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UZB 318E

Finite Element Method

Homework – I

Prof. Dr. Vedat Ziya DOĞAN

October, the 22th

Istanbul, Turkey

Fall 2021-2022

Homework Policy .................................................................................................................................... 4

Q1. Spring System ................................................................................................................................. 5
Q2. Bar Element .................................................................................................................................... 6
Q3. Shaft System.................................................................................................................................... 7
Q4. Plane Truss...................................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 1. Spring System .......................................................................................................................... 5
Figure 2. Bar Element.............................................................................................................................. 6
Figure 3. Shaft System ............................................................................................................................ 7
Figure 4. Plane Truss ............................................................................................................................... 8
Homework Policy

• All homework should be submitted through Ninova as a “.pdf” file. No hard copy
submission is needed/allowed.
• Late homework will NOT be accepted.
• You can use MATLAB, Mathematica, etc. to solve matrices; however, you have to
show whole matrices and your codes instead of just giving the results.
• You can discuss the solution strategies with your classmates; however, you must do
your solution on your own. Any cheating will not be tolerated.
Q1. Spring System
A spring system is shown in Fig.1, which contains 4 springs and 2 rigid blocks. Spring
constant of each spring and weight of each block are given in Fig.1.


a) Element stiffness matrices

b) Global stiffness matrix
c) The nodal displacements
d) Reactions at A and B

Use k = 75 N/mm and W=400 N .

Figure 1. Spring System

Q2. Bar Element
A stepped bar is subjected to two point forces as shown in Fig.2.

The materials used are,

Eal=180 GPA for elements 1 (Stainless steel)

Est=70 GPa for element 2 (Aluminium 7075)

For F1=60 kN, F2=80 kN, d1= 30mm, d2=20mm, L1=400mm, L2=300mm, Uc=2x10-2mm

a) Elemental stiffness matrix

b) Global stiffness matrix
c) Nodal displacements
d) Element forces
e) Reaction forces

Note: Node and element numbering are given in Fig.2.

Figure 2. Bar Element

Q3. Shaft System
A circular shaft shown in Fig.3 has three different segments. Shear modules of elasticity of
each segment are GAC = 35GPa, GCD = 25GPa, and GDB = 80GPa.

TC = 500 Nm and TD = 1000 Nm are applied torques.

TA and TB are the reaction torques from the walls.

Lengths of each segment are given in Fig.3


a) Elemental stiffness matrix

b) Global stiffness matrix
c) Nodal displacements (i.e. twist angles)
d) Element nodal torques
e) Reaction torques (TA and TB)

Figure 3. Shaft System

Q4. Plane Truss
Dimensions of a plane truss and applied forces are given in the Fig.4.


f) Elemental stiffness matrix

g) Global stiffness matrix
h) Nodal displacements
i) Element forces
j) Reaction forces

Figure 4. Plane Truss

Use: E = 70 GPa, A1 = 600 mm2, A2 = 800 mm2 for all members.

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