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Title of the project:

Hotel Management
This project aims to aid the hospitality industry in providing their clientele
an inclusive and interactive method of choosing their requirements like room,
foodcourt, other amenity preferences etc. It also helps the hotel administrative staff
to maintain an orderly and concise record of their clientele.

Team members:
 Vishnu A
 Sri Hrish Vel M
 Tharunkumar E
Team details:
The project “Hotel Management” has been designed and developed solely
by the fore mentioned individuals. The various components of the project were
shared between the members i.e the coding and project compiling was done by Sri
Harish Vel and Tharunkumar, and the documentation was done by Vishnu.

Reason for choosing the topics:

Hotel industry is one of the fastest growing businesses in the hospitality
sector. However with such progress comes great hindrances that pose a threat to
this growth. In the present world of technology, maintaining huge data has become
easier hence we have exhibited a similar platform for combining the easiness of
technology and human ability. Furthermore, this industry also employs a great deal
of graduates making it a beacon for fresh outs.Thus programming as such would
greatly help maintain order and provide an easier platform for the new employees.
 Manage Rooms
 Add new room
 Get room details by room no
 Find available rooms by number of beds
 Edit Room details
 Delete room
 View all rooms
 Manage Customers
 New Customer
 Show Customer Details by name
 Show customer details by id
 Show customer details by address
 Show customer details by phone number
 Show customer details by room no
 Show customer details by check in date
 Show current list of customers
 Check out
 Edit customer Details
 Delete Customer record
 View all customers
 Exit

Hardware required:
 A laptop/computer with o.s windows 10
 CPU-64 Bit

Software required:
 Python

 It is not sufficient to store a wider variety of data.
 It needs more customization to suit the preference of other hotels.
 It has no provision to print hard copies

 Computer science with PYTHON Sumitha Arora text book.

 With guidelines of computer science staffs.

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