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ANNEX EV: Aptitude test

Aptitude test for the Master’s degree in Computational Science and Engineering at the Technical
University of Munich

1. Purpose of the procedure

1The qualification for the Master’s degree in Computational Science and Engineering requires, in
addition to the requirements of Section 36 (1) No. 1 to 3, proof of suitability in accordance with
Section 36 (1) No. 4 in accordance with the following regulations. 2The special qualifications and
skills of the applicants should correspond to a professional field in the natural sciences or
engineering. 3Individual suitability parameters are:
1.1 Ability to work scientifically or in a basic and method-oriented manner,
1.2 Existing specialist knowledge from the first degree in a natural or engineering course.

2. Procedure for checking suitability

2.1 The procedure for checking suitability is carried out annually.
2.2 1The applications for admission to the procedure, together with the documents according to
Nos. 2.3.1 up to and including 2.3.5 and Section 36 (1) Nos. 2 and 3 for the winter semester,
must be submitted to the Technical University in the online application process by May 31st
Munich (preclusive period). ²The certificate and the certificate as proof of the passing of the
bachelor’s course must be submitted to the TUM Center for Study and Teaching - Application
and Enrollment no later than five weeks after the start of the lecture period.
3Otherwise, it is not yet possible to start the master’s course in accordance with Section 36 of these
2.3 The following must be attached to the application:

2.3.1 a transcript of records with modules totaling at least 120 credits or with

are subject to at least two thirds of the performance required for the first degree; the
transcript of records must be issued by the responsible examination authority or the
responsible study office,
2.3.2 a tabular curriculum vitae,
2.3.3 A written justification of a maximum of 2 A4 pages for the choice of the Computational Science
and Engineering course at the Technical University of Munich, in which the applicants explain
the specific talents and interests based on which they are interested in the Computational
Science and Engineering master’s course at the Consider the Technical University of Munich
particularly suitable; The particular willingness to perform is to be justified, for example, by
statements on course-specific vocational training, internships, stays abroad or subject-related
further training in the bachelor's degree that went beyond attendance times and compulsory
courses; this has to be evidenced by attachments, if necessary,

2.3.4 Letters of recommendation from two university professors for the final examination of the
2.3.5 An assurance that the reasons for the choice of the course were prepared independently and
without outside help and that the thoughts taken from outside sources are identified as such.

3. Committee for the aptitude test, selection committees

3.1 1The aptitude test is carried out by the aptitude test committee and the selection committees. 2
The aptitude test committee is responsible for preparing the procedure, organizing it and
ensuring a structured and standardized procedure for determining suitability within the
framework of these statutes; it is responsible, unless another responsibility is determined by
these regulations or delegations.3The implementation of the procedure according to No. 5
subject to No. 3.2. Clause 11 is incumbent on the selection committees.

3.2 1The aptitude test committee consists of five members. 2These are appointed by the dean in
consultation with the dean of studies from among the members of the faculty of computer
science who are authorized to take examinations in the course. 3At least three of the committee
members must be university professors within the meaning of the BayHSchPG. 4thThe student
council has the right to nominate a student representative who will work in an advisory capacity
on the committee. 5A deputy is appointed for each member of the commission. 6thThe
commission elects a chairman from among its members. 7thFor the course of business, Section
30 of the TUM Basic Regulations in the currently applicable version applies. 8thThe term of office
of the members is one year. 9Extensions of the term of office and reappointments are possible.
10Urgent decisions that cannot be postponed can be made by the chairperson instead of the
committee for the aptitude test; He or she must inform the Commission of this immediately.11th
The study office supports the aptitude test committee and the selection committee; The
aptitude test committee can assign the study office the task of the formal admission test
according to No. 4 as well as the point assessment based on previously defined criteria for
which there is no room for assessment, in particular the conversion of the grade and the
determination of the total number of points achieved.

3.3 1The selection committees each consist of two members from the group of members of the Faculty
of Computer Science who are authorized to take examinations in accordance with Art. 62, Paragraph
1, Clause 1 of the BayHSchG in conjunction with the university examiners' ordinance in the degree
program. 2At least one member must be a university professor within the meaning of the
BayHSchPG. 3The activity as a member of the committee for the aptitude test can be carried out in
addition to the activity as a member of the selection committee. 4thThe members are appointed for
one year by the aptitude test committee; No. 3.2. Sentence 9 applies accordingly.5Different selection
committees can be set up for each criterion and level.

4. Admission to the aptitude test

4.1 Carrying out the aptitude test assumes that the documents specified in No. 2.2 are available in
the correct form, on time and in full.
4.2 1Those who meet the requirements according to No. 4.1 will be tested in the aptitude test
according to No. 5. 2Otherwise, a notice of rejection with reasons and instructions on legal
remedies will be issued.

5. Implementation of the aptitude test

5.1 First stage of the aptitude test
5.1.1 1Based on the written application documents required in accordance with No. 2.3, an
assessment is made of whether the applicants are suitable for the course in accordance with
No. 1 (first stage of the aptitude test). 2The documents submitted are rated on a scale from 0
to 100 points, with 0 being the worst and 100 being the best possible result.

The following evaluation criteria are used: Professional qualification:

1The curricular analysis of the existing specialist knowledge is not carried out through a
schematic comparison of the modules, but on the basis of competencies. 2It is based on the
bachelor's degree programs in the fields of natural and engineering sciences listed in the
following table and offered by the Technical University of Munich. Competencies from first degree

area Bachelor degree

Engineering Civil engineering


Bioprocess engineering

Chemical engineering

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Vehicle and engine technology

Computer science1

Computer science: games engineering1



Mechanical engineering

Mechatronics and information technology

Medical technology

monekluare biotechnology

Nuclear technology

Environmental engineering

Natural sciences biochemistry





1If it is found that there are no significant differences in terms of the competences
acquired (learning outcomes), a maximum of 20 points will be awarded. 2If this value is not
an integer, it is rounded up to the next larger number. 3Negative points are not awarded.
4thMissing competencies are deducted according to the credits of the assigned modules of
the corresponding bachelor's degree at the Technical University of Munich divided by the
factor X. 5The factor X results from dividing the number of credits of the corresponding
bachelor's degree at the Technical University of Munich by 20.

1 If courses from the natural and engineering sciences are missing in these courses, only a maximum of ten
points can be awarded for the competencies from the first course.
15th Competencies in higher mathematics

1Depending on the competencies, skills and knowledge in higher mathematics, a
maximum of 10 points are awarded. 2For this, at least competencies, skills and
knowledge are required, as they are conveyed in the framework of the basic or bachelor's
degree of an engineering course. 3The evaluation is based on the following criteria:

1. Competencies in the areas of linear algebra and analysis, which are essential for
scientific computing,
2. Skills in the field of numerics,
3. Knowledge in the field of stochastics. Competencies and skills in a modern programming language
1Depending on the competencies, skills and knowledge in a modern programming
language, a maximum of 10 points are awarded. 2The evaluation is based on the
following criteria:
1. Competencies in a programming language as it is currently used in the field of
scientific computing (e.g. C / C ++, Fortran, etc.),
2. Skills in an object-oriented programming language (e.g. C ++, Java, C #, etc.)
3. Knowledge of mathematics software (e.g. Maple, Matlab, Mathematika, etc.)
4. Practical programming experience (e.g. as part of a software development one
internship, a job, etc.).
3If a GRE or GATE test is to be submitted in accordance with Section 36 (1) No. 3, it is
assumed that there are no significant differences in level compared to the reference
criteria mentioned under No. with regard to the competencies documented in the
first degree are available, and the curricular analysis is carried out according to the
criteria mentioned above. Note
1One point is awarded for every tenth of a mark that is better than 2.5 in the course of
examinations totaling 120 credits (or two thirds of the achievements required for the first
degree). 2The maximum number of points is 15. 3Negative points are not awarded. 4thFor
foreign degrees, the grade converted using the Bavarian formula is used. 5If a transcript of
records with modules totaling more than 120 credits (or two thirds of the work required for
the first degree) is available at the time of application, the assessment is based on the best-
graded modules totaling 120 credits (or two thirds of the work required for the first degree) .
two thirds of the work required for the first degree). 6thIt is up to the applicants to list them in
the context of the application and to ensure the correctness of the information provided in
7thIf this is done, the average is calculated from the best graded module examinations
amounting to 120 credits (or two thirds of the work required for the first degree);

If this information is missing, the overall average grade submitted by the applicant will be
used 8thThe overall grade point average is calculated as the weighted grade mean of the
modules. 9The grade weights of the individual modules correspond to the assigned credits. 10
When determining the grade, one place after the decimal point is taken into account, all
other places are deleted without rounding. Letter of justification
The written justification is rated on a scale from 0 to 15 points. 2The content of the letter of
motivation is assessed according to the following criteria:
1. Special motivation:
The applicant has relevant qualifications that go beyond the knowledge and qualifications
acquired in the first degree, such as course-specific vocational training, internships, stays
abroad (see No. 2.3.3).
2. Particular suitability:
The applicant can present the relationship between personal skills and the content of the
course in a structured manner.
3The two selection committee members independently evaluate both criteria, whereby the
criteria are weighted equally. 4thThe number of points results from the arithmetic mean of
the individual evaluations, with whole points being rounded up. CV
1The résumé is rated on a scale from 0 to 20 points. 2The following points in particular are
included in the assessment:
1. Determination in the previous life course,
2. Soft skills (diversity),
3. Professional experience and internships,

4. Foreign and international experience.

3The two selection committee members independently evaluate the four criteria. 4thThe
number of points results from the arithmetic mean of the individual evaluations, with whole
points being rounded up. Letters of recommendation

1 The two letters of recommendation are rated on a scale of 0 to 10 points.

2 If there is only one letter of recommendation, a maximum of 5 points can be awarded.
3The following criteria are included in the evaluation:

1. Classification of the applicant in his or her year,

2. Assessment of the applicant's qualifications and description of important strengths and
weaknesses, for example in the context of joint projects or events.

The two selection committee members independently evaluate both criteria. 5The number
of points results from the arithmetic mean of the individual evaluations, with whole points
being rounded up.
5.1.2 The number of points for the first stage is the sum of the individual evaluations, rounded up
to whole points.
5.1.3 1Those who have achieved at least 70 points have passed the aptitude test. 2In cases in which
it has been determined that only individual technical prerequisites from the first degree are
not met, the selection committee can demand that basic examinations from the
corresponding natural or engineering science subjects be completed with a maximum of 30
credits. 3These basic exams must be passed successfully in the first year of study. 4thFailed
basic examinations are only allowed within this period

be repeated once at the next exam date. 5The examination board can make admission to
individual module examinations dependent on passing the basic examination.

5.1.4 Anyone who has achieved less than 50 points has not passed the aptitude test.

5.2 Second stage of the aptitude test

5.2.1 1The remaining applicants will be invited to a selection interview.
2As part of the second stage of the aptitude test, the qualification acquired in the first degree
and the result of the selection interview are assessed. 3The date for the interview will be
announced at least one week in advance. 4thTime slots for any interviews to be carried out
must be set before the application deadline. 5Applicants must adhere to the set date for the
interview. 6thAnyone who is unable to take part in the selection interview for reasons for
which he or she is not responsible can, on receipt of a justified request, be given an
additional appointment no later than two weeks before the start of the lecture period.

5.2.2 1The selection interview must be carried out individually for each applicant. 2The interview
has a duration of at least 20 and a maximum of 30 minutes per applicant and is intended to
show whether the applicant can be expected to achieve the goal of the course independently
and responsibly on a scientific basis. 3If there are any ambiguities in the written application
documents listed under No. 5.1.1 of the first stage of the aptitude test, these can be clarified
in the aptitude interview; this concerns above all the technical suitability and in turn the
degree of competence in the areas of advanced mathematics and programming.

4th The following aspects are assessed:

1. Particular willingness to perform, which leads to the expectation that the level of performance of the
preliminary qualification in general or in relation to the chosen subject will be significantly exceeded:

Have you proven that your studies have progressed quickly and purposefully?

Is there a specific suitability for a subject that can be specifically studied in the course,
as evidenced by additional modules or non-university activities (e.g. membership or
work in relevant organizations) in this area?
Are specific experiences with research-oriented work recognizable (e.g. special
research orientation in the previous study choice, participation in research projects)?

2. Suitability parameters according to No. 1.1 and No. 1.2:

Presentation of previous specialist knowledge, previous focus,

Competences acquired in the undergraduate degree in the areas according to No.,
Thesis topic.
3. Communication skills:
clear, fluid and appropriately presented and discussed facts in the style of the situation,

own thoughts and opinions are precisely expressed and more extensive answers are
structured in a conversation,
Questions about the first degree or the focus are answered with exact terminology and
still understandable,
Statements are convincingly justified by arguments and meaningful examples,

Questions on scientific topics or on one's own competencies and expectations are

easily understood or, if necessary, clarified through queries.
5The subject matter can also be the documents submitted in accordance with No. 2.3.
Scientific knowledge that should only be imparted in the Master’s degree in Computational
Science and Engineering does not make the difference. 7thWith the consent of the applicants,
a member of the group of students can be admitted to the audience.

5.2.3 1The selection committee members independently evaluate each of the focal points listed in
No. 5.2.2, whereby the focal points are weighted equally. 2Each of the members records the
result of the selection interview on a scale from 0 to 45, with 0 being the worst and 45 being
the best possible result. 3The number of points results from the arithmetic mean of the
individual evaluations, with whole points being rounded up.

5.2.4 1The total number of points for the second level is the sum of the points from No. 5.2.3 and
the points from No. (professional qualification) and No. (grade). 2Those who
have achieved 70 or more points have passed the aptitude test. 3Applicants with an overall
rating of less than 70 points have not passed the aptitude test.

5.3 Determination and announcement of the result

1The result of the aptitude test is determined on the basis of the number of points achieved
and announced in a notification. 2Notices of rejection must be justified and provided with
information on legal remedies.

5.4 The established suitability applies to all subsequent applications for this degree program.

6. Documentation
1The process of the aptitude test is to be documented; In particular, the names of the persons
involved in the decision, the names of the applicants, the assessment of the first and second
stage and the overall result must be evident from the documentation.2A record is to be made of
the interview, in which the day, duration and place of the assessment, the names of the
participating selection committee members, the names of the applicants and key topics of the
interview are presented

7. Repetition
Anyone who has not passed the aptitude test can re-register for the aptitude test once.

Issued on the basis of the resolution of the Academic Senate of the Technical University of Munich on July 14, 2021 and the
approval of the President of the Technical University of Munich on September 7, 2021.

Munich, September 7, 2021

Technical University of Munich

Thomas F. Hofmann

These statutes were laid down in the university on September 7, 2021; the resignation was announced on September 7,
2021 by a notice in the university. The day of the announcement is therefore September 7, 2021.

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