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Name: ___________________________________________ Mod: ________

Date: _______ / ________ / 2011 U5.LP7: Judicial Branch Review

Objective: Students will review key concepts of the Judicial Branch in order to analyze multiple
choice questions.
Finish the Analogy …
1. Peanut Butter is to Jelly as Brown v. Board of Education is to ____________________________________.

2. Fire is to Ice as Civil Law is to ___________________________________________________.

3. Rice is to Beans as Elastic Clause is to _______________________________.

4. Rihanna is to Chris Brown as Prosecutor is to __________________________________.

5. School is to Summer Vacation as guilty is to _____________________________________.

6. USA is to Representative Democracy as Torts is to __________________________________________.

7. Chicken is to Waffles as Tinker v. DesMoines is to __________________________________________.

8. Republicans are to Democrats as liable is to _________________________________________________.

9. Doritos are to Chips as Due Process is to ________________________________________________.

10. Make your own… ________________________________ is to _______________________________ as

_________________________________ is to ________________________________________________
Vocabulary Words
“Separate is Inherently Unequal “
Criminal Law
Necessary and Proper Clause
Freedom of Expression
Not liable
Rights when accused.

Introduction to New Material

Main Points Supporting Details
Structure and  The Judicial Branch interprets laws, which means they evaluate actions and
Judicial Review decide if they are constitutional. This is Judicial Review.
 There are two categories of Law that are interpreted by the judicial branch:
Criminal and ___________________.

 Marbury v. Madison
o _____________ Review
 McCulloch v. Maryland
o States cannot tax national government
o Supremacy Clause
o __________________ and Proper / Elastic Clause

Criminal Civil

Purpose: Breaking _____________ Purpose: Handling Disputes

Steps: Steps:
1. Arrest 1. Filling case
2. Grand Jury 2. Discovery
3. Plea Bargain or ___________ Jury, 3. Out of Court Settlement or Trial
4. Sentencing 4. Award
Who Brings the Case? __________________ Who Brings the Case? Plaintiff

Burden of Proof: Beyond a ___________________ Burden of Proof: ____________________________ of

Doubt Evidence

Key Vocabulary: Felonies, ____________________, Key Vocabulary: Torts, Breach of Contract,

Subpoena, Writ of Habeas Corpus _____________________

Main Points Supporting Details

Rights of the • Due Process: Rights those ______________ of crimes.
Accused and Due • Due Process Clause in 5th and 14th Amendment.
Process • Gideon v. Wainwright: Guarantees accused an attorney in a criminal trial.
• Miranda v. Arizona: Accused must be informed of their ______________ when
arrested and protects right against self ____________________.

Equal Protection • Equal Protection: To treat everyone _____________________.

• Equal _________________________ Clause in the 14th Amendment.
• Plessy v. Ferguson: Maintained ____________________________ through interpreting
the 14th Amendment to allow separate but equal accommodations.
• Brown v. Board of Education: Ended segregation through interpreting the 14th
Amendment to say that separate was inherently ________________________.

Students’ Rights • Student have limited individual rights in order to keep all students safe.
• _____________________ v. DesMoines: (1st Amendment) Students allowed freedom
of _____________________________ as long as it doesn’t disrupt classroom learning.
• New Jersey v. TL_______________ Amendment) Students CAN be searched
without a search __________________ if there is suspicion they are violating school

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