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Business Name and Address

 Wild Street Taste

 Brgy. # 26 Teppang, Bacarra, Ilocos Norte

Name and Address of Business Owner

 April Joy Tangonan

 Brgy. # 36 Natba, Bacarra, Ilocos Norte

Nature of Business
 Merchandising Business

Statement of Financial

In starting a business, you must have enough money to purchase product. Being a beginner its so
hard, if you don't have enough money to deal with your business. So, as a group we collect
money from our pocket so that we can start our business as soon as possible but we have only
one owner and the rest are employees.


Our business plan aims to satisfy the need and wants of the people who will buy our product.
Everybody knows that street food is not so hygienic and not very healthy compared to
restaurants, but still, people love to eat street food because of the large varieties available at a
cheaper price. It is mostly people from middle class and lower middle class who want to taste a
variety of food at an affordable price indulge into street food.

Our Wild Street Taste is start-up street food business located in Brgy. 26 Teppang,
Bacarra, Ilocos Norte. We offer value pricing street-grilled food that will match your taste.

Entering to this business will not be easy even though it has a low start-up cost because
nowadays there are so many street food vendors. But our business will be way different from
other street food business because we have our own location where you can relax and have a
great time with your friends. We focus to preserve the traditional street food of the Philippines
the best we can.

Our Wild Street Taste is owned by owner but managed by eleven person with equal shares
and responsibilities. We believe that this business will succeed with the help if the members
cooperation and passion towards the business.

Street foods' role in the economy

Street food micro-industries are vital for the economic planning and development of
many towns. The contribution of street food vendors to the economies of developing countries
has been vastly underestimated and neglected. However, statistics for some places do exist

This is a relatively significant figure considering that most of the earnings are generated locally
and thereby promote economic self-sufficiency.

The significance of the street food industry has often been ignored because it is
considered part of the informal sector. Previously, the informal sector was thought to symbolize
a lack of economic development that would and should disappear with modernization. Until
more permanent jobs could be provided by the modern sector, the former was expected to absorb
unskilled workers who migrated to the city from rural areas.

The term "street foods" describes a wide range of ready-to-eat foods and beverages sold
and sometimes prepared in public places, notably streets.2 Like fast foods, the final preparation
of street foods occurs when the customer orders the meal which can be consumed where it is
purchased or taken away. Street foods and fast foods are low in cost compared with restaurant
meals and offer an attractive alternative to home-cooked food. In spite of these similarities, street
food and fast food enterprises differ in variety, environment, marketing techniques and

Street foods often reflect traditional local cultures and exist in an endless variety. There is
much diversity in the raw materials as well as in the preparation of street food beverages, snacks
and meals. Vendors' stalls are usually located outdoors or under a roof which is easily accessible
from the street. They have low-cost seating facilities which are sometimes rudimentary. Their
marketing success depends exclusively on location and word-of-mouth promotion. Street food
businesses are usually owned and operated by individuals or families but benefits from their
trade extend throughout the local economy. For instance, vendors buy their fresh food locally,
thus linking their enterprises directly with small-scale farms and market gardens.
By contrast, fast food outlets specialize in fewer foods which are usually prepared by frying.
Hamburgers, chicken, chips and pizza often predominate. These enterprises, which are usually
indoors, invest heavily in seating, air conditioning and bright decor. Marketing strategies are
almost exclusively dependent on advertising, sponsorship and special offers which aim to create
brand loyalty. Owners usually have a franchise arrangement with a transnational company which
also controls the provision of raw materials, the menu and the mode of preparation. Profits from
sales generated by foreign-controlled fast food chains often leave the country.


Products and/or Services

Philippines is not just popular for its pristine islands and colorful festivals but it’s also
famous for its oh-so-good street food that will definitely make you drool. Here are the best street
food in the Philippines you must try!

1. Isaw

One of the most popular Filipino street foods is the isaw Philippines. It is pork or chicken
intestines that are typically barbecued or deep-fried. Don’t worry because the intestines are
cleaned thoroughly before grilling it.

Fun trivia: Isaw Philippines has been around since the 1970s. When livestock supply was
abundant in the 1950s, street food vendors opted to sell more expensive cuts of meat, but when
the economic crisis hit the country in the 1970s, the scrap parts of pork and chicken suddenly
became valuable and that’s when they started to sell isaw. Street foods in the Philippines articles
aren’t complete without isaw.

2. Betamax
Betamax is the blood of pig or chicken that is coagulated and shaped into squares. It
resembles the box-type video cassette tape called Betamax, hence the name. Although it’s made
with blood, betamax doesn’t have a foul smell or taste. In fact, it has a mellow to bitter flavor
that calls for spicy vinegar on the side.

3. Fishball

Because almost everything in the Philippines is becoming expensive, the Filipinos came up
with a pickup line that says fish balls na lang ang hindi nagmamahal that means fishballs
Philippines are the only thing that remains cheap while other prices of goods continue to hike.
It’s actually the cheapest street food in the Philippines that’s only PHP 0.50 per piece.

Fishballs Philippines are groundfish, usually made from pollock or cuttlefish and lots of
flour, that are flattened and skewered before deep-frying.

4. Squidballs

Squid balls Philippines resembles fish balls, only it is fluffier and doesn’t become limp when
deep-friend. From its name, the main ingredients of squid balls are squid, all-purpose flour,
cornstarch, garlic, salt, and pepper. The squid balls Philippines is one of the most bought and
popular street foods in the country.

5. Kikiam

Kikiam was originally taken from Chinese cuisine and authentically consists of minced meat
and vegetables. But unlike the Chinese version, the kikiam Philippines contains fish meat instead
and a lot of fillers. They are brown and about the size of a finger.

Size of the Business

 Small Business
Mission Statement and Core Values

Mission Statement

Food for people to eliminate their hunger. We sell the best street foods in the area and
provide a fun experience for families. We hope to provide a new experience for local

Core Values

 Respect
 We will treat all of our relationships with respect.
 Teamwork
 We will foster cooperation and a sense of empowerment amongst our diverse staff,
volunteers, and community partners
 Empathy, Passion, Empowerment
 We encourage and support the best in ourselves and those we serve and provide
opportunities for everyone to participate in fulfilling our mission

Location of the Business

Our business is located at Brgy.26 Teppang, Bacarra. Ilocos Norte

Background of the Business Owners

Name: April Joy Tangonan

Age: 18

Address: Brgy. 36 Natba, Bacarra, Ilocos Norte

Date of Birth: April 22, 2002

Status: Single
Gender: Female

Father’s Name: Benjamin G. Tangonan

Mother’s Name: Jenelyn Tangonan

 Manufacturing process

•our basic idea in our business is to buy a equipment and machine that will help us on producing
our products

 Physical Plant

•in our business we need electricity especially that we have an equipment that needs electricity
and also when we’re selling in the evening we badly need an electricity so that we can have a
light while cooking and selling.

•so electricity is the necessary infrastructure in our business

•we need also a freezer especially that most of my products are frozen

 Supplies of raw materials

•Our basic needs are water, oil, coal and wood. So our business will definitely supplied
necessary raw materials.

 Machinery and equipment


•kitchen equipment like tong and pan

 Supplies of raw materials

•water that my customer will need and also on washing our products, oil and coal that the most
needed in making our products cooked and presentable.

 Future capital and equipment needs

•equipment that we use to manufacture a product is a vehicle to provide a good services by

delivering and use on selling our products.

•equipment and machines thar we need like kitchen appliances that are directly used in
production of our products.

VI. Marketing Plan

1. Products

Todays generation, people love street foods. They tend to buy street food as their food on the
go because aside from it is cheap, it is tasty. The business provides freshly baked repared
products at all time ls during the business operation. We plan to make our products more savory
than the other business.

2. Industry
Food industry is developed in n country or anywhere in the world. Many businessmen
venture in this industry. Every business has its own uniqueness to attract/gain customers. They
have their own twist and offers on how they advertise their own business.

3. Costumers

We will expect that our customers will be those people who love to eat street-grilled
food like students ,group of friend and families here in brgy Duripes Bacarra.

4. Position

Our idea for the locationwill be bear a rereational area so that customers will feel more
relax and can enjoy their food.

5. Marketing Strategy

Our wild street food wants to establish a large regular customers base. So to achieve this
we planned to use social media like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram in advertising so that our
business will be known to locals.

6. Goals
 The Business Goals
 To increase profit margin
 To provide satisfation to our customers.
 To build a good relationship with customers.
 To provide better customers service.
 To meet the changing needs and desires of clients and customers.


Background, Role and Responsibilities of Each Members


 Brgy. 27 Duripes, Bacarra, Ilocos Norte

 18 Years Old
 Female
 Student
 Server


 Brgy. 25 Tubburan, Bacarra, Ilocos Norte

 18 Years Old
 Female
 Student
 Server


 Brgy. 23 Paninaan, Bacarra, Ilocos Norte

 18 Years Old
 Female
 Student
 Cooker


 Brgy. 23 Paninaan, Bacarra, Ilocos Norte

 18 Years Old
 Female
 Student
 Cooker


 Brgy. 24 Macupit, Bacarra, Ilocos Norte

 18 Years old
 Female
 Student
 Dishwasher


 Brgy. 24 Macupit, Bacarra, Ilocos Norte

 18 Years Old
 Female
 Student
 Dishwasher


 Brgy. 15 Pangil, Pasuquin, Ilocos Norte

 18 Years Old
 Male
 Student
 Cashier


 Brgy. 23 Paninaan, Bacarra, Ilocos Norte

 18 Years Old
 Male
 Student
 Delivery Boy


 Brgy. 26 Teppang, Bacarra, Ilocos Norte

 18 Years Old
 Male
 Student
 Delivery Boy


 Brgy. 26 Teppang, Bacarra, Ilocos Norte

 18 Years Old
 Male
 Student
 Delivery Boy


Wild Street Taste expects strong sales, based on our research into our target market, similar
businesses in other parts of our community, lack of direct competition and the experience,
reputations, and know- how of it owners/managers. By holding down costs we will generate a
net profit mid away through the first year and increase net worth dramatically by year 3.

Important Assumption

The financial plan depends on important assumption, most of which are shown in the
following table as annual assumption.
 We assume that our market needs will be seasonal, with a decrease in sales during rainy

General Assumptions

Plan Month 1 2 3

Current Interest Rate 6% 6% 6%

Long-term Interest Rate 6% 6% 6%

Tax Rate 20% 20% 20%

Other 0 0 0

Break-even Analysis

Monthly Revenue Break-even Assumptions 5,000

Average Percent Variable Cost 60%

Estimated Monthly Fixed Cost 3,000

Projected Profit and Cost

We are projecting very conservatively regarding lost sales and gross margin. Our cost of
sales based on other establishment prices, which well decrease once we are consistently able to
buy our food in food quantities from marketer. This will significantly lower our cost of sales, and
increase our gross margin more than in this projection.
Profit Monthly










1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Profit Yearly







Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Gross Margin Monthly








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Gross Margin Yearly










Year 1 Year 2 Year 3


Sales 50,000 80,000 100,000

Direct cost of sales 15,000 25,000 30,000

Other cost of sales 0 0 0

Total cost of sales 15,000 25,000 30,000

Gross Margin 30,000 50,000 80,000

Gross Margin 0.5% 0.5% 0.30%


Utilities 5,000 5,000 5,000

Insurance 3,000 3,000 3,000

Payroll Taxes 0 0 0

Total Operating Expenses 8,000 8,000 8,000

Profit Before Interest and Taxes 30,000 50,000 80,000

EBITDA 32,000 53,000 85,000

Interest Expenses 4,000 3,000 2,000

Taxes Incurred 6,000 8,000 10,000

Net Profit 12,000 14,000 17,000


Our business which is the street foods may have a lot of risk factors. Despite this COVID-19
pandemic, it may affect our business. Especially this kind of business earns income in public,
often in crowded spaces. There's a lot of kind of disasters that may cause to destroy our business,
like typhoons, floods, earthquake, especially the COVID-19 pandemic and etc. Street foods
commonly run fast every summer, and people really enjoy this kind of foods in summer.
However, while facing the pandemic which is caused risk in our business, to reduce this we will
practice doing the health protocols for our safety and also for the safety of our customers. We
will always use facemask, faces shields, use an alcohol, dis-infect our stuffs before and after
using and also observing social distancing. We also should have an equipment for emergency so
that customers may think that pure business is safe and clean. We can say that this is a small
business, but having a good business plan or marketing plan that will reduce this kinds of risks,
and also by working together with our employees with honesty and loyalty in the business, we
may have the big chance to make this business bigger and become successful.


Our Wild Street Taste "street food" must be known of our Punong Barangay and our beloved
Mayor so our business will become legal. We know that business registration is important as we
establishes our wild street taste "street food" as a legal entity. We should have and asked a
mayor's permit and barangay clearance. Second we're going to engage our business through
posting into social media because it may helped to promote and may people easily know and
identify our business. Customer may loved our products which is affordable and satisfy their
wants, maybe these products are the commonly you see in the streets though our fishball,
betamax, isaw, squidball have some added ingredients and seasonings which is our secret recipe.
I can also sell my products which is my sideline online selling, it can aslo have a great chance to
promote this because they can feel that they're in the mall eating while window shopping. We
also have a good services, my employees are friendly, good in socializing, good in sales talking,
very accommodating persons, that may help to approach more costumers. My business is have a
very Instagram able design which people may love to take a photo and post it in social media this
can help to engage our business into many people. If I get an employee I should do some
background if it's really suits them or not because if I accept a person who doesn't have good
attitude, not hardworking, doesn't know how to socialize it can may effect our business
background. It's my first time to build my own business so I should hire a great employees. In
selecting the right employees I should the one who will interview them and test to know their

I gather some information about our target customers. To know what my customers
want's so we can generally post it into social media and survey them using this media to know
what people more like. The following year of selling we will know if my business is working and
gaining more profit or my business is sinking down. I'll assume we will have a profit amounting
300,000 pesos a year and expenses that we're using like current, coal, sticks are amounting of
5,000 a month. Salaries expenses of my employees are up to 30,000 a month. My employees
should know their responsibilities, helped themselves to enhance their skills, good in socializing
and have a good leadership. Teamwork and cooperation is the key to become successful and
grow our business. Price list are the ingredients we buy for our products calamansi, chicken
intestine, and etc. for maybe 50,000. Profiling competitors will help us to see their advantage of
their business. It consist finding out about their products this is the key to identify the difference
of their products, this is very helpful to gain more information to know their strength and

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