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TP1: Each of us needs to have a intention and a plan for our future.

My plan is to
find a job that suits me after to finish university. But maybe now I want to start
before I graduate. I plan to do business and accumulate more experience and
knowledge about them, so that I can prepare myself for some experience. And
maybe this change affects me a lot and will probably change my mind a lot, but I
still want to try what I set out to do
*I was going to be veterinarian, but I didn’t
* ve/ter/i/na/ri/an.: bác sỹ thú y
* I’m bad at chemistry and biology
*suddenly: đột ngột
* Digital Design
* make up my mind

TP2: One of the most important festivals in my country is Tet. This festival takes place
around late January or early February. Normally in Vietnam, every Lunar New Year, we have
a holiday schedule. every family often buys a lot of new things, cleans the house, decorate
their house with kumquat and Apricot blossom. On New Year's Eve, family members and
other relatives gather together to welcome the very first moments of the new year. People
in my country believe that whatever happens the first days will be repeated throughout the
year. on New Year's Day, old people and
adults will give lucky money to children for good luck. That's my favorite activity during Tet
* Water festival in Thailand
* Mid-Autumn Festival

tp3: The first, most people believe that reading books is more beneficial than watching
TV, because reading books helps people broaden knowledge, exploring new information,
people will be able to come up with more creative ideas. The second, books bring a lot of
advantages of reducing stress. No matter how people have stress. Let's read book, maybe a
comic, novel, or any kind of book you like instead of turning on the TV.
 Reading for pleasure: đọc vì nìm vui
 Genre: thể loại
 Adapted movie: phim chuyển thể
 Broanden knowledge
 Just aren’t my thing: ko phải điều dành cho tôi
 Unwind: thư giãn * rewarding habit: thói quen có lợi
TP4: In Vietnam often encountered many natural disasters such as floods, droughts,
storm,...Where I live is quite peaceful, rarely happens natural disaster. It usually occurs in the
rainy season and occurs most often in central Vietnam and coastal areas. It brings to a lot of
damage to people and property. Floods swept away everything, killing people, damage the
crop and many other damages caused. When there is a storm, people must find safe place
and not to go out. When the storm is over, people need to rebuild their homes and should
plant trees, protect the environment and many other things
*blizzard: bão tuyết *severe *deadly
Forest fire: cháy rừng *  species to/maybe extinction.: loai Tuyet chủng
* property damage: thiet hai tài sản *affect: ảnh hưởng
Donate food or clothes for the poor people

Make a condition for more child to go to school
Help a lot of people in a hard condition

TP5: Stomach pain must have been experienced by everyone. It was very uncomfortable
at that time when it hurt to eat and not to eat. So I had to make an appointment with the
doctor. I made an appointment with the doctor at 8 am on 1st and 2nd December 2021.
And when he came to see the doctor, he said that just need to take medicine and combine
diet. the Doctor made an appointment with me a week later at this time check up my health.
*symptom: triệu chứng *nausea: buồn nôn Isolating yourself: cách ly bản thân
*dizzy: chóng mặt *fever: sốt *make a health declaration: Khai báo yte
*transmit: lây * cough: ho
*treatment bệnh: acupuncture, conventional medicine, herbal therapy, healing

TP6: I am going to visit a friend in a foreign country. in America. I will be there on Sunday
next week. But there are some customs I should notice. In America, people usually greet
each other like "Hello. How are you ?"and avoid ask about age, salary. About the table
manners, you must not be late for every meal. On the table, you don't eat loudly, speak
loudly, do not eat while talking. When you are in a foreign country, you should save phone
numbers, or other means of communication from your friends. That's all! Now I'm very
excited and preparing for the trip.

 Offensive: thô lỗ
 Respect the culture of other; tôn trọng văn hóa của ngkhac
Punctual = on time: đúng giờ
The Vietnamese culture is kind of perfect and unique, i don't want it to be fimilar or the
same with other countries

TP7:When it comes to this topic, I remember my sister's wedding. The wedding is usually
divided into two days: the engagement ceremony and the wedding . Weddings are held at
their homes for the convenience of the people attending the ceremony. In the party, the
bride and groom will have a ceremony, then they will go to their family and friends to
receive guests.

*newlywed: vợ chồng mới cưới

*honey moon: tuan trang mật

* In korea, you have to use the dead fish to put up on the legs of the groom

TP8: Today, technology develop quickly. Thousands of new inventions are born every
year. It is convenient for people's life

. Google Home is the product that impressed me. It makes your home smarter. It functions
as a speaker, an alarm clock, an assistant, lights on and off and many other functions that
you just need to command with your mouth. I believe that in the future, Smart Home will
become popular around the world because of the benefits it brings.

TP9: I talk about text messaging while driving. I think it is a bad habit, we shouldn't maintain
it. Number of people killed in traffic accidents is more increasing due in large part to distractive
driving. The common reason is text messaging while driving. Don't write, send or read a text
message while driving, even when stopped at a red light or in traffic. This actions cause for you
and people around you in danger. You will be punished if you do that
* bad habit driving: multitask, don't stop at red light, pay attention, weave through traffic, use
flashlight, honk the horn,

TP10: 10. Global warming is one of the problems in the world. The causes of global
warming can include many objective and subjective causes. Such as greenhouse effect,
environmental pollution, air pollution, soil pollution and other reason. It brings a lot of harm to
the earth. Rising temperatures make the environment more extreme, many species are extinction
because lack of living environment, for example polar bears. It makes food production fought
more difficult, the shortage of clean water is getting worse. There are a few things we can do to
limit this problem. These include only using fossil fuel vehicles when necessary, throwing trash
in the right places, reusing(tái sử dụng), Recycling(tái chế) plastic bag and planting more trees.
* doomsday: ngày tận thế * affect: ảnh h
Donate food or clothes for the poor people

Make a condition for more child to go to school
Help a lot of people in a hard condition

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