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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

award of the degree of




Submitted by

BOLLI AKHILA –19845A0513



November, 2021



Certified that seminar work entitled “ Home automation system” is a bonafide work carried out in
the fourth year by BOLLI AKHILA in partial fulfillment for the award of degree of Bachelor of
Technology in Computer Science Engineering from JNTU Hyderabad during the academic year

MS. Pranusha
Associate Professor
Department of CSE

Ms. Subhashini Ms. A. Durga Pavani

Associate Professor Department of CSE
Department of CSE

I express my sincere thanks to Ms.A.Durga Pavani (Head of the

Department, Computer Science and Engineering), Ms.D.Subhashini (Staff Incharge)
and, Ms. Pranusha, my seminar guide for their kind co-operation for presenting the
seminar. I also extend my sincere thanks to all other members of the faculty of
Computer Science and Engineering Department and my friends for their co-operation
and encouragement.


In order to help maintain comfortable living conditions within a home, home

monitoring and automation are utilized. The standards of human's comfort in homes
can be categorized into several types. Among these categories, the most significant
ones are the thermal comfort, which is related to temperature and humidity, followed
by the visual comfort, related to colors and light, and hygienic comfort, associated
with air quality. A system can be set to monitor these parameters to help maintain
them within an acceptable range. Additionally, making the house smart is to allow for
intelligent automatic executing of several commands after analyzing the collected
data. Automation can be accomplished by using the Internet of Things (IoT). This
gives the inhabitant accesses to certain data in the house and the ability to control
some parameters remotely. This paper presents the complete design of an IoT based
sensing and monitoring system for smart home automation. The proposed design uses
the EmonCMS platform for collecting and visualizing monitored data and remote
controlling of home appliances and devices. The selected platform is very flexible
and user-friendly. The sensing of different variables inside the house is conducted
using the NodeMCU-ESP8266 microcontroller board, which allows realtime data
sensing, processing and uploading/downloading to/from the EmonCMS cloud server.

1.1 Back Ground
1.2 What is Home Automation
2. IOT (Internet Of Things)
2.1.1 Intelligences IOT
2.1.2 Connectivity
2.1.3 Dynamic nature
2.1.4 Enoromous scale
2.1.5 Sensing
3.1 IOT Sensors
3.2 IOT Gateways
3.3 IOT Protocols
3.4 IOT Firmware
3.5 IOT Cloud and Databases
3.6 IOT Middleware(if required)
5.1 Bluetooth
5.2 Zigbee
5.3 Z-wave

1.2 Home Automation Using IOT

1.2 Internet Cloud
3.1 IOT Sensor
3.3 Types of IOT Protocols

A smart home incorpates sensors, actuators, middleware, and a network and has two major
interacting components which is a smart network and a smart load. The Smart home known as
House automation, with the use of new technology, to make the domestic activities more
convenient, comfortable, secure and economical. The Internet of things can be defined as
connecting the various types of objects like smart phones, personal computer and Tablets to
internet, which brings in very newfangled type of communication between things and people
and also between things. With the introduction of IOTs, the research and development of home
automation are becoming popular in the recent days. Many of the devices are controlled and
monitored for helps the human being. Additionally various wireless technologies help in
connecting from remote places to improve the intelligence of home environment. An advanced
network of I0T is being formed when a human being is in need of connecting with other things.
IOTs technology is used to come in with innovative idea and great growth for smart homes to
improve the living standards of life. Internet helps us to bring in with immediate solution for
many problems and also able to connect from any of the remote places which contributes to
overall cost reduction and energy consumption.


The concept of “Home Automation” has been in existence for several years. “Smart Home”,
“Intelligent Home” are terms that followed and is been used to introduce the concept of
networking appliance within the house. Home Automation Systems (HASs) includes
centralized control and distance status monitoring of lighting, security system, and other
appliances and systems within a house. HASs enables energy efficiency, improves the security
systems, and certainly the comfort and ease of users. In the present emerging market, HASs is
gaining popularity and has attracted the interests of many users. HASs comes with its own
challenges. Mainly being, in the present day, end users especially elderly and disabled, even
though hugely benefited, aren’t seen to accept the system due to the complexity and cost factors.
What is Home Automation

Home automation involves introducing a degree of computerized or automatic control to certain

electrical and electronic system in a building. These lighting, temperature control, etc.., this paper
demonstrate a simple home automation system which contains a remote mobile host controller and
several client module(home appliances).the client modules communicate with host controllers
through a wireless device such as Bluetooth enabled mobile phone, in this case, an android based
smart phone.

The concept of Home Automation aims to bring the control of operating your every day
home electrical appliances to the tip of your finger, thus giving user affordable lighting
solutions, better energy conservation with optimum use of energy. Apart from just lighting
solutions, the concept also further extends to have a overall control over your home security
as well as build a centralised home entertainment system and much more. The Internet of
Things (or commonly referred to as IoT) based Home Automation system, as the name
suggests aims to control all the devices of your smart home through internet protocols or
cloud based computing.
The IoT based Home Automation system offer a lot of flexibility over the wired systems s it comes
with various advantages like ease-of-use, ease-of-installation, avoid complexity of running through
wires or loose electrical connections, easy fault detection and triggering and above and all it even
offers easy mobility.

Thus IoT based Home Automation system consist of a servers and sensors. These servers are
remote servers located on Internet which help you to manage and process the data without the need
of personalised computers. The internet based servers can be configured to control and monitor
multiple sensors installed at the desired location.
Let us understand in detail the working of different smart devices which together constitute the
Home Automation system.


IOT as a term has evolved long way as a result of convergence of multiple technologies, machine
learning, embedded systems and commodity sensors. IOT is a system of interconnected devices
assigned a UIDS, enabling data transfer and control of devices over a network. It reduced the
necessity of actual interaction in order to control a device. IOT is an advanced automation and
analytics system which exploits networking, sensing, big data, and artificial intelligence technology
to deliver complete systems for a product or service. These systems allow greater transparency,
control, and performance when applied to any industry or system.

Features of IOT Intelligence IOT

comes with the combination of algorithms and computation, software & hardware that makes it
smart. Ambient intelligence in IOT enhances its capabilities which facilitate the things to respond
in an intelligent way to a particular situation and supports them in carrying out specific tasks. In
spite of all the popularity of smart technologies, intelligence in IOT is only concerned as a means
of interaction between devices, while user and device interaction are achieved by standard input
methods and graphical user interface


Connectivity empowers the Internet of Things by bringing together everyday objects. Connectivity
of these objects is pivotal because simple object level interactions contribute towards collective
intelligence in the IOT network. It enables network accessibility and compatibility in the things.
With this connectivity, new market opportunities for the Internet of things can be created by the
networking of smart things and applications Dynamic Nature

The primary activity of Internet of Things is to collect data from its environment, this is achieved
with the dynamic changes that take place around the devices. The state of these devices change
dynamically, example sleeping and waking up, connected and/or disconnected as well as the
context of devices including temperature, location and speed. In addition to the state of the device,
the number of devices also changes dynamically with a person, place and time Enormous Scale

The number of devices that need to be managed and that communicate with each other will be
much larger than the devices connected to the current Internet. The management of data generated
from these devices and their interpretation for application purposes becomes more critical. Gartner
(2015) confirms the enormous scale of IOT in the estimated report where it stated that 5.5 million
new things will get connected every day and 6.4 billion connected things will be in 14 | P a g e use
worldwide in 2016, which is up by 30 percent from 2015. The report also forecasts that the number
of connected devices will reach 20.8 billion by 2020 Sensing

IOT wouldn’t be possible without sensors that will detect or measure any changes in the
environment to generate data that can report on their status or even interact with the environment.
Sensing technologies provide the means to create capabilities that reflect a true awareness of the
physical world and the people in it. The sensing information is simply the analog input from the
physical world, but it can provide a rich understanding of our complex world

Heterogeneity in Internet of Things as one of the key characteristics. Devices in IOT are based on
different hardware platforms and networks and can interact with other devices or service platforms
through different networks. IOT architecture should support direct network connectivity between
heterogeneous networks. The key design requirements for heterogeneous things and their
environments in IOT are scalabilities, modularity, extensibility and interoperability.
Security IOT devices are naturally vulnerable to security threats. As we gain efficiencies, novel
experiences, and other benefits from the IOT, it would be a mistake to forget about security
concerns associated with it. There is a high level of transparency and privacy issues with IOT. It is
important to secure the endpoints, the networks, and the data that is transferred across all of it
means creating a security paradigm.

Home automation components

We have talked about them before, but, let’s clearly separate them into components that would finally help

you build a realistic model of what major components are involved in building a smart home. The major

components can be broken into:

• IoT Sensors

• IoT Gateways

• IoT Protocols

• IoT Firmware

• IoT Cloud and Databases

• IoT Middleware (if required)

IoT sensors involved in home automation are in thousands, and there are hundreds of home

automation gateways as well. Most of the firmware is either written in C, Python, Node.Js, or any

other programming language.

The biggest players in IoT cloud can be divided into a platform as a service(PaaS) and

infrastructure as a service(LaaS)

.IOT sensors:

IoT-based smart home automation systems are designed to monitor and control the attributes

you want to manage. For example, a range of Wi-Fi devices collects and shares data via Internet

protocols. In turn, each device has sensors or detectors reporting to a central home automation hub.

The main purpose of sensors is to collect data from the surrounding environment. Sensors, or

'things' of the IoT system, form the front end. These are connected directly or indirectly to IoT

networks after signal conversion and processing

● IOT Gateway:

The IoT based home

automation consist of several

smart devices for different

applications of lighting, security, home entertainment etc. All these devices are

integrated over a common network established by gateway and connected in a mesh


Simply put, an IoT gateway is a physical device or virtual platform that connects sensors, IoT

modules, and smart devices to the cloud.

Gateways serve as a wireless access portal to give IoT devices access to the internet.
On the surface, it may sound like a simple router, enabling communication between different
protocols and devices.
But IoT Gateways are sophisticated technology that does so much more, like edge-
computing in particular.

• IoT Protocols

Types of IoT Protocols

IoT protocols and standards can be broadly classified into two separate categories.

1. IoT Network Protocols

IoT network protocols are used to connect devices over the network. These are the set of
communication protocols typically used over the Internet. Using IoT network protocols, end-
to-end data communication within the scope of the network is allowed. Following are the
various IoT Network protocols:

• HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol)

HyperText Transfer Protocol is the best example of IoT network protocol. This protocol has
formed the foundation of data communication over the web. It is the most common protocol
that is used for IoT devices when there is a lot of data to be published. However, the HTTP
protocol is not preferred because of its cost, battery-life, energy saving, and more constraints.

Additive manufacturing/3D printing is one of the use cases of the HTTP protocol. It enables
computers to connect 3D printers in the network and print three-dimensional objects and pre-
determined process prototypes.

• LoRaWan (Long Range Wide Area Network)

It is a long-range low power protocol that provides signal detection below the noise level.
LoRaWan connects battery operated things wirelessly to the Internet in either private or global
networks. This communication protocol is mainly used by smart cities, where there are
millions of devices that function with less power and memory.

Smart street lighting is the practical use case of LoRaWan IoT protocol. The street lights can
be connected to a LoRa gateway using this protocol. The gateway, in turn, connects to the
cloud application that controls the intensity of light bulbs automatically based on the ambient
lighting, which helps in reducing the power consumption during day-times.

2. IoT Data Protocols

IoT data protocols are used to connect low power IoT devices. These protocols provide point-
to-point communication with the hardware at the user side without any Internet connection.
Connectivity in IoT data protocols is through a wired or a cellular network. Some of the IoT
data protocols are:

• Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT)

One of the most preferred protocols for IoT devices, MQTT collects data from various
electronic devices and supports remote device monitoring. It is a subscribe/publish protocol
that runs over Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), which means it supports event-driven
message exchange through wireless networks.

MQTT is mainly used in devices which are economical and requires less power and memory.
For instance, fire detectors, car sensors, smart watches, and apps for text-based messaging.

• Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP)

CoAP is an internet-utility protocol for restricted gadgets. Using this protocol, the client can
send a request to the server and the server can send back the response to the client in HTTP.
For light-weight implementation, it makes use of UDP (User Datagram Protocol) and reduces
space usage. The protocol uses binary data format EXL (Efficient XML Interchanges).

CoAP protocol is used mainly in automation, mobiles, and microcontrollers. The protocol
sends a request to the application endpoints such as appliances at homes and sends back the
response of services and resources in the application.

• Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP)

AMQP is a software layer protocol for message-oriented middleware environment that

provides routing and queuing. It is used for reliable point-to-point connection and supports the
seamless and secure exchange of data between the connected devices and the cloud. AMQP
consists of three separate components namely Exchange, Message Queue, and Binding. All
these three components ensure a secure and successful exchange and storage of messages. It
also helps in establishing the relationship of one message with the other.

AMQP protocol is mainly used in the banking industry. Whenever a message is sent by a
server, the protocol tracks the message until each message is delivered to the intended
users/destinations without failure.

• Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Communication Protocol

It is an open industry protocol built to provide remote application management of IoT devices.
M2M communication protocols are cost-effective and use public networks. It creates an
environment where two machines communicate and exchange data. This protocol supports the
self-monitoring of machines and allows the systems to adapt according to the changing
M2M communication protocols are used for smart homes, automated vehicle authentication,
vending machines, and ATM machines.

• Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP)

The XMPP is uniquely designed. It uses a push mechanism to exchange messages in real-time.
XMPP is flexible and can integrate with the changes seamlessly. Developed using open XML
(Extensible Markup Language), XMPP works as a presence indicator showing the availability
status of the servers or devices transmitting or receiving messages.

Other than the instant messaging apps such as Google Talk and WhatsApp, XMPP is also used
in online gaming, news websites, and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP).

IoT Protocols Offers a Secured Environment for Exchange of Data

As per an article published by Forbes, approximately “32,000 smart homes and businesses are
at risk of leaking data.” Therefore, it becomes important to explore the potentials of IoT
protocols and standards, which creates a secure environment. Using these protocols, local
gateways and other connected devices can communicate and exchange data with the cloud.

• IoT Firmware

• IoT Cloud and Databases

• IoT Middleware (if required)

What is an IoT Based Home Automation

An IoT based home automation system is a centralized system that controls all the other
devices at your home. These devices include lights, appliances, heating, cooling systems,
sprinklers, alarm systems, and CCTVs. Additionally, all the security components such as gas
outlets, doors, windows, electricity outlets, alarms, and CCTVs are connected centrally over
wireless networks.

You can literally automate your whole house. But that doesn’t sound feasible to common
folks. That is why one of the most widely used products of home automation systems is smart
home security systems. Furthermore, smart home security systems consist of fully automated
alarm systems, surveillance cameras, smart locks, etc. Furthermore, there are other reasons
also that make IoT based home automation systems extremely popular these days. One being
is that it is sustainable and secure. You can save a lot of money on electricity bills using these
automation services.

For example, using smart thermostats, you can efficiently heat or cool your home for the time
you are in the house. These smart thermostats will stop the ACs and heaters from working
when you are out of the house. Thus saving a lot of money would have been otherwise wasted
in cooling/heating the house when no one was in the place. Similarly, smart home lightings are
incredibly sustainable. They also save up a lot of energy consumption that would have
otherwise wasted. Consequently, saving up a lot of money for you. An IoT based home
automation system is making your life easier and is also very sustainable for the environment.
Want to know more about IoT and how to settle its various concerns

How does IoT Home Automation Works:

An IoT based home automation system is a centralized system that controls the working of all the other

devices in your home. There are so many different protocols that a home automation system uses.

Some of them are as follows-


• Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)

• Zigbee

• Zwave

• Universal Powerline Bus (UPB)

• Insteon

• X10

Today Zigbee and Zwave are some of the leading protocols for home automation.

According to the latest industry standards, wireless networking such as mesh networking is in trend

right now. It uses radio waves, electricity, and wireless technology to send and receive signals from

other devices. This makes the whole process of home automation very easy and efficient.

Home automation systems can be of two types- Central Control Based and Cloud Based. IoT
based home automation systems are generally cloud-based.

App-Based Home Automation System uses the home network to communicate with the cloud. Cloud

technology is an integral part of the Internet of Things. Both of these technologies are creating a buzz

in the market for quite some time now. A cloud-based home automation generally uses a WiFi
protocol to communicate with other devices. The user registers himself on the app, and then he can

access all the smart home devices such as lighting, alarm systems, thermostats, etc. by the app. As long

as the user and all the smart devices remain connected to the internet, one can control everything

through the app. Check out our YouTube video to learn more about IoT based home automation




• High data bandwidth;

• Enables lower power consumption;

• Available at a lower cost;

• Enables wireless data transmission;


• Lack of appropriate security level;

• Has limited signal quality;

• Only supports short communication range;

As you can see, each protocol’s positive and negative character istics can be
controversial. So, the best option will be based on your automations needs.



• The open standard of this protocol provides the opportunity to

transform the implementation settings;

• Also based on the mesh network topology, offering the same

• Unlimited number of device hops leads to an increased
communication speed;

• Embedded security measures facilitate the development process;

• The frequency band is 2.4GHz;

• Power-efficient;


• Compatibility is not guaranteed

• The open standard can lead to interference if there are multiple

networks close by;

• Short transmission distance.



• One standard of the Z-Wave ecosystem allows cooperation with all

devices — meaning that compatibility is guaranteed;

• Using the above requirements — it is possible with a mesh network

topology. As we already know, it leads to better coverage and connection
reliability with devices;

• Operating in the spectrum of 0.9GHz enables the data to be

transferred over a greater distance;

• Power-efficient;


• The limit of up to four hops in the mesh prevents packets from

traveling through more devices — as a result, it restricts the speed and
amount of data that may be transferred in the future;

• The high implementation cost of what is an essential feature;

• Compared to other protocols, the data bandwidth is the lowest.

Applications of home automation

• Lighting control.
• Lawn/Gardening management.
• Smart Home Appliances.
• Improved Home safety and security.
• Home air quality and water quality monitoring.
• Natural Language-based voice assistants.
• Better Infotainment delivery.

• Lighting control
Smart lighting allows you to control wall switches, blinds, and lamps, but how intuitive is a
lighting control system? It turns out, quite; its capabilities are extensive. You’re able to
schedule the times lights should turn on and off, decide which specific rooms should be
illuminated at certain times, select the level of light which should be emitted, and choose how
particular lights react through motion sensitivity

As fuel costs rise and the availability and sustainability of our resources becomes a greater
concern, heating/cooling our homes efficiently is less a budgetary bonus and more of a
necessity. Over the past year, smart thermostats and automated home heating systems have
become more readily available and easily incorporate into any home. Heating and cooling our
homes consumes an average of 50% of energy costs yearly, making daily HVAC regulation
progressively rewarding.With automated HVAC you are able to reduce the heat when a room
is unoccupied, and increase or decrease it at specific times based on your schedule and

• Lawn/Gardening management

Will smart kitchen appliances actually make you a better cook? Maybe. Smart
refrigerators, such as LG’s Smart ThinQ, allow you to scan grocery store receipts and
keep an inventory of your items, and alerts you if an item is about to expire. More
impressively, it suggests recipes based on your refrigerator’s contents and lets you know
when you need to replace items. Smart ovens synch with your smartphone and
automatically preheat to the correct temperature based on a recipe selected from your
Considering the number of appliances the average household owns; this could save a
substantial amount of money over time.
• Smart Home Appliances
A smart home allows homeowners to control appliances, thermostats, lights, and other devices
remotely using a smartphone or tablet through an internet connection. Smart homes can be set
up through wireless or hardwired systems. Smart home technology provides homeowners with
convenience and cost savings.

• Improved Home safety and security

Evgeny Atamanenko/Shutterstock. Successful home safety and security means establishing
systems and habits to prevent hazards that can threaten the health or environmental well-being
of your household.

• Home air quality and water quality monitoring

Most indoor air quality monitors will detect oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the home,
and many others will detect additional pollutants, including volatile organic compounds
(VOCs) and airborne particulate matter (PM).
Monitoring provides the objective evidence necessary to make sound decisions on managing
water quality today and in the future. Water-quality monitoring is used to alert us to current,
ongoing, and emerging problems; to determine com- pliance with drinking water standards,
and to protect other bene cial uses of water

• Natural Language-based voice assistants

The Assistant allows users to talk to your app to get things done. Naturally, a crucial part of
voice assistants is understanding what the user is saying so that the assistant can perform the
correct actions. The bit that does the understanding broadly falls under Natural Language

Advantages of Home automation:

➢ Managing all of your home devices from one place. The convenience factor here is
enormous. Being able to keep all of the technology in your home connected through one
interface is a massive step forward for technology and home management. Theoretically,
all you’ll have to do is learn how to use one app on your smartphone and tablet, and
you’ll be able to tap into countless functions and devices throughout your home. This
cuts way back on the learning curve for new users, makes it easier to access the
functionality you truly want for your home.

➢ Flexibility for new devices and appliances. Smart home systems tend to be
wonderfully flexible when it comes to the accommodation of new devices and
appliances and other technology. No matter how state-of-the-art your appliances
seem today, there will be newer, more impressive models developed as time goes on.
Beyond that, you’ll probably add to your suite of devices as you replace the older
ones or discover new technology to accompany your indoor and outdoor spaces.
Being able to integrate these newcomers seamlessly will make your job as a
homeowner much easier, and allow you to keep upgrading to the latest lifestyle

➢ Maximizing home security. When you incorporate security and

surveillance features in your smart home network, your home
security can skyrocket. There are tons of options here -- only a few
dozen of which are currently being explored. For example, home
automation systems can connect motion detectors, surveillance
cameras, automated door locks, and other tangible security measures
throughout your home so you can activate them from one mobile
device before heading to bed. You can also choose to receive security
alerts on your various devices depending on the time of day an alert
goes off, and monitor activities in real-time whether you’re in the
house or halfway around the globe.

➢ Remote control of home functions. Don’t underestimate the power of being able to
control your home’s functions from a distance. On an exceptionally hot day, you
can order your house to become cooler in just enough time before you get home
from work. If you’re in a hurry to get dinner started but you’re still at the store,
you can have your oven start to preheat while you’re still on your way home. You
can even check to see if you left the lights on, who is at your front door, or make
sure you turned off all your media while you’re away.

➢ Increased energy efficiency. Depending on how you use your smart-home

technology, it’s possible to make your space more energy-efficient. For example,
you can have more precise control over the heating and cooling of your home with
a programmable smart thermostat that learns your schedule and temperature
preferences, and then suggests the best energy efficient settings throughout the
day. Lights and motorized shades can be programed to switch to an evening mode
as the sun sets, or lights can turn on and off automatically when you enter or
leave the room, so you never have to worry about wasting energy.

➢ Improved appliance functionality. Smart homes can also help you run your appliances
better. A smart TV will help you find better apps and channels to locate your favorite
programming. A smart oven will assist you with cooking your chicken to perfection --
without ever worrying about overcooking or undercooking it. An intelligently designed
home theater and audio system can make managing your movie and music collection
effortless when entertaining guests. Ultimately, connecting your appliances and other
systems with automation technology will improve your appliance effectiveness and
overall make your home life much more easier and enjoyable!

➢ Home management insights. There’s also something to be said for your ability to tap
into insights on how your home operates. You can monitor how often you watch TV
(and what you watch), what kind of meals you cook in your oven, the type of foods
you keep in your refrigerator, and your energy consumption habits over time. From
these insights, you may be able to analyze your daily habits and behaviors, and make
adjustments to live the lifestyle you desire.

Disadvantages of Home Automation:

1.Security Issues:
As with all computing devices, security will become a greater issue as more people use smart
home devices. Certainly there will be a range of security concerns that arise and a subsequent
mushrooming of smart home security software and devices.

2.Cost: Extremely expensive:

Although a lot of smart home devices are now affordable for many, but still it is extremely
expensive to fully equip a home with smart devices. However, most computing technology
becomes progressively more powerful & less expensive and this will be undoubtedly
applicable for smart home devices as well.

3.Greater acceptance:
A lot of new technology can sometimes be seen as unnecessary & some people may currently
view smart home devices in this way. But in the same way that, over the years, we have seen
devices such as washing machines, microwave ovens & TV remote controls become
indispensable in the home, it is probable that in a few years, no one will question the fact that
they control their lights with a voice command or
clean their home with a robotic vacuum cleaner.
Attacks on smart home devices are not unheard of, but they are relatively rare. It is a personal
choice to weigh up the security & financial risks against the range of benefits that smart home
devices offer.

The home automation using Internet of Things has been experimentallyproven to work
satisfactorily by connecting simple appliances to it and the applianceswere successfully
controlled remotely through internet. The designed system not only monitors the sensor data,
like temperature, gas, light, motion sensors,but also actuates a processaccording to the
requirement, for example switching on the light when it gets dark. It also stores the sensor
parameters in the cloud (Gmail)in a timely manner. This will helpthe user to analyze the
condition of various parameters in the home anytime anywhere.


1. “Smart Energy Efficient Home Automation System using IOT”, by Satyendra K.

Vishwakarma, Prashant Upadhyaya, Babita Kumari, Arun Kumar Mishra.
2. “IOT Based Smart Security and Home Automation”, by Shardha Somani, Parikshit
Solunke, Shaunak Oke, Parth Medhi, Prof. P. P. Laturkar.
3. “A Dynamic Distributed Energy Management Algorithm of Home Sensor Network for
Home Automation System”, by Tui-Yi Yang, Chu-Sing Yang, Tien-Wen Sung; in 2016 Third
International Conference on Computing Measurement Control and Sensor Network.
4. “Enhance Smart Home Automation System based on Internet of Things”, by Tushar
Churasia and Prashant Kumar Jain; in Proceedings of the Third International Conference on I-
SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC 2019) IEEE Xplore Part
Number:CFP19OSVART; ISBN:978-1-7281-4365-1
5. “Visual Machine Intelligence for Home Automation”, by Suraj, Ish Kool, Dharmendra
Kumar, Shovan Barman.
6. “A Low Cost Home Automation System Using Wi-Fi based Wireless Sensor Network
Incorporating internet of Things”, by Vikram.N, Harish.K.S, Nihaal.M.S, Raksha Umesh,
Shetty Aashik Ashok Kumar; in 2017 IEEE 7th International Advance Computing Conference.
7. “Voice Controlled Home Automation System using Natural Language Processing and
Internet of Things”, by Mrs. Paul Jasmin Rani, Jason Bakthakumar, Praveen Kumaar.B,
Praveen Kumaar.U, Santhosh Kumar; in 2017 Third International Conference on Science
Technology Engineering & Management (ICONSTEM)

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