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PHY 101: Classical Quantum and Relativistic Mechanics

Homework 2 [D Alembert’s principle and Lagrange equation of motion]

Assigned: 27th Dec 2021 (10:30 PM) Submission: 4th Jan 2022 (10:30 PM)

Write clearly the answers to the following questions on A4 size sheets, and scan them together. Write in the top sheet your
Name, Roll no. You need to submit the homework to the tutors of the respective sections.

Problem 1
Two blocks of masses m1 and m2 can move freely on a platform. The block with mass m1 is connected to a wall by a
spring of spring constant k1, and the block with mass m2 is connected to m1 through another spring of spring constant
k2. Find the equation of motion for each of the blocks.

Problem 2
A particle is constrained to move in a circle in the vertical plane x-y. Using D’ Alembert principle show that for equilibrium,
ẍy − ÿx − gx = 0.

Problem 3
A particle of mass m is constrained to move on the inside surface of a smooth cone of half angle α. The particle is
subjected to a gravitational force. Write the Lagrangian and find the Lagrange’s equation of motion.

Problem 4
Consider a double pendulum made of two masses, m1 and m2, and two rods of lengths l1 and l2, see figure . Find the
equations of motion.

Figure 1: Double pendulum

Problem 5

A cylinder of radius r and mass m rolls without slipping on a fixed cylinder of radius R. Obtain the Lagrange’s
equation of motion for short period of time before the cylinder separates.

Problem 6

A bead slides without friction in a wire that is rotating with an angular velocity ω in the force free space. Write down the
Lagrange’s equation of motion and show that the radial velocity and acceleration are given as

dr/dt = ω2r2 + C
, C = constant and r¨ = ω2r − g sin ωt.

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