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Based on D.O. No. 42 s. 2016 Based on D.O. No. 42 s. 2016 Based on PPST Module Examples
This part connects the lesson with learners’ prior You can start by establishing classroom rules:
knowledge. It explicitly teaches the learner how the Review 5. Manages learner behavior constructively by
A. Reviewing previous lesson/s or applying positive and non-violent discipline to ensure
new lesson connects to previous lesson. learning-focused environments.
It also review and presents new lessons in a 1. Applies knowledge of content within and across
Presenting the new lesson
systematic manner; Presentation curriculum teaching areas
Intradisciplinary or Interdisciplinary
It will motivate the learner to learn the new lesson. Find instances wherein you can incorporate reading
and arithmetic:
2. Uses a range of teaching strategies that enhance
B. Establishing a purpose for the It encourages them to ask questions about the new learner achievement in literacy and numeracy skills.
topic and helps establish a reason for learning the Motivation
new lesson; 9. Designs, selects, organizes, and uses diagnostic,
formative, and summative assessment strategies
consistent with curriculum requirements.
It shows instances of the content and Find instances wherein you can incorporate reading
and arithmetic:
Show example
2. Uses a range of teaching strategies that enhance
C. Presenting examples/ instances of learner achievement in literacy and numeracy skills.
the new lesson Explain about
This is also where the concepts are clarified.
the topic. 8. Selects, develops, organizes, and uses appropriate
teaching and learning resources, including ICT, to
address learning goals.
Teachers shall prepare good question for this part. Provide scenarios where pupils can interact and share
their ideas and opinions.
The teacher will listen to the answer of learners to
gauge if they understood the lesson. 3. Applies range of teaching strategies to develop
D. Discussing new concepts and Ask Question critical and creative thinking as well as other higher-
Practicing new skills #1 about the topic order thinking skills
If not, then they re-teach.
9. Designs, selects, organizes, and uses diagnostic,
formative, and summative assessment strategies
If the learners have understood the lesson, the consistent with curriculum requirements.
teacher shall proceed to deepening the lesson;
This assessment deepens the lesson and shows
learners new ways of applying learning.

The teacher can use pair, group, and team work to

E. Discussion of new concepts and help learners discuss the lesson among them.
Practicing new Skills #2
Group Work
The learners can present their work to the class and
this serves as the teacher’s way of assessing if the You can start by establishing classroom rules:
concepts are solidifying and if their skills are 5. Manages learner behavior constructively by
developing. applying positive and non-violent discipline to ensure
learning-focused environments.
It can be done through more individual work
activities such as writing, creative ways of
representing learning, dramatizing, etc. Identify your pupils development level
6. Uses differentiated, developmentally appropriate
learning experience to address learners’, gender,
The teacher shall ask learners to demonstrate their needs, strengths, interest and experiences.
learning through assessable activities such as
F. Developing mastery, (Leads to quizzes, worksheet, seat work, and games.
Formative Assessment #3)
When the students demonstrate learning, and then
proceed to the next step.

The teacher can add activities as needed until

formative assessment shows that the learners are
confident in their knowledge and competencies.
This can develop appreciation and valuing for
students’ learning by bridging the lesson to daily 1. Applies knowledge of content within and across
G. Finding practical applications of
living. Valuing curriculum teaching areas
concepts and skills in daily living Intradisciplinary or Interdisciplinary
This will also establish relevance to the lesson.
Will conclude the lesson by asking learners good
H. Making generalizations and questions that will help them crystallize their learning
abstractions about the lesson so they can declare knowledge and demonstrate
their skills.
It is a way of assessing the learners and whether the
9. Designs, selects, organizes, and uses diagnostic,
learning objectives have been met.
I. Evaluating Learning Evaluation formative, and summative assessment strategies
Evaluation should tap into the three types of consistent with curriculum requirements.
Will be based on the formative assessments and will
provided children with enrichment or remedial
J. Additional activities for application or activities. Enrichment/
remediation The teacher should provide extra time for additional Assignment
teaching activities to those learners demonstrating
that they have difficulties with the lesson.

The following are 4. Manages, classroom structure to engage learners, individually or groups, in meaningful DLLPreparationwithCOTIndicatorAllignment/
observable all throughout exploration, discovery and hands-on activities within a range of physical learning environments. larrysaliga/JUNE2019
the teaching and learning 7. Plans, manages and implements developmentally sequenced teaching and learning process to
process. meet the curriculum requirements and varied teaching contexts.

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