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APS106  MIDTERM  –  February  27,  2014  
INSTRUCTORS:      V.  Sinnathurai,    L.  Shu,    S.  Srikukenthiran,    M.  Bussmann  

                                   circle  the  name  of  your  instructor  whose  lectures  you  attend  
Last  Name:                      
First  Name:                    
Important:    Marks  will  be  awarded  for  correctness  of  your  algorithm,  C  syntax,  adherence  to  
recommended  C  coding  practice,  code  efficiency,  and  the  clarity  of  your  program.    No  calculator  
allowed.    No  textbook  allowed.    An  aid  sheet  is  attached  to  the  end  of  this  test.  
Time  allotted:    60  min  
Question   Maximum  Mark   Actual  Mark  
1   9    
2   3    
3   8    
Total   20    

Page  1  of  6  
Question  1.    (9  marks)  
(a  -­‐  1  mark)    Convert  the  following  decimal  number  to  binary  (base  2):    

Answer:      10111  
(b  -­‐  1.5  marks)    For  the  following  bit  of  code:  
int i;
for (i=1; i<5; i++)
write  the  one  line  of  code  that  will  generate  the  following  output:  
1 8 2 7 3 6 4 5

Answer:      printf ("%d %d ", i, 9-i);  
(c  -­‐  1  mark)    What’s  the  output  of  the  following  bit  of  code?  
double d = 1.8;
int i = d;
do {
i = (i%3)*4;
printf ("%d ", i++);
d *= 2.0;
} while (d < 6.0);

Answer:      4 8  

Page  2  of  6  
(d  -­‐  2  marks)    Consider  the  following  bit  of  code:  
char c;
int i = 4;

printf ("Type something: ");

c = getchar ( );

while (c != '\n') {
c -= i--;
putchar (c);
c = getchar ( );
What’s  the  output  if  the  user  enters:  


Answer:      D0ne  
(e  -­‐  1.5  marks)    For  the  following  bit  of  code:  
int i;

for (i = 1; i <= 30; i++) {

if ( ??? )
printf ("%d ", i);

what  conditional  ???  will  result  in  the  following  output:  
3 9 15 21 27

Answer:      i%3 == 0 && i%2 == 1  

Page  3  of  6  
(f  -­‐  2  marks)    What’s  the  output?  
double fnc (int A);

int main () {

int i;
double d;

for (i = 1; i < 3; i++) {

d = fnc (i);
printf ("%d %.1f ", i, d);

return 0;

double fnc (int A) {

double B;

B = (double) (A/2)*2;

return B;
Answer:      1 0.0 2 2.0  

Page  4  of  6  
Question  2.    (3  marks)  
The  Fibonacci  sequence  is  a  famous  number  series,  where  each  number  is  the  sum  of  the  prior  
1,  1,  2,  3,  5,  8,  13,  21,  34,  55,  …  
The  program  below  is  supposed  to  write  out  the  first  N  Fibonacci  numbers  as  specified  by  the  
user,  separated  by  commas.    For  example,  if  the  user  enters  N  =  7,  the  program  should  output:    
1,  1,  2,  3,  5,  8,  13  
Unfortunately,  the  code  contains  3  errors.    Carefully  circle  the  errors,  and  indicate  corrections  
beside  the  statements  as  comments  (//).  
#include <stdio.h>

int main ( ) // ( ) is the same as (void)

int i, N;
int twoBefore=1, priorNumber=1, current=1; //twoBefore = 0
printf("Enter the # of Fibonacci numbers to print out: ");
scanf("%d", &N);

for (i=1; i<N; i++) // i=0

printf("%d", current);
current = priorNumber+twoBefore;
twoBefore = priorNumber;
priorNumber = current;
printf(","); // if (i != N-1) printf(",");

return 0;
Page  5  of  6  
Question  3.    (8  marks)  
A  file  “numbers.txt”  contains  a  list  of  integers.    Write  a  program  that  reads  the  file  (you  may  
assume  it  exists)  and  identifies  the  smallest  positive  (>  0)  and  largest  negative  (<  0)  values  in  the  
list.    For  example,  if  numbers.txt  contains  the  following  data,  your  program  would  indicate:  
  The smallest positive value is 8.
12 The largest negative value is -3.
-15                If  the  file  does  not  contain  positive  values,  or  does  not  contain  negative  values,  your  
-43                program  should  respond  appropriately.    

#include <stdio.h>

int main ( ) {

FILE * input;
input = fopen (numbers.txt", "r");
int num, pos = 0, neg = 0;

while (fscanf (input, "%d", &num) != EOF) {

if (num > 0) {
if (pos == 0)
pos = num;
else if (num < pos)
pos = num;
else if (num < 0) {
if (neg == 0)
neg = num;
else if (num > neg)
neg = num;

if (pos == 0) printf ("No positive numbers.\n");

else printf ("The smallest positive value is %d\n", pos);
if (neg == 0) printf ("No negative numbers.\n");
else printf ("The largest negative value is %d\n", neg);

return 0;

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