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Our main subject, Helios White, was born in Detroit, Michigan with his family of threeHerman White, Hailey White, and their daughter, Helen White. Mister Herman and his wife were the world's greatest scientists. Throughout their research, they have found ways to protect the Arctic glaciers from melting and have built a device that will enable a person to drill their way to the Earth's core. Their latest project was the building of a time machine. They even confessed that this might be the hardest of their experiments. The world doesn't seem to have such enhanced technology. But that won't them from achieving their greatest goal yet. Now, I shall tell you about their children. Helen, the older of the two is, indeed, extraordinary. She is only fifteen, but she and her brother attend a school for the most gifted children in North America and Europe. She has won a Nobel Prize in chemistry. She has saved the US from terrorism by incarcerating the one who started it all. Helen was given a Nobel Peace Prize and was known as a national hero. Now, we come upon Helios, who is known as a twelve year old genius. And he ISN'T all fun and games. When Helios was one, he taught himself how to read. At the age of two, he learned to talk in fluent English. Three, he could write (even in cursive). Helios, however, is the complete opposite of his sister. In first grade, he hacked into the school computer and made all the tests twice as hard. From what we know, Helios isn't sure to win a Nobel Peace Prize or any other in fact. He once hacked into his entire sister's electronicscell phones, computer, etc.--

and sent blackmailed letters and texts that he made seem as though it was sent from Helen's current boyfriend. She immediately broke up with him. But Helios isn't done. He thinks up new schemes each day just for his own entertainment. You wouldn't exactly call them hobbies. Turn the page to see his latest scheme. (STAY POSTED ON MY PAGE FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER). And by the way, there are more books where that came from.

Helios White walked to his class with his usual vampire grin. He and his sister attended Malpense Academy, a school for the most gifted children in North America and Europe. When his professors saw him with a grin, they shivered. They knew that another one of his schemes was coming. And that they were soon to be victims. On the first day of school, Helios had planted a stink bomb in the girls restroom. There was so much mayhem that day that Helios could not help but smile. Girls spewing out of the restrooms. Screaming. Vomiting. All started by a twelve-year-old boy. From that day forward Helios has been on strict probation. It was first period and Helios, a genius as you can tell, still could not tell what the purpose of school was. It was boring. It was meaningless. But it was also Helios s laboratory. And that was pretty much the only reason why Helios liked school.

Helios. H-E-L-I-O-S! Professor Berkley hollered. And that was another. The annoyed faces of his teachers always gave him a short gig. Professor Berkley s face was the color of the sunset. This was Helioss favorite time of the day, because that was when he got most of his latest schemes. Professor Berkley was a bald overweight man who had a bushy mustache (that he spent much of his free time grooming, weird) and always seemed to wear plaid shirts with suspenders. Helios had invented a game for his own pleasure. He counted how long it took each of his teachers to finally lose their temper. Helios had lost count since most of his teachers had either resigned or gotten fired. Anyway, it had been twenty seconds, and Professor Berkley s skin tone had begun to fade back to its original phaseplump pink. Which meant it was time for Plan B. Professor Berkley began walking down the aislewhich was a little too thin of a gap, so he had to push the desks over a bit to provide more room for his oversized stomachtoward Helios s desk. Helios, Helios? he pondered aloud. What should I do amongst thou? Helios laughed. The only reason Professor Berkley talked that way was because it made him seem superior. Which he was everything but. Professor Berkley was three feet away from Helios. Target Acquired. Helios pulled out a device from inside his desk. The device was similar to that of an XBOX controller. Helios had transfixed the wires with those of the digital camera that was currently hovering overhead. If his calculations were precise, then in a few seconds the

interior lens will extend and contract light into Ultra-Violet Rays that will wound the target: which was indeed Professor Berkley. Now, Helios just had to keep the target in range. So what was this about Helios? Helios pretended to be interested. He was a magnificent actor by the way. Professor Berkley s glare faded. He always liked the opportunity to show off his teaching skills. But to Helios, an infant could teach the laws of physics better than him. Professor Berkley kept on talking, and after a few seconds he had started rambling. But Helios didn t care. What he was concerned about was that the target was moving out of range. Time for Plan C. Helios pierced Professor Berkley in the knee s pressure point. Professor Berkley let out a howl and stumbled to the floor. Target Acquired! Helios pressed the X button and fired. The power for this device was overwhelming. So overwhelming that all the lights in the classroom blacked out. AHH!! someone shrieked.

There was a radiant ray that lighted the room. The camera vibrated and as the gears got to work. Professor Berkley looked up, confused. What? His bifocals were crooked and the lens glass had cracked. The light from the camera emanated on the classmates displaying their astonishment. faces,

Suddenly, the vibrating ceased. The Camera emitted a brighter glow than ever that blinded the classmates with an intense flash. This happened so fast that Helios was lucky to have planned an escape route. If you knew one thing about Helios, he always came prepared. The flash, however, was a decoy. While the students were busy adjusting their eyesight, Helios pushed back a ceiling tile and climbed in. Seconds later, there came a thunderous boom! that shook the classroomperhaps, the entire building. Helios put on his Anti-Goggles (he liked to call them) that showed an entire blueprint of the school. It felt like Helios was in a videogame. A 4Dimensional atmosphere. The Anti-Goggles projected every bit of movement so that it looked like everything was in slow-motion. Finally, Helios found a vent, and, while using his Laser Ring to uproot all of the vent s supports, the vent tumbled away, and so did Helios, into his sister s steel grip. It was weird. Helen had a knack at knowing where Helios was, and what we has and is about to do. Even though she had helped him out of death-like situations, it didn t that Helios had to like it. Helen was just like that. She could read anything (literally) like a book. She can hack into your mainframe, read even your most secret files without any delay. Throughout everyone Helios has met, Helen was the only one who had ever outsmarted him. By the time Helen had hauled him into the detention room (did I mention that she was also the strongest person Helios had ever known); Helios couldn t believe how much trouble he had caused. Helios had learned four things throughout the strict lecture that he had later received from his sister.

(One) Professor Berkley hadn t diedthank goodnessbut he was seriously injured, and, (Two) so were a lot of kids in the class. That part really hit Helios. Professor Berkley had been his only target. The Camera had overwhelmed Helios s hypotheses. This amazed Helios, but just a little bit. Anyways, (Three) He had to pay for all the insurance that led to the damage and the lives he had wronged. Helen broke Helios s line of thought with one of those phrases that parents always use: Do you understand? Helios didn t know how to respond. He was still astonished about all that had happened. He couldn t let this go on forever. He just couldn t. This had gone too far. Maybe his experiments would have to wait. If anyone could think another way to do their experiments without any harm committed to others, it was Helios. And that was his answer: Good, Yes. Now let s go home.

Helen concluded.

As Helios and his sister walked to the elevator, people gave them harsh looks. Helios felt sorry for Helen. He may have ruined her reputation. People were yelling rude comments at them as they, too, evacuated the building. Helios clenched his fists. This all would have to end. Helios was starting anew...


Helios White hated the way his new life was going. Everybody still gave him the dirty looks. And the silent treatment was still very functioning. If he was still his old self, who knew what could happen. But Helios tried so hard to forget his past life. But it s technically impossible for a kid with photographic and audio-graphic memory to forget things so easily. Unfortunately, that kid was yours truly, Helios White. His sister, Helen had given him some tips on how to be wellbehaved , but Helios just couldn t stand being bossed around. To him, Helios had outgrown that stage. A long time ago... His teachers still feared him. In fact, everyone did. Helios used to like being feared upon. It gave him the authority to manipulate others as he pleased. But that feeling never returned. After many weeks, Helios had realized what he was missing. Something that his sisters had a lot of that made her one of the most popular kids in the Malpense Academyfriends. At first, Helios thought of the friends as an outlaw. The word didn t even make sense. What was the point of having friends if they would later betray you? Helios continually brought this statement up with Helen. But she usually avoided it by saying, I already have too many friends. So it won t really make a difference.

Helios just sighed. Quantum Physics, Physical Chemistry, Thermodynamics...all of these were hard enough to deal with. But nothing compared to females. Even the greatest of scientists couldn t attempt the understanding of girls. The best way to understand someone was to see how they felt, become them. But becoming a girl was just a bit too far for Helios. Life as a twelve-year-old boy was torture enough.

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