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Preparatory Year – Course of Czech Language for Foreigners

First Name: Abdoul aliou      Last Name: Balde     

Date of Birth: 31  JAN 1996      Place of Birth:GUINEA      

1. Do you live or have you lived in the Czech Republic? Yes No

If yes, please specify:

2. What is your motivation to learn Czech?

     I intend to study Czech to be able to continue my studies in Czech universities which
offer world renowned training, and also to benefit from the advantages of speaking a foreign

3. Have you learned Czech (or another Slavic language) before? Yes No
If yes, please specify which language, for how long, and where?

4. What is your native language?


5. What is your knowledge and level of other languages?

Language: English       Level: B1

Language:       Level:

Language:       Level:

The questionnaire may be completed in Czech, English, French, German, Russian, or Spanish. All questions are compulsory.
6. Do you have relatives or friends in the Czech Republic? Yes No
7. What are your plans upon completion of the programme? In which ways would you like to
make use of the acquired knowledge?
     I will wish to use the knowledge acquired by continuing my studies in the Czech
Republic at the and of the program

8. In case you wish to learn Czech for the purpose of further studies in Czech, please state
your areas of interest.
     I wish to learn Czech in order to continue studying in this country. My mains centers of
interest are biology , health , technology …

9. What do you associate the Czech Republic with? What comes to your mind when you
think about the Czech Republic?
     the Czech Republic being at the center of Europe , I associate it with diversity and the
opportunity to discover Europe . When I think about this country, the first thing that comes
to mind is the brilliant career of my cousin who studied there , worked before getting a
promotion in the USA , so the Czech Republic reminds me of success

10. How did you find out about the course?

     I always wanted study there so I fund your university and this program through the
google search engine

11. Is there anything else you would like to add in support of your application to the course?
     I would like to add that being admitted to this course is a great advantage for me
because with globalization speaking several language is a necessity , and what better to
learn a foreign language than total immersion . the continuous practice of a language with
the natives of the country is the best way to master it .

The questionnaire may be completed in Czech, English, French, German, Russian, or Spanish. All questions are compulsory.

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