English ALP Script

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Group members: Guo tianxin, Chen yuran, Mabelle Ng, Jiang yiyun
Roles assigned: Alice(Mabelle)
James, husband(tianxin)
Interviewer, boss, colleague(yuran)
Interviewer, colleague,narrator(yiyun)


Narrator: Alice just graduated from a famous university. With passion and confidence, she went
for an interview and was looking forward to her bright future.
[Walk into the room and greet the interviewers]
Interviewer 1: Please introduce yourself.
Alice: My name is Alice. I graduated from National University of Singapore.
James: my name is James. I also graduated from the same university.
[10 minutes later]
Interviewer 2: James, you may leave now.
[James leaving]
Interview 2: Alice, I have some extra question for you.
[Alice nodded nervously]
Interviewer 1: Are you married?
Alice: No, I am not married yet.
Interviewer 1: Just a gentle remainder, our company doesn’t accept for new employee’s leave
request which spans over two weeks in their first 2 years.


(Both Alice and James passed the interview and started working at the company. After some
time, rumors about them were spread out. )
Colleague 1: Have you heard about the two new employees? Do you know that I heard rumors
about James being promoted in just a few months.
Colleague 2: But actually I think Alice has been doing better for the projects assigned to her.
Colleague 1: I know right, but James is a boy. So bias.
[Alice accidentally passed by when they were talking]

Scene 3

[ After 3 years, Alice was married and found out she was pregnant. Alice wants to get maternity
leave and asked her boss about it]
[ Alice went into the office hesitantly]
Alice: I wish to apply for maternity leave.
Boss: Are you sure about taking maternity leave? I was planning to introduce you to an important
Alice: I’ve got no choice.
[Boss sighed]
Boss: okay, I’ll help you to apply the leave.

Scene 4

[After 4 months, Alice went back into the company ]

[One morning, the baby is crying]
Husband: Can you go and take care of the baby? He’s crying again.
Alice: I am almost late for work. I have to go now.
Husband: You are the mother. You are supposed to take care of the baby, not me. Seriously, I
think you should quit in your job.
[ Alice walked away angrily]
[Alice came to the workplace late]
[Alice passed the document to the manager]
Manager: I am not in charge of this project. James has taken over it now.
[Alice is a bit surprised] : Oh, OK.
[Alice gave the document to James]
James: This is supposed to be handed in by last Friday. [He flipped through the pages] And you
didn’t complete the finance section.
[Alice apologized and went back to her desk to finish hurriedly]
James: The boss want you in his office now.
[Alice want to the office]
Boss: I am so disappointed with you, Alice. You have been late for so many days. I understand
that you have just come back from your leave, but you should be serious about your work. If you
continue to show this kind of behaviors, I will fire you.
[Alice felt sad bend her head downwards]
Narrator: If you were in her shoes, what would you do?

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