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 ___________________________________________   Mod:  ________  

Date:  _______  /  ________  /  2011   U4.LP6:  Regulatory  Agencies  of  the  Executive  Branch  
Objective:  SW  describe  regulatory  agencies  work  in  order  to  analyze  aspects  of  Executive  Branch  
departments  and  agencies.    
Children's  Television  Programming  
“[An  educational  program]  must  be  a  regularly  scheduled,  weekly  program  of  at  least  30  
minutes,  and  aired  between  7:00  a.m.  and  10:00  p.m.  The  program  must  also  be  identified  as  
educational  and  informational  for  children  when  it  is  aired….  Broadcasters  will  …  air  three  
hours  per  week  of  [educational]  programming.”    
 –  From  an  order  issued  by  the  Federal  Communication  Commission  (FCC)  in  1996    

1. What  is  an  advantage  of  the  FCC  decision?    

 2.    What  is  a  disadvantage  of  the  FCC  decision?    
Introduction  to  New  Material  
Main  Points   Supporting  Details  
What  are   • Agencies  are  responsible  for  implementing  the  specific  __________  and  
regulatory   regulations  within  laws  passed  by  ____________  or  Executive  Orders  made  by  the  
agencies?     President.    
  • Agencies  focus  on  one  issue  such  as  the  environment.    
  • Agencies  are  part  of  the  ________________  Branch  but  operate  independently  from  
  the  departments.    
  • Agencies  exist  at  the  ________________  and  state  level.    
Important   • Some  of  the  important  regulatory  agencies  are:    
regulatory   o _______________________  Protection  Agency  
agencies   o Food  and  Drug  Administration  
  o Federal  __________________  Commission    
  o Federal  ______________  Commission    
  o Federal  _____________  Administration  
  o Federal  Deposit  Insurance  Corporation  
Why  do  we  have   • As  government  began  to  create  more  programs  to  help  people  after  the  Great  
regulatory   Depression  in  the  1920’s,  the  Departments  had  _______  __________  work  to  do  so  
agencies?   specific  agencies  and  _________________  were  developed.    
  • The  Executive  Department  created  agencies  to  deal  with  the  growing  need  to  
  execute  laws.    The  main  reason  why  we  have  agencies  are:    
  o Focused  attention  and  expertise  on  one  area  which  means  they  can  
  respond  quickly  and  efficiently  to  __________________  needs.    
  o Independent  which  means  they  don’t  have  to  answer  to  others.    
What  do  some  of   • All  agencies  focus  on  promoting  the  general  ________________  of  people  by  
the  regulatory   keeping  people  safe  and  _______________  in  various  aspects  of  human  life.    
agencies  do?     • _____________________  Protection  Agency:  supports  car  companies  in  making  
  cars  more  fuel  efficient,  pays  for  studies  on  how  to  improve  air  quality,  fines  
  companies  that  violate  pollution  rules.  
  • Federal  _____________  Commission:  proposes  ways  to  help  businesses  protect  
  _____________  privacy,  protects  consumers  by  promoting  ______________  in  
  specific  industries  like  health  care,  consumer  goods.  
  • Federal  Aviation  Administration:  creates  and  ___________  safety  regulations  
about  _____________________,  such  as  plane  inspection  requirements,  pilot  
training  and  work  hours  requirements.  
Check  for  Understanding  
1.     4.    
2.     5.    
o The  rest  of  the  class  will  be  spent  focusing  on  the  Executive  Department  and  Agency  project.    
o We  will  analyze  a  specific  agency  together  in  the  Guided  Practice.    
o You  will  then  use  the  mobile  lab  to  research  information  about  your  Department  or  Agency  in  the  
Independent  Practice.    
Guided  Practice:  Center  for  Disease  Control  
*  What  is  the  commonly  used  acronym  for  the  organization?    ____________________  
*  Draw  or  print  out  their  logo  for  the  presentation.    
*  Who  are  the  top  leaders  of  the  organization?  Who  were  the  three  leaders  before  them?    
– ____________________________,  MD,  MPH  is  the  Director.    
The  Past  three  leaders  were:    
– ______________  Satcher,  MD,  PhD  (1993–1998)  
– Jeffrey  P.  Koplan,  MD,  MPH  (1998–2002)  
– Julie  _______________,  MD,  MPH  (2002–2008)    
*  How  big  is  their  budget  and  where  does  it  come  from?    
The  budget  is  ___________________________  
*  How  does  the  Department  organize  itself?  What  organizations  or  branches  does  this  Department  
oversee?  (You  must  find  an  organizational  chart  for  the  Department  online)  [S,  V]  

*  When  was  the  Department  or  Agency  established?  Why  was  it  established?  [P]  
It  was  developed  in  1942  during  the  2nd  world  war  to  deal  with  ________________.  Its  first  leader  advocated  
to  expand  the  Centers  to  focus  on  public  health.    They  focused  on  communicable  diseases.  It  was  renamed  
CDC  in  1970.    
*  What  is  their  purpose?  What  do  they  do?  [P]    
The  CDC  is  in  charge  of  promoting  _______________  ________________  and  safety  to  enhance  healthy  choices  and  
living  among  _______________________.  The  CDC  works  with  state  __________________  departments  and  other  
organizations.  They  focus  on  disease  _____________________  and  control  especially  infectious  diseases  such  as  
*  What  major  events  or  political  issues  have  recently  come  up  for  the  Department  or  Agency?  
Have  there  been  any  scandals?  Have  they  done  anything  cool  recently?  [P]  
The  CDC  conducted  a  _____________  to  see  whether  11  deaths  of  ______________  workers  in  Southern  States  
could  be  linked  between  ____________  -­‐produced  dry  wall  or  not.  They  found  no  link  between  the  deaths  
and  the  drywall.  The  say  that  the  deaths  were  due  to  ___________________  health  conditions.    
*  Where  are  their  major  buildings  located?  (Include  a  map  of  the  region  where  the  offices  are  
located)  [S,  V]  
Centers  for  Disease  Control  and  Prevention,  1600  Clifton  Rd,  _________________,  GA  30333,  U.S.A.    
Independent  Practice  
• You  will  work  on  the  mobile  laptops  to  research  information  about  your  department  or  agency.  
• Use,  google,  wikipedia.  Write  the  information  in  a  word  document.  You  can  put  
it  in  your  poster  or  powerpoint  later.  

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