Elc151 (Speaking Practice - Overcome Obesity)

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Fill in the blanks with appropriate dialogues to initiate, to agree, disagree and to conclude the

Candidate C: (The Intiator)

Good morning everyone. We are here to discuss the most effective way to overcome the
problem of obesity. There are four suggestions, which are to change eating habits, daily
exercise, health talks and awareness campaigns. Candidate B, would you like to share
your opinion with us?

CANDIDATE B:     (Giving her suggestion)

Yes, thank you, Candidate C. I strongly believe that the most effective way to
overcome obesity is to engage in daily exercise. The reason is weight loss can be aided
by exercising. Obesity is caused by an energy imbalance. There are too many calories in
and too few calories out. As a result, a variety of factors, including age, body size, and
DNA, impact how many calories or "energy" people burn each day. The quantity of
movement people get each day is the most variable and easily modifiable element. After
all, keeping active can help people maintain a healthy weight or lose weight. It can also
relieve stress and improve mood, as well as reducing the risk of heart disease, diabetes,
stroke, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, and certain malignancies.

Do you agree with me, Candidate D?

CANDIDATE D:      (To show disagreement)

I am sorry, Candidate B. I don’t agree with that point. The reason for my disagreement is
because it seems to me that obese people should speak with a healthcare professional who is
familiar with obesity issues. Otherwise, individuals will be unaware of the dangers of obesity and
would lack the will to exercise if they are not guided. In order to clarify , doctors and other
healthcare practitioners visit patients throughout their lifetimes, giving them ample opportunities
to encourage them to make healthy diet and physical activity choices. They can serve as role
models for healthy living. They can also use their knowledge and influence as members of the
greater community to advocate for positive reforms.

CANDIDATE  A:   (To interrupt candidate D’s discussion)

Excuse me,  Candidate D, can I say something?

CANDIDATE  D:      (to give permission to be interrupted)

Yes, please go ahead.

CANDIDATE  A:     (To totally agree)

Thank you , Candidate D.  I agree with your point. And I'd like to add to your point. I think
obesity can also be overcome by sticking to basic nutritional guidelines. As an example,
focus on consuming at least five to seven servings of whole fruits and vegetables per
day, avoid processed meals, and limit their sugar intake. As a result, individuals who
offered a highly processed diet consumed more calories and gained weight, yet those
who offered a minimally processed diet consumed fewer calories and lost weight.

CANDIDATE  C:   (To disagree)

I am sorry , Candidate A. I feel that changing eating habits is not necessarily the best
solution.In my point of view, the first step in overcoming the obesity problem is to raise
awareness about it. Obesity is a chronic, complex disorder that demands substantial,
lifelong treatment. Unfortunately, many individuals do not consider obesity to be a
condition that requires treatment due to weight stigma. In fact, many people have an
even more difficult dilemma when determining which approach to use to assist them
manage their weight. There are a variety of tactics that can be used to raise community
awareness. Point-of-decision cues to encourage the use of routes or trials, individually
tailored health behaviour modification programmes, enhanced school-based physical
education, and large-scale media campaigns delivering messages via television, radio,
newspaper, and social media are among these tactics.

CANDIDATE  D:    (To come to consensus as to which suggestion is the best),

Well, now that we have presented all our view points, what do you have to
say Candidate A?


I support the opinion of Candidate B that daily exercise is the most effective way in
checking obesity.

  What about you, Candidate C?


I guess Candidate B has a very good point there. Daily exercise is the most effective

CANDIDATE  D:       (To express the group decision & close the discussion)

Right, so we all agree that daily exercise is the most effective solution to control obesity.
Does anyone have anything else to say? Otherwise, let’s bring his discussion to a close.
Thank you for your contributions to this discussion.

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