MYP5 - HalfYealy Test

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[Maximum Marks 8]
A nutritionist prescribes this diet to a patient:
● 4000 units of carbohydrates
● 500 units of fat
● 300 units of protein

The nutritionist has combined these into two types of protein shake. Type A costs $3 per
pack and type B costs $2.50 per pack. One pack of type A contains 10 units of
carbohydrates, 20 units of fat and 15 units of protein. One pack of type B contains 25
units of carbohydrates, 10 units of fat and 20 units of protein.
Solve for the minimum cost for a diet that consists of a mixture of these two shakes and
meets the minimum requirements. The food must not contain any more than 4000 unit
of carbohydrates, any less than 500 units of fat and 300 units of protein.

Use graphing software ( to graph the problem

Shake 1 – X
Shake 2 – Y

Carbs - 10 x +25y>4000
Fat – 20x+10y>500

Protein – 15x+20y>300

Points – (0,160) , (400,0)

Z3= 75$

Shake 1 is cheaper with the minimum cost of 75

No of units – 75 units
2. [Maximum Marks 8]
A frog leaps from a lily pad. Viewed from the side, its initial position is given by (0, 0).
The x-axis is horizontal and the y-axis is vertical;

3 1 2
The trajectory of its flight is given by y = f (x) where f ( x )= x− x
4 4
a) Draw a graph of its trajectory for −1 ≤ x ≤ 4. [3]

Use graphing software ( to graph the problem

b) Find the distance it travels before returning to its starting height. [1]

c) The frog can change its jump by modifying the angle and speed with which it
launches off. Describe clearly how its jump would vary if its new trajectory were
given by; y = f (2x) [2]

d) Explain, why w = −0.8 f (x) does not model a trajectory for the frog’s jump. [2]
SECTION-B (Criterion B and C)
Investigating Patterns and Communications

3. [Maximum Marks 15]

In a subway network of stations, every journey consists of a start point and a different
end point.

If you consider just two of the stations, call them A and B, then the only two possible
journeys are AB and BA.

If you add in a third station, C, there are six possible journeys.

a) List the six journeys that are possible with three stations, A, B and C. [3]

The six possible journeys are :-

b) Write down the total number of possible journeys with four stations, A, B, C and
D. [4]

The total number of possible journeys with four stations are :-

AB , AC,AD,BC,BC,CD,BA,CA,DA,CB,DB,DC . All of these equal to 12 journeys

c) Describe a general rule linking the number of stations on the network to the total
number of possible journeys. [5]

0,2,6,12 , 20 , 30
2 4. 6 8 10

B= -1


Final Equation – n2-n

The Metropolitano de Lisboa, Lisbon’s underground railway, has 55 stations.

d) Predict the total number of possible journeys. [1]

N=2970 Journeys

e) Predict the number of additional possible journeys that there would be if two
extra stations were built. [2]
N = 57
57 2-57
=3192 Journeys
Additional journeys – 3192-2970=222 journeys

SECTION-C (Criterion D and C)

Applying Mathematics in the real life context and communications

4. [Maximum Marks 22]

Domino’s pizza is delicious. The company’s success is proof that people enjoy their pies.
The company is also tech savvy: you can order online, and they even have a pizza
tracker so you can keep tabs on your delivery!
The website is great. But one thing it’s not is transparent. Domino's does not tell
you how much the component pieces cost; they only tell you an item's final price after
you build it.
Click on the ‘See Video’ to check the ordering procedure on dominoes website:

See Video
Reference website:
a) Below are the prices for a medium 2-topping pizza and a medium 4-topping pizza
from Domino’s. Suggest how much do you think Domino’s is charging for each
topping, and how much would you expect to pay for a plain cheese pizza? [3]

Price difference between pizzas - $2.98

Price for each topping - $1.49

Therefore , each topping costs $1.49

For 2 toppings – 1.49(2)- 2.98$ on toppings

For 4 toppings – 1.49(4) – 5.96 $ on toppings

Medium Plain cheese – 13.97 – 1.49(2)=10.99

b) Deduce an equation you could use to determine the price of a pizza for a given
number of toppings. Then plot the graph for it. [4]
Use graphing software ( to graph the problem

C= Price of pizza
T=Number of toppings
C= 10.99+1.49 t
c) If you have ordered your favorite medium pizza with 4 toppings, suggest how
much would you expect to spend? [1]

If I order a 3 topping pizza the cost will be = 10.99+1.49*3=15.46 $

d) If you double the number of toppings that you have order, do you pay twice as
much for the pizza? Justify? [3]

Price for 3 toppings – 15.46$

Price for 6 toppping – 10.99+ 1.49*6=19.93$
No we wouldn’t be paying double the price for double the toppings as base price if also

e) Derive an equation for the price of a small Domino’s pizza and an equation for the
price of a large Domino’s pizza. Find which has the highest cost per topping, of all
3 sizes. [5]
Cost per topping – 2/2 topping = $1
Cost per topping = 5.07/3=1.69$

Equation = C=8.99+1t

Equation = 12.99+1.69t
f) If you had $20, analyze the maximum number of toppings you could order in
each size – small, medium, and large – and which would you choose? [6]
5. [Maximum Marks 11]
You are lucky enough to find the only surviving copy of a treasure map left by the
notorious pirate Short James Platinum- scourge of seven seas. He has buried many
pieces of treasure on the island- each in a different location. Can you find few of them?
(On the map, 1 unit equals one league.)

a) Find the coordinates of exact location of Tsarina’s Tiara, as it buried due west of
Skull Rock. And it is as far from Skull Rock to the Tiara as it is from Falling Palms
to Kasper’s Cave. [2]
b) The Bounty from Belize is buried deep – so be sure to pick the right place. On the
route, straight from Falling Palms to Grey Cliffs, stop at the point that is closest to
Kaspar’s Cave. Head one league west and dig deep.
I. Find the distance from Falling Palms to Kaspar’s Cave. [1]

II. Find the distance from the Grey Cliffs to Kaspar’s Cave. [1]

III. Hence, show that Grey Cliffs, Kaspar’s Cave and Falling Palms form an
isosceles triangle. [2]
IV. Explain how this tells you that the point closest to Kaspar’s Cave that lies
on the line from Falling Palms to Grey Cliffs is the midpoint of the line. [4]

V. Hence, determine the location of the Bounty from Belize. [1]

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