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Department of shipping question Set – 5


Part -1

A. General Ship Knowledge (5X4=20)

1. Describe Stiff & Tender ships. Explain Hogging & sagging.

2. Describe a Fire Plan

3. What is the function of Windlass? Where is it fitted?

4. List of fittings and equipment in ship’s forecastle with their functions.

5. What is the formula for FSE for a single tank? Identify all parameters.

6. Describe different Welding types.

B. Cargo operation and Stability (5X4=20)

1. Define bale capacity and grain capacity.

2. Describe the hazards associated with bulk cargoes.

3. Describe how will you prepare cargo hold for loading grain(Atleast 5 points).

4. What is angle of heel and angle of list.

5. What is centre of floatation? Is the position of COF changes due to the changes of draft and


6. With a suitable diagram of unstable ship to show the followings:

a. COG.

b. COB

c. Capsizing lever.

d. Buoyancy force.

e. Gravitational force

C. Ocean and Offshore Navigation (5X4=20)

1. What is the importance of First Point of Aries?

2. In calculating latitude by Polaris, 10 is subtracted. Why?

3. What causes Index Error of a sextant?

4. When Sun’s declination reaches to Zero and when Maximum?

5. In Altitude calculation, Why DIP always subtracted.

6. What is Parallax error. When it is minimum and maximum?

D. Coastal Navigation (5X4=20)

1. From where we can get variation of an area? How it is calculated?

2. How are the parallels of latitude and meridians represented by Mercator projection?

3. Explain the symbol of light: Al.Fl.WR.30s18m23/22M

4. True Heading 0450 (T), Compass 0400 ©, Variation 30 E, how much is Deviation?

5. What is Luminous range and Nominal range?

6. What is a Transit Bearing?

E. Principles of navigation (5X4=20)

1. What is observer’s Rational Horizon, Visible Horizon and Sensible Horizon?

2. What is eccentricity of earth orbit?

3. Definition of Altitude and Azimuth and Amplitude?

4. Significance of Arctic and Antarctic circle.

5. When we will get sun vertically and inclined?

6. Write only the name of adjustable and non adjustable errors in Sextant?

Part – 2

A. Meteorology (5X4=20)

1. Define diurnal variation and range of atmospheric temperature

2. Describe the composition of the Earth’s atmosphere

3. What are causes of seasons.Name the four seasons and their occurrence period.

4. Define condensation nuclei and its role in cloud formation.

5. Write short note on Bora , Mistral and Harmattan.

6. Describe the weather associated with Ridge, Col and Trough.

B. Applied Science (5X4=20)

1. Describe solar eclipse and lunar eclipse .

2. Describe intensity of magnetization.

3. What is lever and pulley?

4. Explain why change of pressure has no effect on velocity on air.

5. Write about specific heat and latent heat? Definition: conductor, semiconductor, insulator

6. Write about saturation of air, relative humidity, isothermal and adiabatic process.

C. Mathematics (5X4=20)

6 x 2 −3 xy
1. If x : y = -1 : 2 find the value of 4 xy +5 y 2 .

tan θ ( cos θ+1 )
2. Prove that secθ ( sin θ+ tan θ )

3. A travels from one town to another 90 km distant and B leaves the latter town at the same time

to travel to the 1st one. A travels 3 km/h faster than B and number of km B travels each hour is

equal to the number of hours before they meet. Find their speeds.

4. A cylinder with hemispherical ends has an overall length of 13 m and diameter 7 m. Calculate

the number of ton of oil R.D 0.9 that it can contain.

5. In spherical triangle XYZ, X = 900, Y = 1000 and Z = 87010’. Find YZ, ZX, XY.

6. Find the diameter of a solid hemisphere whose total surface area (including the flat circular

base) is 58.9 cm2.

D. Signaling (5X4=20)

1. Write down the meaning of following flag with color and shape. (any Five)

B, P, G, O, U.

2. What are the following signify? (any five)

a)An aircraft circling around a ship, then crossing vessels course ahead at low altitude while

rocking and heading in direction.

b) A rocket parachute/hand flare shown red light.

c) The word “MAY DAY” spoken on RT.

d) The word “PANPAN” spoken (3) on RT.

e) Flag substitute the signal-L2550.

f) L4530S, G2015E.

3. State the meaning of following: (any five)


4. Explain the use of Substitute flag. How to use the following substitute:

a) L 2255 b) G 2233,

5. Answer the following question:

(a) How you indicate Azimuth bearing, True bearing and course?

(b) How many letter/figure determined by flashing light signaling per minute? Write down duration

of dot, dash and group.

(c) What is the calling procedure unknown station by Radio telephony?

(d) Write down how to indicate the Lat, Long, Distance, Speed & Depth.

(e) Write down using procedure of answering pendant.

6. To indicate vessel is a distress write down at least five signal need of assistance.

E. Marine Operations and Orals (5X4=20)

1. Write the definition of following: i) Restricted Visibility

ii) Vessel Not Under Command

2. You see a vessel on your right ahead and reciprocal course. What action you will take and under

which regulation?

3. As per rule 18 (responsibility), a power driven vessel underway will keep out the way of which


4. Define short blast and long blast

5. State the differences between GPS, GLONASS and Galileo

6. What information you will pass to a pilot on bridge?

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