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Set – 01

01.What is Dead Reckoning (DR) and Estimated position?

Dead Reckoning:

This is a position which is calculated based on speed of the vessel without effect of
wind and current.

Estimated Position:

This is a position which is calculated based on speed of the vessel with effect of wind
and current.

02. Describe the light; Fl (3) WRG. 15s. 13m. 7-5M.

Light Flashing 3 times.

Color White, Red, Green.

Duration 15 Second.

Height 13 Meters.

Range Nominal Range 7 miles, Green Range 5 miles, Red Range between 7 and 5

03. What is abort point?

Abort point is the final point at which a ship can take action to avoid passing the point of
no return. It is the point after which there is insufficient sea room to safely turn the vessel
and return back.

04. Define Chart Datum and Drying Height?

Chart Datum

Chart Datum being an imaginary beyond which sea level rarely falls. Its modern
practice. The Datum established near at lowest astronomical tide. (L.A.T)

The minimum depth of water level which given on chart is called Chart Datum.

Drying Height:

On nautical chart the drying height is the vertical distance of the seabed that is
exposed by the tide above the sea water, level at the lowest astronomical tide.

05. What is the purpose of chart correction?

They only notify about any new charts or new editions being published their previous
edition being cancelled. The Correction are mentioned ether in the form of co ordinates
with instructions or in the form of overly chart tracking and blocks to be cut and pasted.
06. True heading 450 (T), Compass 0400(C), Variation 30E, how much is Deviation?

True Heading 0450 (T)

Variation 30 E
Magnetic Course 0420 (M)
Deviation 20 E
Compass Course 0400 (C)

Deviation 20 E


01. What are the information we can avail from routing chart?

1. Wind speed Direction

2. Predominant current
3. Load Line zone
4. Tropical storms
5. Recommended route
6. Ice condition
7. Sea Temperature, Ice Barometer pressure
8. Traffic separation scheme

02. Explain the symbol of light; Al. Fl. WR. 30s 18m 23/22M.

Class: Single flashes of different color alternately.

Color: White, Red
Duration: 30 second
Height: 18 meters
Range: Nominal range 23 miles for White light, Nominal range 22 miles for red light.

03. What does IALA means? Write about the regions.

IALA: International Association of Marine Aids of Navigation and light house
Region A → STBD → Green Port → Red
Region B → STBD → Red Port → Green
04. Convert a Compass Course of 105 (C) to True Course, Given Variation 140E and
Deviation 110 E.
Compass Couse 1050 (c)
Deviation 110 E
Magnetic Course 1160 (M)
Variation 140 E

.·. True Course 1300 (T)

05. With Example define leeway.

The effect of wind on the course to steer is called leeway.

06. What are the stages in a passage plan? Write short note.
There are four stages in a passage plan.
1. Appraisal 2. Planning 3. Execution 4. Monitoring
This is the process of gathering all information relevant to the planned
Difference favorable route and plan the passage by using the information
Having finalized the passage plan.
Proper lookout by sight and hearing and widely observe the situation al around
the ship and if there is any doubt inform the Master and alter the curse.


01. What is nautical mile? What is the length of 1M in latitude 470 48’ N?

Nautical Mile
It is a unit used in measuring distances at sea, equal to 1,852 meters.

Length of 1 Nautical Mile

The Nautical mile at any place is the length of the arc of a meridian
subtending an angle of 10 of the center of curvature of that place.
Given Latitude = 47048’N
Length of Nautical Mile = 1852.3-9.4*cos (2*47048’) = 1853.21m
02. What is a contingency Anchorage? Its importance.

Contingency Anchorage is a safe anchorage place which is available during the

voyage. In other words, a place where a ship can be anchored in case of an
emergency during the voyage.

03. What is the importance of chart catalogue (NP 131)?

01. General information.

02. List of admiralty charts and publication.
03. Numerical list of charts and publication.
04. Limit of chart index.
05. Limit of small-scale chart.
06. Charts of chain details of Decca-Loran charts.
07. Wall and outline charts.
08. Routing chart.
09. Fisheries chart.
10. List of admiralties sailing direction.

04. Explain the light: FL (3) WRG. 15s. 13m. 7-5M.

Light → Flashing 3 times.

Color → White, Red, Green
Period → 15 seconds
Height → 13 meters
Range → Nominal range 7 for white, 5 for green, between 7 and 5 for red.

05. Variation 30 W, Deviation 40 E, if compass heading is 1040(C). How much is true

Compass Course : 1040 (C)
Deviation : 40 E
Magnetic Compass: 1080 (M)
Variation : 30 W
True Course: 1050 (T)
06.What do you understand by occulting light?
A light in which the total duration of light in each period is clearly longer than the
Total duration of darkness.

01.What is the importance of chart 5011 in chart work?

General chart 5011 is primarily a key to symbols and abbreviations used on admiralty and
international chart compiled by the UKHO (United Kingdom Hydrographic Office). Variations
may occur on charts adopted into the admiralty series that were originally produced by
another hydrographic office.

02. From which sources we avail variation and deviation on board a ship?

03. In metric chart, what are the significances of Yellow, Green, Blue and White colour?

Yellow → Represents the land.

Green → Areas that cover and uncover according to the tides.

Blue → Indicate the shallow water.

White → Indicate deep water.

04. What is flood stream and ebb stream?

Flood Stream:

It is the inflow of water due to a rising tide.

Ebb Stream:

It is the outflow of water due to a falling tide.

05. Draw a south cardinal Buoy with lights and top mark.
06. Write full form of ECDIS and IALA.

ECDIS → Electronic Chart Display and Information System.

IALA→ The International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities


01. From where we can get variation of an area? How is it calculated?

We will find variation of a specific area in paper chart. Variation is continuously changing
due to changing of magnetic poles. So, we need to update charts for calculating variation. After
measuring compass bearing by gyro compass. Which need to convert to true bearing.

So, we need to add or subtract from magnetic North to find true North. We can say
variation is the angle between true North and magnetic North.

02. How are the parallels of latitude and meridians represented by Mercator projection?

1. All meridians are appearing as straight lines, parallel to equidistance from each
other and cross equator at right angles.
2. All parallel of latitude would appear as straight lines, parallel to each other but
distance between two consecutive parallel would increase as latitude increase.

03. Set-02 / Question – 02

04. Set-01 / Question - 06

05.What is Luminous range and Nominal range?

Luminous Range

The maximum distance at which a light can be seen, as determined by the luminous
intensity of the light and the meteorological visibility prevailing at that time.

Nominal Range

The nominal range is the maximum distance at which a light can be seen in clear
weather as defined by the International Visibility Code (meteorological visibility of
10 nautical miles).

06. What is Transit Bearing?

When we observe two or more terrestrial objects on a same line as it would appear from
the ship, it’s called transit bearing.

Transit bearing not only used to determine position line, it also used to check compass

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