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Lokesh Sharma [MU - Jaipur]

From: Saumya Paliwal <>

Sent: 08 April 2021 01:48 PM
To: Dr. Lokesh Sharma [MU - Jaipur]
Cc: Nikhil Abhichandani; Abhishek Aggarwal; Nitin Kalani; Akhshila Mathur
Subject: Counselor Training | Manipal Jaipur | 8th April

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Dear Mr. Lokesh

Greetings of the day!

It was such a pleasure connecting with you today. In respect of the discussions and training we conducted today I'm noting down some points we discussed for reference.

Advance Filters: We can use advanced filters such as Lead Stage, Form Initiated, Course, etc. to segregate the data along with the option to save filters as P1, P2, P3, etc.
basis priority.

Priority Calling: It is always important for a counselor to prioritize its leads in order to nurture them efficiently and effectively.

1. Priority 1 - Form Initiated but Payment Pending these are those applicants who have initiated the form but due to some reason haven't initiated the payment yet, below
are the filters counselors can apply:

2. Priority 2. Verified but form not started these are the leads who have verified themselves but haven't started filling application form yet, below are the filters counselors
can apply:

3. Priority 3 - Unverified leads these are the leads who haven't verified themselves, below are the filters counselors can apply:

Active Negative Disposed Lead: Leads which are marked as No Response/Cold/ Warm by the counselors long back, it may happen that they are now active and are now
showing the interest for the institution but we would not be nurturing them as they are marked as cold/not interested. Therefore, by using the below filters counselors can
reach out to the leads who are active now, below are the filters counselors can use:

Campaign Instance: The campaign instance filter helps us to take out the leads who have entered our system for the second or third time, below are the filters counselors can

1. Primary- When the leads come for the first time in our system it is captured as Primary Lead
2. Secondary- When the same lead comes for the second time from a different source is known as secondary lead
3. Tertiary- when the same lead comes for the third time in our system from a different source is known as Tertiary lead.

Reassigning of Leads and Applictaions:

 In Leads manager once you select a lead need to be reassigned. Go to the reassign icon on the right panel. Select the counselor the lead needs to be reassigned
to. Remember not to uncheck your name while reassigning a lead to another counselor.

 In Application manager if you reassign against a particular application, the application is assigned to the particular counselor and not the lead. Therefore the
lead will still show in your bucket and the only application details will be shown in the login of the counselor reassigned.
Save views:

 You can save views both in lead manager and application manager by using advanced filters as per your requirements. There can be multiple views saved in the
system. You can access it and delete it according to your ease. There is a default system view created at all times.

 Navigate to Lead Manager > Filter.

      Apply the relevant filters.

 After applying the relevant filters. Click on “Save Filters” just on the left side of Apply button.

 A box named “Save Filters” will Appear.

 Enter the Filter name you want to keep.

 Click on “Make as by default”, if any.

 Click on “Save”.

 In order to access the filters, you have saved.

 Go to “Applied Filter” on the top left side.

 Click on “Default View” a box will open.

 Under “Quick Filter” you can access the filter you have saved.

 The filters which you would have made default will appear under “Default View”.

 NOTE: When you save a filter and make it default, the next time you open the Lead Manager or for that matter Application Manager the view that you’ll get of
the Leads or Application will be that of Default.

 Another way to save filter:

 Navigate to Lead Manager > Add/Remove Column.

 A box named “Save Filters” will open.

 Enter the Filter name you want to keep.

 Click on “Make as by default”, if any.

 Click on “Save View”.

 In order to access the filters, you have saved

 Click on “Add/Remove Column”

 A box will open. Go on the extreme bottom of the box.

 A label “Quick Advance View” will appear.

 You can access the filter under that label.

 The filters which you would have made default will appear under the same label.

 NOTE: When you save a filter and make it default, the next time you open the Lead Manager or for that matter Application Manager the view that you’ll get of
the Leads or Application will be that of Default.

Help Option -

 Going forward on your respective dashboard we have added a button, by clicking on which. the users will be able to access the
articles created so as to guide the users step by step on different topics.

Please feel free to connect with me in case of any queries.

Saumya Paliwal To help
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