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Cite: “You can't make up for lost time. You can use it better in the future.

Ce este managementul timpului?

Time management refers to a set of principles, practices, skills and systems, used to control
the time spent in carrying out specific activities, all in order to increase work efficiency or

Time management is not easy to maintain, but we can learn over time how to manage it, it all
depends on motivation, which will disappear if we do not perform daily tasks to achieve the

Why, because in the end when we want to see the result, it will not be as expected. For
example, you want to learn English in a year, you will not succeed, if you do not allocate or a
small part of this time every day.

Time can be stressful if we do not know how to manage it

Time is considered the most important stressor and, although it has a small amount of
motivating effect, in combination with occupational dissatisfaction, it has been associated
with various diseases such as high blood pressure, hypercholesterolemia and premature

Sometimes we panic because time passes too quickly and there is no time left to accomplish
certain goals, and this is because we let things in our daily lives happen anyway, without a
plan to manage them. It must be used as effectively as possible to achieve all goals.

Positive aspects of using time efficiently

Time is one of the most important pillars of success, which is why most successful
personalities have learned to organize their time well, so as not to waste it on unnecessary
Time management begins with self-management, the main cause of failure being the lack of

A positive aspect of time management is that these skills can be learned. By investing a little
time and effort in acquiring these skills, you will become a more efficient and productive
person, not only professionally, but also in everyday life.

Mastering these skills will help you achieve your goals, set priorities, create an overview of
your priority tasks, have better communication, develop your creativity, adapt more easily to
changes, appreciate more free time and most importantly, you will have a less stressful life.

How to work focused?

The 60-60-30 technique, derived from the works of Peter Drucker, 50 minutes in which you
stay focused. Then 10 minutes break. Resume with another 50 minutes of concentration,
followed by a 10 minute break. And then a 30-minute break.

Another even simpler system: For example, you work concentrated for 10 minutes, then a 2-
minute break.

In order to manage your time, you need to follow a set of rules imposed by you: to establish a
daily routine, to establish activities that must be completed in a certain period of time, to
solve priority problems and to invest energy in useful things.

Cum sa managereizi timpul?

Set long-term goals and short-term tasks. Put an annual plan on paper and divide it into
monthly, weekly, and daily plans.

Time management begins with self-discipline. For this, a diary or a mobile application might
be useful. We can make an annual plan in which we set SMART goals and divide those
annual goals into monthly goals, divide the monthly goals into weekly plans, and finally
divide the week into daily tasks to accomplish.

It is very important to know how to manage our time, especially when we must divide
between work and family. Without a time, planning, it is quite difficult to cope with this
Concluzia ar trebui să întărească afirmațiile sau interpretarea majoră într-un mod care nu este un
simplu rezumat. Autorul ar trebui să încerce să indice semnificația revendicării/interpretării majore
dincolo de sfera lucrării, dar în cadrul parametrilor domeniului. Autorul ar putea prezenta, de
asemenea, complicații pe care studiul le ilustrează sau poate sugera cercetări ulterioare pe care
studiul indică că sunt necesare.


Time management - what is it and what prioritization techniques does it entail? » Absolutely Office

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