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Computers in Human Behavior 129 (2022) 107125

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Augmented reality in vocational training: A systematic review of research

and applications
Feng-Kuang Chiang a, b, *, Xiaojing Shang a, Lu Qiao a
Department of Educational Technology, College of Education, Shanghai Normal University, China
Center for Future Education, School of Education, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China


Keywords: Augmented reality (AR) technology is widely used in various fields. However, there are few systematic reviews
Augmented reality (AR) on the application of AR in vocational training. To fill this research gap, the current study reviewed the appli­
Vocational training cation of AR technology in the training of various industries over a 20 year period (2000–2021). Through cross-
On-the-job training
referencing and abstract reading, 80 relevant studies were selected for the final analysis from two perspectives:
AR application
AR system
the improvement of vocational skills (including application area, target audience, training objectives, and ef­
fects) and AR training technology (including AR application, AR training system, and device). Furthermore,
CiteSpaceV was employed to analyze the research hotspots and trends of AR vocational training. The results
indicated that AR training is frequently applied in the industry, vocational education and medical fields. Among
these industries, AR has been most frequently used in medical training, industrial maintenance, and assembly.
Furthermore, AR glasses, simulators, the Unity3D game engine, 360◦ panorama, AR systems and apps are
becoming widely used for training tasks. The benefits of these systems have been identified. We also explored the
impact of AR on vocational training results. Based on 17 empirical studies, this study summarized the results and
advantages of AR vocational training. This verified that AR has a high promotion effect on vocational training
when the meta-analysis method is used. Future researchers can study how vocational skills education can be
combined with these new intelligent technologies to design more mature teaching practice cases.

1. Introduction 1992). However, the use of AR for work-related training has notably
only developed in the last ten years, with the cost of devices preventing
Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that projects virtual objects its widespread use. In recent years, the availability of AR applications
in real physical environments in the real world. It can provide people and improvements in hardware equipment have facilitated AR adoption
with a more realistic and intuitive sensory experience by superimposing in vocational and educational training (VET) and on-the-job training
virtual objects on or compositing them with the environment (Prasad (OJT). Moreover, prices have decreased for all relevant equipment, such
et al., 2012). Although developed based on VR technology, AR is not as AR glasses, head-mounted displays, hand-held devices and sensors,
required to render the natural environment like VR technology. AR because of an increased number of producers and developers. Conse­
ensures that the interaction between employees and their related de­ quently, AR applications have become affordable for education and
vices is more efficient in reducing the workload. Therefore, AR supple­ training in various fields, such as medicine (Caudell & Mizell, 1992), the
ments reality as opposed to completely replacing it (Milgram & military (Chmielewski et al., 2019), aerospace (Borgen et al., 2021),
Colquhoun, 1999). Ivan Sutherland and his students developed the first manufacturing (Forest, 2021), construction (Choi & Park, 2021), agri­
AR system, the Sword of Damocles, at Utah University and Harvard culture (Yang et al., 2021), and industry (Bogicevic et al., 2021).
University in the 1960s (Van Krevelen & Poelman, 2010). “Vocational education is defined as education programmes that are
In 1992, Tom Caudell and David Mizell were the first to use designed for learners to acquire the knowledge, skills and competencies spe­
“augmented reality” in a paper. Furthermore, they developed the first cific to a particular occupation, trade, or class of occupations or trades”
AR training application to assist maintenance in the Boeing Company’s (UNESCO Institute for Statistics, 2012, p14). VET is a practice-oriented
aircraft factory to reduce costs and improve efficiency (Caudell & Mizell, approach to education, emphasizing acquired skills and the

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (F.-K. Chiang).
Received 8 April 2021; Received in revised form 10 October 2021; Accepted 1 December 2021
Available online 15 December 2021
0747-5632/© 2021 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
F.-K. Chiang et al. Computers in Human Behavior 129 (2022) 107125

manifestation of learning results in the workplace (Mustapa et al., screening. Next, the two researchers screened according to their
2015). In addition, VET is more focused on preservice education and screening criteria. In the process of reading titles and abstracts,
training, and students are prepared to supply the needs of the labor excluding the literature that does not involve specific vocational
market in specific occupations. Unlike VET, OJT is an education and training, the literature that does not use AR technology, or the literature
training method for improving individual and organizational knowl­ that mainly uses VR/MR/XR and other immersive technologies, it was
edge, skills, and attitudes. OJT encompasses all the tools and tasks at the determined that there were 95 studies related to AR vocational training.
job site. OJT enhances the competence of employees by focusing more A total of 15 papers cannot be obtained in full text, therefore, 80 articles
on knowledge, functions and skills through direct coaching provided by were reserved for overall bibliometric analysis. After careful review of
senior members. (Flippo, 1976). The ultimate goal of VET and OJT is to the reading and analysis conditions, 17 empirical studies were eventu­
enable organizational members to achieve workplace goals, improve ally identified, and 12 were meta-analyzed.
learners’ knowledge, skills and attitudes, and enhance individual ca­ Fig. 1 shows the database literature screening process. First, the
pabilities. Traditional training methods have proven helpful throughout CiteSpaceV tool was used to explore the research hotspots and research
the years. However, these methods may not be suitable for future trends frontiers of 80 pieces of literature according to the keyword co-
in VET or OJT. In some ways, traditional training still suffers limitations occurrence knowledge graph and keyword time zone map. Word fre­
in helping learners acquire knowledge and skills, such as costly pro­ quency analysis and co-word analysis were used to analyze 80 pieces of
cesses and considerable resources and time. Compared with conven­ literature and summarize AR training fields, industries, and equipment
tional training, AR training can enable more professional immersion by to understand the current situation of ARVT. Second, 17 empirical
seamlessly integrating real and virtual scenes. AR technology is studies were selected through a complete reading of 80 articles, and
immersive, which leads to high engagement and allows trainees to qualitative descriptions were provided from 17 articles from the aspects
obtain a real feel through the facilitation of learning by doing. Moreover, of vocational training objectives, skill improvement, training effects, etc.
complex training manuals are simplified with AR, which helps reduce Finally, 12 studies were included in the meta-analysis according to the
trainees’ cognitive burden in tasks (Upadhyay & Khandelwal, 2018). inclusion criteria of the meta-analysis, the actual impacts of AR training
Above all, many studies have reported the positive impact of AR ap­ were quantitatively counted, and the results were obtained in accor­
plications. However, few studies have reviewed the development status dance with the qualitative analysis. Fig. 2 shows publication records by
of AR in vocational training (ARVT). Therefore, the present study aimed year of publication from 2000 to 2021. Based on the results, the first
to classify and summarize the application of AR technology in VET and article on ARVT was published in 2014. After 2016, the number of
OJT. The research questions in this study are as follows: publications on ARVT increased significantly, with the most significant
number occurring in 2020.
1. What are the hotspots and research trends of AR applied in voca­
tional training? 3. Results
2. In which industries is AR technology used to provide vocational
training? This section presents the results of the analyses. First, we conducted
3. What specific applications of AR technology are commonly used in an overall bibliometric analysis of the last 80 articles. CiteSpaceV was
vocational training? used as a data analysis tool to analyze the research hotspots and trends
4. In vocational education training, does AR technology have an impact according to the keyword co-occurrence knowledge map and keyword
on the training effect? time zone map. To further investigate the research status of AR tech­
nology in VET, the two researchers conducted a detailed review of 17
2. Methods empirical studies from the aspects of training objects, training objec­
tives, skills improvement and training effects.
This review used the Scopus, Web of Science, EBSCO, and ProQuest
databases as our key data sources. We used “augmented reality” or “AR” 3.1. Research hotspots and trends of ARVT
and “vocational training” or “on-the-job training” or “professional
training” as keywords and searched for AR studies published from In this study, the selected literature data were preprocessed using the
January 2000 to August 2021. In addition, only “English” was selected data format converter of CiteSpaceV and then imported into CiteSpaceV
as the search parameter for language. A set of inclusion and exclusion to generate a scientific knowledge map. The parameters of CiteSpaceV
criteria was applied (Table 1). were set as follows: the period was from 2000 to 2021, the time slice was
We found 703 papers from four databases: SCOPUS (379), Web of
Science Core Collection (128), EBSCO (92), and ProQuest (104) in the
preliminary search. The main types of articles are conference papers and
journals. First, 454 articles remained after eliminating duplicate litera­
ture, non-English articles and non-journal articles through endnote

Table 1
Inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Criteria Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria

Period The last 20 years (1/2000–8/ Studies outside this time period
Study focus Vocational or on-the-job Studies that were conducted in
education and training (e.g., AR informal learning contexts (e.g.,
training for industrial K12 education)
Literature Studies related to the use of AR Research that mentions the term
focus for training purposes (e.g., “augmented reality” but
articles concerns VR or other topics
on specific training in an
Language English Not English
Fig. 1. Database literature screening process.

F.-K. Chiang et al. Computers in Human Behavior 129 (2022) 107125

1. AR training mainly focuses on manufacturing, surgical training,

maintenance, assembly tasks, accident defense mechanisms, wound
sutures and other fields.
2. The training targets are mainly students, adults, and apprentices, and
AR technology is usually used to provide them with personalized
3. The tools or methods commonly used in vocational training include
computer interfaces, AR systems, virtual simulation systems, human-
computer interactive training or computer-aided instruction (CAI).

3.1.3. Research trend analysis of ARVT

Fig. 2. Number of articles published by year. To explore the staged development of AR technology in vocational
training, the keyword time zone map was analyzed by CiteSpaceV to
one year, the node type was keywords or country, and the threshold display the update and interaction of keywords and further excavate the
value of analysis data was TOPN% = 50%; furthermore, Pathfinder was evolutionary trend of AR vocational training-related research from the
adopted. Finally, a correlation map was generated to analyze the rela­ time dimension. The corresponding results are illustrated in Fig. 5.
tionship between cooperative countries, the keyword co-occurrence According to the keyword co-occurrence time zone map of
map, and the time zone map. 2004–2021 (Fig. 5), AR technology was first applied in vocational ed­
ucation and training in 2014. The focus of ARVT changed considerably
3.1.1. National distribution of ARVT-related studies and exhibited a diversified trend during these 17 years. According to the
Fig. 3 displays a cooperative relationship graph of countries with time zone distribution characteristics of the keywords, AR vocational
node number 43 obtained from CiteSpaceV. The concept of enhancing training-related research can be divided into three stages: the initial
technology in vocational education has been implemented in North stage, the development stage, and the maturity and rise stage. Table 2
America, Europe, East Asia, and other regions. The countries/regions shows that different stages of development adopt different technical
with the highest frequencies of ARVT studies were the USA (14), Ger­ means and target training fields.
many (6), Ukraine (6), Netherlands (4), India (4), Turkey (3), Japan (3), From 2004 to 2005, personalized training based on virtual technol­
South Korea (3), Spain (3), Italy (3), Portugal (3), Mexico (3), China (3) ogy, cognitive systems and learning systems began to emerge. The
and Taiwan (3). The top three countries in terms of centrality were the research fields mainly focused on aerospace engineering, aviation nav­
USA (0.27), Italy (0.06), and Spain (0.05). The aforementioned results igation, aviation and the aerospace industry. The training targets were
reveal that research on ARVT has been conducted mainly in the USA and mostly aircraft maintenance technicians. From 2008 to 2009, AR tech­
Germany, and the USA demonstrates strong connections of cooperation nology began to be widely used in education, maintenance and medical
with Canada, Spain and other countries. education, such as surgical training, laparoscopic surgery, and suturing
3.1.2. Keywords co-occurrence topic analysis From 2010 to 2015, with the maturity of AR applications, AR sys­
A research hotspot is a set of studies on a certain topic in a certain tems, vision-based registration and tracking technology (sensors),
period. The nodes on the map represent keywords, and the size of a node human-computer interaction technology, and the continuous upgrading
indicates the frequency of occurrence (or cited frequency). The color and and improvement of digital equipment, AR technology began to be
thickness of the "+" in the node represent the occurrence (or cited) applied in training for maintenance operations and assembly tasks in
frequency in different periods. The lines connecting the nodes represent industrial training. This helped apprentices or students solve complex
the co-occurrence (or cocitation) relationship, and the thicknesses of operational problems in real-world environments through timely feed­
these lines indicate the intensity (number of times) of co-occurrence (or back from AR technology. In addition, medical students use augmented
cocitation). Fig. 4 indicates that the analysis of high-frequency keywords reality simulators to perform operations such as laparoscopic cholecys­
and words with high centrality in CiteSpaceV can reflect the research tectomy to improve their clinical skills.
direction and research hotspots of ARVT. After the retrieval keywords In 2011, based on the original AR vocational education, research on
were removed, the following findings were obtained through a feedback was deepened, and the development of force feedback or
comprehensive analysis of the top 20 keywords with high frequency: “haptic” systems was introduced. The addition of VR technology
garnered more attention, and research on immersive virtual worlds
began to enhance the future learning environment. With the increased
use of AR technology in medicine, more research has begun to focus on
aspects such as the cognitive and emotional treatment of disadvantaged
groups of people, including autistic patients. Simultaneously, studies
established a “community-based rehabilitation” environment to provide
patients with greater convenience and freedom in the treatment and
consultation process. In 2013, researchers began to pay more attention
to industrial training and to study how to help people with cognitive
impairment improve their vocational skills.
Since 2016, with the advent of Industry 4.0, AR vocational education
has considerably increased, and the focus of this education has become
increasingly diversified. This focus provides not only the guidance for
the education industry but also enhances the benefits and performance
of many companies, such as for assembly and maintenance of the elec­
trical manufacturing industry. Training in manufacturing, disaster pre­
vention, accident prevention, architectural design, and occupational risk
involves the use of AR training technology, the combination of AR
training with practical training, and the identification of safety risks in
Fig. 3. Cooperation map of countries or regions. different occupational environments. The research in this stage

F.-K. Chiang et al. Computers in Human Behavior 129 (2022) 107125

Fig. 4. Keywords co-occurrence knowledge graph of ARVT.

Fig. 5. Keyword co-occurrence time zone map.

gradually focuses on the evaluation results of cognitive activities, environment close to the real-world operating environment. From 2020,
cognitive processes and behavioral skills of training objects in the pro­ AR vocational training will be more widely applied in distance educa­
cess of vocational training in the development of emerging technologies. tion, engineering education and other fields and combined with
The literature published in 2019 was detailed in terms of classifica­ educational computing technology.
tion, and the focus became increasingly precise. In new and old in­
dustries, education and training, cyber-physical systems, human-
3.2. Research status of ARVT
computer interaction, deep learning, system construction, environ­
ment optimization, performance improvement, and corresponding work
3.2.1. Application scope of AR vocational training
skills can be considered from multiple dimensions. Graphics technology
Two researchers used NVivo 11 to encode the fields and industries of
provides additional choices in terms of graphics rendering and presen­
80 articles in which AR technology was used for training, obtaining 85
tation methods. The combination of a 360◦ panorama and VR technol­
industry and 69 AR technology nodes.
ogy offers an immersive experience for constructing a simulated
After these nodes were classified, nine fields of AR vocational

F.-K. Chiang et al. Computers in Human Behavior 129 (2022) 107125

Table 2
2004–2021 AR technology development stage.
Time Developmental Field or occupation Technology or tool Training objects

2004–2007 initial stage aviation、industry、 on the job training (OJT) computer-aided instruction (CAI)、 cognitive aircraft maintenance
system、 learning system 、computer image technicians (AMTS)
2008–2015 Development education、industry (laparoscopy)、 medical augmented reality (AR)、 AR-simulation、CAI、 adult、apprentice、
stage (laparoscopic suturing、surgical training、 computer simulation、audiovisual equipment、 student、automotive
anatomy)、ergonomics、aviation、nuclear、 collaboration tool、AR application technician、medical
chemical student
2016–2021 Maturity and rise industry (accident prevention)、construction、 diagnostic imaging、 human-computer interaction、 construction worker
stage vocational education and training (VET)、medical、 image recognition technology、android application、
emergency service、construction、commerce、 AR APP、computer graphics、 360-degree
electric panorama、AR-HMD

training applications were extracted. Among them, the percentages of

each category from large to small are shown in Fig. 6: Industry (35%),
Vocation Education and Training (VET, 26%), Medical (13%), Aviation
(9%), Construction (6%), Nuclear (5%), Electric (4%), Agriculture (1%)
and Military (1%).
Industrial training was cited by 35% of the 80 studies as the most
widespread use of AR, followed by vocational education and training
(26%) and medicine (13%). Each of the nine areas of AR career training
contains a variety of application subclasses. Taking industry AR training
as an example, its main application industries are assembly, automobile
parts testing, chemical plant teaching, engineering, maintenance, rail­
way, safety training, transportation industry, and welding. In terms of
maintenance, the training mainly focuses on the assembly process,
heavy equipment production, manual work, shipbuilding, small parts
manufacturing, welding, etc.
In the 80 studies, 42% mentioned the use of AR hardware and tools,
32% mentioned AR software applications, and 26% mentioned system Fig. 7. AR technology distribution in vocational training.
platform development, as shown in Fig. 7. Twenty-two studies
mentioned AR applications. Examples included hand-held augmented technology will be further explained in combination with empirical
reality applications, postal services, gamification AR, A4Juan mobile research.
applications, marker-based mobile AR, AN AR welding mobile applica­
tions, AR maintenance training applications, etc. Eighteen studies 3.2.2. The advantages of AR in vocational training
mentioned the design of AR vocational training programs and the To further explore AR training in different fields, we selected 17
development and use of systems or platforms, such as a video-based AR empirical studies from the sample literature. We sorted the training
system, a web-based platform, an interactive augmented reality system, areas, training objectives, use of technology or tools, skills improve­
and a maintenance system based on distributed augmented reality. The ment, training effects, and other aspects. The corresponding results are
use of specific AR tools or hardware was mentioned in 29 studies, such as presented in Table 3.
AR glasses, AR simulations, dynamic markers and mobile devices, Among the 17 empirical studies, five were focused on medical lap­
augmented 360-degree panoramas, camera-equipped mobile tablets, aroscopy, surgical training, suturing and knot-tying tasks, minimally
web cameras, 3D markerless tracking, and scene displays. AR head- invasive surgery, and ophthalmology health care services. In general, a
mounted displays (HMDs) are the most widely used AR glasses. The quasi-experimental research method was used to divide medical stu­
most commonly used device for training in medical surgery is the dents into experimental and control groups. Studies have used an AR
ProMIS augmented reality simulator. The application and purpose of AR simulator, such as the ProMIS augmented laparoscopic reality simulator,
to help novice participants improve their surgical skills. Studies have
indicated that such AR techniques are an effective tool for training in
laparoscopic suturing skills for inexperienced medical workers and
experienced surgeons (Botden et al., 2008, 2009b; Dixit & Sinha, 2019;
Nomura et al., 2015).
Some studies were based on VET institutions. The studies above
aimed to use a market-based AR application to improve the participants’
grades and help them gain a sense of self-efficacy. Among them, three
studies were related to car maintenance, the process of painting a car,
and computer hardware for vocational education. Two of the studies
revealed that mobile AR applications in VET increased motivation,
especially confidence and satisfaction. Another study found that the use
of AR had a positive effect on student achievement, whereas it had no
impact on student self-efficacy (Bacca et al., 2015, 2018; Sirakaya et al.,
2018). In addition, the application of augmented reality technology to
hotel training management forms a new efficient AR-OJT model based
on target detection and causality mining. This approach reduces the
costs of development and maintenance required to run OJT programs.
Fig. 6. The proportion of AR training in each field.

F.-K. Chiang et al. Computers in Human Behavior 129 (2022) 107125

Table 3
Overview of 17 empirical articles on AR vocational education.
Training Areas Author/Year Training Objects Equipment/Application Training Skills Acquired

Construction Kwiateket al.2019 21 professional pipefitters Three-dimensional (3D) + Spatial cognition

40 engineering students scanning and scan-vs.-BIM visualization skills
Eiris et al., 2018 Construction workforce 30 subjects 360◦ panorama AR + Hazard-identification skills
Industry Gavishet al.2015 40 expert technicians IMA-AR training platform □ Cognitive & procedural skills
Yim et al., 2010 42 nuclear energy students +
Manufacturing Torres- 10 new employees VR & AR cabin & Unity 3D + Welding skills
Guerreroet al.2019
Loch et al., 2016 17 undergraduate students AR-based system +
Vocational Education and Koo et al., 2019 70 undergraduate and graduate Prototype AR-OJT system for + Professional expertise &
Training (VET) students in business administration hotel management training social skills
Bacca et al., 2018 35 vocational students Paint-cAR application +
Sirakaya et al., 2018 46 undergraduate students Hardware AR + Assembly & application skills
Bacca et al., 2015 13 vocational students Paint-cAR +
Aviation Macchiarella et al., Aviation university undergraduates Video-based AR system □ Spatial ability & recall
2004 encoded information
Military Mao et al., 2017 40 military staff officers ARB-MDMP system (3D image- + Task and decision-making
based AR) ability
Medical Dixit et al., 2019 45 experienced medical staff AR tools + Laparoscopic skill
Nomura et al., 2015 19 medical students VRS (Lap Simulator) + Laparoscopic skill
Botden et al., 2009b 10 experienced ProMIS AR simulator + Suturing, surgical,
14 novice participants laparoscopic & knot-tying
Botden et al., 2009a 18 novice participants ProMIS AR laparoscopic + Suturing & laparoscopic skills
Botden et al., 2008 27 experienced ProMIS AR laparoscopic + Laparoscopic skills
28 moderately experienced simulator

Note: “+” means positive significant; “□” means nonsignificant.

Participants are immersed in the training environment, which increases enterprises.

the effectiveness of the training (Koo et al., 2019).
Two studies were related to safety training and pipe spool assembly
in the construction industry. These studies were focused on training 3.3. AR technology or equipment in vocational training
engineering students or the construction workforce. A hand-held AR
application with the features of three-dimensional (3D) scanning, a The key technologies for supporting the operation of AR systems are
flexible workflow, and a touch-sensitive user interface was employed to interactive technology, display technology, and tracking registration
help students acquire spatial cognition and spatial visualization skills. technology. Table 4 lists some AR applications or software, systems or
Augmented 360◦ panoramas of reality (PARs) for safety-training appli­ platforms, and hardware mentioned in studies on vocational training.
cations can improve trainees’ hazard recognition skills (Eiris et al., From the perspective of platforms and systems, each application has a
2018; Kwiatek et al., 2019). training purpose. Notably, the study that developed the ARCoach system
Other studies have mainly focused on maintenance in nuclear power for vocational task prompting may have been the first to use AR in
plants, assembly task training, welding training, manual work in vocational skill training for people with cognitive impairments. Previous
manufacturing and flight and aerospace maintenance training. Their study results revealed that participants could engage in tasks with the
results reveal that AR training instruction has significant effects on assistance of ARCoach, and this engagement can improve the quality of
learners and may have an impact on long-term memory (Koo et al., life for people with disabilities (Chang et al., 2013).
2019; Loch et al., 2016; Macchiarella & Vincenzi, 2004; Torres-Guerrero From the perspective of software and AR applications, 360◦ pano­
et al., 2019). ramas, the Blippar AR browser, and Unity3D are often used in AR
From the perspective of research objects, AR vocational education is training. Augmented 360◦ PARs create low-cost, true-to-reality repre­
not only for in-service staff; training for technical experts can improve sentations of real construction job sites, which can improve the hazard-
product performance, thereby enhancing the efficiency of the system identification skills of workers (Pereira et al., 2018). Blippar is one of the
platform. Moreover, pre-employment education and training are appli­ most commonly used AR browsers with which students look for markers.
cation directions for AR vocational education. AR technology provides a It can be used for mechanical engineers’ vocational and practical
simulation platform for people with no work experience. It also provides training (Striuk et al., 2018). Unity3D is one of the most powerful
these people with the knowledge they would need for work in advance, cross-platform game engines. It eliminates any difficulties that may be
which improves the accuracy and operability of their work skills. From encountered in the future when hardware changes are needed (Albayrak
the perspective of the platform or system, the work practiced through et al., 2019)..
AR technology is mainly performed with software or physical hardware. AR glasses, AR simulations, and HoloLens devices are usually used in
For this form of education, attention should be given to the maintenance training. Microsoft HoloLens, DAQRI, ODG R-7, Vuzix M300, and Epson
and performance improvement of the platform or system. Therefore, AR Moverio BT-300 are commonly used AR glasses. AR technology com­
technology can also respond to future vocational training demands. The bined with image recognition technology is a training method. The
effect of AR vocational-technical training is relatively positive, and such training process can be optimized, and the quality of training can be
training is essential for the promotion or advanced learning of fine increased by using AR glasses (Albayrak et al., 2019). AR simulators can
professional skills. In addition, new technologies can create additional retain the benefit of realistic haptic feedback and generate informative
opportunities for vocational skill training, not only for mastering the feedback and objective assessments during training (Botden et al.,
required work skills but also for effectively controlling the cost of trial 2009b).
and error, thereby maximizing the benefits for individuals and Thus, AR technology offers an innovative alternative for trainees. In
AR training, AR technology can improve learning effectiveness in terms

F.-K. Chiang et al. Computers in Human Behavior 129 (2022) 107125

Table 4 Table 4 (continued )

Overview of 17 studies on AR vocational training technology. Category Description Purpose
Category Description Purpose
layers of safety-related
System and A 3D AR training system The goal of the training is to information (Pereira et al., 2018).
Platform for MIS on kidney tumors enhance the surgeon’s visual Blippar AR browser It can be applied to the vocational
perception, dexterity and and practical training of
accuracy of surgical operations, mechanical engineers (Striuk
thereby significantly improving et al., 2018).
surgical outcomes (Wang et al., Unifeye Unifeye not only makes it easy to
2017). develop applications using the c#
A game-based evacuation The training system is designed to programming language, but also
training system provide adequate evacuation supports a variety of tracking
drills to community members in methods (Yim & Seong, 2010).
emergencies (Catal et al., 2020). Unity3D Unity3D, one of the most
An electric power work It aims to create a more realistic powerful engines for games, is
assist system and convenient training compatible with almost any
experience for power training ( computer platform (Albayrak
Tang et al., 2019). et al., 2019).
An interactive AR system This system is designed to train a A hand-held AR This application is used to assist in
user for specific maintenance application assembling and inspecting pipe
tasks (Besbes et al., 2012) spools (Kwiatek et al., 2019).
ARB-MDMP Training During the MDMP course, A marker-based AR It supplies relevant information
System learners could observe the AR application about hardware components,
simulated environment, objects, ports, and assemblies (Sirakaya
and battlespace information et al., 2019).
through monitors and screens. It A4Juan mobile It features multiple training
could save time in consulting application modes, support for gesture and
guides and books and improve voice control, flexible and
learning efficiency and interactive updatable training modules, and
learning capabilities (Mao et al., on-screen video remote assistance
2017). (Dayagdag et al., 2019).
AR Coach The proposed system for The Paint-cAR application This is a marker-based mobile AR
vocational task prompting is for application for supporting the
people with cognitive process of repairing and painting
impairments (Chang et al., 2013). cars (Bacca et al., 2018).
AR-OJT system for hotel This approach reduces the cost of Hardware and AR glasses It optimizes the training process
management training training required for OJT AR tool in fast-food restaurants. The
programs and increases the researchers increased the quality
effectiveness of training (Koo of the training by game flying and
et al., 2019). personalizing the process (
AR-based operation The use of this technology to build Albayrak et al., 2019).
training system for the virtual environment of the AR simulations It generates both assessment and
operation and power training system information feedback objectively
maintenance significantly improves the realism during the training process (
and immersion of the training Botden et al., 2009b).
scenes (Peng et al., 2018). HoloLens device It provides a more realistic and
Maintenance applications These applications are intended convenient training experience
of AR systems for aeronautical maintenance and for training in electricity (Tang
training (Rios et al., 2011). et al., 2019).
MDMP Training System It provides realistic troop
patterns, terrain environments,
and immediate battlefield of motivation, self-directed learning, and learning performance. More­
intelligence (Mao et al., 2017). over, this method reduces the time and money spent training new em­
The Engine Air Bleed This system is intended to
ployees, thereby facilitating human resource management.
System on the Boeing 737 enhance training in the process of
troubleshooting an aircraft engine
(Rios et al., 2013). 3.4. The effect of AR on vocational training: meta-analysis
IMA-AR training platform With the AR training system, the
trainee performs assembly
operations on real machines by To explore the impact of AR on vocational training, this study further
using real instruments for narrowed the scope of the research and conducted a meta-analysis on 12
interaction under the guidance of studies using Review Manager 5.3. To guarantee the uniformity of the
a mobile platform that supports meta-analysis studies and the rigorousness of the results, the literature
AR visualization (a tablet PC with
a touchscreen) and tactile
included in the meta-analysis must meet the following five criteria:
feedback (Gavish et al., 2015).
The PARs Platform It uses augmented 360◦ PARs for (1) The research topic must be the impact of AR technology or tools
safety-training applications to on vocational skills or effectiveness training;
enhance trainees’ hazard-
(2) The studies must be of experimental or quasi-experimental type,
identification skills for four types
of sample hazards (Eiris et al., including experimental and control groups, or the experiment
2018). must include pre-test and post-test;
Software and 360◦ panoramas These panoramas are used for (3) Sufficient statistical information must be reported to estimate the
AR visualizing complex situations on effect value of AR training, such as the mean (M), standard de­
application actual construction sites and can
be augmented with different
viation (SD), t value, p value, and other data. If the study provided
only descriptive statistics or p values, they were excluded;
(4) The research object must have a relevant occupation or

F.-K. Chiang et al. Computers in Human Behavior 129 (2022) 107125

(5) Study publication dates must be between 2000 and 2021.

3.4.1. Quality assessment

Based on the Cochrane Risk Bias Assessment Tool, researchers have
conducted an assessment of the risk of bias for all included studies
(Higgins, 2008), including:(1) Whether randomization was used; (2)
Whether the scheme to allocate was hidden; (3) Whether the subjects
and researchers adopted a blind method; (4) Whether the result data
were complete; (5) Whether the research results were selectively re­
ported, for example, selective reporting of the results beneficial to their
research direction; (6) Whether there were other sources of bias, such as
conflicts of interest, small sample size, etc.
The results of the risk of bias assessed for the included studies are
Fig. 9. Risk of bias summary.
shown in Figs. 8 and 9. (1) The 12 studies in this study were randomized
controlled trials (2) and did not mention the method of allocation hid­
ing. (3) Considering the characteristics of AR vocational training itself, shown in the figure. The heterogeneity test showed that I2 = 88%, p <
we believe that no study has adopted blindness, but this does not affect 0.00001, indicating the existence of relatively high heterogeneity,
the outcome indicators. (4) Of the 12 studies, none mentioned missing which should be excluded before analysis. Studies with significant dif­
data. (5) All studies had a low risk of being assessed as selective ferences were deleted, and changes in the total effect size were observed.
reporting. (6) Three studies proposed that sample size and other factors After removing data from three studies (Botden al., 2009a; Lee, 2020;
may affect the results. Fig. 8 is a statistical chart of the proportion of Sirakaya et al., 2018), the heterogeneity of the vocational training effect
each item in the methodological assessment. decreased to 63%, p = 0.0003. Heterogeneity is significantly reduced so
For the quality methodology evaluation of the included literature that the results of the analysis can be used. Regardless of the degree of
(Fig. 9), none reached the risk of low bias with high quality. Nine pieces heterogeneity, the vocational training effect was considerably correlated
of literature reached the risk of 4 points, and the remaining three pieces with AR technology.
of literature all reached the risk of moderate bias. In Fig. 9, "+" was
regarded as a score, while "-" was regarded as no score. 3.4.4. A meta-analysis of random effects
According to the impact of vocational training, the overall effect of
3.4.2. Heterogeneity test various studies is shown in Fig. 10. Both the fixed-effect model and
Revman provides the Q-test and I2 test. The Q test was based on the random effect model were statistically significant (p < 0.00001). Ac­
total variance test; if p < 0.1, there was heterogeneity; and if p > 0.1, cording to the above heterogeneity test results, this study selected a
there was no heterogeneity. The I2 test mainly reflects the real change in random effect model for meta-analysis. The overall effect of 12 studies
effect size to the total change. I2 values of 25%, 50% and 75% are used to was 0.74 (SMD = 0.74, 95% CI: 0.31–1.17), and I2 studies had an
indicate the limits of low, medium and high heterogeneity, respectively effective sample size of 815. AR vocational training subjects were sta­
(Higgins et al., 2003). If there were no significant differences in het­ tistically significant. According to the effect value classification stan­
erogeneity between the results, the fixed-effect model was used for dard, it is generally believed that an effective value of 0.2 has little
analysis. If significant heterogeneity existed among the results, influence, 0.5 has a medium effect, and 0.8 has a significant effect
meta-analysis was performed using a random effects model. Further (Cohen, 1977). AR technology has a high promotion effect on the overall
analysis of the sources of heterogeneity is necessary, such as further effect of vocational training, which is helpful to improve the training
subgroup analysis or sensitivity analysis (Borenstein et al., 2009). Ac­ effect of vocational personnel.
cording to the above criteria, the heterogeneity test of the I2pieces of
literature included in this meta-analysis showed that Q = 144.27, I2 = 3.4.5. Bias test
88% > 50%, and p < 0.00001, indicating high heterogeneity among the To ensure the reliability and scientificity of the research results, a
literature selected in this study. Random effects can be selected for funnel plot was drawn to investigate whether there was publication bias
meta-analysis. To ensure the accuracy of the study, sensitivity analysis in this study. Publication bias refers to the failure of published literature
should be continued. to systematically and comprehensively reflect the overall research done
in this field (Rothstein et al., 2005). The abscissa of the funnel plot
3.4.3. Sensitivity analysis represents the effect size, the ordinate represents the standard error, and
This study explored the heterogeneous relationship between the use the two oblique lines represent 95% confidence intervals. Publication
of AR technology or tools and vocational training outcomes. Sensitivity bias is mainly identified through observation (Schulz et al., 1995).
analysis was carried out for the I2 pieces of literature in this study, as Funnel plot symmetry means there is no publication bias. Fig. 11 clearly
shows that the funnel plot of this study is symmetric, indicating that the
results of the overall meta-analysis are quite acceptable. However, there
are some points outside the two slanted lines, which implies that there
may be heterogeneity in the included studies. This conclusion was
consistent with the heterogeneity test results and was further analyzed
based on forest map data.

4. Conclusion and suggestions

CiteSpace’s keyword co-occurrence knowledge graph and keyword

timing knowledge graph indicated that research on AR vocational ed­
ucation was related to numerous fields, such as industry, medical
training, aerospace, nuclear energy, military, and agriculture, involving
industrial manufacturing, building safety, medical surgery training,
Fig. 8. Risk of bias graph.

F.-K. Chiang et al. Computers in Human Behavior 129 (2022) 107125

Fig. 10. Forest plot of overall effects on students’ learning effects.

aspects of AR should be conducted in the future.

Based on the in-depth interpretation of 17 empirical studies, this
study found that the advantages of AR in vocational training are mainly
as follows: (1) Improved relevant vocational skills, such as spatial
cognition skills, spatial visualization skills (Kwiatek et al., 2019),
hazard-identification skills (Eiris et al., 2018), assembly skills (Sirakaya
& Cakmak, 2018), task and decision-making ability (Mao et al., 2017),
suturing skills, surgical skills, laparoscopic skills (Botden et al. 2008,
2009a; Nomura et al., 2015), the capacity of employees as manifested by
professional expertise, experience, (Koo et al., 2019); (2) improved
participation (Nguyen et al., 2020);(3) improved learning motivation
(attention, confidence, satisfaction) and self-regulated learning ability
(Bacca Acosta et al., 2019; Koo et al., 2019); (4) improved academic
performance (Sirakaya & Cakmak, 2018); (5) reduced cognitive load
(Botden et al. 2009a; Lee, 2020); (6) shortened training time (Botden
et al. 2009a; Gavish et al., 2015);(7) reduced rate of operational error
(Gavish et al., 2015); and (8) provision of timely feedback as an
Fig. 11. Funnel plot of the studies included. assessment tool (Botden et al. 2009b). These results also validate the
previous research results on AR enterprise training (Martins et al.,
maintenance, assembly tasks, accident avoidance, suture methods and 2021), as Table 3 shows the work skills changed by AR vocational
many other aspects. The research subjects ranged from students to training. Most of the skills are improved, but the skills related to spatial
workers, and the purpose of training ranged from skill acquisition to cognition are not positively affected. This may be related to skill training
professional improvement. Usually, AR system platforms are used for time, and the specific reasons can be understood in subsequent studies.
the practical application of high-tech technology or the characterization To further investigate the effect of AR on vocational training, we
and observation of information technology and professional knowledge further evaluated 17 empirical studies according to 5 criteria, and only
through human-computer interaction. Computer-assisted instruction 12 of them met the requirements. Using the standardized mean differ­
ensures safety in skills training or performance improvement in ence (SMD) or mean difference of test scores (MD) as outcome measures,
dangerous occupations and is easy to be implemented. In addition, the a meta-analysis was used to evaluate the effectiveness of AR vocational
fusion of virtual reality technology and simulation technology adds a training. The overall effect size was large (SMD = 0.74, 95% CI:
realistic experience to classroom practice by the new teaching combi­ 0.31–1.17), indicating that AR technology had a high promoting effect
nation of “computer & simulator”. The application of AR technology in on the overall effect of vocational training. Of course, there are also
vocational education provides experience references for vocational skill some concerns about AR as a training tool, such as people’s adaptation
training and industry standards. to and proficiency in AR technology, the cost of customization of AR
The clustering time zone diagram indicated that the number of equipment, visual limitations, interference from the outside environ­
research topics on AR technology gradually increased around 2008. ment and dependence on internet connections (Martins et al., 2021).
According to the research evolution presented by the time zone chart, In addition, employers often develop technology platforms suitable
ARVT can be roughly divided into three stages: 2004–2007, vocational for their own educational needs. They then combine these platforms
training in virtual environment entered the initial stage; 2008–2015, with digital products on the market to maximize the user experience. In
RVT was in the development stage of the industrial age; 2016–2021, AR the statistical analysis of 80 pieces of literature, the application of AR
vocational training isin the era of industry 4.0 and begins to enter a technology equipment also presents a particular distribution law.
mature and rising stage. In 2016, with the diversified growth of research Hardware AR was used as a training tool in nearly half of the studies.
topics, the research content on AR was rich; however, the research Some of the research uses AR applications or software to establish vir­
output, such as that for “performance and participation,” was relatively tual simulation scenes; AR systems or platforms are also important
limited. Therefore, additional in-depth theoretical and applied research training equipment. This echoed the results of the CiteSpaceanalysis.

F.-K. Chiang et al. Computers in Human Behavior 129 (2022) 107125

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