and Standalone 5G which

includes a next-generation mobile core Voice
(Release 16). While some use cases Industrial & vehicular automaon
such as improved mobile broadband are Mission-crical broadband
possible without a new core network, Sensor
most depend on it. The graphic below
shows the types of 5G use cases. Self-driving car

The transition to new core networks is a Massive machine-type Ultra-high reliability & low latency
communicaons (mMTC)
bigger change for CSPs than deploying Massive IoT connecvity
communicaons (URLLC)
Low latency
new radio technology in that they are
transitioning from the old hardware-
centric world to cloud computing, which TM Forum, 2020 (based on ITU graphic)

offers many benefits in terms of agility,

flexibility and scalability. To deploy new
core technology, many operators will the edge, where they will be closer to 3GPP froze 5G Release 16 in July this
bring in new suppliers. For example, customers and therefore can deliver year, and since then many operators
they may partner with a startup like superior quality of service (QoS). have started testing 5G core
Mavenir, which offers cloud native 5G capabilities with current and new
solutions, or an IT giant such as However, there is no blueprint for vendors. Widespread rollout of
Microsoft, which earlier this year building out a 5G core as cloud native commercial services, however, isn’t
acquired mobile core vendor Affirmed technology has never been deployed in likely until 2021 and 2022. CSPs are
Networks. This deal combined with the network before. CSPs must figure caught in a classic chicken-and-egg
Microsoft’s public cloud capabilities and out how to deploy the technology in a scenario: They want to see which use
aspirations in edge computing put the way that supports their vision for cases are most viable before
company in a strong position to help addressing the enterprise market. For committing to a full 5G core, but they
shape CSPs’ 5G B2B services. example, based on the opportunities may not be able to demonstrate key
they see in edge computing, they may capabilities to enterprises until they
By deploying a new cloud native core choose to take a distributed approach have a 5G core in place.
network, CSPs will be able to to their network core, which would be
centralize some IT workloads while at beneficial for use cases that requires
the same time disaggregating their low latency.
networks by deploying capabilities at 10
Section 2

Network slicing Ability to serve customers based
on location – CSPs are already
Mobile networks have always been built segmenting enterprise sectors and
on the principle that all devices opportunities, which will necessarily
communicate using the same physical result in edge computing being
We don’t have the
network infrastructure. This changes deployed faster in some locations than
with 5G. Network functions can run as standards,” says Juan Carlos
others. An operator targeting retailers
software on virtualized infrastructure, Garcia, Senior VP of likely will prioritize deployment of edge
which makes it possible to spin network Technology and Ecosystems computing close to retail parks, while
functions up and down without having at Telefónica. “There is no one targeting financial services will
to invest in expensive hardware. prioritize financial districts.
clear way of doing this. We
The ability to take a multi-tenant are trying to make advances See the panel on page 12 for more
architectural approach means that an on slicing and how to about edge computing.
operator can run separate networks
over the same physical infrastructure
orchestrate across various
using a concept called network slicing. A domains, but we are three QoS and security
network slice allocates specific to five years away from However compelling new 5G core
resources to an application, service, set having slicing as a capabilities may be, they are of little use
of users or network. These resources to businesses unless QoS is guaranteed.
commercial service. You Enterprises would much rather have
can be dedicated to only one network
slice or shared among many slices. We’ll
can however still offer small guaranteed latency of 20-30
look at some TM Forum Catalyst proofs slices and experiences by milliseconds than single-digit
of concept in Section 5 that have been controlling the experience.” millisecond latency which is not
exploring network slicing. guaranteed and occasionally increases
to 50 milliseconds.
In practice, developing a commercial The network edge
strategy based on network slicing is 5G operators will rely on NFV, cloud
extremely complex. While deployment Our recent report How to build and computing and automation to ensure
of network functions virtualization operate at the edge provides a full QoS in 5G networks, particularly for
(NFV) is a foundational requirement, assessment of operators’ edge URLLC use cases. This requires network
other essential technologies include strategies. Many CSPs are seeking to optimization and service assurance.
cloud native virtual network functions, expand and decentralize 5G networks Given that we are at the very start of
containers, edge compute and service by deploying components at the edge the 5G era it will take some time for
lifecycle automation. To support 5G so that they are closer to end CSPs to settle on the best approaches
network slicing, next-generation NFV customers. There are two inter-related to ensure network and service
infrastructure needs to be cloud native, reasons extensive edge deployments reliability.
vendor agnostic (to avoid vendor lock- can help CSPs target enterprises:
The same is true of security. 5G
in) and standards compliant to ensure Lower latency – if components are standards enshrine encryption and
network resource agility and scalability. located closer to end users, latency is protect the integrity of network traffic.
Furthermore, for CSPs to exploit the full lower. Enterprises need consistency, However, approaches to ensuring other
benefits, network slicing needs to latency guarantees and absolute aspects of network security are not
operate across the mobile core, the maximum levels of latency. In small covered, so it will be up to each CSP to
access network and the backhaul countries, centralized computing determine how to secure vulnerabilities
network. Suppliers such Ericsson, without edge deployments may be between different network elements.
Huawei and Nokia are already touting sufficient to provide latency lower than For the enterprise itself, the task is
solutions for network slicing which work 50 milliseconds, but in larger countries securing not just the network but also
across core and access networks. operators may need 50 or more edge the application.
However, the ability to spin slices up and locations to guarantee QoS. Our
down across disparate networks is still research has found that most CSPs
some time away. believe 20- to 30-millisecond latency is
good enough to meet the requirements
of most enterprise applications, but
emerging use cases such as drones and
robotics will require latency in the
single digits. 11
Section 2

Gaining an edge on enterprise 5G

Edge computing holds the key to In November, we produced our CSPs revenue-sharing deals for edge-
delivering ultra-low-latency services – first Benchmark Report on edge enabled services.
one of the key benefits of 5G, computing, How to build and operate
particularly in B2B markets. CSPs that at the edge. The report assesses This leads to more questions for CSPs
want to deliver URLCC services need CSPs’ three options and explains to answer: should they partner with
to decide how, where and when to which paths early adopters are only one hyperscale cloud provider or
deploy edge computing capabilities. taking. Most Tier 1 mobile operators multiple? And should they deploy their
we interviewed as part of the own edge computing facilities
They have a few options: research are still in the planning alongside their partners’?
phase, although a few have deployed
Build a nationwide edge network Read the report to learn more:
edge facilities to test the market.
to ensure that every device is in
close proximity to a data center Overall, they are unsure about
whether to go it alone or partner with
Deploy a small number of edge
cloud providers to deploy edge
locations and test services with
capabilities. Initially, most CSPs were
business customers before
planning to build their own edge
committing to further Authors:
Mark Newman, Chief Analyst

computing networks, but over the last

Tim McElligott, Senior Analyst


Dawn Bushaus, Managing Editor

November 2020

year Amazon Web Services, Google Sponsors:

Partner with hyperscale cloud Cloud Platform and Microsoft Azure

providers, enabling them to develop have forced them to re-evaluate as the

edge computing capabilities that cloud providers have begun
use the CSP’s network implementing their own edge
strategies, which include offering

Support systems for 5G As noted in Section 2, the ability to ecosystems. Furthermore, many CSPs
commercially manage complex digital have created separate, standalone
Monetizing 5G is a dilemma for CSPs. ecosystems made up of many partners billing systems for their IoT lines of
They need to be able to monetize not could become a key differentiator for business, and such a separation of IoT
only all the capabilities that exist in the 5G operators. But as they seek to from the core enterprise business could
network today, but also capabilities like empower business customers to hinder the ability to seize new B2B and
network slicing which will be added. manage their own connectivity B2B2X opportunities.
Flexibility and agility are key in systems requirements by implementing
network-as-a-service (NaaS), they will We’ll look at CSPs’ pricing strategies for
of engagement and core commerce 5G connectivity in the next section.
systems (also known as business be severely tested in terms of delivering
support systems – BSS), given that the simple, easy-to-use and real-time self-
future is so unclear in terms of which 5G service systems.
use cases will become viable. This is However, the challenge of modernizing
leading operators to move these existing enterprise BSS should not be
customer-facing systems to the cloud underestimated. Operators have
and adopt architectures that rely on focused more on modernizing consumer
containerization and microservices. The BSS in recent years, so many of them do
result is a better digital experience for not have the agility needed to respond
customers and increased ability for to new opportunities in the enterprise
CSPs to be innovative. market and manage complex 12
Section 3
Is 5G connectivity an enterprise
opportunity or just more of the same?
With all the excitement about enterprise 5G use cases that require capabilities such as low
latency and high availability, it is easy to forget about the basic opportunity for communications
service providers (CSPs) to deliver 5G as a connectivity service. The big questions are whether
5G capabilities warrant higher prices or enable operators to sell new subscriptions.
Today’s enterprise and consumer 5G Bigger data buckets and more
services essentially are faster LTE unlimited data pricing plans –
connections that are provided in TIM, for example, offers three
limited locations. In South Korea, the options that all include
world’s most mature 5G market, unlimited voice and SMS plus
subscribers are able to use their music content, but each
devices on 5G about a third of the time includes a different amount of
in the country’s three largest cities, data. Data is unlimited with the
according to data from Opensignal, a premium plan (see table below).
company that measures and reports
Speed­based pricing – for
mobile user experience on all major
example, UK mobile operator
networks worldwide. Average
Vodafone introduced speed-
download speed of the 5G connection
based (and unlimited data)
in these cities is 310-375Mbps.
pricing in July.
Our research into 5G operators’ pricing
Bundled content and
plans suggests only half-hearted
applications – until now most
attempts to charge a premium over
content bundling has been in the
LTE. US telco Verizon, for example, was
consumer market, with operators
charging a $10 monthly premium for
offering video and gaming
5G but dropped it in August.
services that use augmented and
However, we do see an opportunity for virtual reality, but there is no
CSPs to introduce new pricing reason they could not offer such
structures, as evidenced by the services to enterprises.
following trends:

TIM’s 4G and 5G monthly plans


TIM Advance 4.5G 4G 40GB TIM Music €19.99

TIM Advance 5G 5G 50GB TIM Music €29.99

TIM Advance 5G Unlimited 5G Unlimited TIM Music €39.99*

*includes 250 internaonal call minutes

TM Forum, 2020 13
Section 3

Upselling customers This has sparked demand for When LTE was launched, there was an
secondary broadband lines. For expectation that many laptop vendors
Even though operators may be unable example, in June, UK telco BT launched would start embedding mobile
to increase prices with 5G, they may a new service called Dedicated connectivity, but this did not happen.
be able to upsell business users to Connection which gives homes a However, there could be a stronger
plans with more inclusive or unlimited second line to address rising demand. rationale for embedding 5G in laptops if
data. This will be driven by the the performance in terms of speed,
transition away from voice telephony Rather than using a fixed connection as
handover, security, quality of service
to video platforms such as Microsoft a back-up line, operators could offer
and latency matches or exceeds Wi-Fi’s.
Teams and Zoom. 5G. The service could be a dedicated
fixed wireless access service if available, Lenovo has already introduced a 5G
5G may also allow operators to delivered either to a 5G router located laptop called the Yoga 5G, which the
simplify pricing plans for fixed and inside the building or to an externally- company describes as “the world’s first
mobile broadband bundles. With 5G mounted antenna. It could also be a PC with revolutionary 5G connectivity.”
the speeds and capabilities of fixed and connection to a public 5G network and It’s powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon
mobile subscriptions narrow. accesses via a 5G home router. And 8cx processing.
Operators can offer single bundles of future generations of home routers
fixed and mobile connectivity across Smartphone vendors are also investing
may embed fixed broadband and
multiple devices, all with unlimited more in B2B capabilities. Last month
mobile/5G connectivity.
data and guaranteed minimum speeds. Apple and Verizon launched a new
With no installation costs, CSPs that program called Fleet Swap which will
CSPs also may be able to sell more provide 5G fixed-wireless access allow businesses to trade in their
subscriptions by leveraging 5G (FWA) and mobile operators can offer entire fleet of smartphones –
capabilities to provide back-up or prepaid or non-contract services. This regardless of whether they are
redundancy for fixed broadband could prove attractive for businesses currently a Verizon customer – and
connections and to deliver temporary with temporary or seasonal move to the iPhone 12 with no upfront
connectivity. requirements. For example: costs and no monthly fee in the case of
the iPhone 12 mini or a low monthly
Rental properties like student
cost for other models.
accommodations or holiday rentals
The lockdowns across In the next section, we’ll look at the
the world resulting Seasonal businesses in tourist relationship between IoT and 5G.
destinations such as bars, cafes,
from the Covid-19 restaurants and camp sites
pandemic have Sports stadiums, concert halls and
increased dependence outdoor music or religious festivals
on the broadband Other seasonal industries like
connections of home agriculture

workers, and the rapid New device market

adoption of video In most cases businesses are
interested in installing 5G connectivity
telephony platforms has on their premises to complement Wi-
resulted in a massive Fi and support IoT applications, but
there is opportunity to connect other
increase in traffic levels. devices that typically use Wi-Fi, such
as laptops. 14
Section 4
Does the IoT need 5G?
When mobile operators and their suppliers began contemplating 5G about 10 years ago, they
viewed it as key to unlocking the IoT’s potential. Indeed, 5G became synonymous with IoT. But
growth of the IoT has been much slower than expected, and emergence of other network
technologies have delayed the need for 5G. In addition, the sheer scale and complexity of
ecosystems for delivering future IoT services have made it clear that connectivity represents
only a small part of the total value proposition. Nevertheless, IoT still offers the most important
opportunity for communications service providers (CSPs) to find new sources of revenue.
The graphic below is a modified version of the one in Section 3, which is based on the International Telecommunication
Union’s (ITU’s) definition of 5G use cases. In this one, we offer predictions based on our research and analysis for when CSPs
will begin delivering 5G-enabled IoT services.

Esmated ming for 5G-enabled IoT services

Enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB)
Capacity enhancement

Private networks
Gigabytes in a second (manufacturing,
ports, stadiums, etc.)
2024 3D video - 4K screens
Massive IoT
Work & play in the cloud
Smart city cameras
Augmented reality 2022
Edge compung
and network slicing
Industrial & vehicular automaon
Mission-crical broadband

Self-driving car
Public 5G
Massive machine-type Ultra-high reliability & low latency network services
communicaons (mMTC) communicaons (URLLC) (security cameras,
Massive IoT connecvity Low latency self-driving cars, etc.)

TM Forum, 2020 (based on ITU graphic)

Two of the three types of 5G use cases – enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB) and ultra-low latency communications (URLLC) –
require 5G, but massive machine-type communications (mMTC), which supports widespread deployment of IoT devices, can
also be provided in the medium term using technologies such as low-power wide-area technologies (LPWA – see the next page). 15
Section 4

IoT without 5G
Demand for IoT services today is met using several start of the Covid-19 pandemic. So, it would seem that
technologies, some of which use unlicensed spectrum operators have plenty of options for IoT connectivity
frequencies and others using licensed spectrum. For before they consider 5G.
example, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and dedicated LPWA
However, CSPs that have not launched LPWA services
technologies such as SigFox and LoRA use unlicensed
yet may decide to go straight to the 5G mMTC standard
spectrum, while LTE, GSM/GPRS, Narrowband IoT and
rather face migration concerns. The specifications for
LTE-M use licensed spectrum.
mMTC are in Release 16 of 3GPP’s standard, which was
These networks are not under any sort of capacity frozen in June 2020.
pressure to migrate to 5G. Indeed, Japanese mobile
The downsides of going straight to 5G are the high cost
operator NTT DoCoMo announced in March 2020 that it
of modules (new generation modules always command a
was shutting down its NB-IoT service, citing “the current
significant premium) and the likelihood that coverage will
business environment”, which was being impacted by the
not be as good as LTE for several years.

It’s about latency Edge applications mostly fall into one None of the edge use cases represents
of the following three categories: a short-term opportunity for mobile
With enhanced mobile broadband operators. Robotics and drone
already offered and mMTC Emerging devices such as robotics
connectivity are emerging
applications served for now by other or drones
applications, and sectors such as
network technologies, low-latency manufacturing, where there is strong
Replacement for connectivity – for
services are the primary focus for 5G early interest in 5G, will take time to go
example, in a car manufacturing plant
and IoT across public and private through the process of approvals and
networks. This is particularly true for Applications that have never been standardization. The process of
applications that require ultra-low connected until now such as video embedding a new wireless technology
latency connectivity enabled by edge surveillance cameras needs to apply through the whole
computing. manufacturing supply chain.
The graphic below which we featured
in our recent TM Forum Benchmark Furthermore, the case for upgrading
report, How to build and operate at the existing manufacturing plants to 5G
edge, shows the latency demands that will be extremely difficult to make until
Vodafone Group expects for several machinery needs to be upgraded. A
5G services. more likely scenario is that

5G's lower latency enables new services

LL ELL ULL ULL: Ultra-low latency
ELL: Enhanced low latency
Remote LL: Low latency
100Mbps telemedicine Cloud
4K/8K video Drone
streaming surveillance V2X
Immersive Vodafone aims to
AR/VR deploy cost-effecve
gaming low-latency capability
on exisng 4G bands
10Mbps and on the new 5G NR
AR on the go

Basic factory
AR gaming
Meters &
sensors Video Mul-player
streaming gaming
1Mbps Smart grid
100 ms 50 ms 1 ms latency

TM Forum, 2020 (based on Vodafone graphic) 16
Section 4

manufacturers will seek to use 5G in Smart home – CSPs are well top of the network, but this has proved
new manufacturing plants rather than positioned to enable extremely challenging for mobile
existing ones. connectivity and management operators with little exposure to the
of IoT devices in the home (for B2B market. Furthermore, little
It is also unclear what role 5G
example, security monitoring or progress has been made in
operators have to play in sectors such
refuse collection). “industrializing” IoT applications.
as automotive manufacturing because
many large companies are looking to Service providers are finding that even
build their own private mobile
Sizing the opportunity within a vertical there can be hundreds
networks. We discuss this in more Some large CSPs have invested heavily of different use cases. They have a vision
detail in the next section. in IoT and already operate sizeable IoT of building horizontal capabilities that
businesses. In many cases the can be applied to different verticals, but
Best use cases companies are generating hundreds of this still requires a solution-selling
millions of dollars in revenues even approach. For this reason, some CSPs
The most promising 5G IoT use cases
though the percentage of total revenue have taken to acquiring existing IoT
for CSPs are those that require
that comes from IoT is modest. The service providers that already have a
coverage over a large area that is likely
table below compares operators’ IoT niche expertise.
to already be part of the operator’s
revenues for the specified year and
existing or planned footprint. Sectors In the next section, we’ll look at which
shows year-on-year growth.
and businesses CSPs can target vertical markets CSPs are targeting with
include: To build a robust IoT business, operators 5G connectivity and other services.
have had to add solutions capabilities on
Emergency services – local
governments in the US, UK Comparison of CSPs’ IoT revenues
and France are already rolling
out next-generation emergency
services that use LTE technology. Operator IoT as % of total revenue Year-on-year growth
of IoT revenue
These could be upgraded to 5G so that
emergency services providers could
offer video calling or emergency 1.40% (2019) 40%
healthcare solutions.
Transportation – mobile
operators can enable 0.80% (2018) 45%
navigation for connected and
autonomous vehicles for businesses
that are based on or depend on 0.68% (2018) Growth not reported publicly
national transportation networks (for
example, roads and railways). Vehicle-
to-vehicle and vehicle-to-everything 0.40% (2017) 20%
applications also are opportunities
longer term.
Q1 2019 but percentage
Retail – bricks-and-mortar was not publicly disclosed 53%

retailers need to improve

shoppers’ experiences and
lower the costs to compete with online 0.63% (2018) 24%
retailers. Improving customer
experience could include offering new
digital experiences using screens or 0.72% (2018) 36%
advanced capabilities such as virtual
and augmented reality. To reduce costs
retailers may use technologies that 1.20% (2018) 11%
reduce staff in stores, lower costs on
heating, lighting and air conditioning,
and replace in-store IT and computing 0.98% (2017) 12%

TM Forum, 2020 (based on operators’ publicly available financial disclosures) 17
Section 5
Which vertical markets
should CSPs target?
Because 5G is driven by use cases, communications service Which vercals are
providers (CSPs) necessarily must focus on a wide range of CSPs targeng?

verticals, both in terms of product development and market


focus. In some cases the two come together, as with


autonomous vehicles. But not every operator is pursuing the
same vertical market opportunities.

CSPs often target specific markets Agriculture Automotive

based on the capabilities they have
developed or acquired. Orange, for Farmers are interested in using 5G to Education

example, has acquired expertise in monitor irrigation, disease and growth

security solutions and mobile patterns. Indeed, some of the earliest Emergency
payments, so it targets financial drones-as-a-service initiatives have
services. Similarly, Vodafone Group been in agriculture. Vodafone, for Energy &

specializes in automotive and example, sponsored a TM Forum

insurance services. This does not mean Catalyst proof of concept to show how Financial services

that the companies ignore other such a service could work. Healthcare

verticals – merely that when it comes When it comes to 5G, coverage for
to delivering full solutions on top of farming applications may be an issue Insurance

connectivity, they have a clear focus. because there may not be any cellular Leisure (sports,

CSPs are considering all kinds of coverage at all in some regions. But hospitality, tourism)

vertically focused IoT and ICT some applications like monitoring and Manufacturing

services, not just 5G. And even when asset tracking are unlikely to need 5G.
5G is relevant to a particular market, it Read more about the drones­as­
is unlikely to be the only connectivity a­service Catalyst project: Mining
option. Generally, operators are taking
the view that LTE may meet an Retail
enterprise customer’s initial
requirements, but over time they will Smart city

migrate to 5G for connectivity. Transportation &

Some applications need 5G capabilities
like broad coverage, high speed, low Vercal needs the services 5G
latency and quality of service (QoS) operators are offering/will offer

more than others. The table on this page Vercal may need the services 5G operators
are offering/will offer (some but not all use
shows the sectors we believe present cases within this vercal will benefit from 5G)
the most attractive opportunity for No clear need for 5G
CSPs to provide 5G services. An Use case best served by a 5G private network
explanation of our analysis follows.
TM Forum, 2020 18
Section 5

Automotive (in universities) but it could also be to BT is delivering next-generation

provide basic connectivity into the mobile services, the operator has had
The automotive sector has generated classroom and campus areas more to increase its basic coverage to
perhaps the most interest from 5G broadly. Mobile coverage offered by support the delivery of emergency
operators and their suppliers. operators may be good enough for services in remote areas.
However, the slow progress of most facilities although larger, more
autonomous vehicles and the Multiple TM Forum Catalysts have
rural campuses may need to invest in
realization that vehicle manufacturers been exploring how to use 5G’s unique
their own networks. Device support
will be unlikely to leave critical security capabilities to guarantee critical public
(laptops and tablets) would be needed
issues to a third-party service provider safety services. You can learn more
if 5G is to capture any of the demand
have resulted in a degree of caution about two recent projects, 5G ride on!
currently met by WiFi.
when it comes to talking up 5G’s and The EDGE in automation, by
prospects. Even so, the technology will A TM Forum Catalyst proof of concept watching the videos below:
have an important role to play once called Developer is king!, sponsored by
coverage levels improve enough for Globe Telecom and KDDI, has been
vehicle-to-vehicle applications. working to help CSPs monetize 5G and
edge computing by looking at two sets
Again, Vodafone is a leader in this of consuming stakeholders:
vertical. The company is collaborating enterprises or other organizations in
with Ford Motor Company and TM verticals like education, automotive,
Forum in an important 5G IoT project healthcare and manufacturing, plus
called 5GEM (5G Enabled application developers. During a
Manufacture). It is a 22-month project recent demonstration, the team
supported by a £3.9 million ($5.1 illustrated a timely remote learning use
million) investment from the UK case where a CSP provides the service
government. Other participants include enabled by 5G and edge to include live
ATS, HSSMI, Lancaster University, TWI streaming and chats. In the
and Vacuum Furnace Engineering. demonstration, video quality is low for
The goal is to use 5G and AI in students but could be improved by a
manufacturing to connect machines, sponsor paying for reduced latency.
allowing real-time feedback, control, Watch the video to learn more
analysis and remote expert support. about the project: Energy & environment
TM Forum will contribute Open APIs This is a broad segment covering the
for key purposes including IoT devices, utilities sector (electricity and gas) and
ensuring portability and scalability of the usage of IoT to monitor pollution
the solution across the globe, and levels and the physical environment. It
management of connectivity through includes the potential for using 5G to
network as a service (NaaS). improve the efficiency of smart grid
Read more about the collaboration operations. The requirements in this
between Vodafone and Ford: segment are diverse. For example, a
private network may be preferable for
facilities that generate gas and
Emergency services electricity, but power generation from
US emergency services provider renewables such as hydro, wind or
FirstNet is already delivering next- solar is likely to need other types of
generation emergency services connectivity. Speed and throughput
through a partnership with AT&T, will be less of a priority than latency
which provides slicing of its LTE and QoS.
network. With 5G, organizations like
CSPs may be able to apply learnings to
FirstNet will be able to extend their
this vertical from a Catalyst project
capabilities and offer high-speed video
addressing energy consumption in
Education and augmented and virtual reality
their own networks. The ongoing
capabilities. However, the lack of 5G
Schools and universities are already project called AI for greener telco,
coverage will limit its usefulness in the
interested in how 5G can improve which is championed by China
medium term. Indeed, in the UK where
communication. This may be for R&D Telecom, has been looking at how to 19
Section 5

create a sustainable 5G future when size, complexity and apparent Manufacturing

the increase in 5G base stations and unwillingness to embrace digital
deployment of large-scale multiple innovation have stymied most telco While vehicle manufacturing as
input multiple output (MIMO) initiatives. described in the Vodafone example on
technology are leading to a huge page 19 has generated the most
There are some signs of change, interest, all factories that use fiber
increase in power consumption – each
however. The Covid-19 pandemic is connectivity to connect machinery
5G base station uses 2.5 to 3.5 times
causing inter-governmental bodies and represent opportunities for 5G. This
more energy than 4G base stations. As
national administrations to prioritize represents an opportunity for CSPs,
part of the demonstration, the team
and accelerate digitization of but many manufacturers are looking to
refined historical pattern recognition
healthcare. Earlier this month Indian deploy their own mobile private
from different times to identify when
Prime Minister Narendra Modi called networks (MPNs) for the following
and where energy could be saved.
on mobile operators to help with the reasons (we’ll look at this in more
They also monitored users’
Covid-19 vaccination drive, and CSPs detail in the next section):
perceptions of experience to enable
including AT&T, Lumen (formerly
immediate activation of base stations They need excellent indoor
Century Link) and BT have started to
to improve poor experience. coverage that is unlikely to be part
talk publicly about 5G hospitals and
Watch the video to learn more: 5G-connected ambulances. of a macro network.

Several recent TM Forum Catalyst Their own security protocols may

proofs of concept have explored digital require them to retain control of
health. You can find more information and responsibility for maintaining
about them here. the network.
Read this report for more about the Many of the new capabilities that
role for CSPs in healthcare: mobile operators are looking to
offer such as network slicing will
not be commercially available for
two to three years.
Financial services
The requirements of the financial
services sector go from trading floors, Media
which require millisecond latency, to Using 5G signals to deliver media
mobile payment services such as M- broadcasts from outdoor events is an
Pesa in Kenya. Perhaps surprisingly, early use case that can deliver
there are relatively few use cases for significant costs savings compared
5G in financial services. One area with the use of satellite connectivity.
worthy of exploration is the use of 5G Sporting events and news are good use
to simplify network operations at cases so long as the sites have 5G
individual bank branches and to provide
coverage. Those operators which are
more flexibility in terms of where to CSPs are already delivering 5G
investing in edge computing as part of
locate branches. The combination of 5G connectivity to sporting venues. For
their 5G roll-out may also seek
and AI also could enhance the security example, Verizon has been partnering
partnerships with video and gaming
of banking operations. with the National Basketball
companies to help them deliver a
Association and National Hockey
better, lower-latency experience to
League in the US to equip stadiums
their customers.
Healthcare with 5G and explore future business
The potential for 5G in healthcare has models. 5G can provide the capacity Many TM Forum Catalysts have
sparked the imaginations of telecoms and speed necessary to enhance looked at how to use 5G to support
executives more than any other spectators’ experiences. Other media use cases. An early TM Forum
vertical, but CSPs have been examples in this vertical are 5G Catalyst used the Tour de France
attempting to innovate in healthcare holiday/vacation complexes and cycling event to demonstrate how to
for many years with little success. A campsites, and temporary, “pop-up” use network slicing to increase the
handful of CSPs such as Orange and cafes and bars that have seasonal volume of choice of content available
Telus in Canada have built ICT requirements. to viewers; minimize the cost of
businesses in healthcare, but the sheer deployment and operation; create new
revenue streams; improve the 20
Section 5

customer’s/viewer’s experience; Smart cities Transport & logistics

create an immersive experience for
fans; and ensure safety and security While the smart city vision may be Ports and airports are two early users
for competitors and spectators. compelling, delivering IoT services of MPNs, although the applications
Another more recent project brought with viable business cases is much that they use tend to be quite
together media and telecoms more difficult. Connecting city bikes, different. In the case of ports, 5G
companies to improve the quality of delivering smart street lighting and connectivity will increase efficiency
broadcast content through using 5G putting sensors in refuse bins are through automation of freight
and AI-powered compression. among the services that are being operations. While there may already
deployed today but none rely on high- be reasonable mobile coverage in
Watch the video to learn more: speed connectivity of low latency ports, QoS is an issue.
services. The biggest opportunity in
Airports, on the other hand, have
the short-to-medium term for 5G is
advanced fiber and Wi-Fi networks. In
likely to be CCTV surveillance
the short term, 5G will provide
cameras. Indeed, Gartner forecasts
complementary capabilities – for
that 70% of all 5G IoT endpoints in
example, delivering connectivity to
2020 will be surveillance cameras.
aircraft for maintenance purposes and
These have traditionally been
for downloading and uploading flight
connected by fixed broadband.
data and entertainment services.
As part of the Smart City Forum, TM
An ongoing Catalyst proof of concept
Forum members have developed many
called The aviator, championed by
APIs and other assets to help smart
AT&T and BT, shows how 5G’s
Mining city governments and CSPs that would
network slicing capabilities can enable
like to target this market. Several TM
Mining companies are investing in LTE- the aviation industry and its partners
Forum Catalyst proofs of concept have
based MPNs to increase productivity (airport operators, aircraft
explored the use of 5G in smart cities.
and improve safety. Mining will likely manufacturers, the airlines
One called Connected citizens has
remain an MPN business – there is no themselves, advertisers and others) to
developed an interoperable,
real business case for CSPs to extend re-imagine the overall air travel
commercial data platform to enable
their macro networks into mines. But experience, while also expanding the
new business models for sustainable
as 5G matures and capabilities such as market opportunity for CSPs.
smart cities. Another more recent
network slicing emerge, there will a
project called Smart networks for smart Watch the video to learn more:
case for upgrading from LTE.
cities features an analytics application
that is driven by AI and determines
Retail parking patterns in the City of Dublin,
Ohio’s historic district. The team used
As retailers increase their digital
5G network slicing to provide the
capabilities to offer shoppers new
services that use virtual and
augmented reality (for example, Watch the video to learn more about
allowing people to try clothes on the project with the City of Dublin:
virtually), there will be an opportunity
In the next section, we’ll look at
for 5G because retailers will need low-
5G MPNs and the roles CSPs can
latency, high-speed capabilities. Retail
play in them.
may be a vertical where CSPs choose
partner with public cloud providers to
deliver 5G-enabled services. When
they partner to deploy edge computing
capabilities, for example, they are likely
to target shopping centers because
there are lots of potential customers
with similar requirements. Most will
already be buying services from CSPs,
so there is an opportunity to offer
added value with computing services. 21
Section 6
Mobile private networks are a
growth opportunity for telecoms
Five years ago, very few companies were even talking about mobile private networks (MPNs), let
alone deploying them. A small number of mobile equipment vendors were delivering standalone
networks for mission­critical enterprise services, but they were outliers in the global mobile
communications business. Today, MPNs represent one of the most exciting opportunity for
growth in telecoms.

Every day seems to bring a new market, and systems integrators The automotive industry has been the
announcement from an enterprise that realizing what needs to be done if you biggest adopter of MPNs in
is trialing or deploying an MPN. The want to enable enterprises [to deploy manufacturing, but it is by no means
surge in interest has forced incumbent private networks].” the only one. Other deployments or
mobile network vendors and planned deployments tracked by
communications service providers Who’s using MPNs? Omdia include shipbuilders,
(CSPs) to quickly develop strategies Based on public announcements, engineering groups, and manufacturers
and add capabilities that will ensure research firm Omdia has identified of appliances/white goods.
they have a role as partners and nearly 100 MPN deployments around
suppliers in delivering these networks. In the transportation and logistics
the world. (The actual figure is category, transport hubs such as ports
In some cases, enterprises will work probably several times this number, as and airports are early adopters.
closely with mobile operators to build Nokia reported in November 2019 Indeed, there is so much interest from
MPNs, but in others, enterprises may that it had already deployed more than port authorities in deploying MPNs
bypass CSPs entirely or give them 120 LTE-based MPNs.) The sectors that it is poised to become a global
limited roles and responsibilities. with the most implementations are phenomenon. Ports that have
These scenarios are playing out right manufacturing, transport and logistics, deployed or are in the process of
now, and it is too early to state and energy and mining.
categorically that enterprises, which
operate in a wide variety of verticals all Enterprise 5G announcements by sector
over the world, will prefer one
approach over another. 0.4% Manufacturing
Transportaon & logiscs
Mobile network vendor Nokia is Energy & mining
building a significant MPN business.
Says Jane Rygaard, the company’s 1% 3%
Head of Dedicated Wireless Networks 3%
Public safety/defense
and Edge Cloud: 4%
Media & entertainment
“Last year [2019] was the first year 8% Healthcare
that we saw enterprises asking, ‘How Real estate
can I do this? What do I need to Agriculture
know?’. In 2020 we see quite a lot 11% Public adminstraon
happening: enterprises buying direct 9%
and operators understanding what
they need to do to address the
TM Forum, 2020 (Source: Omdia) 22
Section 6

implementing MPNs include Antwerp Merging of computing and

and Zeebrugge in Belgium, Belfast in telecoms – CSPs are adopting
Northern Ireland; Felixtowe in the same software and cloud
Do MPNs need 5G?
England; Rotterdam in the architectures for their networks and IT
Most MPNs use LTE technology,
Netherlands; and the Finnish ports of environments that enterprises are
but the Standalone 5G standard
Kokkola, Oulu and Hamina. using. This means that network
completed this summer allows
vendors and mobile operators can
enterprises to use the new
MPN drivers speak the same language as their
technology as an alternative.
Most MPNs are deployed in locations enterprise customers, and most
However, Nokia’s Rygaard
that have poor or no mobile coverage. importantly they can articulate the
believes there is still work to be
These typically are privately owned benefits of combining cellular
done on 5G to meet enterprises’
buildings or locations where mobile technology and enterprise IT.
operators do not believe they would Availability of spectrum –
generate enough traffic to justify She points to a greater focus on
as explained in Section 2, until
extending the public network. the uplink, which has limitations
recently mobile licenses have
in 5G because of its use of mid-
But some enterprises are building been granted only to network
band and high-band spectrum.
MPNs even if they do have access to operators prepared to commit to
In addition, as enterprises bring
public network sites. There are several national rollouts and pay multi-billion-
together IT and cloud
drivers for adoption: dollar licensing fees. This changed with
environments with mobile
the Citizens Broadband Radio
networks and technologies, new
Adding mobility to private Spectrum (CBRS) auction in the US.
orchestration capabilities will
networks – enterprises with CBRS is spectrum that operators must
be needed to provide resilience
private wireline networks share with other companies – for
in the IT stack.
often add Wi-Fi for mobility, but they example, satellite operators. As part of
are discovering that cellular these auctions, regulators awarded Despite the relative immaturity
connectivity can be a better option, spectrum to organizations such as of 5G, Lufthansa Industry
such as when coverage needed is utilities, educational institutions and Solutions, a division of the
partially outdoors or when the network specialized B2B service providers. Lufthansa airline group, has
is fully loaded. And with the deployment Other countries have followed the US already deployed private 5G
5G, enterprises are growing more in reserving spectrum for enterprises. networks to enable remote
excited about cellular technology as an maintenance of its own planes
enabler of Industry 4.0. Interest in IoT –
and those belonging to other
enterprises are keen to adopt
airlines. Company executives say
Maturity of technology – IoT technology, but few
the reason for adopting 5G
the first time a mining company telecoms operators have acquired the
rather than LTE is because of
used LTE in a mine was in 2012, skills to sell or deliver IoT solutions
5G’s potential to deliver new
and the first LTE-enabled truck appeared using public networks. As such, do-it-
capabilities in the future.
in 2015. But it wasn’t until 2019 that an yourself IoT is an attractive option for
LTE network was fully deployed in a mine businesses such as manufacturing
as part of the transition to autonomous companies.
mining operations. As cellular technology
matures, companies are finding more
reasons to use it, and this will increase as
5G is deployed. 23
Section 6

Roles for CSPs Every large enterprise has its own

requirements and existing relationships
Early discussions around MPN seemed with suppliers, operators and systems
to pitch mobile operators into direct integrators. These often determine the
competition with network vendors relative roles of the players. Nokia
such as Nokia. But Rygaard says describes four roles for CSPs in MPNs
characterizing the companies’ roles as
We seldom see a conflict,”
as shown in the graphic below. The
conflicting is misleading. she says. “There is just CSP’s involvement increases in each
a perceived conflict in scenario, moving from left to right.
the market.” These models are based on Nokia's own
network deployments and
engagements with enterprises.

Private wireless architecture opons and roles for CSPs

Collaboraon with CSP

Autonomous private wireless Private wireless-as-a-service Core slicing Public network extension
Enterprise campus Enterprise campus Enterprise campus Enterprise campus

Applicaons Applicaons Applicaons

S1 Full EPC S1 Full EPC S1 User plane

CSP core &

Management S1 management S1 CSP core

Central core Central core Central core

CSP role Managed service or reselling Full ownership

Low complexity High complexity

Network Limited interworking High public/private
complexity with public networks network interworking

CSP approach step-by-step approach
Long-term approach

CSP network

TM Forum, 2020 (Source: Nokia) Dedicated network

In each of the four scenarios above the be managed by an operator (the two Autonomous private wireless – in
enterprise has its own radio access models on the left) – have typically this scenario, the enterprise
network – either because there is no started with fairly small, uncomplicated procures its own hardware and
existing network coverage or because networks for specific use cases. They software to build and manage an
the coverage does not meet the will expand their networks over time as MPN on its premises. The radio
requirements of the enterprise. The use cases are proven. The two models access network (RAN) is connected
main difference in the four scenarios is that involve collaboration with the CSP through a 3GPP S1 interface to the
ownership and operation of the core tend to be more complicated in nature, evolved packet core (EPC), which is
network. Those enterprises that are with the operator managing and owning connected to internal applications
building their own access and core part or all of the core. and the cloud. Companies that build
networks – and which may or may not their own MPNs usually already 24
Section 6

have network skills and capabilities, Public network extension – this Finally, simplicity is a consideration for
and a full grasp of what they want to option is the most lucrative for CSPs most enterprises. An IT department
achieve with a mobile network. because nearly all of the MPN in the may want to be able to operate the
Companies such as Bosch and public cellular network with only the MPN in the same way as Wi-Fi systems
Siemens fall into this category. RAN remaining on the customer’s and without having to worry about
However, even in this case there is a premises. But this is also the most managing the core network.
role for mobile operators to provide challenging scenario for CSPs
connectivity beyond the campus. because they have to decide In the next section, we’ll look at how
For example, if a connected vehicle whether to manage the MPN as part 5G enterprise services might impact
leaves a factory or campus, it needs of the core cellular network or CSPs’ revenues.
to be able to roam on the public create a separate, dedicated team.
cellular network. Often a dedicated team is needed to
meet service level agreements and
Private wireless­as­a­service – this for end-to-end management.
model is an evolution of
autonomous private wireless, where Assessing the models
infrastructure remains on the
enterprise’s premises, but It is still too early to determine which
management of the network is MPN approach will prove most
handed over to a CSP. In this case, popular and which types of companies
the enterprise may not have the are likely to choose one model over
expertise needed to manage its own another. Considerations around
MPN or may not see the mobile security and control will be key. Many
network as core to its business. This companies are concerned about the
may be attractive for companies risk of other companies getting access
that do not want to commit to to their data or operations through a
buying their own core network thir- party core network.
(CapEx) or want to trial it first by
paying a monthly as-a-service fee.
Enterprises’ existing
Core slicing – this scenario comes relationships with CSPs
into play when an enterprise wants
to mix and match its own capabilities and systems integrators
with those of a mobile operator, will also be a factor. A
often to enhance security. For
example, a company may want to
company that already has
keep applications within the a strong relationship
enterprise but move core network with an operator might
functionality and management of
the network to the cloud. want to leverage it to
deploy an MPN. 25
Section 7
How will 5G enterprise services
impact CSPs’ revenues?
Communications service providers (CSPs) will generate two types of revenue from selling 5G
services to enterprises: revenue from mobile broadband (smartphones/devices) and fixed wireless
access services that will migrate from existing technologies to 5G; and revenue from new ICT
services enabled by 5G. In this section, we look at a wide variety of market projections for 5G
enterprise services and offer our own predictions based on some of the data about the potential
value of 5G IoT connectivity to CSPs.
Broadband 5G revenue could come investments as part of an overall 5G largest operator groups in Europe and
from existing connections that migrate strategy, but this does not mean that North America plus Singtel in Asia –
to 5G or new connections – for all revenues derived from edge precisely the companies that would be
example, serving rural areas that did computing will come from 5G. Other expected to earn new B2B revenue
not have connectivity before or the transmission facilities such as fiber from 5G – grew by only single-digit
addition of second or multiple lines for may be used to connect enterprise percentages in 2019, if they grew at
existing subscribers. Revenue from locations to the network edge. all (see below). CSPs have managed to
new ICT services enabled by 5G can generate some new revenue from ICT
also be broken down into to two Current revenue services such as security, IoT and
categories: from connectivity required The recent financial performance of cloud, but it has merely compensated
to enable new ICT services and from large telecoms operator groups does for the continuing decline in revenue
other parts of the value chain. little to suggest that the enterprise from voice services such as roaming
market is poised for strong growth. and international calling.
These breakdowns do not give the full
picture about the impact or return on Enterprise revenues at six of the
investment of 5G, however. Many
new ICT services enabled by 5G could Enterprise revenues of selected CSPs (in US$ billions)
also be enabled by LTE. Indeed, in
many cases enterprises will adopt a 40%
combination of LTE and 5G, and it 35%
may not be clear where to apportion
revenue. As such, it may be easier to 30%
consider these new revenues as LTE- 25%
and-5G enabled rather than merely 20%
from 5G.
Another question is how to account for 10%
revenue generated (either directly or 5%
indirectly) from mobile operators’
investments in deploying edge 0%
capabilities in their networks and
investments in edge computing more
broadly. CSPs may make these 2018 2019

TM Forum, 2020 26
Section 7

Is 5G a game changer?  


There is no shortage of market
forecasts for 5G-enabled services, but
they do not always compare like with ICT revenue enabled
by 5G will reach
like. A projection from network vendor
Ericsson and management consultancy
Arthur D. Little suggests that ICT
revenue “enabled” by 5G will reach
$1.5tn total IoT connections in 2023

$1.5 trillion by 2030, but only $700

by 2030
but only
b l $700bn 5G
G by end of 2022 and
billion will be accessible to 5G will be accessible to

operators because most comes from 5G operators
products and services that they do not 5G will add

5G by end of 2023
have the ability to deliver.

$8tn 48.5m

48 5
IoT forecasts often include breakouts
for 5G IoT specifically. For example,
research firm Omdia forecasts that to global GDP in 2030
5G IoT connections by end of 202
1 0m
oT devices in
there will be 3.2 billion total IoT Nokia

connections in 2023, 90 million of

which will be 5G connections. The
surveillance cameras
MPNs by 2030
Tr orma Insights

company forecasts 20 million 5G IoT

connections by the end of 2022. 39%
connected cars
We can use this data to predict the
value of the 5G IoT connectivity
business to CSPs. Assuming average
revenue per user (ARPU) of $1 for each
IoT connection, the 5G IoT connectivity
business will be worth $1.1 billion per
year globally by the end of 2023. In TM Forum,
Forum 2020

reality, IoT ARPU ranges from around

10 cents to $5 per month, so the total find research quantifying the 5G MPN
could be slightly lower or significantly
What about MPNs?
opportunity specifically, Transforma
higher. The figure would also be lower if The revenue potential for mobile Insights does project the number of
we were to use Gartner’s forecast of private networks (MPNs) is perhaps IoT devices in MPNs. The company
just under 50 million 5G IoT the most difficult to forecast. A good predicts that there will be 150 million
connections by the end of 2023, which starting point is to count the number IoT devices in MPNs by 2030, up from
is about half Omdia’s prediction. of enterprises or organizations in each 3 million at the end of 2019. More
relevant sector (for example, ports or than three quarters of the devices will
Other forecasts seek to assess the car-manufacturing plants) and then use 5G.
value to society, or to businesses, of make assumptions about how many
services that use 5G. Nokia, for will build MPNs. In the next section, we offer advice for
example, projects that 5G will add $8 CSPs and their partners to help them
trillion to global GDP in 2030. However, forecasting the size and capitalize on the 5G enterprise
scale of each MPN deployment is opportunity.
extremely difficult. While we did not 27
Section 8
Make it happen – Strategies for
success in enterprise 5G
Communications service providers (CSPs) may be tempted to jump headfirst into the enterprise
5G business, but they won’t all be successful. In countries that have four or five national mobile
operators, it is likely that only one or two will have enough experience serving enterprises to
succeed. An operator whose business is 95% consumer today will find it difficult to build B2B
capabilities that require different skills, experience and market access. For operators that do
decide to target enterprises with 5G services, here are some important steps to take:

Consider connectivity Don’t be a follower Weigh partnerships

Many CSPs believe that to grow Over the past 30 years, mobile The telecommunications industry has
revenue they must develop new operators around the world have built been talking about the value of
capabilities and offer services beyond very similar networks using similar partnerships for several years without
connectivity. But 5G’s ability to deliver strategies in terms of deployment, always being clear about their
low-latency connectivity and speeds services, pricing and support systems. commercial rationale. CSPs partner with
that come close to those achieved over But many CSPs will go their own way over-the-top (OTT) providers to
fiber mean there is a huge opportunity in developing networks and strategies increase loyalty and customer lifetime
to grow basic connectivity. For small to support the B2B market. They will value. They do not make a profit from
and medium-sized enterprises this focus on specific markets, particular the services that they resell, and the
could be as simple as selling 5G to customer bases, and they will develop deals may even be loss-making.
provide resiliency or redundancy, or business models that will work for
basic broadband connectivity for new them. As such, there will be no 5G When it comes to partnerships for 5G
or temporary sites. enterprise blueprint, and operators enterprise services, operators could
will need to choose their own paths take the same approach. Partnering
But operators will have to improve the rather than following others. with hyperscale cloud providers may
connectivity experience to be be the best way to sell more 5G
successful. This means offering the connections. On the other hand, CSPs
ability to customize or configure may choose partnerships that will let
connectivity to meet the requirements them claim a bigger share in the sale of
of specific users or applications, and full, end-to-end solutions or that allow
providing a fully digital experience that them to own the relationship with the
ideally puts the customer in control of enterprise customer.
managing their own connectivity
requirements. 28
Section 8

need to acquire specialist ICT based, open digital platforms that can
providers that already have expertise be orchestrated using AI. ODA
(and customers) in a given market. replaces traditional operational and
Vodafone is a good example of an business support systems (OSS/BSS)
operator that is using this approach as with a new approach to building
it has committed to serving business software for the telecoms industry. To
Let customers lead customers in the sometimes- find out how ODA can help in targeting
overlapping automotive and insurance enterprise 5G, please contact George
CSPs have long adopted a “build it and industries. Glass, and for more information read
they will come” model, but this the white paper below.
approach will not work in the enterprise
market where each customer has a
specific set of requirements. Mobile
operators are finding special rules,
characteristics and approaches to
deployment of technology in every
vertical. Without engaging potential Decide role in MPNs
customers to work through these The explosion of interest in mobile
challenges, it will not be possible to private networks (MPNs) has forced
decide which network capabilities to CSPs to quickly put together market
exploit or to develop, or which support propositions that meet the many and
systems will help them monetize the varied requirements of enterprises.
opportunity. Operators likely will focus on the same
verticals in their MPN strategies as they
do in selling 5G services more broadly.
Forging strong partnerships with
systems integrators and network Improve BSS
equipment vendors will be essential for
operators to participate in MPNs. Today’s enterprise BSS stacks are
simply not designed to exploit the
Strike a balance versatility of 5G, and it will be a while
before operators understand fully
While operators will need to spend
which 5G capabilities are most
time investigating the requirements of
relevant to the verticals they are
verticals, they will not be able to build
targeting. It is clear, however, that 5G
a profitable business if they have to
services will require CSPs to
customize every solution. CSPs should
also focus on developing horizontal
Build for agility participate in digital ecosystems. In
5G gives mobile operators the addition, enterprises expect control,
capabilities that are repeatable across
opportunity to innovate and co-create self-service and real-time capabilities.
sectors. For example, an operator
could sell security-as-a-service to with business customers. While
CSPs need to start deploying these
companies in all kinds of industries. customer centricity is essential,
capabilities today to ensure they are
operators will also need flexible
ready when enterprises move beyond
network and IT architectures. Slow,
experimenting with 5G. Again, the ODA
costly customization and integration
can help operators reimagine their core
will not work. Enterprises necessarily
commerce systems for agility. In
will take an experimental approach to
addition, TM Forum members are
exploiting 5G’s capabilities, so mobile
working on a Business Capability Map
operators will need to adopt cloud
Choose verticals wisely and Business Architecture to help CSPs
native technology and move workloads
understand their unique capabilities
Even the world’s largest B2B telecoms to the public cloud in order to deliver
and how to monetize 5G services. To
operators are discovering that they flexible, scalable solutions.
learn more about this work, please
may be able to serve only a few contact Joann O’Brien.
TM Forum members are developing
verticals with end-to-end ICT
the Open Digital Architecture (ODA)
solutions. To become service providers
as a blueprint for modular, cloud-
of choice in those sectors, CSPs may 29
How Telcos Will Enable 5G
And how enterprises will leverage it
The advantages of 5G include:

Enterprises are embarking on a Ultra-reliable low-latency
journey to digitize their business communication (ie, < 1 millisecond)
models as they strive to determine
how to take advantage of modern One of the most important Massive bandwidth capable of < 10
technology and business processes. Gbps peak rates
things telcos will do to
5G, machine learning, artificial
enable enterprises on 5G is The ability to handle 1 million
intelligence, augmented reality, the
connected devices per square
Internet of Things, edge intelligence— to create a 5G service-based kilometer
these are just a few of the architecture that supports
technological advances changing the The enablement of low-power
foundation of data management in the open radio access networks
telco space. (Open RAN). communication
With the $40 billion-plus 5G market All of the above will enable enterprises
expected to grow at an annual clip of To fully capitalize on 5G, telcos will of all types, but especially those in IoT
almost 40% through 2027, telcos are need to first adopt their own new and financial services, to fight fraud
primed to be at the forefront of one technologies and strategies to make and monetize real-time data, leading to
of the biggest industrial pivots in 5G a reality, and then enterprises will billions of dollars in new ROI.
modern history. However, 5G isn’t need to properly use other new
exactly an easy technology to control technologies and strategies to make But certain steps need to be taken—on
or manage, as it involves an 5G work. While it’s not easy, all of both the telco side and the enterprise
unprecedented level of data ingestion these new technologies are in side—to get there.
requiring totally new ways of storing development and already being
and analyzing data. This report explains what telcos need
applied in real-word use cases. to do to enable 5G for enterprises and
then what enterprises will need to do
to leverage 5G to the fullest.

What Telcos Need to

Enable 5G for
Although things like small cells,
mmWave, and fiber backhaul networks
are table-stakes for 5G success, there
are a few more capabilities telcos need
to provide for enterprises to allow
them to not just use but monetize the
advantages of 5G. 30
1. Open RAN
One of the most important things
telcos will do to enable enterprises on
5G is to create a 5G service-based
architecture that supports open radio
access networks (Open RAN).

Open RAN uses hardware and

software components from multiple
vendors operating over network
interfaces that are open and
interoperable, thus allowing
communication service providers
(CSPs) to avoid vendor lock-in and mix
and match the best solutions possible.

A vital part of this approach is the RAN as in mobile phone users, or, more
Intelligent Controller, which facilitates The Tools Enterprises
interestingly, networks of things in an
the integration of loosely coupled enterprise or industrial setting. Will Use to Capitalize
network functions through a database
to provide a uniform view of network on 5G

information and a message queue to 5G will be a key element of “Industry
orchestrate the interactions and 4.0”—ie, the fourth industrial
service chaining. revolution, which is the automation of
traditional manufacturing and business
2. Unified data management There are two key processes.
A service-based 5G core will need to technologies enterprises To incorporate these advances in
ensure data consistency between the will need to use to take full automation, enterprises will need to go
various network functions that constitute through a digital transformation.
the 5G core. This centralization requires a
advantage of Industry 4.0 -
Unfortunately, instead of rethinking
data platform that brings together Digital twins and Multi- business processes and models to
structured and unstructured data to be access edge computing unshackle from the constraints of
available and utilized at scale while (MEC). yesteryear technology choices,
preserving low latency. organizations end up replicating the
same old tired processes but with the
There’s a twist to this, though. 5G newer set of technologies. This
networks will put the onus of call detail Charging is moving from online and
offline to usage-based charging, and unimaginative approach is
record (CDR) creation and persistence counterproductive in two ways:
on the data platform. This shift policy functions are getting more
requires the unified data management complex, too. With LTE, locally stored 1. Organizations cannot use modern
function’s front end to be able not just operator policies, static data from technology as intended.
to store and fetch data but also to add subscriber profiles, and repository- and
intelligence to manufacture CDRs and application-specific data were the things 2. Technology vendors get stifled to
mediate their interactions to optimize driving decisions. With 5G, the policy meet the arcane requirements just to
monetization strategies. function gets continuous dynamic input make their revenue targets.
from various network function interfaces
3. Modern policy and charging and the network data analytics. On the positive side, enterprises that
recognize that digital transformation is
Charging and policy functions are This increasing amount of dynamic an opportunity to introduce better
quintessential business support data means the database supporting efficiencies into their business
service (BSS) functions for revenue the new 5G policy functions needs to processes see a plethora of options to
assurance. There’s already a be easily scalable and adaptive in order achieve that goal.
recognized need to start running these to incorporate policy changes in a
functions in a federated manner closer matter of milliseconds; it can’t be an When it comes to 5G, there are two key
to the subscriber universe. The eventually consistent technology technologies enterprises will need to use
subscribers can be human subscribers, prone to data loss and inaccuracy. to take full advantage of Industry 4.0. 31
The challenge is that all this needs to

1. Digital twins
happen very quickly, which becomes
To use the data appropriately, an issue when you factor in things like
organizations need to create a digital built-in latencies and the complexity of
representation of their people, tech stack management.
processes, and systems. These can be With Open RAN, unified
broadly called “digital twins”. To accomplish all of the above steps data management, and
quickly, enterprises need to rapidly
Digital twins historically were pure process data at the edge via multi- modern policies and
representative data collection access edge computing (MEC). charging, telcos can set
systems. This data is then used for big themselves up for 5G
data analytics to understand how the MEC, also known as mobile edge
various business processes are computing, started in 2016 and has success.
operating and potentially used for since matured into a clear set of
dashboards in operation centers. standards geared towards leveraging
data and intelligence for real-time Conclusion
5G is changing this. localized data services. Provisioning services for enterprises
The ubiquitous connectivity of these MEC nodes are typically used in: on top of 5G is a great monetization
systems, devices, and people within a area for CSPs, but this has to be done
business process helps enterprises Customer premise edges, for with the recognition of the fact that
imagine new ways to automate these applications that require 5G is still in a “build it and they will
business processes. Process operations to complete within five come” stage.
automation requires a real-time milliseconds; and
To make 5G successful, CSPs need to
control loop where physical assets
Telco-operated network edges, for provide edge services to enterprises,
provide current events’ data.
applications that use an external which will require some investment.
Simultaneously, the digital twin uses
software provider for a broader set Using a corner-cutting or patchwork
this data and the intelligence created
of customers. approach to this process would likely
in the machine-learning iterations to
prove disastrous in the context of 5G’s
drive actions. In either case, one key element that low-latency demands.
comes into play with MEC is that
2. Multi-access edge computing compute nodes are limited compared A successful 5G journey means
to a central data center or data center thinking holistically and investing in all
Making continuously integrated
cloud, which makes it extremely the technologies that make 5G
automation a reality requires ultra-
difficult to manage several applications possible. With Open RAN, unified data
low-latency communications and fast
running at the same time, which is management, and modern policies and
processing of the data to drive actions.
where having a unified data layer and charging, telcos can set themselves up
We can break this down as: data platform comes in. for 5G success, and then let
enterprises, in turn, set themselves up
1. Ingest the data from the sources for 5G success via the use of digital
twins and MEC.
2. Store the data

3. Aggregate to measure any key

performance indicators (KPIs)

4. Apply business logic and rules to

determine any deviation of the KPIs
from the normal

5. Determine the outcome of these


6. Invoke appropriate
reactive/corrective actions

7. Notify or alert any downstream

systems of these decisions and actions 32
TM Forum Open
Digital Framework
A blueprint for intelligent operations fit for the 5G era
The TM Forum Open Digital Framework (ODF) provides a migration path from legacy IT systems and processes
to modular, cloud native software orchestrated using AI.
The framework comprises tools, code, knowledge and standards (machine-readable assets, not just documents).
It is delivering business value for TM Forum members today, accelerating concept-to-cash, eliminating IT &
network costs, and enhancing digital customer experience.
Developed by TM Forum member organizations through our Collaboration Community and Catalyst proofs of
concept, building on TM Forum’s established standards, the Open Digital Framework is being used by leading
service providers and software companies worldwide.

Core elements of the Open Digital Framework

Goals of the Open
Legacy transformation tools Maturity tools Data
Digital Framework
The aim is to transform business
Open Digital Framework

agility (accelerating concept-to-

Systems cash from 18 months to 18 days),
Business (IT & Network) enable simpler IT solutions that
are easier and cheaper to deploy,

integrate and upgrade, and to

establish a standardized software
Deployment model and market which benefits
& runtime Implementation
all parties (service providers, their
suppliers and systems integrators).

The framework comprises TM Forum’s Open Digital Architecture (ODA), Learn more about member
together with tools, models and data that guide the transformation to collaboration
ODA from legacy IT systems and operations. If you would like to learn more
about the Open Digital
Open Digital Architecture Transformation Tools Framework, or how to get involved
n Architecture framework, n Guides to navigate digital in the TM Forum Collaboration
common language and design transformation Community, please contact
principles n Tools to support the migration George Glass.
n Open APIs exposing business from legacy architecture to ODA
Maturity Tools & Data
n Standardized software
n Maturity models and readiness
checks to baseline digital
n Reference implementation and
test environment
n Data for benchmarking
progress and training AI 33
TM Forum research reports

Authors: Tim McElligo, Senior Analyst & Mark Newman, Chief Analyst
Editor: Dawn Bushaus, Managing Editor
September 2019



FOR THE 2020s: Vo
Volume 1
Author: Mark Newman, Chief Analyst
Editor: Dawn Bushaus, Managing Editor
March 2019

Research Partners:


October 2020 |

Author: Tim McElligott, Senior Analyst

Editor: Dawn Bushaus, Managing Editor 34
Section Title

Meet the Research & Media team

Report Design:
Intuitive Design UK Ltd
Report Author: Report Editor:
Mark Newman Dawn Bushaus
Chief Analyst Managing Editor Published by: TM Forum
4 Century Drive,
NJ 07054
Customer Success & USA
Senior Analyst: Operations Manager:
Tim McElligott Ali Groves Phone: +1 973-944-5100 Fax: +1 973-944-5110
ISBN: 978-1-945220-89-0

Global Account Director: Editor, Digital Content:

Carine Vandevelde Arti Mehta

Commercial Manager,
Digital Marketing Research & Media:
Manager: Tim Edwards
Anna Kurmanbaeva Senior Analyst

© 2020. The entire contents of this publication are protected by copyright. All rights reserved. The Forum would like to thank the sponsors and advertisers who have enabled the
publication of this fully independently researched report. The views and opinions expressed by individual authors and contributors in this publication are provided in the writers’
personal capacities and are their sole responsibility. Their publication does not imply that they represent the views or opinions of TM Forum and must neither be regarded as
constituting advice on any matter whatsoever, nor be interpreted as such. The reproduction of advertisements and sponsored features in this publication does not in any way imply
endorsement by TM Forum of products or services referred to therein. 35
For more about TM Forum’s Collaboration Community,
please contact George Glass

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