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Pandan egg tart

Ingredients for pastry(饼皮材料) :

100g butter(牛油)

35g (1/4 cup) icing sugar (糖粉)

200g (1 1/2 cups) plain flour (普通面粉)

1 egg lightly beaten (鸡蛋轻轻打散)

Ingredients for filling (馅料):

4 large eggs (鸡蛋)

100ml boiling water (沸水)

85g (1/3cup + 1 tbsp ) caster sugar (细砂糖)

100ml milk (鲜奶)

100ml pandan juice (2 pandan leaves blended with 100ml water )

100 毫升班兰汁 (2 片班兰叶加 100ml 毫升水打烂,过沥取汁)

Serving size : 3” tart mould can make 15 portions

3 寸挞模可做 15 个

Mango egg tart

For the crust:

1½ cups (190g) Flour

1/4 cup (50g) Powdered sugar

1 egg

1/2 cup (115g) Butter

1/4 teaspoon Salt

1 teaspoon Vanilla extract

For the filing:

12oz (340g) Mango puree/mango pulp (about 2 large mangos)

1 Egg + 2 egg yolks

1/2 cup + 2 Tbsp. (125g) Sugar

1 tablespoon Lemon juice

1 teaspoon Lemon zest

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

3/4 cup (180ml) Heavy cream/half&half

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