Faith That Works - by Alistar Chibanda SNR

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The Faith That Works – Alistar N.

Chibanda snr

The Faith That Works – Alistar N. Chibanda snr


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All Scripture quotations are from the King James Version of the Bible, except
otherwise stated.

The Faith That Works – Alistar N. Chibanda snr


The Faith That Works – Alistar N. Chibanda snr


I am wondering what's going on in your mind since the time you picked up this book
to read. Probably you are wondering, “What is the faith that works like?” Well, we
will answer that question in this book. I pray that this book will change your life

The fact that I titled this book “The Faith That Works” simply means that there is a
faith that doesn't work. Maybe you have been using that faith in your christian life
and still wondered why things were not changing or moving in the way you wanted.
The Faith that works is not in many christians because they dont know it.

The faith that works is a product of the voice of God and the Word of God. It comes
by hearing, seeing, and eating the Word of God. Jesus introduced us to this faith when
He said, “For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. He that eateth
my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him. As the living Father
hath sent me, and I live by the Father: so he that eateth me, even he shall live by me.
This is that bread which came down from heaven: not as your fathers did eat manna,
and are dead: he that eateth of this bread shall live forever. (John 6:55-58)”

Jesus Christ is the source of the faith that works. No other faith is greater than this
one. This is the faith that you and I need for a higher life in Christ Jesus. This is the
faith that was found in Jesus Christ and the faith that He used to do mighty works in
the land of Israel. Jesus operated in this faith and He got results. It is the faith that
doesn't fail. To those who would operate in this kind of faith Jesus said, “Verily,
verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also;
and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. (John 14:12).”

This kind of faith NEVER fails. In fact, if it fails then it was not the faith that works.
The Apostle John operated in this faith and he saw the Heavens opened and was
revealed great revelations of the Spirit. He wrote the whole book of Revelation by
this Jesus-kind of faith.

John said, “That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which
we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have
handled, of the Word of life (1 John 1:1).”

The faith of the Apostle John was not just based on what he heard but also on
what he saw and handled in his spirit which is the Word of life. He had faith
that was based on the revelation of who Jesus was and is, that is, the revealed
Christ, and the Messiah. That's the faith that works.

The Faith That Works – Alistar N. Chibanda snr


Two Kinds Of Faith

And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.

(Mark 11:22)

I want you to know and to use the faith that works. There are two kinds of faith: The
Jesus-kind of faith and The human-kind of faith. One of the disciples of Jesus
called Thomas had the human-kind of faith. He wanted to see first with his optical
eyes before he believed. Unfortunately so many are like that today.

Instead of seeing by the eyes of the spirit, Thomas wanted to see it physically before
he believed in the resurrection of Christ. In John 20:29 Jesus saith unto him,
“Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have
not seen, and yet have believed.”

Jesus rebuked the faith Thomas - the human kind of faith. This kind of faith always
fails. Thomas wanted to see Jesus with his physical eyes first before He believed that
He rose from the dead. Jesus expected Thomas to believe the good news of the
resurrection even without anyone seeing Him with their optical eyes.

Are you a person who wants to see first with your natural eyes before you believe the
Word of God or the word from a prophet ? If so, then you are a doubting Thomas and
you have the human kind of faith. You won't achieve anything great for God with the
human kind of faith.

People with human kind of faith will never believe what the Word of God or what the
man of God says. They want to see it first before they believe and they also want to
feel it first before they believe. I feel sorry for them. It's obvious they don't enjoy
christianity. They always wonder why they are suffering with God in their lives. They
don't know the problem is the kind of faith they are using. God does not answer to the
human kind of faith. He responds to the Jesus-kind of faith (Mark 11:22).

If you pray for those with the human kind of faith and declare that they are healed,
they will not believe it until they feel it. That's why it's so difficult to get such kind of
people healed. They usually die in their sicknesses. If you declared that they are now
delivered and free, they won't believe it until they see or feel it in the natural realm.
That's Thomas faith and they won't get anywhere with it. God can't help them with
that human kind of faith either.

The Faith That Works – Alistar N. Chibanda snr

Satan knows the kind of faith you have. That's why he dares to fight you. He knows
that with the human kind of faith at work in you God will not help you. It is only
through the God-kind of faith that God is able to help His kids. The God-kind of faith
is the Jesus-kind of faith for God and His Son Jesus are one!

If satan finds you operating with the human kind of faith he will have a party. He will
toss you to and fro with every kind of sicknesses, diseases, struggles, sufferings,
confusions, suicide attempts, lack, poverty, bitter life experiences, sorrows, and,..etc.

Papa Abraham: Father of faith

Abraham was different to Thomas. He had the God-kind of faith and his life showed
it. He was a prosperous man, very rich and successful in all his endeavors (Genesis
13:2). He had the faith of God that works. Talking of Abraham the Bible says, “And
being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, hen he was about
an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sara's womb: He staggered not at
the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God;
And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform
( Romans 4:19-21).”

Abraham could see and feel in the natural that he was too old to make Sarah pregnant
and he could see and feel it too that Sarah his wife was too old to conceive and to
have a baby but he did not consider that. He did not consider medical facts on the
ground. Rather He considered the promise of God that he was going to have a son
with his wife Sarah. Abraham had heard directly from God so his faith was anchored
on the voice of God.

The promise of God is the prophecy or the Word of God to an individual. That's what
Abraham considered. He didn't dispute that they were too old to have a baby. He
knew it but his faith was not in human facts. His faith was in the promise of God.

The God kind of faith does not ignore the facts, it ignores the power of the facts.
Abraham saw and felt that he was far beyond the age of bearing children with his
wife but he didn't consider it. He only believed and considered what God said. The
human kind of faith is not like that. It considers facts on the ground while the God-
kind of faith considers the promises of God in the Bible. Do you see the difference ? I
wish you did.

Examples Of Faith

The Faith That Works – Alistar N. Chibanda snr

Let's look at some examples. Maybe you were diagnosed with an incurable disease
but still you want to get well. There are two things. Either you will have the God-kind
of faith and get well or you will have the human kind of faith and remain sick and

Pastors always know when the people are surviving on the human kind of faith. They
know that someone is going to die in the hospital if aspirin or some medicine won't
help him because of lack of the God-kind of faith. Pastor, when you see that your son
or daughter is standing on human kind of faith please refer him to the doctor for
medication. Let him keep swallowing his pills otherwise he will die in your hands.
No amount of prayer will save the one who is operating with the Thomas kind of
faith. Until he switches on to the God kind of faith he will not get any help from

There are people that come to me very sick and get healed instantly and some won't.
If I see that someone have the Thomas kind of faith I will send him to the clinic.
Thank God for medical doctors. They have saved many of our sons and daughters
who do not understand this message of faith.

People who don't come to church on Sundays because of sickness have the human
kind of faith. Such people will go to clinic on the same day the man of God is praying
for the sick at church. They have faith in medicine more than in the healing power of
God. They are our Thomases' of today. They are so many in the churches of God yet
they don't know that they have the wrong kind of faith. I feel sorry for them. If they
get so severely sick I start preparing for their burial because I know they won't get
well even if I pray all night for them. But if they switch on to the God kind of faith,
their healing will be instant!

How do you know that your son is using the human kind of faith ? It's simple. Listen
to him when he is talking. He will always consider the natural facts and never
consider what the Word of God says about his natural condition. In short, he will talk
like Thomas on the day of Christ's resurrection.

The Thomases' pray and fast for 70 days or more and still wonder why their life is
getting worse and not better. Their problem is not prayer or fasting. Their problem is
neither sin nor the devil. But their problem is the Thomas kind of faith they have . It
doesn't work. It's like driving a car without fuel. You won't get anywhere far even if
you push it along the road. You need to have the faith that works. The Abraham kind
of faith is the God kind of faith that always works!

The Faith That Works – Alistar N. Chibanda snr

Abraham had it and got results. The faith that works doesn't care what's on the
natural, it focuses on what God has said concerning what's on the ground. It sees the
facts and starve them with no consideration or attention and keeps declaring the Word
of God over situations.

The God kind of faith is a response of the human heart to the word of God. And the
Thomas kind of faith is the response of the human heart to the feelings of the body, to
the natural circumstances, to what people said, to what the devil said, and to what the
optical eyes saw. This faith doesn't receive anything from God. It may attract human
help only and it is too limited to achieve anything notable in life.

What Is Your Response ?

Let's consider two scenarios. The doctor may diagnose you and say you have cancer.
What will be your response? The Thomas kind of faith or the God -kind of faith ?
Someone will be diagnosed of cancer and feel it in his body. The moment he
considers the doctors report and live by it he will be showing off the Thomas kind of

But if he says, ''yes doctor I have cancer but I refuse it to kill me or to dictate how I
live my life for I consider the promise of God that says by the stripes of Jesus I was
healed therefore I walk into my healing now in the name of Jesus. Cancer, disappear
and leave no trace of your existence in my body in the name of Jesus. I receive my
healing and I am now well, Amen". That's the God kind of faith. It doesn't deny the
existence of facts on the ground but it refuses those facts to dictate how it behaves. It
is faith that is based on what God has said in His Word or to you.

Understand The God-Kind Of Faith

Faith is not refusing that you are sick. If you are sick you are sick. But faith is
denying that sickness to live or to continue in your body. Faith is refusing that
sickness to dictate the course of your life.

Faith is not denying the fact that you have no money in your pockets. You may have
no cent at the moment but faith is denying those facts to dictate the outcome of your
life. It stands on the Word of God and declares provisions. It says God provides all
my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus because you are a giver
(Philippians 4:19); It says the Lord is my Shepherd therefore I shall not want (Psalm
23:1). That's the God kind of faith. It stands on the Word of God always and destroy

The Faith That Works – Alistar N. Chibanda snr

human facts of sickness, death, poverty, lack and disease.

Faith vs Foolishness

If you have severe headache and start saying I don't have headache that will be not
faith. It's foolishness and sheer lying. That headache may kill you. It is better to take
aspirin and live than to deny that you have a headache and do nothing about it. Faith
is not denying the headache you have but faith is denying that headache to control
you or to kill you with pain so it considers the healing Word and declares it to end the
headache in Jesus Name. This is the God kind of faith. It considers the Word of God
over any situation or circumstance in this world.

What kind of faith do you have ? Be honest with yourself and make necessary
adjustments where you need them. Have the God kind of faith and you will enjoy
Christianity to the fullest. God bless you!

The Faith That Works – Alistar N. Chibanda snr


Live by Faith

For we walk by faith, not by sight

(2Corinthians 5:7)

Christianity is a life of faith in Christ Jesus. There is no any other way Christians
ought to live except by faith. Anything you want from Heaven is accessed by faith.
Without faith you can't get anything from God. It is only by the God-kind of faith
that one is connected to Heaven.

Every Christian who is moved by sensory perception will not have a successful
Christian life. Christians must be moved by what they believe. That's why I am not
moved by what I see or feel but by what I believe. I study the Word of God in
various areas of life and what I discover in it is what will move me. I am not
moved the national news, I am moved by the Word of God I have believed. That's
how you live a life of faith.

Talking of Abraham the Bible says, "He (Abraham) staggered not at the promise
of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; And being
fully persuaded that, what God had promised, He was able also to perform
(Romans 4:20-21)."

Abraham did not stagger at the promise of God or at the Word of God through
unbelief. He believed every Word God said and lived by it. He didn't live by
feelings or sight. He lived by what he believed. Check how you are living your life.
Do you live by what you believe in the Word or by what you see or feel ?

Worldly people don't live by the Word of God. They live by their sensory
perception and it's a very low life. The higher life is by faith. Unfortunately there
are Christians who live by sight and feelings. There are Christians who are living
the worldly life too and that way they can not please God.

Romans 8:5-6, 8 says, "For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the

The Faith That Works – Alistar N. Chibanda snr

flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally
minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace....So then they that
are in the flesh cannot please God."

A carnal man is a man who live by sight or by the feelings of his flesh. This man is
not a spiritual man and he can not please God. But spiritually minded men draw
their strengths from the Word of God. Start searching the scriptures and live by
them. That way you will be spiritually minded and you will be called a
man/woman of faith by God Himself.

We live in the physical feeling and sight realm called earth but we dont live by
physical feelings or sight. We are not of the world. We are from above and we live
by a different set of rules we find in the Word of God. That's why we always
overcome by faith.

Have you ever heard Christians who say, "please pray for me I am feeling down
today ?" Such are carnal Christians. They live by carnal feelings of their flesh.
They think that God's presence is regulated by what they feel. They don't know that
whether you feel God's presence or not, the Lord is with us till the end of the age as
He said in His Word. Those who are spiritual don't care whether they feel God or
not. They know He is with Christians and He has promised never to forsake them.

You must base your Christianity on what you believe from the Word and not from
what you feel in your physical body. Carnal Christians smile and laugh when they
feel good. They will be happy when their feelings are good feelings. But mature,
faith filled Christians are always joyful whether they feel good or not. They don't
mind earthly feelings of the flesh.

Don't mistaken me. I am not against feelings of your body. The Bible is not against
them either. But to live and be controlled by them is not what God wants. God
wants you to be controlled by His Word and by His Spirit; not by feelings or sight.

Let me tell you what I do. If I have a good feeling I will enjoy it to the fullest and
if I have a bad feeling I will ignore it to the fullest. I don't consider bad feelings.
The devil has stopped to tempt me or to afflict me by trying to make me feel bad.
He knows it doesn't work on me. Satan has failed to move me by feelings or by

The Faith That Works – Alistar N. Chibanda snr

what I see. This is because I always change what I feel or see by the Word of God.
If I don't like what I am seeing or feeling now in my life, I will take the Sword of
the Spirit (the Word) and change it. Things around my life line-up to the ways that
I want.

When I feel bad I begin to laugh even if I don't feel like laughing. I just start
laughing till the Holy Ghost takes over me and laugh together with me. That's what
God does. He laughs a lot (Psalm 2:4).
Satan knows that I laugh at him if he tries to manipulate my body feelings. I am a
man of faith. A man of faith will look at dire situations and not cry but will laugh
and pray.


Prayer That Attracts Andwers

"And whatsoever we ask, we receive of Him, because we keep His
commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in His sight. And this is
His commandment, That we should believe on the name of His Son Jesus Christ,
and love one another, as he gave us commandment
(1John 3:22-23)."

This scripture shows us some secrets to a successful prayer life. Sometimes we

pray and get frustrated if we don't get results but the Apostle John is showing us
that it's not only a prayer of faith that God requires from you. He wants you to
couple your faith with love for another and keeping His commandments. Take note
that He is not talking of the ten commandments of Moses here but He is talking of

The Faith That Works – Alistar N. Chibanda snr

commandments of Jesus Christ.

God is saying whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we KEEP His
commandments and DO the things that are pleasing to Him. Now this is his
commandment: that we believe in the name of his Son Jesus Christ and love one
another, just as he gave us the commandment.

This means if we are not keeping His commandments and if we don't do those
things that are pleasing in His sight then He will not answer our prayers and
we will not receive from Him anything. We will have a miserable life. God

In John 13:34-35 Jesus said, "A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love
one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all
men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another." And in John
15:12 He also said, "This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have
loved you."

It is now clear that Jesus gave us a new commandment of love. If we love one
another then He will hear our prayers. He will make our lives beautiful and grant
us all our requests. God want us to believe in the Name of Jesus and to love one
another for our prayers of faith to produce favourable results.

"For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision;
but faith which worketh by love (Galatians 5:6)."

Faith which works by love is the one which will avail much. Does your faith work
by love? Do you have grudges in your heart ? Are you an unforgiving person ? Is
there anyone you didn't forgive because they wronged you ?

If you are unforgiving and if you are carrying grudges against some people then
don't think you are fixing them but you are doing yourself a lot of harm. It is your
faith that is affected and becomes ineffective. The moment you start walking in
hatred, unforgiveness and in grudges your faith will be crippled.

Learn to forgive people. No one is perfect. They all make mistakes and some awful

The Faith That Works – Alistar N. Chibanda snr

blunders in life but forgive them. How many things God has forgiven us ? Millions
of things but why is it we fail to forgive others? Today, swallow your pride and
arrogance. Forgive people. If you have to call them or text them go ahead and do it.
Tell them I forgive you and move on with your life in love and peace. You will see
your life becoming fruitful and exciting. You will pray and have answers from

I have noticed by experience that most divorced women struggle in their prayers.
Things seem not to be moving well in their lives no matter how they pray. It is
because of the grudges and hatred they carry against their ex-husbands. They were
so hurt by those men so much that they hate them to the bone and all they do is to
pretend to have forgiven them but only God knows that they haven't.

If these single women forgive their ex-husbands they will begin to attract God's
answers each time they pray. They don't know that unforgiveness attract hideous
demons against their lives. God is love and Satan is the opposite of love. You
attract more of God if you walk in love and life will be sweet in your home. You
will stop struggling for anything! And in the same way you attract satanic spirits if
you walk in unforgiveness, hatred, grudges and bitterness of heart.

For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:
But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your
trespasses (Matthew 6:14-15).

You may argue with this message and vow that you will never forgive him for what
he did to you. Well, the choice is yours but know that unforgiveness produces a
bitter life on earth and sends you to hell. An unforgiving heart is more dangerous to
your life than a devil. It is only you who can choose to let it go. If you don't want
to forgive then no one will force you too. It is your choice. But if you want
things to work, if you want to enjoy life and peace, if you want to enjoy a fruitful
prayer life and if you want to be healthy and strong then FORGIVE people today.
Release them from the cage of your heart.

I have no one I don't love. I am aware that I have many enemies who don't like me
but it doesn't matter. They can not do anything that makes me to hate them. I hate
the evil they do but I don't hate them.

The Faith That Works – Alistar N. Chibanda snr

I forgive people quickly if they do anything wrong against me. I was not like this
before. I used to carry grudges but not anymore. I decided long time ago to quickly
forgive and stay away from those who like to hurt my heart. I made a choice to
love one another and to live that way and to stay far away from those who like to
offend my soul. Jesus didn't stay with the Pharisees who were always looking for
ways to offend Him; So do I.

Love is the fuel of faith. Without love our faith will be weak and won't produce
quality results. Today I pray that you begin to walk in love and to do those things
that are pleasing unto the Father in Heaven in Jesus Name.


The Signs of A Believer

Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have
received, freely give. (Matthew 10:8)
After Jesus resurrected and ready to ascend to Heaven, He said His last words to
His disciples. He said, "And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name
shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up
serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay
hands on the sick, and they shall recover ( Mark 16:17-18)" Here Jesus lists the
signs of a believer or the signs of a Christian.

Every Christian who is truly born again and Holy Ghost filled is a powerhouse.
Jesus showed us how we will know true believers. We will know them by these
signs. Those who are born again who believe in the name of Jesus they will cast

The Faith That Works – Alistar N. Chibanda snr

out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their
hands, and whatever poison they drink will not harm them; they will place their
hands on the sick and they will be well. These are the five signs that must
accompany every believer otherwise he is fake.

The world is full of fake Christians. Those who think they are Christians but are
not. Some even think that they are Apostles but are not. They are fake. The only
way to know them is by these signs and by their fruits. Jesus said, “ have
tried them which say they are Apostles, and are not, and have found them liars
(Rev 2:2).”

For example some so called Apostles spend all night casting out a demon and later
on be attacked by those demons. You hear them saying that they are under heavy
attack from demons. They say that demons attacked their bodies and souls so much
that they are now sick or in pain all over. I always suspect such type of Apostles. I
don't want to walk with them because they maybe liars. I aways avoid such. Why
because of one or more reasons.

Jesus said every believer (small or great) will cast out devils and in Luk 10:19 He
unequivocally said, "Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and
scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means
hurt you" Did you see that ? “ ....AND NOTHING SHALL BY ANY MEANS HURT
YOU!” How come we have those who are casting out devils and get hurt by them ?
Are they not the sons of Sceva who call themselves Apostles? I just wonder.

Then certain of the vagabond Jews, exorcists, took upon them to call over them
which had evil spirits the name of the Lord Jesus, saying, We adjure you by Jesus
whom Paul preacheth. And there were seven sons of one Sceva, a Jew, and chief of
the priests, which did so. And the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus I know, and
Paul I know; but who are ye? And the man in whom the evil spirit was leaped on
them, and overcame them, and prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that
house naked and wounded (Acts 19:13-16).

The sons of Sceva were fake believers, they were fake Apostles and demons
attacked them. Check your Bible, no true Apostle was attacked in his body by
demons after a deliverance session. Paul could cast out demons and they would

The Faith That Works – Alistar N. Chibanda snr

come out of people and never harmed him. (see Acts 19:12). Jesus had said
believers will cast out devils AND NOTHING SHALL BY ANY MEANS HURT
THEM. This is what I strongly believe. Those who are hurt by demons in their
bodies after conducting deliverance sessions are suspicious. I just like to stay away
from them.

One day Paul was bitten by a venomous snake. He didn't panick. He knew Mark
16:17-18 so he just shook off the beast into the fire, and felt no harm (Acts 28:5).
Glory to God. This is a life of a christian. Poison does not harm us. Isn't what Jesus
said in our opening scripture? That's exactly what He said without mincing words.

Long time ago, I went to the rural areas for a holiday. There were lots of snakes
there because it was a rocky area. So before I spent a whole week there I stepped
my foot on a viper and it did bite me on my leg. I told my uncle and he wanted to
rush me to the clinic but I refused because I felt no harm to this day. In another
case, a viper spat on my eyes while I was sitting in my granny's hut and I just
wiped away the venom and moved on with my life. I didn't get blind, sick or feel
any harm. I was fine till to date. It was because I believed in what Jesus said
without any compromise.

Mark 16:17-18 is a reality and you have to read it again and again with it's sister
scripture Luk 10:19. If you don't believe what Jesus said there then demons will
always have a party in your body, in your life, business, ministry and or in your

My faith is always based on what the Word of God has said. That's why it is strong.
Where is your faith ? If it is not in what God has said then it's going to be shaky. It
won't yield favourable results. Let your faith come from the Word of God. Study
the scriptures daily and have strong faith from them. Don't believe human
experiences that do not tally with what God has said in His Word. Beware of fake

The Faith That Works – Alistar N. Chibanda snr


We Speak In
Other Tongues By Faith

And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other
tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.
(Acts 2:4)

Jesus said, "...these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they
cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;... ( Mark 16:17)." The subject
of speaking in other tongues has confused a lot of christians be it the charismatics,
the pentecostals, or the main line churches. Many christians there are still not sure
about speaking in tongues. Some say its not for every believer but Jesus said
speaking with new tongues is for every believer. We better believe Jesus than

What many fail to understand is that there are different types of other tongues yet
from the same Godhead. Let's explore and learn more about them.

The Bible shows us that there are tongues of men and they are also tongues of
angels: "Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels,... (1 Cor 13:1)."

This means that if one speaks in a tongue of men which he did not learn but which
he received as a gift from the Holy Spirit others who know the language will
understand what's being said. For example some of the people who were gathered
in the Upper Room on the day of Pentecost in Acts chapter two received the
tongues of men. They were the Jews who received divine utterance to speak in
other languages of other nations as the Spirit gave them utterance.

"And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other
tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.....Now when this was noised abroad, the
multitude came together, and were confounded, because that every man heard them
speak in his own language. And they were all amazed and marvelled, saying one to
another, Behold, are not all these which speak Galilaeans? And how hear we every

The Faith That Works – Alistar N. Chibanda snr

man in our own tongue, wherein we were born?....Cretes and Arabians, we do hear
them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God (Acts 2:4, 6-8, 11)."

It is clear that they received the tongues of men from the Holy Ghost and as a
result Peter preached to the hearers and won over 3000 people that day. So the
Holy Ghost can give you the tongues of men or the tongues of angels as a gift. But
there is more.

In 1 Corinthians 12:29-30 Paul asked some questions: "Are all apostles? are all
prophets? are all teachers? are all workers of miracles? Have all the gifts of
healing? do all speak with tongues? do all interpret?" Of course No. We are not all
Apostles, teachers, prophets, workers of miracles and we don't all have the gifts of
healing, special kind of tongues and interpretations. We have different gifts.

In 1 Corinthians 12 Paul talks of the special nine gifts of the Spirit and also those
of God and in Ephesian 4:11 he talks of the fivefold ministry gifts of the Lord
Jesus Christ which He gives to the church.

I want you to understand that the gift of divers kinds of tongues in 1 Corinthians
12:10 is different from that of the sign of a believer of speaking in other tongues
mentioned in Mark 16:17.

"But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.....To
another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of
spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues:
(1 Corinthians 12:7, 10)."

The sign of a believer of speaking in tongues in Mark 16:17 is for EVERY

CHRISTIAN for self edification (1 Cor 14:4) and the gift of divers kinds of
tongues is for those whom the Spirit is willing to give the gift. It's a gift that comes
with a message in other unknown tongue so it needs interpretation hence there is a
gift of intepretation of tongues. Note that this is not a gift of translating tongues.
Interpreting and translating are not the same things.

We also have to know that God the Father also gives gifts including that of other
tongues. In 1 Corinthians 12:28 the Bible says, "And God hath set some in the

The Faith That Works – Alistar N. Chibanda snr

church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles,
then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues."

And still we hold the truth that Mark 16:17 speaks of the other tongues that every
believer must receive as a sign of a believer and every believer must pray with
those other tongues. It is the best way to pray to God for any believer. The gift in
Mark 16:17 of speaking in other tongues is not for the selected few but its for
EVERY BELIEVER in Christ Jesus. Everyone who believes in Christ Jesus MUST
speak in other tongues. No arguments about this. It is what Jesus said in Mark
16:17 KJV.

Moreover, other special kinds of other tongues like divers kinds of tongues and
diversities of tongues mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12 there are given by the Holy
Spirit and by God as they will. If He doesn't want to give you such special gifts
mentioned there then you have to keep on manifesting the common blessing of
other tongues given to EVERY believer (Mark 16:17). The reason why the
common gift of other tongues in Mark 16:17 is given to every believer is that it's a
sign of believers. Jesus said, this is how you are going to identify those who
believe in Me. He said they will cast out devil, and speak in other tongues ...etc.

Take note that Jesus is the one who will fill you with His Spirit and the Spirit will
give you utterance. Believers don't learn to speak in other tongues and believers
don't copy other people's tongues and imitate them. The Bible says we must
receive the Holy Spirit and He gives us utterance (Acts 2:4).

Those who sit down and learn to speak in tongues are deceived. We don't learn to
speak in tongues. We receive other tongues as a gift and instantly speak them out
by faith as we are given utterance by the Holy Spirit.

"And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other
tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance (Acts 2:4)." The disciples didn't learn
to speak in other tongues. They were given supernatural utterance by the Holy
Spirit and they spoke in other tongues. This must be understood otherwise you will
be deceived by fake prophets.

This spiritual endowment of speaking in other tongues of a believer was passed on

The Faith That Works – Alistar N. Chibanda snr

to every believer. Many years later after the disciples in Acts 2 received this gift, in
Acts 8 those in Samaria received it too because they believed. When the Apostles
prayed for them the Holy Ghost filled then: "Then laid they their hands on them,
and they received the Holy Ghost ( Acts 8:17)".

Also in Acts 10 a similar experience happened. The Bible says, "While Peter yet
spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word. And they
of the circumcision which believed were astonished, as many as came with Peter,
because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost. For
they heard them speak with tongues, and magnify God. Then answered Peter, Can
any man forbid water, that these should not be baptized, which have received the
Holy Ghost as well as we? And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of
the Lord. Then prayed they him to tarry certain days ( Acts 10:44-48)".

Take note also that these believers in Acts 10 didn't need to be baptized in water
before they received the gift of the Holy Ghost. This means receiving the Holy
Spirit and speaking in other tongues has nothing to do with water baptism. Let
me put it this way: water baptism is not a prerequisite for receiving the Holy
Spirit. All one needs to do is to be born again or to receive Jesus Christ as Lord and
Savior according to Romans 10:9-10 first and he will receive the Holy Spirit and
His gifts. This doesn't mean water baptism is not important. It is has its own place.

Lastly, someone said believers who are Holy Ghost filled can not speak in tongues
at will. They are wrong. Speaking in other tongues of a believer in Mark 16:17 can
be done at will but giving a message in other tongues mentioned in 1 Corinthians
12:10 can not be done at will. It is God who gives the message in divers kinds of
tongues through a vessel and one with the gift of interpretation interprets whats
been said.

"But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the
Holy Ghost (Jude 1:20)." This is done at will. You are building up yourself by
praying in other tongues. 1 Corinthians 14:4 also says, "He that speaketh in an
unknown tongue edifies or builds up himself..." It is not the Holy Spirit that does
the speaking but it is you who will open your mouth and speak in other tongues as
the Holy Spirit gives you utterance. GLORY TO GOD!

The Faith That Works – Alistar N. Chibanda snr


Faith Is Greater Than Money

"Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money;
come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and
without price''
(Isaiah 55:1)

Faith is a Heavenly currency that is used to facilitate transactions there. There is no

amount of money, silver or gold that one can use to buy the smallest item from
Heaven. All Heavenly items you may need are bought by faith. Be it healing,
deliverance, power, riches, wisdom, strength, honour, glory, and blessing. They are
all deliverable by faith.

You have to learn to use faith as a currency. Faith can be used as a weapon, shield,
key or power etc but today I want you to learn to use faith as Heavenly money.
Prophet Isaiah cried out, every one...come, buy wine and milk without money and
without price. This means it is possible to buy without money; we can buy
whatever we want with our faith. Everyone there includes you and I.

"And when Simon saw that through laying on of the apostles' hands the Holy
Ghost was given, he offered them money, Saying, Give me also this power, that on
whomsoever I lay hands, he may receive the Holy Ghost. But Peter said unto him,
Thy money perish with thee, because thou hast thought that the gift of God may be
purchased with money (Acts 8:18-20)".

If then the gifts of God cannot be purchased with money then there must be
something that we can use to purchase them and that is what we call faith.

Let's look at how one can purchase something in Heaven by faith. James 1:5-6
says, “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men
liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith,.."
So asking God in faith is purchasing with faith. But the problem of many people is
not that they are not asking. A lot of people are asking but the quality of the words

The Faith That Works – Alistar N. Chibanda snr

they use when asking will determine what they'll get from God. God hears the
language of scripture so learn to use it when you are asking in prayer. The
scriptures have weight before God. They always produce results if used effectively
and in faith!

James 4:2-3 says, "Ye lust, and have not:...and desire to have and cannot
obtain...because YE ASK NOT. Ye ask, and receive not, because YE ASK AMISS,
that ye may consume it upon your lusts."

There are two things here. One, you don't have because you don't buy (ask)
anything by faith and two, you ask and don't receive because you ask amiss. To ask
amiss is to ask wrongly or to ask with with wrong motives, that you may spend it
in gratifying your lusts.

But if you ask with the right motives, your faith can purchase all you are asking
God for. There will be nothing you cannot receive from God by faith. Our motives
are the reasons why we are not receiving the things we asking God for. Right
motives attract God's attention in prayers of faith.

Why do you want someone to marry you ? So that you can prove to your friends
and relatives that you can marry a beautiful woman or handsome man ? They said
you can't be married again so you are asking God to give you a spouse so that you
can prove them wrong. That's a wrong motive. That's not a good reason for
marrying anyone. Marry someone because God wants you to get married to him or
to her. Choose what God has chosen for you. Marry someone because you love that
person of the opposite sex and not because you want to show off that you can get
married in town.

Why do you want to get a job ? What is your motive? You want to get a job so that
you'll gratify your lusts and evil passions? Why do you want a job ? What is your
strong reason?

"Produce your cause, saith the Lord ; bring forth your strong reasons , saith the
King of Jacob ( Isaiah 41:21)."

Whatever is your desire it can materialize if only you cultivate good motives

The Faith That Works – Alistar N. Chibanda snr

before the Lord. God wants your faith to buy anything you desire but make sure
you don't ask amiss.

When praying use choice words before God. I don't mean use deep vocabulary. But
I mean use the language of scripture. Quote the Word of God back to Him;
personalize the Word of God and use it in prayer. That way you won't pray amiss if
your motives for asking that thing are right. God bless you.


The Fourth Dimension Power

Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God,
so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.
(Hebrews 11:3)

I want you to understand that this world we are in is a three-dimensional world

and it is governed by the fourth- dimensional world where spirits live. It is a world
lower than the four dimensional world where God lives.

Man is a spirit with a soul living in a body of flesh. Our body of flesh are three-
dimensional. They exist here on three-dimensional earth while our spirits are four-
dimensional just like God. This shows you that our spirits are greater than our
bodies. The reason why our bodies are alive it is because our spirits are in them.
The moment our spirits leave our bodies they die. So you can see that the invisible
part of you (your spirit) is what is keeping the visible part of you (your body) alive

The Faith That Works – Alistar N. Chibanda snr

and your spirit is alive because of the Holy Spirit who created all things.

If your soul is down or not well, your body will be sick too. That is the reason why
many people are so sick. Let me explain.

Proverbs 17:22 says, "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken
spirit drieth the bones" and 3 John 1:2 says, "Beloved, I wish above all things that
thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth."

These scriptures show us that the condition of our spirit and soul determines the
health and prosperity our bodies or lives.

A broken spirit dries the bones and therefore makes the body sick and a poor soul
impoverish the body that carries it. People who are always broken in spirit, who
are always sinful, worried, angry, anxious, unforgiving and bitter will always get
sick, poorer and eventually die. Never forget this, it will help you to choose the
best in life.

Our opening scripture says, "through faith we understand that the worlds were
framed by the word of God, so that things which are visible were made of things
which are invisible". This is clear that invisible things created the visible things we
see today. I want you to know that those invisible things which created the visible
things are Words, Faith, Dreams/Visions and Thoughts/Imaginations. All these 4
elements ( Words, Faith, Dreams, and Imaginations) are invisible, they cannot be
seen by optical eyes and yet they created things that can be seen by our optical

It is amazing that faith is one of them. Words, Faith, Dreams, and Imaginations all
exist in the fourth dimension which rules over the three dimensional world where
our bodies live. If we start using these four elements of the fourth dimension
effectively we can cause a lot of changes in our third dimension world and we can
invent and create a lot of things we desire to see.

Words produce faith. Words produce visions/ dreams. Words also produce
imaginations/thoughts. This means that the source of all we need is the Word (see
John 1:1)

The Faith That Works – Alistar N. Chibanda snr

"All things were made by the Word; and without the Word was not any thing made
that was made (1John 1:3 emphasis mine)". God created this three dimensional
world (the earth) by the Word. He also needed the Word to have faith for creation,
to have a dream of what He wanted to create and to have thoughts or imaginations
of what it will be like if He created the earth.

Don't forget that God lives in the fourth dimension realm, it's a world of no
impossibilities for ...If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that
believeth (Mark 9:23). Believing is an exercise of the fourth dimension. Its very
important to always believe that all things are possible.

No matter how difficult your life might be today, if you will dream fourth-
dimensional dreams in your heart by faith, your dreams will seize the three-
dimensional realm and change it. You will begin to have what you want in life.

No matter how chaotic or empty one’s life might be, if he will fill his life with
proper dreams, changes will surely follow – from death to life, from chaos to order,
from darkness to light, and from poverty to prosperity.

Your spirit dreams in the fourth dimension, it uses faith in the fourth dimension and
it sees visions and imaginations in the fourth dimension simply because your spirit
lives with God in the fourth dimension.

Therefore if your spirit is fully inundated and saturated with the Word of God it
will speak words of faith ALWAYS that will change any situation in this three
dimensional world. You cause changes in your body, job, business, ministry and
life by using such faith filled words in scriptures. Dare to study and to memorize
scriptures for life transformations.

Maybe you are facing some difficulties in finding a job, or in having a child or to
be healed from a certain ailment. You must not struggle to get those things you
need. Just operate from a higher level - the fourth dimension where God operates
from. Get in the Word of God and get faith, imaginations and words to change your
life. You cannot be better than the quality of your words, faith, visions and dreams.
Hence the need to read spiritual books of Godly Authors and the Bible daily.

The Faith That Works – Alistar N. Chibanda snr

You cannot change the things in this earth by using earthly things. You have to use
the materials God used to create the world. In Genesis 1 God used the Word, and
faith in the Word to create the Earth. He spoke and things came into existence. For
example, He said, "Let there be light, and there was light (Genesis 1:3)". This
means the moment you declare light in your finances, in your health, life etc and
doubt not, light will appear and demons will run away!

Every born again Christian is in the class of God because we were all born into it
by the Word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit. Therefore God expects us to
function as Him. We must invoke the power of faith, the power of imagination, the
power of dreams to create what we see in our spirits by the word of faith!

What you cannot see in your dreams, visions or imaginations your faith cannot
create. No amount of words will be sufficient to create what you cannot see in your
spirit or soul. You have to see it first before you can have it. That is the reason why
I give people prophecies. I know that if I tell you that this year you'll buy a
Mercedes Benz S65 AMG in a word of prophecy and you actually see it in your
heart then it will happen.

You have to know that prophecy in the old testament and prophecy in the new
testament slightly differs in that prophecy in the new testament is also declaring
words of faith and power without hearing them from God directly. If I decide to
declare words of faith and power in prophecy, the Holy Spirit will fulfill them even
though He didn't tell me to say them.

The Bible says, "where there is no vision, the people perish... (Prov 29:18)." You
must have an ability to see with your heart and if you believe what you see inside
and voice them, you'll have them!

People who are stagnant in life, people who are barren and those who are poor
have not used their spirits so see, to dream, to imagine and to declare those things
they desire.

Faith works if it is based on the Word and the word produces dreams, visions or
imaginations of success. Therefore faith works if it is based on the visions, dreams

The Faith That Works – Alistar N. Chibanda snr

or imaginations of the Word. Your faith cannot give you what it doesn't see in the
Word of God. Remember there is nothing that faith cannot create in this world
because it is not of this world, it is a fourth dimension world power!

Barrenness is broken if a person sees it being broken in his/ her spirit through the
mirror of God's Word and confesses that Word in faith over and over. Same applies
to life situations, they change if we can use our faith to cause changes from the
spirit realm (which is actually the fourth dimension realm of God).

Say these words violently and loudly:

I refuse to be barren, I see myself fruitful and not barren. The Word of God
supports my confession, The Word says, "Thou shalt be blessed above all people:
there shall not be male or female barren among you, or among your cattle (Deut
7:14)", and Jesus also said, "Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much
fruit;.....I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth
fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father
in my name, he may give it you ( John 15:8,16)." Therefore I decree and declare
that I am ordained to bear fruit. The God of Heaven has anointed me with the Holy
Spirit to bear fruit that will last. Where is your power you spirit of barrenness?
Where is your hold you demon of barrenness? You have no part with me, you are
cursed with a curse of God and I am blessed and anointed to bear fruit by the God
of Heaven therefore I command you spirit of barrenness to come out of my body,
business, ministry, and life, in the Name of Jesus. Amen!

If you have made that declaration of faith violently and loudly in faith and you
have full conviction that it's done, then you shall testify very soon. But if you are
not yet satisfied that it's done, then keep repeating those declarations of faith till
you see results in your life.

The Faith That Works – Alistar N. Chibanda snr


Pay The Price

"My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing
this , that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her
perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing ."
(James 1:2-4)

Don't let anyone to fool you saying that dreams and wishes just come true easily.
To achieve your dreams, everyone must face some hardships. Check your Bible,
everyone who achieved great dreams went through some times of hardship, trials
and sufferings. No true dreamer can run away from this.

The Bible says, “That the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious
than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor,
and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ” (1 Pet. 1:7, NKJV).

All dreams have their price depending on their size, and to achieve them, the price
must be paid in full. If you insist on achieving your dreams then you must keep
holding on to your faith and fight through all webs of suffering, trials and
hardships that come to dreamers. Suffering is not good and is not enjoyable at all
but it causes the dreamer to gain more strength and courage to move towards his
dreams. It must not cause you to quit. You must face it and win through faith in

Do you know that to someone with burning dreams, hardships and trials are
nothing? That’s because they know that such negative circumstances are nothing
but clear steps that need to be taken inorder to see their dreams fulfilled in life.

Take for instance, planting and growing a church is no easy job. There is a lot of
suffering and hardship one encounters if he opens a church. That's why you see
that there are only few church planters in the world. The one who dares to plant a
church may not continue pastoring it because of the hardships that he will
encounter while trying to grow that church. It's not easy to have a sizeable

The Faith That Works – Alistar N. Chibanda snr

congregation and more church branches without going through some baptism of
harships, trials and sufferings.

Most pastors quit ministry because of the heat they feel from leading a church.
Satan is not going to let you plant and lead a church without you feeling his
pressure, persecution, suffering, trials, temptations, hardships and some heat. For
example, some will be persecuted by the governement authorities, some by their
wives/husbands, some by their relatives and some by their church workers,
members, sons and daughters...etc. Also some will face some severe hardship in
paying church bills, house bills and eventually have a non-growing congregation.
These factors will cause many pastors to quit but the wise must not quit. They must
let such hardship to strengthen their faith and they must soldier on because after
such hardship there is the glory, the honor, the riches, the growth, the
increase,....and the bliss!

It's not that you just dream it today and have it tomorrow. No! You must pay the
price first. One Pastor once said, "Dreams have a dear price. For them to be
realized, our strong wills must be broken and we must come into obedience to the
Lord through hardship and suffering. God always makes those who are treading
the wrong path, the path of destruction – those who are living by their own wills,
thoughts, and plans – to return to Him through trials. God has prepared so many
things for every individual, and He will bless those who tread the path that has
been prepared for them. Dreams aren’t cheap; everyone must pay a price to see
them fulfilled. Suffering is God’s plan for us because He knows it will break our
stubborn wills and lead us to return to God in obedience. Suffering allows our
faith to grow, and it actually strengthens it. Those who overcome suffering and
trials are the ones who ultimately achieve their dreams". Believe it or not, I found
this to be true even in scripture there are so many examples of this.

Joseph went through suffering in dungeons and prisons of Egypt before he became
Prime Minister of Egypt. Daniel was a slave boy first in Babylon before he became
a governor. Abraham waited for 25 long years praying and fasting, living in tents
and moving from place to place before he had his promised son, Isaac. It was not
easy for that boy to be born.

Israel served the Egyptians for 430 years in Egypt as slaves and even when they

The Faith That Works – Alistar N. Chibanda snr

were delivered by the hand of Moses, they had to walk for 40 years in the
wilderness full of fiery serpents, wind, the sands and the heat etc before they saw
their dream of living in Canaan land fulfilled.

Even Jesus went through 40 days and 40 nights without food; He also went
through severe persecutions from the Pharisees, Saducees, and from his brothers
and the Romans before He had His dreams realized.

The Apostles of Jesus were punished, beaten with stripes, they slept with empty
stomachs in prisons, ...and some were killed and some didn't even had the
opportunity to marry or to stay with their families because they wanted their dream
of saving the world through preaching the Gospel fulfilled.

All these partriarchs went through some hardtime of suffering and persecution
more than some of us reading this message yet they maintained their faith in God
for their dreams to come true.

Suffering is like a tunnel through which we must all pass in order to achieve our
dreams. Without passing through that tunnel, one can only remain where he is
presently. But if you pass through it you will be able to cross over to the other side.
As we pass through the tunnel of hardships and trials, we enter the world of big
dreams and achieve all of them.
If you don't want to go through persecution, sufferings, trials and hardships then
don't dream big. Just remain where you are and don't step out to do anything
significant. But is it what you want ? To remain stagnant, and to achieve nothing
significant in life ? I challenge you to dream big today and to use your faith to
stand strong even in face of opposition.

The Faith That Works – Alistar N. Chibanda snr


Bindind And Loosing

"Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in
heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven ."
(Matthew 18:18)

This scripture shows us the power of faith declarations. Just imagine the power that
Jesus has just given us the believers in Him.

The International Standard Version of the Bible puts it this way, "I tell all of you
with certainty, whatever you prohibit on earth will have been prohibited in heaven,
and whatever you permit on earth will have been permitted in heaven."

Of course Jesus is not telling us to permit sin on earth because it is obvious sin
will not be permitted in Heaven. Rather the Lord Jesus is teaching us to do what
He was doing on earth. He used faith to bind evil on earth and loose the good. Let's
look at the these examples in scripture.

In Matthew 12:29 Jesus teaches us to bind the demon called the strongman in order
for one to spoil his house. Matthew 12:29 says, "Or else how can one enter into a
strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the strong man? and
then he will spoil his house."

In 2 Corinthians 4:4 Satan is called the god of this world and he is the one holding
the unbelievers in his cage of bondage. He does this by blinding their minds so that
they believe not the gospel. "In whom the god of this world hath blinded the
minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ,
who is the image of God, should shine unto them" (2 Cor 4:4)". Jesus knew this
and he had to bind Satan to win the minds and hearts of the Jews.

In every region, city, village or country there are demonic powers working in the
minds of people to keep them away from the light of the Gospel. They make sure
that people will keep on living in sin and without God so if anyone wants to win

The Faith That Works – Alistar N. Chibanda snr

them he must first bind the strongman in that location.

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against
powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual
wickedness in high places ( Eph 6:12)"

Every unbeliever is in darkness and he is ruled by demons called rulers of

darkness. His choices, and actions are determined by these demons. He can't think
for himself without their influence. Just imagine fathers and leaders who are in
darkness they lead the families, cities, villages,....and nations under the influence
of rulers of darkness of this world. This is why we need men and women of faith
who can stand up in territories and win them to Jesus through prayers.

Any church that is working in a location cannot win the larger group of people
there if that church is not binding the strongman ruling there. Every territory that
the people of God has not won through prayers will be under the power of Satan.

It reminds me of 1 Kings 17. Prophet Elijah knew that Israel was bewitched by an
evil couple Ahab and Jezebel. In fact Jezebel was a chief witch and she had handed
over the whole territory of Israel to Satan. Elijah came and prayed for three and a
half years to break this hold of Satan. After three and half years of seeking God
and binding Satan, Prophet Elijah showed himself to Israel and destroyed the altars
of Satan that Jezebel had set up in Israel.

Jesus wants us to do the same. He has set us here as Ambassadors of Heaven (2

Cor 5:20). We are to bind the strong man and cast him out of territories we want to
win. We need a people of faith who will unite and pray. No church will grow in an
area where Satan is operating except it prays hard.

The presence of Night Clubs, Beerhalls, Shrines, Brothels, Sex clubs, Nude
shops,...etc in a location shows that there is a demon called strongman working in
that location. Until you bind that strongman you cannot win the sinners there to
Christ. You may preach a hundred sermons to them but without a demonstration of
God's power in prayers the sinners won't be moved by your messages. Many
Evangelists know this. That's why they spend nights and days in the mountains
praying before they go for a crusade.

The Faith That Works – Alistar N. Chibanda snr

First bind the strongman at your workplace otherwise you won't see promotion or
good working environment.

Bind the strongman in your family and all your brothers and sisters will begin to
accept the Gospel.

Are you a man or woman of faith ? Do you believe that you can change the whole
city by your prayers ? The Bible says you can. Stand up therefore and begin to
fight. Break the bands of Satan over people's lives in the region where your church
is located. Cast out Satan and his cohorts from there and you will see hundreds and
thousands coming to Christ easily.

A church without intercessors will not do much. Understand that intercession

is the highest ministry in church. God cannot do much in any environment or
church without intercessors.

Vow to be an intercessor today and pray for your church, business, family and
cities to receive the light of the Gospel and to be free from the power of the
strongman. Pray every day. God bless you!

The Faith That Works – Alistar N. Chibanda snr


Covenants of Faith

"My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips.''
(Psalm 89:34)

I believe God is teaching us to rule our world, to be victors, and to live a higher
life through these messages of faith. Glory to Him forever more.

I want you to have faith in God and in His Covenant. God our Father has assured
us saying, "My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my
lips (Psalm 89:34)." We need to learn about entering into a covenant with God. The
word covenant simply means aggreement. So basically I am talking about entering
into some special aggreements with God that will change your life for ever.

Abraham, Isaac and Jacob entered into some serious covenants with God that kept
them for generations in prosperity, health and in all round success.

The Bible is full of these covenants. If you have faith in them then you can take
advantange of them and live large.

Every covenant that you may enter has two sides: Your side and that of God. It also
carries covenant demands that need to be met. Unless you meet your covenant
demands, God will not do His part.

The promises we read in the scriptures are full of covenant details. We can either
ignore them or choose to enter into those covenants and be faithful.

2 Chronicles 15:12 says, "And they entered into a covenant to seek the Lord God
of their fathers with all their heart and with all their soul." The tribes of Israel
entered into a covenant with God here.

Some people always say our God is a covenant keeping God yet they don't know
what they will be saying. If we expect God to keep the covenant we also need to

The Faith That Works – Alistar N. Chibanda snr

keep it faithfully. As I have said, every covenant has two sides: Your side, and
God's side. If you don't keep your part of the covenant then God will not be
committed to keep His part.

Let's look at an example:

Matthew 6:31, 33 says, "Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or,
What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?...But seek ye first the
kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto

Do you see the covenant demands in this scripture ? You can enter into a covenant
of Matthew 6:33 and have your life turned around by it. I entered into this
covenant in April 2015 and my life has never been the same. I do my best to stay
away from worrying because that's my part of the covenant in Matthew 6:31-33
and also I diligently seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness as required
by the covenant. To seek the Kingdom of God is also to work for the Kingdom in
all posssible ways of Christ. That's what I do.

Let's look at the two sides of this covenant so that you understand more. Let me
show you your side or your part of this covenant that God expects you fulfill.

Your part is: Do not worry. Put the Kingdom of God first in all your priorities and
live uprightly in Christ. "Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or,
What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? But seek ye first the
kingdom of God, and his righteousness"

God's part: The Lord God will give you all the things that you need here on earth.
"...and all these things shall be added unto you".

In summary the covenant in Matthew 6:31-33 is: Do worry about food, drink and
clothes/shelter but seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and the
Lord God shall add unto you all these things - food, drink, clothes/shelter, etc.

As long as you stop being worried about what you shall eat, drink, wear or where
you shall live but concentrate on seeking the Kingdom of God and His

The Faith That Works – Alistar N. Chibanda snr

righteousness then the Lord will make sure that you will not lack anything.

But if all you do is to worry about those things then you will lack them and God
won't supply them to you because you'll be breaching the covenant of Matthew
6v33 here.

Stop worrying! Understand what you are required to do in this covenant and do it
and leave God to do His part!

Have faith in the covenant and live a good life.

You can read as many promises in the Bible and find covenant demands there.
Enter into those covenants and do your part and God will be committed to do what
He has promised. I have entered into many covenants with the Lord and am
enjoying His supplies, help and so forth.

The Faith That Works – Alistar N. Chibanda snr


Refuse To Worry

Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with
thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
(Philippians 4:6)

Faith is not something that you are trying to squeeze out of you. Faith is a way of
life. It is accepting what God has said as final say in your life. When you have faith
you will not worry about anything you have prayed for. You will leave it to God
and sleep.

Faith filled people know that worrying is a sin therefore they do not worry but they
pray. I last worried some many years ago when I was in the University. I do not
worry in my life. If worry knocks at my door I just don't open it. I'd rather pray
than to worry. Philippians 4:6 says, "Be careful for nothing (Do not worry about
anything); but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your
requests be made known unto God."

Worry is the reason why many people have sicknesses, diseases and stroke. Yes,
worry brings paralysis. So do not worry!

If you believed that God heard you when you prayed then you must start acting
that way otherwise it's not faith. For example, if the man of God said you are
healed then if you have faith you will respond by acting as a healed person. That's
faith! But if you keep on sleeping then it means you didn't believe that you were
healed and you won't be healed.

Faith doesn't give up. Let's say you prayed for a job, you have to start saying I have
a job. Don't say you didn't receive it. Our confessions create realities. Abraham
confessed that he had multitudes of sons whilist he had no child in the natural. His
confessions led him to have a child of promise - Isaac and later on a nation called

The Faith That Works – Alistar N. Chibanda snr

The Bible says, "For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the
mouth confession is made unto salvation (Romans 10:10)."

Here the Bible let's us know a very important principle of walking by faith. The
word translated salvation there is the greek word “soteria” which also means
deliverance, preservation, safety, healing, well being or salvation etc.

The rule here is not just quoting scriptures you see in the Bible and have results but
the rule is to confess the scriptures you really believe in your heart and you will
have results.

Your mouth is an important tool in the life of faith. God didn't give you a mouth
primarily for eating but for speaking. Anyone can say anything but it is only things
said from the heart that will happen.

The Bible says with your heart you believe unto a great life in Christ
(righteousness) and with your mouth you confess unto your own deliverance,
preservation, safety, prosperity, healing, .....and salvation.

There is nothing impossible to a Christian who confesses what he believes in

WAVERING. Once you are in that state, whatever you confess from your heart
God will perform it. That's faith!

Begin to confess. Don't keep quiet. Tell yourself and others what you believe and
what you want to see in your life. Tell others you got a job in prayer and it's yours
already. Tell others you got your breakthrough and it's in you NOW.

Don't confess negative after your prayers.

Delay doesn't mean God didn't hear you.
Delay doesn't mean your faith is not working.
Delay doesn't mean that God didn't want you to get it.

But sometimes delay helps us to see how strong our faith is. Are you able to
patiently wait for what you received into your heart in prayer ? Don't give up.

The Faith That Works – Alistar N. Chibanda snr

Whatever you prayed for it's now yours. If you prayed for healing then start acting
as a healed person. If you asked for a car then start acting as the one who owns
one. Whatever you prayed for start acting as though its with you in the natural.
Thats faith is all about. Remember without action, your faith is dead.

"For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also
(James 2:26)."

Don't forget this: Keep your confession in the present tense because faith is
present tense. Faith is not past tense or future tense. Hebrews 11:1 says, "Now
faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." It says,
"NOW faith IS......". That's present tense. This means whatever you received in
prayer is YOUR PRESENT HOUR POSSESSION even though you don't see it in
the natural as yet. God bless you!


Turn Your Hope Into Faith

"For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man
seeth, why doth he yet hope for? But if we hope for that we see not, then do we
with patience wait for it ."
(Romans 8:24-25)

Faith is not hope. There is a slight difference between faith and hope. Faith is the
substance of things hoped for; faith is the evidence of things hoped for.
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen
(Hebrews 11:1)

The Faith That Works – Alistar N. Chibanda snr

Hope is a good waiter. Faith is a possessor. For example, the man with only hope
will wait for his healing but the man with faith will collect or possess his healing.

However, it has to be noted that without hope there can be no faith. So hope comes
first and then faith. In simple mathematics, we can say, faith is eequals to the
substance of things hoped for. So faith is the material of things hoped for. Let's
say you were hoping that one day you'll receive your miracle or healing. Hope only
will keep you alive, or will save you from worry, anxieties,... and stress. It will
keep you going but in pain and anguish till death because hope in itself it has no
substance/material. It is faith that will bring the substance, the matter or the
material of the healing you were hoping to receive.

Hope is futuristic, faith is current. Hope looks into the future, faith is now.

Hope says, "I will possess it, I will get it" while faith says, "I possess what I hoped
for, it is mine right now". Faith owns it, because it is a possessor. For example: two
people may pray for the same thing but have different results. One may say, "I will
receive what I prayed for, one day it shall be mine", and another will say “I
received what I prayed for the moment I was in prayer, I got it and it is mine
already, it's my present hour possession, Hallelujah !"

These two people show us their differences in life. The first one is walking and
living by hope and the second one is living by faith. The one who is only hoping to
get it one day may never have it until he switches on from hope to faith.

I told you that hope is a good waiter. Instead of receiving your healing right away
one may hope that God will heal him one day and never get healed till he dies.

The scriptures will give you hope and eventually faith if you study them. They will
give you hope for a better tomorrow, hope for salvation and deliverance, hope for
the good life... etc but the moment you act on what you hoped for then it becomes
yours, that's what we call faith. So acting on the scriptures you believe is faith!

One day, I was called to pray for a school teacher in Zimre Park, Harare. He was a
believer just like us and he was very sick and bedridden. I prayed for him ernestly
and commanded that he be healed instantly. Instead of saying Amen I receive my

The Faith That Works – Alistar N. Chibanda snr

healing, he actually said, "thank you Pastor for the prayers. One day I will be
well." I knew he had no faith for healing and he died later on during that week. He
only had hope for his healing miracle. But hope alone will not pull you out of
sickness. You need faith.

Let me show you a good example of faith responses from the scriptures.

Now Peter and John went up together into the temple at the hour of prayer, being
the ninth hour . And a certain man lame from his mother's womb was carried,
whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask
alms of them that entered into the temple; Who seeing Peter and John about to go
into the temple asked an alms. And Peter, fastening his eyes upon him with John,
said, Look on us. And he gave heed unto them, *expecting to receive something of
them.* [ _that's hope_]. Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I
have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk. *And
he took him by the right hand, and lifted him up: and immediately his feet and
ankle bones received strength. And he leaping up stood, and walked, and entered
with them into the temple, walking, and leaping, and praising God. [this is faith]
(Acts 3:1-8 KJV).

Did you see that this lame man had hope at first ? He expected to receive
something from Peter and John. He hoped to get something from them as he
looked at them. So Peter was honest to him. He told him that he has no money but
some healing to give. Since this lame man was expecting to receive something,
when Peter declared his healing in the name of Jesus, this lame man received it and
got up and leaped and walked. He simply responded to what he heard Peter
saying. He responded to the hope of healing by acting on the words of healing that
Peter declared. His actions were to stand up, leap, and walk soon after Peter's

If all we do the same, we will have people healed from paralysis, HIV, Cancer, TB,
Fever, ....etc. It won't be hard for them to be healed. But the problem is that many
people don't have faith. They have only hope. They hope that one day it shall be
well. It may never be well until they convert their hope to faith.

If the man of God has declared you healed, have faith that you are healed and start

The Faith That Works – Alistar N. Chibanda snr

leaping and walking as a healed person. But if you keep lying in bed then it means
you only have hope and not faith.

Whatever the man of God has declared in your life, if you have faith, you will start
acting on it. That will be your faith response. Don't postpone it into the future. That
will be hope. Don't say I will get my job if you want it now. Say I got it, it's in me,
it's my present hour possession and start thanking God for it and give him the

"He (Abraham) staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was
strong in faith, giving glory to God (Rom 4:20)."

Stop postponing your miracles and breakthroughs. The fact that you don't see them
in the natural yet doesn't mean God didn't perform them already. If you have faith
that it's done, then it's done. Rejoice and give God the glory for it.


Faith in Fathers

"And Elisha saw it , and he cried, My father, my father, the chariot of Israel, and
the horsemen thereof. And he saw him no more: and he took hold of his own
clothes, and rent them in two pieces. He took up also the mantle of Elijah that fell
from him, and went back, and stood by the bank of Jordan; And he took the mantle
of Elijah that fell from him, and smote the waters, and said, Where is the Lord God
of Elijah? and when he also had smitten the waters, they parted hither and thither:
and Elisha went over''
(2 Kings 2:12-14)

When God leads you to follow a man of God, like Elisha followed Elijah, it is
important for you to receive him as a father. Some people don't believe this. They

The Faith That Works – Alistar N. Chibanda snr

misquote scriptures and confuse themselves but the Bible teaches us that there are
biological fathers and spiritual fathers and the Heavenly Father.

You will notice from the story of Elisha that he had a biological father called
Shaphat (2 Kings 3:11) and a spiritual father called Elijah.

It is important to believe in spiritual fathers. It is a Biblical thing set by God to

guide and direct spiritual children in life. A fatherless person has a life full of

Each ministry has a spiritual father and spiritual children must submit and be loyal
to him to the end. This is important because of spiritual inheritance which must
flow from the father to the children (Eph 1:18).

There is what is called spiritual inheritance of anointing, spiritual food and spiritual
covering. These spiritual things pass from father to sons, not from fathers to equals,
collegues or friends.

In our opening scripture we saw Elisha who believed in his father Elijah and he got
the spiritual inheritance. All the years Elisha walked with his father he was covered
spiritually by the anointing of his father Elijah.

The Bible says, "And by a prophet the Lord brought Israel out of Egypt, and by a
prophet was he preserved ( Hosea 12:13)." God used a prophet to bring Israel out
of bondage and slavery in Egypt. He used a prophet to preserve them all their years
in the wilderness. What if they didn't believe in Prophet Moses ? I bet they would
have all perished in the wilderness.

In our opening scripture Elisha got the mantle of Elijah and began to perform
miracles with it. A mantle here represence the anointing. Servants do not abide in
the house forever therefore they do not receive mantles of fathers but sons do (John
8:35). This is the advantage of being a son.

If you are my son don't wait for me to be taken to Heaven before you receive your
own mantle from me. God has packaged the anointing for your deliverance,
healing, protection, preservation, promotion, prosperity, health and success in me.

The Faith That Works – Alistar N. Chibanda snr

You have to learn to have a close fellowship with the man of God to access mantles
in his life. Be a sheep and not a goat in church. It is easy to lead a sheep because it
can follow the shepherd but a goat is unstable and it won't follow the leader.

The anointing for ministry in my life is the mantle you need for protection and
preservation. Spiritual orphans lack spiritual covering hence they are prone to
every attack of the enemy. That's the reason why those who are not under a
spiritual covering of a prophet die in accidents, some die mysteriously, and some
struggle through life unnecessarily.

If things are not going well for you. It may be that you don't really believe in the
mantle of your man of God and hence you did not receive it.

The mantle of Elijah in the hands of Elisha worked great miracles. It parted the
river Jordan and paved a free way for the prophet to pass through. But the mantle
of Elisha in the hand of Gehazi didnt work. He failed to raised the dead boy of the
Shunamite woman with it. Gehazi was a crooked servant! He was not a true son.

I wonder if you believe in mantles but God believes in them. You don't need to go
another day sick or suffering. Have the mantle or the anointing in your life.

"And God wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul: So that from his body
were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed
from them, and the evil spirits went out of them (Acts 19:11-12)."

Here you see mantles taken from the body of Paul and great miracles, signs and
wonders were wrought wherever they were placed. Even demons checked out
because of the anointing in those mantles from the man of God.

Today, I am releasing some mantles to you right now through this book. Receive
the anointing to teach, to heal and to prophesy like a prophet in the name of Jesus!
Amen!!! God bless you.


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