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November 12, 2021

TOM FOWDY, RUSSIA TODAY .......................................................................................................................... 2

ROBERT INLAKESH, RUSSIA TODAY .................................................................................................................. 4

ALEX DE WAAL, FOREIGN AFFAIRS ................................................................................................................... 6

JAMEEL JAFFER, FOREIGN AFFAIRS ................................................................................................................ 10

MICHAEL KUGELMAN, SOUTH ASIAN VOICES ................................................................................................ 14

RAY MWAREYA, AL-JAZEERA ......................................................................................................................... 17

MITZI JONELLE TAN, AL-JAZEERA ................................................................................................................... 19

RIAZ RIAZUDDIN, DAWN NEWS ..................................................................................................................... 21

The US’ coercive sanctions on Cambodia are actually aimed at
another obvious target

Tom Fowdy, Russia Today

W ashington has country of 16 million people sized), or, if they are weak
highlighted to give the US unrestricted enough, to attempt to change
‘corruption’ as access to its own facilities. them by some forceful means,
justification for a new array of including the use of sanctions,
Does anyone seriously believe
sanctions against Phnom regime change or even war. In
that Washington would allow
Penh, but in reality this the Middle East, it seeks to
China or Russia into its own
bullying manoeuvre is another contain Iran in partnership
naval facilities? How do you
step in its ongoing efforts to with Israel and Saudi Arabia,
think the media would
contain China. while also trying to topple
respond if either Moscow or
regimes Tehran supports, such
Earlier this week, the United Beijing made those demands
as in Syria and Lebanon.
States slapped a series of against a third country?
sanctions on Cambodia, Placing this model of US
Hypocrisy aside, it is
blacklisting officials and foreign policy into the
absolutely clear that the US is
military leaders whom they geopolitical layout of
intent on turning the heat up
accuse of corruption and Southeast Asia, there are
on Phnom Penh, because it
issuing an advisory, warning several countries which,
sees it as an important chess
businesses “to be mindful of irrespective of their
piece in the game against
interactions with entities in governments, have
China. Cambodia is a
corrupt business practices, overlapping strategic interests
Southeast Asian country
criminal activities and human that complement the US to
which is more loyal to China
rights abuses.” some degree, providing some
than others in the region, but
space for Washington to work
Washington has more threats one that has less strategic
with them – for example,
lined up, too, warning it would clout than some of the others.
Vietnam, the Philippines and
review Cambodia’s trade It’s obvious that until it
benefits under its reorients itself more towards
‘Generalized System of Washington, America will Cambodia is a different case.
Preferences’ for developing ratchet up the pressure to try to As a small state whose foreign
countries. force it to change. policy has consistently been
geared towards avoiding the
But, let’s be clear, corruption When the US calibrates its
local dominance of Vietnam,
isn’t America’s real issue here foreign policy towards regions
it is currently the most
– it is the fact that the US is of strategic interest – which it
exclusively pro-Beijing state
being denied access to a is currently doing with the so-
in the region and heavily
Cambodian naval base which called Indo-Pacific – it
reliant upon it across multiple
it believes is being used by carefully selects which
areas. Despite having only a
China. This has resulted in a countries it can work with and
small coastline, it could
series of ultimatums from the which ones represent an
potentially influence the
US over the past few months obstruction to its goals. Out of
balance of power in the South
that Cambodia must show the associated countries, it
China Sea in Beijing’s favour,
transparency by allowing it to then selects a number of
and so is seen as a strategic
inspect the base, or effectively partners to work with and
liability by the US. As a result,
face the consequences. Now it build up from the former
the knives are out for
would appear those category, while it develops
Cambodia in Washington.
consequences have arrived. punitive strategies against the
The strategic interest of the
To nobody’s surprise, the US latter.
US dictates that it is now time
– whose cheerleaders
History shows these can to exert pressure in an attempt
tediously pen op-eds accusing
consist of seeking to contain to prevent Beijing from
China of being a “bully” – is
them (if they are significantly gaining a military monopoly
effectively coercing a small
over it. The suggestion that court Beijing and essentially backed up astonishingly
corruption is a problem is try to keep both America and corrupt regimes, with the one
simply a front for America’s China happy. Phnom Penh is which recently collapsed in
obvious discontent over the an easy target, and in the long Afghanistan a prime example.
naval base. The evidence? The run, the US may be looking to Yet now it is using corruption
global Corruption Perceptions seek to dislodge the as a reason to target a nation
Index shows Cambodia has longstanding rule of Hun Sen that is not complying with its
similar levels of corruption to and restore the country to ‘free and open’ Indo-Pacific
most countries in Southeast democracy, giving it an strategy. This makes the
Asia. Why would corruption ideological foothold as well – situation painfully obvious:
in a smaller country be of backing up the Indo-Pacific the US sees Cambodia as a
concern to the US, but not the strategy, which has been as troublesome player in the
larger states around it? The much about “spreading game, and in line with its well-
opportunism is obvious. The democracy” as a means to established pattern of seeking
real problem from contain Beijing as military to crush countries who stand
Cambodia’s point of view is considerations. Yet this in its way, it’s now ramping
that it has few options in should not distract us from the up the pressure on Phnom
dealing with this new problem reality that the US is exerting Penh. But rest assured, if
other than to cave in. It has a coercion over a small country. Cambodia does decide to give
poor economy, and does not In conclusion, the US has concessions, this sudden
have much leverage to always had a very selective problem of corruption will
negotiate on an equal footing response when it comes to magically be forgotten about.
with the US in the same way dealing with corruption.
as countries like Vietnam and While it never openly
Indonesia, who use this encourages it, in practice all
geostrategic advantage to also over the world America has
Bashar Assad is gaining acceptance among Arab leaders. The US
and Israel are losing an opportunity to engage him

Robert Inlakesh, Russia Today

n a significant move struggling Lebanon. Back in Prior to the war in 2011, the
towards normalising September, Jordanian, Syrian government had
Syria’s government, UAE Egyptian and Lebanese embraced neo-liberal
Foreign Minister Sheikh representatives even met to economics, but in terms of its
Abdullah bin Zayed visited discuss the logistics of foreign policy, it has always
Damascus to discuss managing such a transfer of maintained a nationalist
strengthening the ties between oil, so as to provide Lebanon agenda. When the war in Syria
the two nations, sparking with the means to generate began, the UAE jumped on the
outrage from the US and electricity. bandwagon of conspiring
Israel. A surprise visit to the against Assad and financed
Publicly, it seems the UAE –
Syrian capital on Tuesday by armed groups to overthrow
which reopened its embassy in
Abu Dhabi's foreign minister him. In and of itself, this
Damascus three years ago – is
sparked condemnation from makes it clear that Abu Dhabi
leading the push to have Syria
the United States, which seeks is not acting in the interests of
reinstated into the Arab
to encourage its Arab State regular Syrians. It is easy to
League and enhance
allies to steer clear of foresee the Syrian government
cooperation between the two.
President Assad. According to developing its relationship
But, for Abu Dhabi, the so-
State Department with the UAE in order to
called ‘brotherly’ nature of
spokesperson Ned Price, the strengthen its position in the
their relationship comes with
US urges “states in the region region and secure investments
strings attached. From an
to carefully consider the to rebuild its war-torn nation
Emirati perspective, the
atrocities that this regime, that in the future. From a realist
relationship between the
Bashar al-Assad himself has point of view, however, the
Syrian government and the
perpetrated on the Syrian decision-makers in the
UAE is threefold: first, Abu
people over the last decade, as Emirates see that Assad is not
Dhabi sees Syria as a potential
well as the regime’s ongoing going anywhere. They are
partner in the fight against the
efforts to deny much of the seeking to combat Islamist
Muslim Brotherhood; second,
country access to forces regionally, so why not
it sees an opportunity to work
humanitarian aid and try to influence a nationalist
towards facilitating the
security.” That seems to have nation while working
cooperation between Egypt
fallen on deaf ears over in Abu alongside it to weaken the
and Jordan on the potential oil
Dhabi. Muslim Brotherhood and
transfer to Lebanon; and last,
erase Iran’s footprint in the
However, despite the Biden it seeks to bring Syria closer to
administration having voiced the Arab reactionary regimes
its opposition to Assad’s and distance it from Iran. Both Given Turkey may
government, behind the Egypt and Jordan have also imminently open up another
scenes, it may actually be taken strides to normalise offensive into northeastern
working to create a temporary relations with Damascus: in Syria to combat the Kurds in
amendment to its 2019 October, Jordan’s King areas controlled by the US and
“Caesar Act” sanctions, the Abdullah II participated in a Kurdish SDF (Syrian
mechanism it is speculated the phone call with President Democratic Forces), the
US may implement to protect Assad and, on Tuesday, Emirati foreign minister may
the likes of neighbouring Egypt’s foreign minister made well have wished to discuss
Jordan. This would involve it clear he was open to the idea this issue during his visit to
Amman liaising with the of Syria re-entering the Arab Damascus. Turkey, which
Syrian government to allow League. currently controls two pockets
Egypt to send oil through to in Syria’s north through its
Syrian National Army through its Kurdish proxy provoke a reaction from
mercenary militia, is aligned forces in northeastern Syria Damascus and test how far it
with the Muslim Brotherhood. and its mercenary forces in the can cross the line before
To the UAE, Turkey and al-Tanf region of south Syria, drawing defensive fire.
Qatar are its biggest regional is to combat Tehran. Until
Instead of the Syrian Arab
rivals. significant Iranian influence is
Army responding to US and
cleared out of the land, they
But Washington, which is Israeli aggression,
will not leave of their own free
surely well aware of the policy independent groups that align
positions its Middle Eastern with Iran have been at the
allies are taking on Syria, Then we have Israel, which forefront of combating Tel
continues to not only will also not leave the Syrian Aviv and Washington. The
economically restrain lands it illegally occupies reality is that Syria is so
Damascus, but also occupies unless it is forced out in a war embroiled in this hostile
roughly a third of Syrian between the two nations. In situation between different
territory with its proxy forces. tandem with Islamic State (IS, foreign powers attempting to
The US currently presides formerly ISIS) terrorists who extract different things from it
over 90% of that nation’s oil have crawled out from their that it is difficult to tell where
resources and is even looting caves and suddenly received the government is currently
its most fertile agricultural anti-tank munitions and a headed, and whether it will
lands, which those Syrians spike in their numbers, Israel continue to follow a
who are suffering under an has picked up its attacks nationalist path or eventually
economic crisis are unable to against Syria. In fact, it has adopt a more business-minded
access. The US not only carried out at least five in rather than ideologically
blocks progress and has Syria over the past month, driven approach. Ultimately,
extirpated attempts to rebuild killing soldiers and it seems the UAE will play a
the country, but adopts a assassinating an ex-member limited role in Syria for now,
militaristic approach and of parliament. Israel is also but only time will tell who
views itself as maintaining the seeking to quadruple its settler gets the better of the other in
right to remain there, despite population in the Golan this ever-expanding
not having acquired any Heights, with Israeli PM relationship.
congressional approval to be Naftali Bennett having
Think your friends would be
operating in Syria. announced new construction
interested? Share this story!
plans just last month. It’s clear
The main role of the US
that Israel is seeking to
occupation of Syrian lands,
Countering Sudan’s Coup

Alex de Waal, Foreign Affairs


oming just two years civilian and military
after Sudan’s historic leaderships. Adopting the familiar stance
democratic transition, of Sudan’s previous military
As a direct snub to the United
the October 25 coup by the dictators, Burhan has sought
States, Burhan’s power grab
Sudanese army has halted the to project an image of strength
has further called into
country’s faltering steps and stability. Among the
question U.S. influence in an
toward stability. In the weeks confusing things the general
already unstable
since seizing control of the said on the morning he took
neighborhood. Burhan was
government, General Abdel power was, “This is not a
likely emboldened by the U.S.
Fattah al-Burhan, the head of coup.” His claim has been that
withdrawal from Afghanistan
the Sudanese Armed Forces, as both head of the Sudanese
and by Ethiopian Prime
has dissolved civilian Armed Forces and chairman
Minister Abiy Ahmed’s
institutions and kept deposed of the Sovereign Council—a
repudiation of U.S. efforts to
Prime Minister Abdalla kind of collective
end the war and humanitarian
Hamdok and other leading presidency—he is already de
crisis in that country. Now, the
politicians under detention. facto head of state. In the
general threatens to undo yet
Meanwhile, tens of thousands tradition of nationalistic army
another fledgling democratic
of Sudanese have officers stepping in to save the
government that had been
courageously taken to the nation from crisis—which has
supported by the United
streets in protest and staged a happened three times in
States, to the not-so-secret
general strike amid food Sudan’s 65-year history as an
satisfaction of Russia, China,
shortages and rampant independent state—Burhan
and would-be autocrats
inflation. asserts that he is the legitimate
around the world. Such an
guardian of Sudan’s transition
As significant, however, may outcome, however, is hardly
and that the civilians have
be what Burhan’s actions predetermined. In contrast to
mean for U.S. diplomacy in other fragile aspiring
the region. In contrast to his democracies across the greater Few inside or outside Sudan
predecessor, President Joe Middle East in recent years, have been fooled by this
Biden has made the Horn of Sudan maintains a strong posture. As the Sudanese
Africa a priority, appointing a diplomatic relationship with public have vigorously
special envoy, Jeffrey the United States. Crucial to protested, the African Union
Feltman, to develop and Washington’s leverage is has suspended Sudan’s
implement a strategy to bring whether key allies in the membership on the grounds of
peace to the troubled region. region—Egypt, Israel, Saudi an “unconstitutional change of
The United States had also Arabia, and the United Arab government.” Nor has Burhan
supported Sudan’s nascent Emirates—are onboard. offered a credible solution to
democracy with financial aid, Whether the Biden any of Sudan’s many pressing
loan guarantees, and administration is prepared to challenges, including
assistance to institution take rapid action to restore stabilizing the economy,
building and security-sector Sudan’s democratic transition completing efforts to bring the
reform. Yet the coup caught will be a crucial test of its two largest rebel groups into
Washington seemingly by ability to shape political last year’s Juba Peace
surprise, occurring just hours outcomes in the Horn of Agreement, and meeting
after Feltman met with Africa and the Red Sea arena popular demands for a swifter
Burhan in Khartoum and and of Biden’s increasingly transition to democracy.
stressed Washington’s strong vulnerable democracy agenda
In fact, there is a much simpler
commitment to the existing worldwide.
explanation for Burhan’s
agreements between the
seizure of power. According
to the 2019 Constitutional FFC is also behind the general provide. Already, the Biden
Declaration, which is the road strike. administration has decided to
map for Sudan’s transition to “pause” $700 million in aid in
The protesters’ central
democracy, Burhan was due response to the coup. But it
demands are an immediate
to step down from his also can use a much bigger
return to civilian rule and the
chairmanship of the Sovereign financial rescue package as
removal of the army from the
Council on November 19, leverage. Rescheduling
political leadership. Hamdok,
handing it over to a civilian Sudan’s $70 billion debt, for
who had earlier been
leader. Clearly, he was example, will require the
criticized for his harsh
unprepared to take this step. cooperation of the United
austerity measures and his
But he also seems to have States, which with its
preference for consensus
been unprepared for the extent European allies has a
building that has veered into
of popular hostility to his controlling stake in the World
indecision, has also gained
takeover. Bank and the International
new support since the coup.
Monetary Fund.
Burhan’s power grab has Though he remains under
further called into question house arrest, he has refused to Cut off from Western donors,
U.S. influence in an already back down on his call for a Burhan could sustain his
unstable neighborhood. restoration of the pre–October regime on sales of gold, the
25 governing formula, and he profits of military-owned
Faced with the prospect of
has emerged as a unifying companies, and deals with
renewed military rule, large
figure among the protesters Russia to provide
numbers of Sudanese have
and the central player in mercenaries. But the United
been determined to preserve
efforts to negotiate a reversal States could respond with
the country’s remarkable first
of the coup. financial sanctions: should the
steps toward public freedom
Biden administration invoke
and accountable government. If the FFC and its supporters
the Global Magnitsky Act,
Driving the protests has been succeed in restoring Hamdok
these activities could quickly
the Forces for Freedom and to office, they will be urging
be shut down. The United
Change—the broad coalition him to take radical steps to
States can also speed up plans
of professional groups, dismantle the power of the
to uncover illicit flows of
political parties, and civil military. Two years ago,
minerals that are ferried out of
society organizations, as well Burhan buckled under the
the country through the
as neighborhood committees, combined pressure of street
Khartoum International
that organized the nonviolent demonstrations and U.S.-led
Airport. A bipartisan bill has
protests that brought down the international pressure.
been tabled in Congress,
former regime of President Sudanese democrats are
whose members have called
Omar al-Bashir in April 2019. hoping that the same
on the U.S. secretary of state
This capable and resilient combination will work today.
to “immediately identify coup
democracy movement has But this time the generals are
leaders, their accomplices,
repeatedly shown itself to be proving to be a tougher nut to
and enablers for consideration
unbowed by the military. crack.
for targeted sanctions.”
Following a massacre by the
armed forces of more than 100 Sudan’s history shows that a
protesters, two months after strong authoritarian leader
HARD PLACEIn theory, the
the fall of Bashir, the FFC does not mean a strong, stable
United States has strong tools
mobilized a “march of the country—in fact, quite the
at its disposal to push for a
millions” that forced the reverse. More difficult may be
reversal of the coup. Burhan’s
generals to negotiate. And on persuading important U.S.
biggest weakness—and
October 30, just five days after allies in the region to oppose
Washington’s greatest
the coup, the FFC defiantly military rule. Despite the
strength—is that Sudan
staged another “march of the African Union’s firm stand
desperately needs money. The
millions” that brought out against the coup, several
general can turn to the Gulf
hundreds of thousands of governments are more
states for temporary support,
protests in cities across Sudan, comfortable with Burhan than
but the amounts needed to
despite an Internet shutdown with the civilian leadership.
salvage the economy are far
imposed by the military. The Hours after Burhan met with
larger than what the Saudis
Feltman, he flew to Cairo and
and Emiratis are ready to
received final approval for a longtime strongman president, As well as the future of Sudan,
military takeover from Omar al-Bashir. Not only did the credibility of the U.S.
Egyptian President (and Burhan and the army commitment to democracy is
former General) Abdel Fattah leadership hold prominent at stake. Meanwhile, the
el-Sisi, an old friend. And posts under Bashir, they also grievances of the general
Saudi Arabia and the United profited from the “deep state” population festered and grew.
Arab Emirates are also that he used to perpetuate his In southern Sudan, local
habitual supporters of military rule. Under his regime, warlords paid by the
strongmen, even in a case like networks of military officers government to suppress
Sudan’s, in which the military and Islamists ran shadowy discontent ended up siding
has close ties to Islamist businesses that included arms with the rebel Sudan People’s
groups, whereas the manufacturing, gold trading, Liberation Army and
democrats are strongly anti- and money laundering, in supporting secession. In
Islamist. Israel dealt directly addition to controlling a slew Darfur, the most powerful
with Burhan over the of legitimate companies that paramilitary commander—
negotiations for Sudan to won lucrative construction General Mohamed “Hemedti”
establish diplomatic relations and import-export contracts. Dagolo—brought his troops to
in 2020. Hamdok’s moves to dismantle Khartoum, where he has
these networks may indeed become a key power broker.
Feltman’s diplomacy has
have spurred the takeover. And with the army and
focused on getting these
Since seizing power, Burhan security gobbling up as much
Middle Eastern allies to align
has released some of the as 60 percent of government
with the United States in not
leading figures of the former spending, economic crisis was
recognizing the new
regime from prison, where inevitable.
government. So far this has
they were awaiting trial on
been moderately successful. Even after 2019, with a new
corruption charges. He has
Under U.S. pressure, no Arab civilian leadership installed in
also appointed old cronies to
country has come out in Khartoum, rural Sudan
key posts controlling finance,
support of Burhan, and the remained governed by the
oil, and minerals.
Arab League—in an unusual army, paramilitaries, and
divergence with the Egyptian To anyone who lived through tribal chiefs. Under Burhan
government—has condemned the earlier era, these are and Hemedti, new violent
the coup. ominous moves. Bashir lasted conflicts have unfolded
three decades in power between Arab and non-Arab
Paradoxically, Sudan’s
through skillful management groups in Darfur and other
perilous economy gives
of the country’s various outlying regions, with more
Burhan a card to play: he can
factions. His constituencies than 400,000 people displaced
dig in and invoke the
included the Islamists, who this year.
likelihood of a food security
over the years traded their
crisis and the collapse of the With his unconvincing talk of
radical principles for the
Juba Peace Agreement if aid is stability, Burhan seeks to
comforts of crony capitalism;
not forthcoming. Burhan’s resurrect the politics of the
military and security officers,
“back me or things may get Bashir era. If the soldiers are
who profited from corrupt
worse” argument is allowed to set the terms of a
dealings; and provincial chiefs
superficially plausible compromise deal with the
and militia leaders, who were
because of the threat of an civilians, we can be sure that
paid off to make their
economic meltdown bringing Sudan’s bloated military
fiefdoms pliant to the will of
civil disorder. But Sudan’s budget will not be touched and
the government. Instead of
history shows that a strong the deep meddling of the
engaging with the legitimate
authoritarian leader does not military in the economy will
demands of southern
mean a strong, stable remain, strangling the free
Sudanese, Darfurians, and
country—in fact, quite the market and nourishing
other groups suffering from
reverse. corruption. Provincial
notorious inequalities in
strongmen will prosper. Left
THE SHADOW OF wealth and power, Bashir
untouched, the Burhan regime
BASHIRMany Sudanese see turned Sudanese politics into a
could take Sudan back to its
the coup as a bazaar in which rival
darkest days of kleptocratic
counterrevolution—a return members of the elite jockeyed
to the days of Sudan’s for personal rewards.
militarism and endless save face and also strengthen falls short of an unequivocal
conflict. Sudan’s transition—for demand to restore civilian rule
instance, by establishing the and ducks the question of
long delayed legislative Burhan handing over power
better outcome is still
assembly with a balanced this month.
achievable. In the second
representation of political
week of November, a If the United States hopes to
parties and perhaps even some
promising compromise put a halt to Burhan and give
military representatives.
formula for reinstating support to Sudan’s
Sending Bashir to the
Hamdok at the head of a new beleaguered democracy
International Criminal Court
civilian cabinet fell apart movement, however, it must
in The Hague is a divisive
owing to Burhan’s act quickly. Using its main
step; as part of a political
intransigence. The general instrument for pressing
settlement, he could face
refused to relinquish control Burhan—finance—
justice in Sudan instead.
over the strategic assets of the Washington can, with support
economy and reinstate the In the weeks since the coup, from its Middle Eastern and
civilian committee that had the United States has also European allies, put the
been dismantling the corrupt suggested it is open to some generals in a hard place. At the
capitalism of the previous degree of compromise. In a same time, by building a
regime. By showing Burhan’s discussion at the U.S. Institute unified international
true colors, however, these of Peace on November 2, diplomatic front to back the
actions also provide a strong Feltman emphasized that African Union’s principled
rationale for the United States Washington’s driving priority opposition to an
and its allies to take decisive is stability. In a statement the unconstitutional change of
action against the military’s following day, the “quad” of government and support the
finances, including targeted Saudi Arabia, the United Arab demands of the Sudanese
sanctions. Emirates, the United States, people for civilian rule, the
and the United Kingdom also United States can bring
At the same time, Burhan
stressed that any government Burhan back to the table.
cannot afford to lose popular
in Sudan must be committed Without such engagement,
support completely and knows
to the 2019 Constitutional however, Sudan risks losing
that the use of force against
Declaration and the Juba all of the progress it has made.
protesters—who now include
Peace Agreement “as the As well as the future of Sudan,
broad cross sections of the
foundation for further the credibility of the U.S.
population—would spell ruin.
dialogue about how to restore commitment to democracy is
Hamdok and the FFC can
and uphold a genuine civil- at stake.
offer some modest
military partnership. . . .” This
compromises for Burhan to
Liars in High Places

Jameel Jaffer, Foreign Affairs

mericans lie on their the questions that Cass that are suppressed—rather
résumés, in their Sunstein—a Harvard than confronted head-on—
dating profiles, in professor, a former regulatory will fester and become more
campaign ads, in their czar in the Obama dangerous.
memoirs, and, perhaps most administration, and the most
of all, on social media. Thanks cited legal scholar in the But these arguments are not
to the First Amendment, they country—takes up in Liars. always convincing, Sunstein
can mostly do so with The book is both succinct and says. Some falsehoods
impunity—or, at any rate, far-ranging. In a brisk nearly threaten serious harms that
without fearing that the 200 pages, Sunstein looks at are not likely to be corrected
government will punish them lies through the lenses of organically in public
for it. In most contexts, the ethics, political theory, and discourse. With respect to
First Amendment prohibits constitutional doctrine. In these falsehoods,
the government from attributing the current policymakers must consider
restricting speech because of informational crisis to a
regulatory responses. The
its message. It makes it proliferation of lies, however,
U.S. Constitution is not always
difficult for public figures to the book largely overlooks the
win defamation suits. It role that governments, the an obstacle to regulatory
precludes the government media, and technology intervention, Sunstein
from criminalizing falsehoods companies are playing as observes. The First
that don’t cause serious harm. agents and amplifiers of Amendment permits
As a result, Americans enjoy misinformation. Sunstein’s defamation suits, although it
broad freedom to say things account lets the most powerful does place some limits on
that aren’t true. actors off the hook. them. It allows the
government to ban false
From one perspective, this REGULATING
freedom is a wonderful thing, advertising. It doesn’t
SPEECHSunstein argues that
or at least a necessary preclude the government
the United States should
byproduct of the United from prosecuting someone
regulate lies more
States’ foundational for committing perjury or
aggressively than it does,
commitment to popular impersonating a government
even as he acknowledges that
government, individual officer. In all these spheres,
in most contexts, it is better
autonomy, and free trade in the First Amendment allows
to allow false speech to be
ideas. But in an era in which the government to punish
corrected in the marketplace
misinformation is often people who lie. The First
described as a scourge, this of ideas. It is usually better to
Amendment should be
freedom takes on a darker hue. trust the marketplace, he
understood to permit the
What previously seemed like says, because even a
regulation of lies in other
a feature of the country’s government operating in
spheres, too, Sunstein says.
constitutional system can good faith will not always be
For example, the government
begin to seem like a bug. able to separate truth from
should be able to regulate
fiction and because some
Is the First Amendment misinformation that
governments will use the
preventing the U.S. threatens public health. It
government from curtailing authority to police speech to
should be able to regulate
harmful lies online? More suppress dissent instead. (The
doctored videos, even if they
broadly, is a blind “fake news” laws being
aren’t defamatory. These
commitment to free speech adopted around the world,
kinds of lies, Sunstein writes,
impeding public and private including in Brazil, Hungary,
cause serious harms that
institutions from responding and Russia, are a reminder
cannot always be prevented
as they should to the problem that this threat is real.) There
or remedied by responsive
of misinformation? These are is also a risk that falsehoods
speech. People may rely on or medals. (The defendant in offer specific examples. His
false claims about public the case was an inveterate liar concern extends beyond
health before the claims can who had falsely claimed to defamatory statements. He
be exposed as false. A video have been awarded the argues that false statements
may change the public’s Congressional Medal of falling short of libel are
perception of a public figure Honor.) The Court’s decision harming individuals and
even if it is later shown to was based in large part on the society. He does not supply
have been doctored. The concern that imposing evidence that lying is more
government should be able to penalties for false speech common today than it used to
respond to this kind of might chill true speech, a be. Still, he writes, “the
falsity—if not by prohibiting concern Sunstein shares to an problem is serious and
certain kinds of speech, then extent. But he thinks that the pervasive, and it seems to be
at least by labeling the lies as Court’s decision in United mounting.”
such or by requiring social States v. Alvarez was wrong,
media platforms to do so. “even preposterous.” He Sunstein is especially
questions whether any concerned about all of this
First Amendment doctrine, socially useful speech was because social media allows
Sunstein argues, too narrowly really chilled by the Stolen liars to disseminate their lies
limits the government’s Valor Act. In the name of more quickly and broadly. But
ability to tackle harmful defending the truth, he he is principally worried
falsehoods. One of the cases suggests, the Court merely about the liars, not the social
he takes aim at is New York ceded more ground to media companies, and in fact
Times v. Sullivan, from 1964, falsehoods. AN AGE OF he casts the companies more
in which the Supreme Court DECEPTIONSunstein says as heroes than as villains. “To
held that a public official who Americans are living in “an their credit, some of them are
sues a critic for defamation age of deception,” an era in doing a great deal already” to
must demonstrate that the which lies have become combat misinformation, he
critic knew his or her ubiquitous. He is especially says, and “their creativity
statement was false or acted concerned about what he offers a host of lessons for
with “reckless disregard of sees as the proliferation of public officials.” (Sunstein
whether it was false or not.” defamatory lies about public discloses upfront that he has
Many reporters, editors, and officials, public institutions, been a consultant to
media lawyers regard the and public figures. He Facebook, including on some
decision in this case as mentions the “sustained of the issues discussed in the
synonymous with press attacks” on Hillary Clinton in book.) The companies, in his
freedom, but Sunstein is not the lead-up to the 2016 view, are doing “excellent
so enthusiastic. In an age in presidential election, work”—even if they should
which anyone can unjustified attacks on the do more, such as fact-check
disseminate misinformation integrity of the media, and political ads, strengthen their
across the world with the click news stories that carried prohibitions against
of a button, he says, the case “false statements about misinformation relating to
“looks increasingly Taylor Swift, Christian Bale, public health, and suppress a
anachronistic.” It makes it too and Julia Roberts.” Lies about broader range of doctored
difficult to hold people public officials and videos.
accountable for lies that do institutions undermine faith
real damage, he argues. Americans are living in an era
in government. Lies about in which lies have become
He also takes issue with the other public figures— ubiquitous. Sunstein has a
Supreme Court’s more recent musicians, actors, and similarly rosy view of the
decision in United States v. athletes, for example—can government’s relationship to
Alvarez. That case, from 2012, ruin people’s lives. “Many lies. He does briefly mention
invalidated the 2005 Stolen people are now being that U.S. President Donald
Valor Act, a federal statute subjected to ‘cancellation’ on Trump pushed
that criminalized lies about the basis of lies,” Sunstein misinformation about the
receiving military decorations says, although he does not 2020 presidential election.
But the lies of government also as arsonists. LIAR, LIAR, even suing the anonymous
officials are mostly beyond DEMOCRACY ON FIREStill, users behind two obviously
the scope of his inquiry. Sunstein’s policy proposals satirical Twitter accounts,
There’s no mention here, for are worth considering. His @DevinNunesMom and
example, of the false claims— prescriptions concerning @DevinCow. And the
all made by senior content moderation are Hollywood mogul Harvey
government officials at one modest but reasonable. His Weinstein was able to use the
point or another—that Iraq analysis of the Supreme threat of defamation
was hiding weapons of mass Court’s case law relating to litigation to stave off, for
destruction, that Muslims in false speech usefully pulls years, the news reports that
New Jersey cheered the 9/11 apart the various factors that justifiably ended his career.
attacks, that the CIA did not courts should weigh in
use torture, that drone strikes deciding whether regulating The United States should
have not resulted in civilian misinformation in any given regulate lies more
casualties, or that wearing context would be consistent aggressively than it does.
masks won’t help against with the First Amendment. Sunstein isn’t oblivious to
COVID-19. Sunstein says he’s (The factors include the these concerns. At one point,
especially focused on speaker’s intent, the he suggests capping damage
falsehoods that undermine magnitude of the harm that awards to mitigate the chilling
the democratic process, but it could result from the false effect of defamation suits.
is difficult to understand why speech, and how soon that But his analysis focuses on the
a tabloid’s lies about a harm would occur.) He is costs of the current doctrinal
celebrity imperil democracy, plainly right that loosening framework and mostly skips
whereas the official lies that current doctrinal standards over the benefits. It leaves
misled the country into war would create space for the impression that Sunstein
do not. regulation—including of false has not fully accounted for
speech that does not rise to the possibility—the certainty,
Social media companies, too, the level of defamation. some would say—that
bear a great deal more making it easier for public
responsibility for the age of But he largely glosses over the figures to sue critics for false
deception than Sunstein ways in which new speech would make it easier
acknowledges. Their ranking regulations could be abused. for them to suppress true
algorithms can privilege Even today, under a speech- speech, as well.
sensational or extreme protective doctrinal
speech and channel users into framework, state legislatures At its best, Sunstein’s book
echo chambers where are fighting supposed offers a host of useful ideas
conspiracy theories flourish. misinformation by, for about how First Amendment
Their decisions about which example, restricting public doctrine and content
kinds of interactions to allow schools’ ability to teach moderation policies might be
on their platforms can have students about systemic adjusted to encourage
similar effects. And their racism. And despite the governments and technology
policies relating to ad Supreme Court cases that companies to address lies.
targeting can determine how Sunstein criticizes, it is But Sunstein gives the most
broadly misinformation disturbingly easy for powerful powerful actors a free pass. A
spreads and whether the people to use defamation more convincing account of
misinformation can be lawsuits, or the threat of the age of deception, and a
corrected by others. Social them, to suppress important more compelling policy
media companies—like stories. Devin Nunes, a agenda, would place less
governments—undoubtedly Republican member of emphasis on the
have important roles to play Congress from California, has mendaciousness of ordinary
in addressing the problem of filed a slew of lawsuits against citizens and more on the
misinformation. But Sunstein journalists and ordinary governments that spread
is wrong to conceive of them citizens who have criticized, falsehoods—and on the
only as firefighters and not mocked, or reported on him, media organizations and
technology companies that
amplify them.
The Politics of Taliban Recognition

Michael Kugelman, South Asian Voices

N early three months more likely to eventually opt United States or other
after seizing power, for recognition, due to Western countries.
and more than two geographic factors. However,
One may argue that
months after announcing an for now, they’re taking a wait-
conditioning recognition on
interim government, the and-watch approach, in
rights is misguided, given that
Taliban regime in Afghanistan particular to see if there are
Washington often recognizes
has not been formally sustained improvements in
and works closely with brutal
recognized by a single security, before making any
and repressive regimes. But
country. It risks becoming a decisions.
from the U.S. perspective, the
pariah, just as it was in the late
The U.S. and Recognition Taliban case is different.
1990s when it controlled
Kabul but had formal relations Prior to the Taliban takeover, First, most of Washington’s
with only three countries— U.S. officials said the group relationships with repressive
Pakistan, the United Arab would not earn legitimacy if it regimes have served U.S.
Emirates, and Saudi Arabia. If took power by force— interests—from Cold War
recognition does come from implying that recognition partnerships with
the international community would come if the Taliban anticommunist dictatorships
this time around, it is more gained power through in Latin America to more
likely to be conferred by peaceful means, presumably recent alliances with
countries in Afghanistan’s through a power-sharing authoritarian states in the
neighborhood than by the arrangement emerging from Middle East that help tackle
United States or other negotiations with the Ashraf Islamist terrorism. However,
Western countries. Ghani government. Washington has less of a
compelling interest to pursue
To Recognize or Not to Few in Washington could
partnership with the Taliban.
Recognize have anticipated that the
President Biden has bluntly
Taliban would take power
In international law, stated that bigger U.S.
peacefully because of the
recognition generally means priorities lie elsewhere,
complete and rapid collapse of
viewing a government as beyond Afghanistan—from
the Afghan republic, not
lawful, legitimate, in full fighting climate change to
through a negotiated
control of its territory, and managing competition with
settlement or formal transfer
deserving of formal China.
of power. The Biden
membership within the
administration has indicated Additionally, the Taliban take
international community.
it’s not currently prepared to brutal to another level. They
However, in reality, many
recognize the Taliban harbor close ties to—and
different factors inform
government. Officials suggest command the deep respect
decisions about recognition.
recognition will come only if of—transnational and
The United States (and much the Taliban take actions that regional terrorist groups like
of the West) will base future promote inclusivity (meaning al-Qaeda and the Pakistani
decision about Taliban non-Taliban leaders, Taliban. Their Haqqani
recognition on human rights including women, are brought Network faction, which
and inclusivity considerations. into the government) and currently controls the interior
The Taliban government, human rights, especially and refugee ministries, is a
which isn’t about to women’s rights. U.S.-designated terrorist
compromise on its organization implicated in
If recognition does come from
fundamental ideology, is multiple mass casualty attacks
the international community
unlikely to meet these on Americans. Some Taliban
this time around, it is more
conditions. Consequently, policies—like banning older
likely to be conferred by
U.S. recognition of the girls from attending school—
countries in Afghanistan’s
Taliban government is a long are unheard of in any other
neighborhood than by the
shot. Regional players are
country, including Saudi government. Recognition operate in Afghanistan,
Arabia. would facilitate cross-border negating a benefit of
trade and new infrastructure recognition.
And yet, Washington’s main
investments; enhance border
interests in post-withdrawal Afghanistan-based terrorism
security cooperation; and
Afghanistan require is a major concern for regional
provide more opportunities to
engagement with the Taliban. actors. All worry about IS-K.
work with the Taliban to
It needs the Taliban to ensure Beijing worries about Uighur
minimize the risks of
safe passage for remaining militants, and Islamabad
undesirable spillover effects.
U.S. citizens wishing to about the Pakistani Taliban
These include refugee flows,
evacuate. It needs assurances (TTP). New Delhi worries
cross-border terrorism, and
from the Taliban that they about anti-India groups.
narcotics trafficking. These
won’t obstruct the delivery
risks are less urgent for Ironically, while regional
and distribution of
America, which enjoys the players may think recognizing
humanitarian supplies. The
luxury of distance. the Taliban government can
Biden administration hasn’t
better position them to work
indicated a desire for Taliban However, to this point,
with the Taliban to reduce
assistance for regional players have
security risks, they’ll likely
counterterrorism efforts eschewed recognition, instead
hold back from recognition
against Islamic State- engaging in ways that fall
until they have assurances
Khorasan (IS-K)—a shared short of normalization.
about the broader security
rival—but the pursuit of Officials from Russia, China,
intelligence cooperation can’t Iran, Pakistan, and the Central
be ruled out if Washington Asian states have met with If and when they conclude
doesn’t secure basing Taliban leaders. Islamabad they’re satisfied with security
arrangements or intelligence- has even invited Taliban conditions, expect some
sharing deals with officials to take up diplomatic regional players to start
Afghanistan’s neighbors. To posts in Pakistan. considering recognition. The
circumvent the engagement- top candidates are Pakistan,
Ironically, while regional
without-recognition dilemma, the Taliban’s longstanding
players may think recognizing
Washington is depending on sponsor, along with China,
the Taliban government can
the CIA. State Department which has engaged closely
better position them to work
officials can’t negotiate with a with the Taliban in recent
with the Taliban to reduce
government with which years. The Taliban’s
security risks, they’ll likely
Washington has no diplomatic mediation of a new month-
hold back from recognition
relations. The CIA, however, long truce between Islamabad
until they have assurances
can engage covertly. Officials and the TTP, and reports that
about the broader security
can invoke plausible the Taliban have started
situation. For regional actors,
deniability if reports surface addressing Beijing’s concerns
the litmus test for recognition
about U.S. talks with the about Uighur militants,
will be security, just as it will
Taliban. However, the increase the likelihood that
be rights for the U.S.
administration has not denied Pakistan and China will be
two CIA-led exchanges with They’ll want to see if the two of the first countries
the Taliban—a meeting with Taliban can ease severe prepared to recognize the
CIA director Bill Burns and humanitarian and economic Taliban. Russia and Iran may
talks with Taliban leaders in crises, resolve internal not be far behind, but Tehran
Doha led by a delegation divisions, curb terrorist will be more cautious given its
headed by the CIA’s deputy threats, and more broadly concerns about the safety of
director. succeed in consolidating Afghanistan’s Shia
power. If it doesn’t achieve community, and the lack of
The Region and Recognition
any one of these goals, Shia representation in the
Because of their location, security could deteriorate, government.
Afghanistan’s neighbors and spawning destabilizing
There are several outliers.
other regional players have outcomes from heightened
Tajikistan, which has taken a
stronger incentives than the refugee flows to new armed
strongly anti-Taliban position,
United States or other resistance movements.
largely for domestic political
Western countries to formally Destabilization would reduce
reasons, and is hosting Afghan
engage with the Taliban regional players’ abilities to
resistance leaders, is unlikely director recently described as needs broader development
to recognize the government the world’s worst— and financial assistance, not
regardless of the security underscores the real-world just food supplies and other
situation. Same with India, stakes at play. The humanitarian aid, to stabilize
given the Taliban’s close international community has its economy and bring relief to
relationship with Pakistan; the concluded that it can deliver its masses. For the United
Taliban’s past attacks on humanitarian assistance to States, giving Kabul access to
Indians in Afghanistan; and Afghanistan without aid—including nearly USD
New Delhi’s limited channels recognizing the government, $10 billion in foreign reserves
of communication with the because it can work with UN frozen by Washington—is
Taliban. agencies and private charities hard to justify without
on the ground and avoid recognizing the regime. In
An Urgent Test for
sending aid directly to the effect, decisions about
government. recognition will have a direct
Debating the issue of Taliban impact on the well-being—
However, Afghanistan was
recognition is not a purely and the very lives—of
dependent on international
academic exercise. millions.
assistance for 75 percent of
Afghanistan’s devastating
public funding before the
humanitarian crisis—which
Taliban takeover. It badly
the World Food Program
The COP26 deal will not be enough to end SA’s coal addiction

Ray Mwareya, Al-Jazeera

outh Africa runs on Mantashe, who previously among citizens since. In July
coal. It is the world’s described giving up coal as 2021, poverty, growing
seventh-largest coal “economic suicide” and a inequality and rising
producer, and about 80 threat to South Africa’s unemployment led to
percent of the country’s energy security, did not meet widespread riots that resulted
energy is generated by it. In the climate envoys during in the deaths of at least 200
addition to the extensive use their visit to the country. people.
of coal in the domestic Instead, perhaps as a
In the second half of 2021, due
economy, about 30 percent of diplomatic taunt, he delivered
to the global energy crunch,
South Africa’s production is the keynote speech at a local
coal prices started to go up,
exported, making the country mining investment conference
and in September, the global
the fourth-largest coal while the envoys were still in
benchmark coal price reached
exporter in the world. the country, and called for
$177.50 per tonne.
“investment in technology
The vast scale of South
that could potentially prolong South Africa’s government
Africa’s coal operation, run by
the use of coal”. understandably saw the surge
the state power company
in coal prices as a lifeline – an
Eskom, is an obstacle in the Mantashe is not the only
opportunity to inject cash into
way of global efforts to prominent force in South
the economy to calm down an
combat climate change. Africa resisting pressure from
increasingly restless
Indeed, today South Africa is the international community
population and aggressive
the 12th-biggest carbon to end the country’s coal
trade unions.
dioxide emitter in the world. dependency. South Africa’s
The international community four biggest banks are The likes of Mantashe have
has long been trying to find refusing to turn off coal always argued that South
ways to help South Africa financing, at least in the short Africa does not have the
recover from its coal term. And the country’s necessary economic might
addiction. In late September, influential socialist trade and vast sovereign funds to
in the run-up to the COP26 unions are also publicly abandon coal investment to
summit in Glasgow, for campaigning to stop any move meet the “green economy”
example, high-level climate away from coal and towards demands of rich nations. But
envoys from the United sustainable energy resources. with South Africa descending
Kingdom, the United States into a major economic crisis
It is not difficult to understand
and the European Union with the pandemic, and coal
the motivations behind
visited South Africa to emerging as the nation’s
widespread support for coal in
“discuss helping it end an saviour, resistance to green
South Africa.
over-reliance on coal that energy demands became
makes it one of the world’s The South African economy stronger and more widespread
leading carbon emitters”. has long been suffering due to in the country.
inconsistent and short-sighted
The envoys held meetings While South Africa’s
policies and widespread
with officials from the South insistence on not giving up on
corruption. And the COVID-
African government, as well coal at this time is
19 pandemic hit the country’s
as business and labour leaders. understandable, this does not
already struggling economy
However, their offer of help mean the country’s coal
hard. About one million jobs
was clearly not appreciated by addiction is harmless. Beyond
are thought to have been
the person whose opinion contributing to the ongoing
destroyed by the monthlong
matters the most: Mineral and climate catastrophe, South
hard lockdown last year, and
Energy Resources Minister Africa’s extensive coal
there has been a significant
Gwede Mantashe. operation is also harming its
rise in reporting of hunger
people. According to a 2017 who are primarily responsible South Africa’s stubbornness
study, commissioned by for the climate emergency, to on coal paid off at COP26 – at
environmental justice NGO fund – in full – the country’s least partially. The US, UK,
groundWork, “2,239 human recovery from its coal France, Germany and the EU
deaths per year could be dependency. agreed to pay $8.5bn to help
attributable to coal-related air end the country’s reliance on
And with its calculated pro-
pollution in South Africa, as coal. South Africa’s President
coal stance at the climate
well as more than 9,500 cases Cyril Ramaphosa has called it
conference, South Africa was
of bronchitis among children a “watershed moment”, and
not only defending its own
6 to 12.” pundits opined that the deal
interests. It was also putting
could be used as a blueprint to
Moreover, regardless of South forward the points of view of
help end coal dependence in
Africa’s energy policies, the many nations in Africa and the
other countries.
country’s 80,000 coal jobs wider Global South that
will gradually vanish, and if believe they should have their While the deal is undoubtedly
the country does not start turn in benefitting from their a step in the right direction,
moving towards renewables coal reserves despite the the amount offered is nowhere
and creating new jobs for climate crisis. For example, in near sufficient to ease South
miners soon, its already grave defiance of global calls for Africa’s concerns about
unemployment crisis will greener economies, decarbonisation. In the future,
grow even bigger in the Zimbabwe is planning to open South Africa will try to
coming decades. new coal mines in the near squeeze more money out of
future to meet its energy needs the West and if it does not get
Undoubtedly aware of the
and, eventually, become a its way, it will continue to do
dangers of remaining
coal exporter. what delivers the highest
dependent on coal for too
benefit in the short term. The
long, but also unwilling to Indeed, in the run-up to
same is true for other African
give up on the immediate COP26, South Africa’s
and Global South nations.
benefits it receives from the Environment Minister
industry, last week the South Barbara Creecy had made it If the rich nations do not come
African delegation arrived at clear to rich nations what they up with a plan to permanently
the COP26 summit in need to do to entice the Global coax the Global South away
Glasgow looking for an South to abandon coal: pay from coal, coal dependence
arrangement that would allow more than $750bn a year to will remain a big obstacle in
the country to have its cake help them switch to global efforts to combat
and eat it too. What South sustainable energy resources climate change and save our
Africa wanted was clear: a without collapsing their collective future.
promise from the rich nations, economies.
The Global South does not need debt. We need climate justice

Mitzi Jonelle Tan, Al-Jazeera

n 2009, when I was 12 pledges made during this trillion by 2050. Not only is
years old, world leaders summit, heating will still rise the current flow of money into
gathered in Copenhagen beyond the 1.5 degrees limit climate finance not enough; it
for COP15. They made a that so many of us are fighting also creates debt. According
pledge to allocate $100bn per for. to a 2020 Oxfam report, 80
year in climate finance for percent of climate finance
The recent pledges and
Global South countries by came in the form of loans to be
promises of climate finance
2020 so that they could paid back and not grants. This
for impacted countries to
address the effects of the means impacted countries are
reduce emissions and adapt to
climate crisis. sinking into debt to the
climate impacts are nowhere
countries that historically
It was also in 2009, when I near enough and will be
caused the climate crisis.
was 12 years old, that I useless to us all if they are not
developed a deep fear of scaled up to match the action The bare minimum that rich
drowning in my own bedroom that we need at the speed that countries of the north must do
and of my home being washed we need it – that is if they are is meet the climate finance
away by floods as my country, implemented at all, of course. pledge of $100bn and then
the Philippines, was ravaged have that continuously grow.
The broken promises and slow
by Typhoon Ketsana. The And to make sure climate
progress on climate action
typhoon caused hundreds of action is going in the right
have led young people like me
billions of dollars worth of direction, we need more
to feel a deep sense of
damage and killed nearly concrete short-term targets
1,000 Filipinos. But the rich and milestones, such as annual
countries that pledged to Millions around the world carbon budgets, to measure all
allocate $100bn a year by face the prospect of sinking, the ambitious net-zero targets
2020 haven’t yet done so; in burning, drowning or dying of set by country leaders. We
fact, they recently pushed thirst. But the climate crisis don’t need more words from
their deadline back to 2023. isn’t just about extreme politicians or to go deeper into
weather events and reducing debt to Global North
Now as presidents and prime
emissions. The crisis is also countries. We need action. We
ministers are gathered in
that Global South countries, need climate justice.
Glasgow for COP26, Global
which are most vulnerable,
South youth activists like me Reparations that address loss
aren’t able to bounce back,
are demanding justice from and damage and help
deal with and minimise the
our so-called world leaders. countries adapt are crucial for
loss and damages we
We are facing the devastating climate justice. Scotland, for
experience because of the
impacts of the climate crisis. example, recently pledged a
historical and ongoing
The fact that current policies climate justice fund. But
exploitation of our lands and
still have us approaching an reparations must go beyond a
our people.
estimated temperature rise of transfer of money to include
2.7 degrees Celsius by the end The Global North is, through the redistribution of both
of the century is a slap in the its industrial activities, finance and the technology
face of those of us who are historically responsible for 92 and science needed for
already living through the hell percent of excess global CO2 human-centred adaptation, for
of floods, wildfires, storms emissions and has endangered a transition to renewable
and droughts at the current our past and present. The energy, and policy changes to
warming of 1.2 degrees. $100bn a year is just a drop in ensure the people who are
the bucket of their debt to most marginalised are listened
Even with the carbon dioxide
humanity as we expect to and prioritised.
(CO2) emissions reductions
climate impacts to cost $7.9
In the Philippines, foreign- simple idea, but I realised that So many of us in the climate
backed extractive mining he was right. It is that simple. movement are angry and tired
industries flatten mountains We need a system that of these injustices. Unlike so-
and displace Indigenous prioritises people and the called world leaders, we know
peoples from their ancestral planet, not profit, and this can how important it is to connect,
lands. In 2017, I got a glimpse only happen through a collaborate, and show
of the true meaning of fighting collective fight. solidarity with one another.
for climate justice through an And as the movement
It is in this spirit that other
Indigenous Lumad leader in continues to grow, as we learn
youth activists and I call for
the Philippines. He told me from each other, and as we
climate reparations from the
and the other students I was increasingly centre
Global North to the Global
with about how they were marginalised voices, it will
South for the historical
being harassed, displaced, and only get stronger. We will
injustices rooted in
killed – all for protecting the continue fighting for a world
colonialism, profit-oriented
forests from mining where no one is left behind.
plunder and planetary
companies. That, he said, is Together, we are unstoppable
degradation that has led to the
why we have no choice but to because we know another
climate crisis.
fight back. It was such a world is possible.
How happy or miserable are we?

Riaz Riazuddin, Dawn News

NFLATION makes us policymakers who have experience inflation through
miserable and so does preferred to ‘not know’ about regular shopping. We cannot
unemployment. But which the yearly unemployment say this for unemployment,
one is worse? Some of us situation. Hence the sporadic because not all of us
think inflation is more nature of the Labour Force experience unemployment.
harmful than unemployment. Survey (LFS). The latest Thank God again for this
Others think vice versa. There unemployment rate for FY19 blessing. Therefore, it is very
is an ‘economic discomfort at 6.9 per cent is two years old. important to conduct
index’, more commonly The FY18 rate was 5.8pc, but employment surveys.
known as the ‘misery index’, the rate available prior to this
An employed person can still
which simply adds the rates of is three years old (also 5.8pc
buy a lot even when inflation
inflation and unemployment for FY15). We’ll never know
is high. A jobless person
to indicate a level of ‘ill- what the official
cannot buy anything unless
being’ or the reverse of an unemployment rates were for
the family silver is depleted or
economy’s ‘well-being’. An FY16 and FY17. These must
money borrowed. Does high
assumption implicit in this be extrapolated with statistical
inflation cause as much stress
index is that a one percentage artistry. Do we lack the
as unemployment? I think
point rise in inflation causes as expertise or resources to
there is no comparison.
much discomfort as a one conduct the LFS on a
Unemployment is far more
percentage point rise in quarterly basis? No. We have
dreadful than inflation. While
unemployment. This seems full expertise. Hats off to the
this may be labelled as a
like an innocuous assumption Pakistan Bureau of Statistics
subjective view, scores of
leading to a simple measure of that started conducting the
surveys in advanced countries
misery. LFS on a quarterly basis and
based on ‘happiness research’
produced eight surveys for
What is our current level of support this observation.
FY11 and FY13. The sad fact
misery? Before providing a People in those countries
that it did not continue with
numerical value, I’ll ask think that unemployment is
this exercise speaks volumes
another question: do we know about five times more
not about PBS, but the
the current rate of dreadful than inflation. This
government of that time
unemployment in our means that a one percentage
which opted not to know
economy? Unfortunately, we point increase in the
about unemployment rates on
do not know. Unemployment, unemployment rate causes as
a quarterly basis. This disdain
apparently, is relatively more much misery as a five
by the government for
difficult to measure than percentage point increase in
unemployment figures is not
inflation. We are inundated inflation. This inflation-
unique. Every regime has
with a new numerical value unemployment trade-off
yearly or quarterly holes in the
for inflation every weak (in varies between two to 10
time series of the LFS. Note
terms of the Sensitive Price times in different countries.
there are no such holes in
Indicator), and monthly
inflation reports, thank God. Coming back to the simple
values of consumer and
misery index and ignoring
wholesale price indices, but Does high inflation cause as
what the happiness research
seldom with unemployment much stress as
says, let us look at our misery
data. Do we ever demand to unemployment? In fact, the
indices. During the 21st
know the unemployment rate? latter is far more dreadful.
century (FY01 to FY21) we
When I write ‘we’ it refers to What I am writing now should were lucky to have
our nation. Our nation’s not be misconstrued as unemployment rates for 13
preference in demanding advocating the non- out of 21 years. The misery
economic data is largely a production of weekly inflation index averaged at 14.6pc
result of the priorities attached data. Even if we do not look at during these years,
to different data sets by our inflation data, we all unemployment at 6pc and
inflation at 8.6pc (for those economic indices. We do not countries from the most to the
years in which unemployment have this index and, therefore, least miserable.
rates also existed). We were the inflation index is used in
Venezuela ranks first (most
most miserable in FY09 with our economy for this purpose.
miserable) and its neighbour,
an index of 26, mainly due to The current political
Guyana ranks 156 (least
the double-digit inflation of economic discourse in the
miserable or most happy).
20.8pc, largely because of the media is dominated by
Why was Guyana most happy
historic rise in international inflation and the rupee price of
in 2020? It struck oil in 2019
oil and commodity prices. The the dollar.
and as a result, real GDP per
misery index stood at 13.7 in
The simple misery index has ca--pita increased by 25.8pc in
FY19, the latest year for
been modified by other 2020. Next to Vene-zue--la in
which the unemployment rate
economists like Robert Barro misery are Zimbabwe and
is available. It was at 10.3, its
of Harvard and recently by Sudan. And next to Gu--yana
lowest level, in FY15 mainly
Steve Hanke of Johns in happiness are Taiwan and
due to low inflation induced
Hopkins Univer-sity. In Qatar. As we are always
largely by low international
Hanke’s formulation lending obsessed with comparisons
oil and commodity prices.
rates are added because higher with India, it may not hurt us
American economist Arthur lending rates cause misery. to know that India is higher in
Okun devised the simple Growth in real per capita GDP misery (in--dex 35.8, rank 39)
index in the early 1970s. Its is subtracted as it causes than Pakistan (index 32.5,
level became close to 22 in the happiness. This formulation rank 49.) Bangladesh is better
US in 1980 during Carter’s helps make a country by than both India and Pakis-tan
presidency. Reagan used it in country comparison easier. with a misery index of 14 and
his campaign to discredit Hanke has calculated this rank of 129.
Carter and win the election. index for 156 countries for
Such is the political use of 2020 and ranked these

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